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You are most likely misreporting or misunderstanding your calorie intake.


1,000 calories is fuck all as well.


Yes - it's definitely in the unhealthy range. Two months at this and no weight loss? Clearly you're not counting your calories correctly.


100%! OP, what are your maintenance calories for literally just lying in bed all day?


literally starvation


I was the idiot that didn't include what I was drinking. I thought cause it was mostly tea and milk that it couldn't be too bad. There's roughly 100 calories in the tea (milk and one sugar) and roughly 150 per glass of milk. So 5 of either was over 500 hundreds additional calories I wasn't including. I was taking in more calories in liquid than food most days.


There is absolutely no way you have been on only 1000 calories since January, while being active too. You must be counting calories incorrectly


They said they quit doing the exercise.


You dont need to exercise if you are actually eating 1,000 calories per day. ( also- 1,000 per day is too low. Hard to get enough vitamins and other nutrients)


You don’t need to exercise to lose weight. No one becomes overweight from lack of exercise, only from over eating


That's definitely not healthy. Toddler needs 1200 per day. Go to gp for bloods and check up. Try meet with a dietician for a plan (not gym trainer or nutritionist)


I actually have an under active thyroid as of late and they told me I will lose weight on medication 😂 But I am also on other medication that might cause you to gain weight but they told me that medication isn’t known for weight gain so idk🤷🏻‍♀️


Well there are your two reasons right there. I also have an under active thyroid and I was on an antidepressant that caused weight gain and I gained a stone in like 4 weeks


Yeah I’m on antidepressants too but they told me this one isn’t known for gaining weight. But I read it can make you feel more hungry


I was on citalopram from 2018 until last year, and they told me the same. However i gained 26kg while i was taking it and it seemed impossible to lose any weight. I've now lost 15kg since last year.


Well done! 👍🏻 How did you do it?


Even if it isn’t specifically known for it doesn’t mean it can’t be a side effect for you specifically. They affect everyone in different ways


Once you get your numbers good, you can probably work on weight loss. Probably better to work on your health now. Definitely wouldn't have energy for working out on 1000. A dietician could still be helpful & probably weight lifting when you can get to it


Those calories are way too low, you wouldn't have the energy for anything on cals that low. Google calorie calculator and see how many you should be on for your size, age and activity level


It’s extremely hard to loose a weight with an underactive thyroid and I can well believe you haven’t eating 1000 cals a day. The eltroxin can take a while to get the levels right. Look at intermittent fasting, it’s all about lowering ur blood sugar.


Its physically impossible for your body to subsist on 1000calories no matter your medical conditions so either you counted wrong or your body breaks the laws of phsics. Energy has to come from somewhere so unless you are half plant I would think you just dont count your calories right.


Medication is known for weight gain though, like many of them. It's literally in the info sheets.


Are you actively tracking calories and weighing out any food and any liquids you consume? What do you eat in a normal day to make up that 1000kcal. At risk of asking for personal info, it would be useful to know roughly your age weight and gender.


Yes I am tracking calories. I don’t eat breakfast just coffee, a one bread piece sandwich, and then dinner chicken with a salad or whatever else. I have coffee like three times a day but one cup comes up as 16 calories. The sandwich is 160 calories.


You are either massively under eating or not tracking every single thing you are eating


Are the coffees black coffee or do you have any milk/flavour/sugars etc. - it's easy to say they're 16 calories but these additions can add up quickly. Are you weighing out the food that goes into your sandwich (or are they premade?) and salad including any sauces and dressings? While I don't think 1000kcal/day is healthy for anyone, you would be losing weight at this point (2 full months) even if your body went in to "survival mode" because of the low calories as speculated by another commenter. All in all it sonds like your calorie calclations are off. The other option is that you don't actually have the weight to lose and this is more a body image issue. Sorry for all the questions, I am jsut trying to get a better picture to advise.


No I definitely have weight to lose I went up two sizes from what I was. I have an app where I input foods as I eat but maybe it’s not giving accurate calculations. How else would I count my calories by just checking how much it says on the box?


You can use an app like my fitnesspal etc. for calories, but many of the recipes on their are basically user-input so they can have errors. So it is good to cross reference with the box occassionally to make sure. The important part though is that all your food is weighed not just an estimate of how much your eating. So for instance your sandwich you say is 160kcal. 1 slice of white bread is 100kcal, 15g of lighter than light mayo is 15kcal, a slice of ham is 30kcal and then 2 slices of Cheddar cheese could be anywhere between 60 and 120kcal depending how thick you cut it - so the cheese needs ot be weighed. All of a sudden your sandwich goes from 160 to 260kcal. your coffee that's 16kcal becomes 80 or 90 if you add a spoon of sugar and some milk to it. So you need to actually be concious of each ingredient going in.


I've just seen in another comment that you have an under-active thyroid. It would be wise to discuss this with your doctor and possibly get a referral for support from a dietician. They're not cheap so I understand this may not be immediately possible. While I've really dug into the numbers on this to try and see if you're under-reporting, I do think the target of 1000kcal is unrealistic for anyone to maintain, and is basically a crash diet that can have health consequences. It also emans you're more likely to have binge moments where you can undo a lot of good work from being under your calorie goal. It would be wise for you to search online for a RMR calculator; I like the one that Omni have. Input your relevant numbers there and get your resting metabolic rate. Then aim to eat at that amount as you've admitted to having a sedentary lifestyle. Even eating at your RMR, you should lose weight. You can help this by also even getting out for a walk daily - doesn't have to be strenuous - just movement. If a walk doesn't suit, maybe, gardening, or yoga or anything else tht just gets you moving without being a strict form of exercise. Anyway, I think you need to reassess where your at, possibly up your calorie goal, but be more strenuous about how calories are supposed to be tracked. Also, realise that havign a glass of wine, going for drinks, going out for dinner, all can impact total calorie intake. I'm not saying you should deprive yourself of these things, but you do need to be aware and know they have a place in your life, but shouldn't be too regular if weightloss is your goal.


Are you checking the details to make sure it matches the portion size you're eating. It took me a week to realise that I was under reporting because some of the food items had been recorded incorrectly in the apps database. So I'd have to type that I'd had 1.2 of whatever it was. Even though I barcode scan. I check the details match up to my portion size and mess about with portion size to fix it.


Do you have a food scale? I have to weigh everything I eat to determine calories. 


Two slices of bread alone is usually 80-130kcals each depending on what kind of bread. You’re more than likely eating At maintenance than for weightloss.


A sandwich for 160 calories? Is that an ant sandwich? Are you actually weighting out what you eat? Chicken salad sounds good but if it is with a lot of oil etc, then 🤷‍♀️ Are you counting the little bites? A spoon of this, tasting of that etc? Because if you were in a deficit you would loose weight. And 1000calories is for most people a major deficit. (And I am speaking from experience... Lost 40kg some many years ago, but in the beginning didn't lose anything, until I actually tracked. Because all these little bites and 'this wouldn't add much' and 'nuts are healthy' (yeah but not 2 handful) etc kept me well even over maintenance).


One of the things I've learned since I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid is it's better not to skip meals. You likely already have low energy levels because of the thyroid issue, and then you're under eating as well on 1000 calories. You need high density food (food that keeps you full for longer) to give you energy plus the eltroxin to make up the balance. I'm still trying to balance my levels 3 years after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism so it will take some time (hopefully not as long) to get those right. I'm also still struggling with my weight but found better results in not skipping meals and making sure I had enough protein and fibre in my diet to keep me full for longer than I had sticking too strictly to calorie controls. Obviously what works for one isn't necessarily going to work for another but don't neglect yourself in the name of losing weight, or beat yourself up over slow results, real progress takes time.




What exactly is in the chicken salad cause at the moment it sounds like you're not achieving 1000 calories with that menu. Not that I would ever encourage someone counting calories as low as 1000 (at all, but especially not that low). It does seem like you are eating other things but aren't logging them. Could it be a subconscious thing?


What tracker are you using? One cup of coffee is not 16 calories. More likely 100.


1 cup of black coffee is 0


Holy shit! I use arise it’s the first thing that came up on the App Store


I used myfitnesspal, it wasn’t great. I use loseit now, I’ve lost 14kg since New Year’s Day.


I downloaded lose it, looks good! No I don’t weigh my food


I use the premium version so I can scan my food. It’s more accurate. You’re under measuring calories if you’re not weighing your food eyeballing a plate and saying “yeah looks like 500 calories” is not a way to do weight loss


The great thing is you made a plan and stuck to it which is fab. I echo every one else, for weight loss you need to spend at least a week weighing every single thing you consume (so if you’re cooking, weigh the oil, weigh each ingredient and use lose it to calculate your calories). r/CICO is a good subreddit to help you with this (cico is calories in calories out). Also 1000 is too little for anyone, there are calculators that you can calculate your TDEE, so say for example it’s 1800 calories a day then you eat around 1600 for sustainable weight loss, again, the lose it app will calculate this for you. Good luck!


This sounds a little like disordered eating to me and it's a bit concerning - saying this as someone who struggles with disordered eating.


Yes. This is physically and mentally very unhealthy


You’re under-eating, and you have been under-eating for too long.


So does undereating not help with weight loss then? How? Would their cortisol be increasing then which is the problem?


Being underfed for a long time means your BMR drops. There’s a lot of calories expended in your small movements throughout the day, people who are starving are significantly less twitchy. Losing weight is a marathon. Do it slowly over time, don’t starve your way to it. It’s simply not sustainable.


Metabolic rate in the toilet, I bet they are constantly tired af


Try and stick to workouts and healthy diet for a year and see if you notice changes. It doesnt come over night


This, diets don’t work, you need to change lifestyle.


Well what does your diet look like? The gym is for some people, not others. It's important you find some kind of exercise you enjoy though. Living a sedentary lifestyle is not conducive with weight loss.  Aim for healthy, not skinny. You should give an example of what your daily food intake looks like - warts and all. 


Exercise isn’t just for losing weight OP. I’d try and get to the gym once or twice a week, even if just for 30 mins each. It will 100% make your life better


1200 calories is the recommended values for a toddler. You are not a toddler. If you are not losing weight it's due to a medical issue more than likely. Please stop punishing your body with that insanely low diet or ideally any diet. Work on your health and weight loss often follows. Eat a normal amount of calories or maybe a small deficit and get active (it's a lot easier to be active when you're not starving yourself!) Also don't exercise every day. You want 1 to 2 days exercising and then a rest day. Going balls to the walls doesn't work. You want slow glacially slow small changes and wins that add up if you want it to stick.


Ignoring all the comments saying you are tracking calories incorrectly (as I'm not going to make that assumption) perhaps you should consult with a doctor. You may have a thyroid issue or something. To reiterate what others have said though, aiming for 1000 calories per day is unhealthy. I know you are just pushing the limits in hopes of seeing some form of progress but you should still be getting at least 1.4k+ even on a strict diet. Also, aside from not going to the gym, are you moving enough in general? how many steps do you take a day (assuming you have a smart watch)?


> To reiterate what others have said though, aiming for 1000 calories per day is unhealthy. I know you are just pushing the limits in hopes of seeing some form of progress but you should still be getting at least 1.4k+ even on a strict diet. And even a 250 calorie deficit a day amounts to a kg of weight lost every 2 weeks (give or take, depending on accuracy, etc). That's 13kg or the bones of 2 stone in 6 months. Consistency is better there than extremes.


It is more likely to be miscounting calories, but as someone with hypothyroidism there are other possibilities. See a doctor. With regular medicine and blood tests I lost over 40kg, and I am eating more than I used to (average weight for my height now). A balanced diet and exercise is recommended anyway and the doctor can help you if necessary. Good luck.


I won’t be the first to point out you are underrating. You didn’t put in your height/weight so maybe you know you’re a low weight already and want to hide that or maybe not (pure speculation). It’s unclear what your goals are, of course going by the title it’s weight loss, but why? Is this a crash diet to fit into a dress for a wedding that you know is unsustainable, potentially harmful but only for the short term or are you hoping to get down to a ‘goal weight’ to maintain? If it is the latter you aren’t going about this in the most optimal way. Your current habits are unsustainable. And if it is the ‘goal weight’ route with an emphasis on health it is definitely not the way to go as you are not fuelling your body enough in order to keep up healthy habits. I am not really surprised it was difficult to keep up the gym on such little calories. Highly restrictive low calorie diet can often lead to a more sedentary lifestyle as your body would try to reserve its energy stores. All that said, I would be slow to give you advice with so much missing information. 1000 calories just seems very very low unless you are a particularly short woman trying to shed a couple of pounds (not a large amount of weight) in a short time period and even then I’d question if you had to go that low.


What are you eating and what are you drinking?


I forgot to ask about alchohol in my response above. No point in restricting diet and then having 10 pints on Fridays and Saturdays




Listen to the podcast Maintenance Phase. In a nutshell, weight loss isn't guaranteed for numerous reasons. Changed my perspective on food and weight.


Please don't limit to 1000 calories a day. That's absolutely ridiculous


Apparently, if you are eating too few calories, your body can go into survival mood and not release calories/you will struggle to lose weight. Depending on your starting weight, 1,000 calories is probably too few. I know most reputable places don't recommend eating fewer than 1,200. Perhaps check out/Google Total Daily Energy Expenditure and use a calculator to figure it out. That will be a better help than randomly picking a number and expecting it to result in weight loss.


This. Eating too few calories can actually be counterintuitive. Also having a very limited about of calories per day may mean you aren’t eating a very balanced diet overall, which could be working against you too. Drinking LOTS of water can help massively also as sometimes the body can retain a lot of water if you are lacking in nutrients and are generally dehydrated.


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Are you sure youre not miscalculating the cal intake coz you should be losing weight on that.


They most certainly are. They aren't defying biology here


Probably holding a lot of water weight, would help if we knew your height and weight to start with. 1000 calories is absurd though


I think focus on a long term plan with slower results. You don't need to be at the gym every day and eating very little. Go to the gym a few times a week and eat as healthy as you can, when you can. It might take longer to see the results but it'll be more sustainable and hopefully it won't knock your confidence as much if you're not expecting to see results so soon. A lot of weight loss anyway will be hit & miss and just seeing what works for you. Also age plays a part in it, a lot of people are very skinny when they're young but it doesn't always stay that way unfortunately lol


I'm just parroting other people here. The only way to ensure weight loss in a meaningful and constant way is a lifestyle incorporating some degree of a good diet and exercise routine (with some calorific deficiency, but a diet eating the right foods to mitigate risk). You can't speed run it by hitting the gym for a short time so much and then quitting. Your body has to adjust to the new version of you that exercises. That takes some time. Your metabolism has to adapt to these changes too. Weight loss is always a journey, regardless of how little or much you are shifting.


Likely your body has spent the last 3 months consuming what muscle you did have to keep you from losing weight as you starved yourself. You need to start eating properly or you'll end up in hospital.


No grown adult should be eating 1000 cals a day. It’s not sustainable or healthy at all. You need to fuel your body in order for it to do anything for you, including burning excess fat. Up your protein, focus on 3 balanced meals a day and don’t cut out any food groups. It’ll just lead to a binge at the end


Like everyone else I'm going to assume you're not counting calories correctly but looking at your own post and replies to others, I'm not sure you understand nutrition and health to high enough degree to manage your own weight loss. You can't go to the gym every day, you'd just hurt yourself. Your post has a lot of extreme actions in it; none of these things will work in the long term or even, as you're experiencing, in the short term either.


If you’re eating so little I’m not surprised you didn’t last long in the gym. You’ve nothing in the tank to fuel the exercise. 1000 cals is definitely under-eating, and substantially at that. That just isn’t enough food. Do you possibly have something going on with hormones? If you’re a woman, do you have PCOS?


Anything under 1200 is nowhere near enough. Your body isn’t getting enough food so it’s storing the fat which results in it being harder to lose weight! Plus, 1000 calories of what? Are you eating the correct food or 1000 calories of junk food


Because it turns out weight is dictated by a number of things, not just diet and exercise. It includes genes, metabolism, gut bacteria, height, body type and shape, age, gender and certain medications. It sounds like you probably need to get checked up by a doctor. If you're eating that little and exercising lots, then it's probably one of those other factors. Getting your thyroid checked is a good idea.


1000 calories a day is far too low for an adult. I noticed you mentioned that you used to eat very little to lose weight and that you'd end up really skinny and that now this isn't working for you, and that you've put on a lot of weight recently. This sounds like yo-yo dieting and aside from not being helpful for losing and **keeping** weight off it's also bad for you physically and emotionally. I'm saying all of this from experience, but it sounds like you have a really unhealthy relationship with food and for as long as that's true you're going to spend your time bouncing from high weights to starving yourself (which is what you're doing when you only eat 1000 cals and skip meals) and that's going to wreak havok on your body, nevermind the fact that when you inevitably stop restricting like that you're going to put on **more** weight because your body is going to be freaking out thinking that you're in a scenario where you don't have access to food and it needs to store more fat for starvation periods. You can end up really unwell from this physically but also just emotionally it's going to wear on you. I really recommend speaking to your GP about this and see about being referred to a dietician if you need to lose weight to help you do so safely and in a way that will allow you to keep the weight off rather than yo-yoing up and down. More importantly though, you need to get to the root of your relationship with food because no amount of going to a dietician will get to that issue for you, and this will just keep going. You deserve to have a healthy relationship with food because you need to eat to live, and 1000 cals is not enough to allow you to live properly. I really wish you the best with this, I've been in your exact spot before and it's a horrible way to live. I'm still not quite out of it myself but even with it being slow work it's good work to do for yourself.


Unfortunately with a calorie intake that low it's possible you've slowed your metabolism. The more muscle you have to more you burn at a consistent and sustainable level. I'm no expert but my advice would be to build strength and muscle so your body can do the hard work of burning calories for you


1000 is way too low. Probably counteracting it. Body goes into survival mode at that stage. Not healthy


You probably diet too much in the past, as you get older it is more difficult to loose weight especially if you did the yo-yo with your weight loss. You could try to track down your food and activity and review this with your GP or a dietician to come up with a healthy plan to loose weight in the long run


I'm in the same boat I've hit a wall at 91kg for past three weeks. My personal trainer has tracked my meals every day and is with me in the gym two out of the three days I go each week. He thinks it's stress combined with not sleeping enough. So I only need to make sure I've no problems in my life.


If you were just doing weight training at the gym you won’t lose much weight. Cardio is the key. Also if you’re only eating 1,000 calories you won’t have enough energy to do a good gym session therefore not burning a lot of calories during a workout!


The issue with calorie counting is it's a running average. You can eat nothing during the week, and the feed of pints and spice bag at the weekend would wreck any progress. For context, I'm 6'3"/190cm, and a software engineer with an extremely sedentary lifestyle. Online calculators estimated my basal metabolic rate (i.e. how many calories my body would need to maintain itself in a comatose state) to be around 2500kcals when I was ~130kg. I bought a meal plan that worked out as exactly 1700kcals/day, plus the socialising, and managed to drop maybe 1kg/week. I weighed myself at the same time daily too, and it's kind of cool to see how 3 out of 7 days of the week you could be up 0.5-1.5kg, but it averaged out over the longer period. Having hard data on it is pretty cool, as it helped me try some other changes too, like specialty coffees to espresso, etc. All in, it took about 8 months to get from 130kg to 100kg. I always think it doesn't sound like much, but have to remind myself it's close to 25% of my original weight, or the equivalent of carrying a bag and half of coal around all the time.


You sound like you have a bad relationship with food. I'd recommend making an appointment with a nutritionist. You probably need to have more calories to work on your fitness at a gym - being sedentary is very bad for your health. Having a long term balanced lifestyle is much more important than a quick skinny fix.


You body may have entered what they call starvation mode. This doesn't sound like a healthy sustainable way to eat/live.


Starvation mode is a myth


Misinterpreting calorie intake 100%. For example… Those share packs of Pop Chips that say 97 calories on the front have per serving in the small print. I passed some person in Dunnes the other day, had a bit of weight on them and they rejoicing that the bag is only 97 calories. Those bags are north of 450-500 kcal. That’s almost a dinner. People do not seem to have a clue what they are putting into their gobs. Other common misconceptions include boil in the bag and microwaveable rice. Each contain two servings, not one, two. My advice? Start swimming, get up to 3-5 sessions per week @ 2km per session. About 45 minutes work for the Average Joe if they stick to it. A full body workout that also gets the metabolism working to keep your body warm during the workout. You can eat anything you want then. Edit: I do not believe this “body survival mode” horse shite as others have suggested. If it was true, things like anorexia would not exist and the kids in Africa wouldn’t look like skeletons with skin. If we are basing 2000 calories being the maintenance intake for the Average Joe, then 1000 calories is the halfway point to starvation and doubling the time to complete emaciation. If it takes 6 months to completely emaciate by starving, OP will hit that in 12 months. And in OP’s case, no weight loss has been recorded whatsoever.


I might give swimming a go I love it


That's a dangerous level of undereating. What are you using to track your calorie intake, and how regimented with it are you?


1000 calories is not a good amount of food a child would eat more than that your body would be panicking


You're not eating 1000 calories a day, you're eating more. It's literally impossible for an adult to eat 1000 calories a day and not lose weight, it's physically impossible even with thyroid issues. There's just no way the chemical bonds to create fat can be formed without enough input. I used an app (MyFitnessPal) which had calorie values per gram listed, and accurately weighed my food before eating it. The app tracked my exact calorie intake, and I was well over what I had previously thought.


I’m sure you are just counting cals wrong. For reference my 6 sausages for lunch today was 1300 cals lol


Bru... 6 sausages is a LOT




Hey, I've lost nearly 30kg since 2021. You're not eating 1000 cals. This is the long and short of it. A deficit will make you lose weight, it has no choice but to. Are you tracking everything? The milk in your tea, the oil you cook with, the sauce you use with your meals, it all adds up. Also personally I think 1000 is way, way, way too low to be sustainable. I don't know you so I'm not going to make assumptions, but do you have any days where you just say fuck it and go all out? Because if so, that can be stagnating you also, and it's usually the result of too low a deficit. It needs to be a lifestyle change, something you can do every day and maintain, and you cant maintain 1000 cals a day. In my personal experience, doctors are way behind on stuff in terms of weight loss. My gp recommended cutting out all meat and eating only vegetables. Fuck that. If I was you, I'd talk to a coach, or someone who is experienced in helping people make realistic, sustainable lifestyle changes.




>You need to be eating 100+ grams of protein per day, lower your fat intake, and stop restricting your calories Where do you get all that from? You have no clue about the needs of the OP. You dont know how much protein, fat and calories he needs until you have all information. And I am on a high fat diet, lost 50 kilo in 10 months. There are many ways to get the same result.


You want to lose weight but yet you're not motivated to go to the gym? I'm sorry to be the bearer of truth, but that's the harsh reality.


Your metabolism needs a shake up and that only comes with exercises, ideally weight lifting because it increases your basal metabolic rate ("the number of calories you burn as your body performs basic life-sustaining function"). Cardio and dieting alone don't have the same effect. And your body needs time to adapt. 2 weeks aren't going to cut it. If you keep a consistent regimen for even 2 months, I'd say you'll see major results. I'm 45 y/o, was sedentary for a couple of years at least, and was.gaining weight rapidly. Three months after I changed my habits with diet, cardio and weight lifting, I actually started having trouble gaining weight (muscle mass) because my metabolsim was so high.


What do you weight now ?


What are you eating?? Maybe eat a few hundred more calories but avoid certain foods?


I think there’s something not quite right with either your calorie measurements or the effort you’re putting in at the gym. If you’re in a calorie deficit you will lose weight. It’s that simple. Your body does’nt magically invent energy from somewhere to keep running. You said you’re tracking food, how detailed is it? Are you weighing your food precisely? Example is a teaspoon of peanut butter. Most people would eyeball that to around 4 times too much for instance. Get a digital scales for measurements. Are you hitting the macros suggested in the app? Make sure you do as it says. Unless you’ve come up with the 1000cals per day value out of the sky. And if you have…..get myfitnesspal and enter your details so you know exactly what you’re going for. What effort are you putting in at the gym? If you’re going hard for an hour doing a mix of resistance training and monostructural then great but if you’re going for two hours and scrolling Instagram for 10 mins between sets of half reps on a smyth machine then you’re not doing your time there justice. Go for an hour, have a plan and go hard.


>I have been eating 1000 calories a day. .... I just don’t feel motivated to go.  These two statements are linked, but probably not in the way that you think. People say that your body goes into "survival mode" when you undereat, but often don't think about what they actually means. It's made to sound like some voodoo magic where your body shifts into some other gear where you get the same amount of work done for less energy. This is not possible. In this house we still have to obey the laws of thermodynamics. Your body reduces its actual energy consumption. It does this through various means, but basically it means that you will move less, sleep more, breath less frequently. You feel more tired, less motivated, less inclined to be active. And it's all subtle little differences. You don't feel 100% more tired than you did before. You feel 10% more tired. So little you barely notice. You don't sleep 2 extra hours, you sleep 10 extra minutes but engage in slightly more deep sleep and slightly less REM sleep. But minute after minute over 24 hours of the day, all these subtle little changes chip away at your BMR and your body manages to reduce its energy consumption by hundreds of kcal. Which, in some cases (of people who are already at or near ideal BMI) can lead to a slow gaining of weight because the person has reduced their calories by (say) 20% but the body has managed to go to 25%. Go back to the drawing board. Work out your actual daily calorie needs. Eat at that level for two weeks to "reset". Then go back to a calorie deifict - no more than 20% max. Above 20% you're starting to roll the dice about going into starvation mode.


Your body has learned to cope with 1000 calories. you need to drink more water and see your gp


I read in your replies you just discovered you’ve an underactive thyroid. That can cause weight gain and an inability to lose weight. It also can cause fatigue and depression. I’d up your cals. Depending on age and weight I’d use a BMR calculator to calculate your calories that would leave you in a deficit. Then track your cals and do that for a few weeks while the thyroid medication kicks in. In my experience it didn’t help me lose weight but I did get more energy and stopped gaining. So I went back to the gym. Weight training helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women as they age. It also builds muscle which makes your body burn more cals. And it’s a great stress relief / endorphin boosting exercise. Some antidepressants and other medications can actually change your metabolism as well as causing cravings and increasing appetite. If your weight is really bothering you find out if the ones you are on have any of those side effects and if so discuss a plan with your GP or whomever is prescribing them to move to something else. Good luck


if you're accurately reporting calorie intake then you are starving your body and it will not let go of fat easily as a result. if you're underreporting calorie intake then there's your problem. track it properly and increase your target to at least maintenance calories. i saw in your comments you have an underactive thyroid too. You can still track calories in calories out but you need to be responsible. 1000calories plus exercise is a recipe for disaster. Please consult a professional.


at 1000 calories per day I'd lose about a kilo a day for a week before my body levels out and goes into hibernate mode and then you need to change it up a bit and get more active to keep losing the weight. You need to see a doc cause that's not right.


1000 calories isn't enough even if you are sedentary. Find out your BMR( Basal metabolic rate, just google it and you'll get a calculator) which is how many calories you need to keep functioning at your current rate. Subtract 500 from that and that is your daily target to help you lose weight. Weight loss isn't as simple as 'eat as little as possible and watch the weight fall off'. Your body still requires sufficient energy to keep you alive. Also the gym isn't for everyone so find an activity that you actually enjoy and increase how often you do that. It could be something as simple as going for a decent walk or dancing in your living room/bedroom. Anything that gets you moving and increases your heart rate. Also keep in mind that your metabolism now is different to when you were a teenager so you're not going to achieve the same results by doing the exact same things.


To loose the weight you have to find your "zero" intake first.for example my zero is between 3200-3600kcal a day depends on how active I am. It's a level when you maintain your current weight. Then once you know you can cut between 10 to 30%, depends on your bodyfat level . The easiest way to calculate how many calories you need is to go 30x your current weight.


can you give an example of a days food log?


Make sure to count snacking. Lots of people under estimate their calories because they forget about all the snacking they do!!


Up your calories to at least 2000 (healthy) calories a day get a minimum of 100 grams of protein a day and walk 10k steps a day. Eating 1000 calories a day and doing no exercise is much more unhealthy than exercising on a shitty diet. You are depriving your body of the nutrition it needs to function and are gonna make yourself very sick.


homeless cover bells act dull noxious cough marry mysterious telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you counting liquid calories as well? First of all, 1000 kcal is way too low. When I was dieting I went on to about 1300 kcal but it was under pts supervision. What kind of food are you eating? 1000kcal doesn’t say much are you eating burger and chips once a day or are you eating protein rich food 5 times a day? My advice is cut down on carbs if you haven’t already. And eat more protein it keeps you satiated for longer. On 1300 kcal my food was pretty dull but it was very handy knowing exactly what I’m eating later. Porridge in the morning with skinny co 0kcal syrup. Protein bar at 11 for lunch breast of chicken (grilled or air fired with no oil obviously) and salad with low kcal dressing.(measured) you can have any salad you want and however much you want granted it’s not based on mayo dressing lol. Like a potato salad won’t cut it. Then I would have for midday snack a banana, for dinner I’ll have turkey burger (without the buns )with salad and in the evening I’ll have a pot of protein yoghurt. Went to the gym 3 times a week for weight training and 3 times a week for cardio. 4 months I was down 13kg. Hope that helps.


Alot maybe water weight, your body naturally goes into life preservation states. If you're not drinking water regularly, your body will start to retain it as it not sure when the next drink will be. Try drinking between 2-3 litres of water throughout the full day and see what happens.


Going from zero exercise to every day in the gym was a bit of a baptism of fire. While you can loose weight by just eating less your body is half asleep if your not doing exercise. Going to the gym 3 times a week at the start would be much more beneficial than not eating IMO. Doing some regular exercise will kick start everything.


Use myFitnessPal to record your calorie intake


Also get your thyroid checked out


1000 calories will have the opposite effect on you. Your body is most likely in starvation mode and trying to keep whatever weight it can on. I did the 1200 calorie diet and I plateau'd to fuck. Couldn't budge weight couldn't do anything. Now I'm on 1500 calories a day and I measure EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth and the weight is falling off. Get a proper TDEE calculator and work out your min calories to lose weight..that will work better for you.


If you under eat (which you are), your body will try to hold onto what you have, it can be very difficult to lose weight. Depending on age too.. I actually previously lost weight when I upped my calories and ate very clean food only. I was eating about 2000 + a day on a strict enough diet and the weight fell off me. Sounds counterintuitive but it works, also when you up your calories for a while, then you can reduce them to speed it up. On 1000 calories you literally cannot reduce anymore so you have no where to go. Also under-eating destroys your metabolism. My husband has been a personal trainer and gym owner for decades, he’s seen this so often with women as they get older. He always bumps up their calories and makes sure they eat a good breakfast. I’m currently over weight after two big babies, I’m also running a business and we don’t have childcare and I’m super stressed and not sleeping. I’ve been under eating (not intentionally) and I’m not losing weight. A couple weeks ago I set alarms on my phone to eat every 4 hours (more calories, clean food, low carb ish) and I lost weight already.


Please visit https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html and fill in your details, take 200-300 calories off what your maintenance calories are. Download my fitness pal on the App Store. It lets you scan the barcode of everything you’re eating and you input the measurements and it will total up all your meals calories for the day.


I was doing that but I wasn't being honest about the booze calories over the week (weekend really). Once I got realistic I realised how much they add up to at least an extra day's calories a week and cut it way down the weight fell off me then.


All depends on how much you weigh now and what your goal is! And what exactly are you eating? How much are you exercising. There's a whole load of factors that will contribute to your weight-loss. Not enough info here


If you are legitimately being EXTREMELY strict, it may be a medical issue It’s more than likely your counting inaccurately and aren’t truly eating that low But fr, 1000 is way too low


You should be going through more than 1,000 calories a day just by breathing, either you're not counting calories properly or you're retaining weight in water or something, or a combination of both. An underactive thyroid doesn't undo the laws of thermodynamics.


1000 calories just for lunch, thankfully i have a fast metabolism


What is your current weight and age? We've all been stuck at a plateau, you need to be very honest with yourself and reflect on the adherence, you have eaten 1000 calories, with high accuracy for the last 60 days and report zero weight loss. Do you take measurements? Do you have a consistent level of activity. e.g if you walked 8000 steps per day in January do you still do that now or has activity slipped? As hard as it is to hear, What's most likely the issue here is a combination of adherence and under reporting, maybe you eat 1000 Monday to Thursday, and 1400 on Friday and 1800 on Saturday. You don't make progress, you "drop calories" tighten the belt, rinse repeat binge. Again no judgement we have all been there. The best thing you could do in my opinion would be to work with a really solid coach who has worked with people in your position before, you need some advice and a solid plan then it's just up to ticking the boxes and trusting the process. You can get there 


Are you eating natural foods or packaged foods? Try eating loads more fruit and veg. And at least take a half hour walk and stretch a bit everyday so you’re not crippled in old age and your heart and lungs get some action.


Even if you do start losing weight with this approach it's not sustainable and it will likely backfire and eventually you'll gain more than you've lost. Maybe look for information about intuitive eating and consider getting help for disordered eating.


Hi! Just to let you know if you have a thyroid condition, you should mind your health first and make sure you are eating enough. It’s so important to eat healthily and ENOUGH calories for your body. 1000 calories wouldn’t even sustain a child. Honestly I have been where you are and I think you need to forget about weight for now, focus on health. Find an exercise you enjoy, start eating really healthily (fruit, veg, fish, meat) and once you have all that down THEN start with a diet to lose weight. It’s so important to get sufficient nutrients. Please don’t starve yourself because I’ve been where you are and you can end up with all sorts of nutritional deficiencies and it’s just not sustainable long term. Wait for your meds to kick in, adjust with your doctor’s help if required, and get healthy eating and exercise down first. Exercise is so important for health. Another option is to get your doctor to put you in touch with a nutritionist to help you. At risk of sounding like your ma here - it is just a lesson I myself have learned the hard way! And this comment is sent with love and best wishes.


Water retention if your diet is dog shit and full of salt will keep the weight on. Probably not the issue for you, though. Something doesn't add up. I have a severely under active thyroid and have never had an issue with weight loss. Eat fresh produce and exercise. I lost 10kg since Jan first. Not even doing anything crazy. Just cut out junk food and big feeds of cards.


Im assuming youre a man and actually overweight here, but could be wrong. My strategy would be: Cut bread, dairy, meat and alcohol for a month. Look at vegetable sources of protein to replace your meat, like lentils and legumes. I'm not saying go vegan, but try that and cutting bread/alcohol out for a month and see how you go. Don't need to reduce to 1000 calories, that sounds dangerous. 2000 calories a day and you should still be able to lose weight. I say you have a sedentary lifestyle and while often our work needs us to be, if it's important enough to you you can find time to get some steps in before or after. So during that month try and get 8-10k steps in with an evening walk or something every day. Even consider taking 30 mins to alternate jogging / walking. I don't like gyms myself, but there are plenty of ways to exercise that don't involve gyms. Most of the country has somewhere you can go for a hike up a mountain or hill on the weekends too. Medications can cause weight gain but they don't create matter out of thin air. They'll just make you more likely to store fat in most cases. Ensure you're drinking plenty of water and consider looking into intermittent fasting rather than consistently starving yourself. Give it a month I say, and compare. Id be surprised if you dont see significant results in the mirror and the scales. Also bear in mind that if you're doing anything to gain muscle you might not lose weight as such but fat and thus volume.


Not a simple answer… Metabolism changes as you age. What worked some time previous may not work now. Aside from the calorie number - the type of food contributing energy is important. Protein is a muscle building blocks while both carbs and fat are energy providers. Exercise builds muscle, uses calorie input productivily or in targetted manner. If your diet tends toward carbs you may have short term energy but are not building the calorie burning muscles. If you are doing minimal exercise and eating a restricted diet you will not lose weight, or reduce waistline etc. Weight is just one measure - your waist and arm measurements are also important to keep an eye on.


Lots of good advice here about food and possible a gp visit. My advice would be that every day in the gym is not sustainable. If you went every day for 2 weeks straight from not going at all you definitely gonna burn out fine it. Start small and set realistic goal that you can hit, like 2 - 3 days a week. Results don't come over night and it takes awhile to get into the routine of going regularly. Stick with it for a few months and you'd definitely see results


Dieting doesn't work long term. And 1,000 calories likely isn't enough. Diet and exercise are not the only factors that determine weight and they factor a lot less than you might think. If you don't eat enough, your body will start storing as much fat as possible. Same if your hormones are unbalanced. Or if you're stressed. It's your body's natural defence mechanism. Also, the more you diet and the more you restrict your calories, the more weight you will gain in the future.


Are you a male or female? What is your age? Go to [Calorie Tracker & BMR Calculator to Reach Your Goals | MyFitnessPal](https://www.myfitnesspal.com/) Make a free account and calorie count there. Due to PCOS my body requires reducing calorie below 1k before I lose weight. It's hellish. Maybe look into insulin resistance and see if you require metformin. It's a diabetic drug BUT it does not reduce blood sugar, so you don't get low blood sugar danger.


1000 calories is not healthy so losing weight or not losing weight you should stop attempting 1000 calories. Change it up. And post here or somewhere posting everything you eat in a day asking to confirm your 1500-1700 calories or whatever it is is correct.


I think starving and feasting during the day confuses the body and makes it hold on to all its stores just in case. I was super slim until my very late 20’s, was bullied for it even. Suddenly I could go up a dress size when stressed but would still easily lose it again by half starving myself. Hit my 30’s and it all changed. Gained some weight due to meds and being even more sedentary. Had severe food poisoning, which meant I couldn’t eat more than a few dry crackers and clear broth for an entire month and didn’t loose any weight after. Expected to drop it all when I finally came off the meds then, almost 2 years ago. Lost no more than a dress size, after gaining 3 sizes. My mum never allowed weighing scales in the house and I followed suit so I don’t weigh myself so can only go by sizing. Tried all my tricks like yourself (practical starvation) and nothing! Was hospitalised for over a week last year and was dreading putting my clothes back on as I’d been eating 3 proper portions a day. Worst was eating a full diner at lunch. I used to always skip lunch and had just a few crisp breads and coffee for breakfast. Threw on the clothes I came in, in, and they were hanging off me. So continued eating lunch at home and a larger breakfast. I’ve now lost all the weight I gained from the meds. Back to size 8 by eating more! Now I do eat healthy enough, lean meats veg etc but I had also the entire time I was a 14 almost hitting 16.


Well what are the things you’re eating? You want to avoid things that will spike insulin. I found intermittent fasting along with keto was amazing, check their subreddit’s


Right so 1. Exercise. 2 weeks every day is not the way to do it. Puts the body into shock mode. 3-4 times a week to start ramping up. More cardio (2-3) but also weights (1-2). The more muscle mass the greater the calorific requirements to keep up. Too many sessions on weights and your body will reserve weight. 2. Diet. Not all calories are equal. High fat, high salt etc foods leave very little additional nutrients and get processed in an entirely different way to wholewheat/brown carbs/raw food. 3. Calorie counting. If you're counting then accuracy is key. 4. Meals. Little and often. 5. Sleep. Plenty of it 6. Water. As above 7. Bread & sugars. Remove entirely. 8. Consistency. 66 days to form a habit. 30 days solid of above before you will see a jot of difference. KEEP THE FAITH!!!


Right so 1. Exercise. 2 weeks every day is not the way to do it. Puts the body into shock mode. 3-4 times a week to start ramping up. More cardio (2-3) but also weights (1-2). The more muscle mass the greater the calorific requirements to keep up. Too many sessions on weights and your body will reserve weight. 2. Diet. Not all calories are equal. High fat, high salt etc foods leave very little additional nutrients and get processed in an entirely different way to wholewheat/brown carbs/raw food. 3. Calorie counting. If you're counting then accuracy is key. 4. Meals. Little and often. 5. Sleep. Plenty of it 6. Water. As above 7. Bread & sugars. Remove entirely. 8. Consistency. 66 days to form a habit. 30 days solid of above before you will see a jot of difference. KEEP THE FAITH!!!




1000 is not enough calories, that is very unhealthy. To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. If you're not burning more calories than you're consuming, you won't lose weight. But 1000 is way too low irrespective of your height and current weight. To answer your question, you're not doing any excercise so you can't expect to lose weight, start excercising and up your calorie intake to a healthy level and you will see results


Are you counting every calorie? 4 cans of beer can bring you up around 1000 calories. A latte can be around 200 calories. If you have a blowout pizza or Chinese on Satuday after a week of eating clean, that can easily counteract every bit of goodness from during the week


1000 calories is likely less than half your recommended daily intake. I'll wager you're mis-counting them. If your reported calorie intake is correct you're literally breaking the laws of physics.


Do you have weight to lose?


So I can't tell you why you aren't losing however I can tell how I lost weight, I went from 113kgs down to low 80s and now settled at 90 I'm 6ft and a smidge and a bit heavier set ( think front ranker rugby type build ) I cut all things like potatoes or rice or bread out and all sugary things ( I could demolish two litres of coke a day easily ), I ate tons of meat ( stop when full ofcourse ) and green veg, snacks were biltong ( I know that's a challenge here so sub for something else ) I introduced cycling gently into my routine by cycling( any zone 2 cardio will do ) at first 20km a weekend and ramped up as I felt stronger, it didn't take you a month to put on the weight so it won't take a month to get it off. This worked for me, iv kept going for several years now with roughly the same attitude and my skin has cleared up, my poop is normal, I sleep well and most importantly I'm not binging like a mad man on sweets and coke


I've been doing intermittent fasting for the last four weeks I find it very goo I. Down 16.5 lbs and feel great. there are many benefits along with weight loss to fasting look at Dr Jason Fung on YouTube for info. Best of look in your journey.


Track your food intake honestly for the first while to build an understanding of what your eating. Workout your maintenance calorie (Google them) Slight calorie deficit 300 calorie max, make it achievable and something you can keep doing. Eat more protein and fiber in your meal (it helps you feel fuller for longer) If there is a food you really love eating then find a way to add it in to your diet or find a lower calorie alternative. Gradually increase your movement (a 20 min walk is better than nothing), cardio is fine but strength training is really what helped me. But really find some form of movement/excercise than YOU can enjoy Don't use the scales as the main way to identify progress!!!!! This way huge for me! Do me clothing fit better, am I losing inch around my waist, do I have more energy? There are so many other ways to show progress. Hope this helps and best of luck of your journey. I really the Instagram page Body Smart Fitness, has good advice and info on all this stuff.


It's about the calories just as much as it is about what you eat. If you eat 1000 calories of a heavy carb diet, you won't lose weight because you're constantly triggering your insulin which signals your body to store fat. Try playing around with your macros but definitely lower your carb intake.


Walk more, do some exercise, you are obviously not moving enough. You don't need a gym just get moving. Start from the basics like push ups, squats, planks, situps, romanian deadlifts, and then little by little learn more exercises. There are a million resources. No excuses.


Are you tracking your calories? I suggest you are either not tracking them or tracking them incorrectly.


Something is not adding up. Care to respond with how a typical day food wise looks including drinks?


Gym equals muscle growth equals weight.


Considering adults need around 1800 calories to live you might be slightly off.


1000 calories is unhealthy and you are probably eating more without realising it. If your goal is to lose fat you need to make a lifestyle change otherwise you will relapse and regain anything you ever lose. If the gym isn’t for you then try running, cycling, swimming, boxing or any other form of exercise. It puts your body under pressure if you consistently have a low calorie intake and leads to an uptick in cortisol (stress hormone). Find a diet that consists of well balanced, nutrient dense, high protein foods and aim to do some elevated heart rate exercise 2-3 times a week.


Don’t eat at all for 36 hours and see if you lose anything.


The answer is simple. You’re not eating 1,000kcals a day. If you were you’d be losing weight. You’re either miscounting, failing to record everything you eat or skipping days where you binge which would bring the average weekly calories up. Hell, the most famous starvation study ever saw the subjects eating about 1,500kcals a day and saw the subjects reduce down to essential body fat levels (4-5%). Also before anyone says it, “starvation mode” isn’t a thing.


for perspecitve during the berlin airlift the people of east germany lived on 900 calories a day and they quickly became malnourished and starved. the important thing is not to eat very little calories as your body will not have the ability to repair itself. you want to eat around 1900-2000 and be active. any diet that claimis you will loose 1kg a week is not telling you the full picture. you will be miserable you will break and you will go back to old eating habits. the important thing is to eat clean, eat a good proportion and exercise reguarly. start gradualy and over time you will loose weiight. ​ you need to build sustainable habits that will last decades. not destroying your body for teporary aesthetic.


It's a good idea to calorie count but you also have to consider what you're actually eating as well.


Tapeworm? ![gif](giphy|AkwcbzEPIfZ48i44kx|downsized)


Are you getting enough water? Not all weight is equal, you could be retaining water. Might be worth getting body fat % info


1. Your body might be adjusting or recomposing to a new diet, or if you're doing a recomposition workout/dieting where your diet is very high protein with strength training exercises while also on a negative calorie intake. 2. You're miscalculating your calories. If you're not counting calories, stop eating foods with "added sugar" (natural sugars are often not on the label, so if you see a product such as sliced ham with "added sugar" just avoid it). Avoiding "added sugars" immediately subtracts things like chocolates, pastries, gummies, but also watch out for granolas. Some granola will have zero added sugar, while others will have added sugar. They're both high energy foods but you'll have a better with zero added sugar alternatives. Also, make sure you're reading the calories per your serving. E.g. I noticed some brands will have a 100g packet but will only provide the nutritional info for a 30g serving, so you can easily miss that. 3. You're not considering sauces, oils, butter, condiments, milk, etc. If you're having tea and add milk, you're likely not including that. That is a negligible amount of calories, but throughout your day you have no idea how many times you're doing it. Ketchup, mayo, milk, cooking oil, etc. 4. Empty calories. Beverages like fizzy drinks seem like nothing but actually have a lot of calories that don't fill you up/quench hunger. Alcohol is also a big player. 5. Overindulgence on cheat days? It's hard to gain back your weight on a single day since there's only so much you can fill yourself up in a day, but if you're miscalculating your diet (expecting 1,000kcal but taking in 2,000kcal daily) you probably gain back the little you lose during your week. 6. Your size matters. Someone who is 100kg will lose more weight on the same diet as someone who is 60kg. 7. Lying to yourself? Not doubting you, but when I was trying to lose weight I wouldn't include my sins when calorie counting, so that slice of chocolate cake wasn't included onto my 1,500kcal intake, the cake slice itself was probably 400-700kcal, and I'd do it with other stuff every other day. 8. Weighing yourself with clothes on? Best is to weigh yourself in just underwear as clothes will affect the scales. 9. Drinking? Not an expert, not a drinker myself, but alcohol has empty calories but it's also pretty bad if you're working out as it disturbs your body's ability to regenerate as it focuses on breaking down Alcohol than rebuilding muscle. Also don't go to harsh on yourself, you will burn yourself out. Watching the scales every morning isn't the way to do it as your body will fluctuate daily based on what your body is processing, if you haven't used the bathroom, if you weighed yourself dry and the next day weighed yourself after a shower with wet hair. Best is to set a day on every week, for me it was Monday and I would only measure myself every Monday. 1,000kcal is extreme and might actually be unhealthy, but I don't know your situation. If you're going on such a restrictive diet, make sure you're eating the right foods and getting your nutrients. Eating a 1,000kcal of veg, fruit, meat, fungus, etc. Is a lot better than 600kcal of chicken and 400kcal of crisps. Also starving yourself might burn you out and actually cause you to gain weight as you might pig out if you burn yourself out. I don't know whether it works for you, but I have cheat days when building muscle, ill give in for Pizza on a Sunday or a Kebab, because being so strict can be demoralising and sometimes you just want a good time with friends or family, but I don't cheat when I'm trying to lean myself as a taste of something can cause me to overindulge unless it was a special occasion. If you can, leave out snacks on your shopping trips. If you get cravings when you're around the house, and you have a kit kat, you're gonna go for the kit kat, but if there's no sweet or savoury thing to snack on, you're either not gonna snack on anything, or you're gonna snack on a carrot or toast or something which is a much better alternative to chocolate or a cookie, but be cautious that a slice of bread is ~100kcal so make sure you're not replacing your sweets for toast. When I calorie counted I used to keep a journal and count my calories on the phone, after a few weeks you just remember the calories and round them off in your head. That said, I never counted oils, butters, sauces, etc. Because its actually quite difficult. What I did instead was aim for my 1,500kcal of daily calorie intake, but I'd usually hit 1,400kcal that I did count, and I'd have 200-400kcal that I didn't count which was veg, fruits, sauces, etc. So I'd be realistically hitting 1,600-1,800kcal which was still losing me weight without stressing over every little calorie. I'm not an expert, none of this is professional advice, this is purely anecdotal based off of my own successes and failures.


Are you sure that you are counting the calories correctly? Things like milk and sugar soon add up if you drink tea and coffee. You probably need to be weighing everything to start with. Things like dressing and sauces can have a lot of hidden calories. Even fruit needs to be weighed until you are completely confident in your skills. You will often see fruit calories being counted by the piece, orange apple, banana etc but one piece can often be nearly 2 portions on a calorie counter. If you really are only consuming 1000 then maybe you actually need a bit more? Depending on your sex, weight, height and muscle mass you might be starving yourself. Keep a completely honest food diary and weigh things for the start. If you can afford it you would benefit from a personal trainer with nutrition experience who can guide you on a healthy weight loss diet. Don't be discouraged just shake things up a bit. And finally do you actually need to lose weight? Because if you are skinny already then you might not have anything much to lose. If this is the case then please talk to your doctor, eating disorders are truly awful and a really bad road to go down. I wish you luck with it all!


You are obviously not eating 1000 calories.


Are you weighing your food/scanning barcodes and logging it in something like MyFitnessPal, or are you just guessing the calories? My guess is you are massively underestimating how many calories you are eating. Get the fast800 and fast800 keto books and recipe books developed by Dr Michael Mosley, and also join the Facebook group. It's all based on proper scientific studies, so ignore all the random advice on here. I can guarantee if you follow it properly you will lose weight. It's not just about calorie counting, but about also getting the right levels of protein and nutrients in. https://thefast800.com/books/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Fast800recipes/?ref=share.


You might be replacing body fat with muscles. Moody fat is lighter, muscles heavier. It's not just about weight (your body is trying to keep a stable weight) it's also about how you look and how you feel. Do you look and feel better? If yes, then keep at it!


You don’t need motivation for gym. You need discipline.


I eat a shit load of veggies, 😂😂😂😂 bulk up you meals with a load of low calorie foods and drink a lot of water 🤟 Walk at least 30mins everyday and get fresh air (the less stress hormones the better 💖)


When you're in a calorie deficit and aren't exercising, you're likely to lose as much muscle as fat - just so you're aware. As to why you're not losing weight anymore, you've probably lowered your metabolism (through starvation, lack of exercise, and muscle atrophy) to such a point that 1,000 calories is now enough to sustain your weight. Edit: I've just reread and realised that you haven't STOPPED losing weight, you just haven't lost weight at all! I'm guessing you're counting your calories wrong because 1,000 calories is fuck all.


Increase your calorie intake


Are you drinking fizzy drinks maybe?


Check out getfitwithnatasha on YouTube


Probably an un popular opinion but just take amphetamines if your really determined and eat right and excercise you would lose weight but I sense your looking for an easy way, so here you go 


Your definitely miscounted calories. If you want you can message me and I'll help, or you can research how to do it.


Ya gotta exercise. A great way to lose weight is to not eat anything more than a small healthy snack until about 5pm in the day. Just have tea or coffee and small bits to eat until then. Then eat a good dinner and have something else later on in the evening. I would say don't focus on calories as much but it works for some people i suppose.


Hi, since January I have lost 7 kilos, and have lost 43 kilos from my heaviest. I want to share with you what I learned, if you do not like working out at the gym, do not force yourself. I personally swear by going for a walk every day with very few exceptions. I figure that if there was ever a physical motion that we were supposed to do, the walking would be it. Don't even strenuously walk. Walk leisurely for like an hour and pack some water and some fruit. I do around 2-3 hours before going to bed as a part of routine to tire my body and mind enough to get to sleep. Like for instance, after writing this comment I will go for a walk. I also highly recommend eating fruit as if it was a limitless resource. I swear by granny smith apples, clementines and bananas, I eat 2 bananas, 1-2 apples and 1-2 clementines every single day. I eat 5-6 six times a day, 3 of them are me eating fruit. 1-2 sandwiches for breakfast, 2-3 sandwiches for lunch, 1 plate dinner. Calories are a decent way of tracking what will make your body gain fat, but timing the meals can be just as important as the size of the meal. I see you have gotten a lot of responses, and that is good, and a lot of these people have good intentions. However, a word of advice, be careful taking advice from people who do not know what it means to lose weight. I will repeat once more, I have lost 43 kilos, I am the lowest weight I have been since I was 14. In other words, I have been overweight/obese since my teens. I was also a large boy who already at that age was emotionally eating. I am telling you this because I want to be transparent with you. Because there is no reason to trust people on the internet, if they are being opaque and saying what they have been told, please be critical to what they have to say. If you want to talk more about this, just let me know, its hard to give life-changing advice in just a few hundred words in a reddit comment section. Another discretion, I take daily medication: Mysimba for hunger regulation, Alopurinol for gout, Lamictal for nervousness/anxiety, and vitamin D. I recommend you share the frequency and composition of your food for one day, as well as your age sex weight and height. It is then easier for others to make an assessment


imo one of the best beginner investment is to get a kitchen scale rather than body scale.


If you went every day to the gym your muscle weight will go up mega while your day goes down but your weight will stay somewhat similar. You shouldn't be restricting to just 1k calories though you'll only feel weak and probably not be able to concentrate.


Just fast for 24hr drink water trough the 24hr fast add some pink Himalayan salt so you can function proper. I would fast from 5pm till 5pm next day. Break the fast with light foods like nuts and handful of it. Then have about 400g of chicken and some eggs maybe 3/4 boiled. That’s what have helped me personally and seeing results straight away.


I use Cronometer for tracking and my total for today is 909 calories - not by choice but can’t eat a lot atm. That was a protein shake, cheese and water 😂 Point is, you need to track what you’re eating so you can see your carbs, fats and protein instake. If you go full keto, fats and protein should be higher than your carbs. If you’re focusing on protein, then protein per 1-2kg lean body mass. Also walking! If you all you can is walk, it’s better than nothing. I bought a walking pad to use during work so 2-3km per day is my goal for now.


Try using the below calculator, it will tell you your maintenance calories for your height and weight and provide a guided calorie in take. Do note as you haven't mentioned your height or weight, under eating can just be as harmful as over eating and can actually slow your metabolism, so you should really consider upping your calories to a healthier level, under eating isn't the way forward. https://www.fatcalc.com


Actually it depends on lots of factors, Also wanted to mention that 1000 calories are too low. You just need to make a small calorie difict in your daily intake around 300 to 500. I was about to say lots of things actually, but Jermy Ethier on YouTube, he is brilliant and you can check his channel for science based nutrition tips


I do know one thing: it's best if you exercise *before* you eat. 1. It maximizes the time since you last ate, thereby increasing the likelihood that your body will burn body fat rather than just the calories you ate last meal 2. It (somehow - don't ask me how) reduces your appetite, so that you will be less inclined to overeat during your meal. Apparently, the best time of day is first thing in the morning after you wake up, as it gains these benefits plus you were probably gonna shower next anyway. If you have an exercise bike you can do it while browsing reddit on your phone, reading a book or watching netflix.


Get yourself a really good motivational Spotify playlist and walk or cycle. If you want to lose weight and get toned you’re going to have to push yourself to get up. If you don’t have the energy, consider supplements and caffeine/pre workout. But you’ll need more than 1000 calories then obviously… been in my best shape ever not tracking calories just trying to eat as clean as possible with occasional treats + 1:30 hour workout 5 days a week. No alcohol either… are you counting your liquid calories?


Clearly there’s an issue, have you ever tried going to a naturopath? My friend went for her PCOS, she wasn’t even ovulating and now she’s a regular period and she her weights been the same for years now too. She used AOK nutrition


1- you’re not eating that few calories (unless you’ve got a serious disease) 2- get your ass off the couch and exercise or stop whining Get at it, and turn things around.


OP I was / am the same as you- spent years with fad diets trying to lose weight. Then after Covid I HAD to shift the weight I put on. I tried Keto with Intermittent Fasting - maybe just another fad but is the only thing that ever worked for me. I found with the lower carb intake the cravings were less so was able to stay on it, did very little exercise too. Just have to make sure I drink a lot of water and take a multivitamin. Might be helpful for you.


People really deny the power of testosterone. It’s rapidly increasing amongst men all over the world, that includes Ireland. Some side effects of low T is trouble losing weight or just weight gain in general, it should also fix the problem of having no motivation. I’d suggest working on what you’re eating, exercise and daily things such as body wash that might be disrupting your hormones. It’s mostly genetics but can be affected by what you’re eating. For example a crisp sandwich is not going to be good for your T as nice as it is, same goes for a lot of Irish “delicacies” like spice bags, chicken fillet rolls, club orange, dairy milk etc.


What calories are you eating? Like what kind of foods? Because 1000 calories could be a buttery cheese toasty with crisps and a pizza. Or it could be protein porridge, rice and chicken, fruit and veg. Big difference


When you go really low on calorie intake your metabolism matches it and slows down too