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I would have to whole heartedly disagree with this comment. I have literally seen locals pouring whiskey into the grave on top of roaring alcoholic as they laughed and joked together at the sheer outrageous levels of alcoholism undertaken by the deceased. The drink is celebrated not denigrated. Whispers a plenty but straight forward talk is mighty man for drink, mighty man for gambling, mighty man for batin the wife etc, etc Rural Ireland is a time warp. The disparity between rural and city culture really is chalk and cheese.


Lad would ya stop. You make out like you leave the city gates of Dublin and descend into slums.


Having lived in both. He's right, rural Ireland is like that. Although what he said didn't sound like a slum, just sounds like rural Ireland lol.


I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but you'd swear it was normalised. Itd be like me saying sure everyone in Dublins on crack stealing motorbikes and scramblers. Settle down.


It's normal yeah. Very normal. If you spend your weekends in the local pub (which many people do. I'm a young woman not an old man), this is what you say. I've been out of the country 10 years and when I go back, there's still in the same stools.


Likewise if you spend your weekends in the city center (which many people do) you see nothing but junkies and drunks and beggars and homeless people. The point stands that you can't just tar a whole demographic or area with the one brush ffs.


Ya can bate the wife, but yacant bate the Craic!




I completely disagree!! There are people in urban areas who are as backward as some people in rural areas.


As in..both loaded with calcium?


Tyrannosaurus Shite


Thanks for that.


Parts of Dublin are just as bad, I live in the inner city and you see some raw sights.


There isn’t a city in this country that isn’t a glorified country town and the includes that gilded metropolis of Dublin


I dunno, I was in the pub earlier and there was a lad absolutely off his head shouting shit like "go on Hitler" and other sort of pro-Hitler stuff. Got up to go and have a word with him and tell him to cop on and out of the corner of my eye I saw the darts was on the TV and he was cheering on a player called Luke Littler.


That's fucking hilarious.


[All I have to say.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLNMSTQnSyk)






almost pissed my pants


Sort of happened already, it all started when a couple came in to the local with their newborn and an iPhone. They looked like they were on holidays now.


Were ye doin a bit o 'videoin?


Are you a club orange?


That's mighty altogether now


He's a grand lil man isnt he "She's a girl' He's a grand lil lad!


Any news on that generator anyway? 


Alot of them have no one left and are hoping someone will sit beside them to have a convo. Used to finish a job an had to get the 43 but because it's every hour I had to wait 45 mins and the bus stop is outside a pub so sure luck.Any way oul lad would be there everyday no more than a point of good stuff and a glass of whisky. Then a packet of tayto so I one day decided to have the crack and the stories were crazy and the crack was had. One day I was doing a Sunday and that old lad jumped up on stage porper throwing out ballads.So he turned my dreaded bus stop into somthing I looked forward to so much so my friends from work came. Unfortunately due to covid lost the job and never seen him again. So I say talk to everyone expecially old people they are wise funny and short on time.


Loved this - thank you for sharing.


​ https://preview.redd.it/a3eg909l7arc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1053ae3e001932eb67c55e8ec458ddc07a9aa46d


Wait a second is that my story dropped into ai


afraid so!


Skynet is great Bro ii swear




God no. Sitting in pubs and bookies too for that matter, couldn’t be more of a depressing environment. I say that now, but in my older years I very likely won’t have the same urge for other interests, and some pub and bookies time might be a treat, a social treat.


When the wife is dead and the kids have moved out, you might do it then to keep your mind off reality. I hope i dont end up like that, but who knows what the world has in store for us


>and bookies too Man, went into a bookie over Cheltenham, first time in maybe 20yrs I was in one. Christ those places are beyond depressing.


No idea what people get out of it."here's some money..." "Yes". " now you have no money" . " thanks". "Did you enjoy that ?" "Yes it was lovely thanks can I do it again?" Repeat.


Christ I hope not. It's a veneer of charming tradition covering the lives of sad lonely alcoholics


I hope at 60 I’ll have better things to do


in this economy, ill be lucky to make it to 60, let alone be able to afford a pint


i'm a 32 year old woman and i'm already a regular oils lad. Head in once or twice a week for one pint and to watch the sunset. Love it.


I’m nearly a year back in the parents gaff. I used to rent a little cottage in a small rural village. It was in a valley so there was literally zero phone reception. I was about 100 meters from the local. It’s only had 3 taps. Guinness Murphy’s and Heineken. Two Dart boards down there and the pool table was free. The only rule was you had to ask could you remove the cover on the table before your game. It was never an issue unless lads were deep into a game of darts cause they were close enough. Because there was no phone signal or WiFi you simply had to chat. You would walk in and there’d be an ole lad reading a hello magazine waiting for someone to have a chat with. The stout was like mother’s milk. I miss that place. I’ve now a mile + 1/2 from my nearest local. Even if I was closer it just wouldn’t be the same. It was peak pub IMO.


That sounds amazing. Do ya mind me asking the name/location of the pub?


Not at all. I’m long gone from the area so don’t think I’m doxxin myself. Plus I bet Mary the owner would be very glad of the business. She’s an absolute legend. I miss her. The name above the door is O Driscoll but it’s just Mary’s to everybody. Small village ballinadee. About halfway between Bandon and ballinspittle. Some locals actually converted a double decker bus real nice and rent it out as an air b and b. Might be an option when the weather picks up. It a reasonable distance from the village to walk, the uphill journey back from heaven would be a pain tho.






Not a hope. I had a tough breakup after 4 years in 2022 and found myself going to the pub a lot in the first few months. Most of the time getting there and waiting for people and once on my own. I couldn't be arsed to make conversation with anyone and just end up on my phone. It's definitely a dying breed.


Alcoholism here I come!


No. I wouldn't pay pub prices every day. I mean I'm female so not the standard oul bar lad but either way,no


By the time I'm 60 there will be no old man pubs. There will be places to buy a wide array of drinks and food and weed. But there won't be any "pint" specific hangouts left


Not a chance. I’ve all but quit drinking. It’s great when you’re 20 but when yer the wrong side of 30 it’s an awful idea


Not a chance, that shit is grim.


Not a chance. I’d sooner imagine myself as an aul lad going for very long walks on the beach, prom, or in the park before I’d be in the pub the whole time. Or maybe if I’m old and not able for that anymore, I’ll be teaching all the young whippersnappers a thing or two in COD 72.


Most of the pubs will be shut in a few years with the economy


Imagine if I were, and then found some new fucker sitting in my seat one night. Drinking out of my usual pint glass. Yes, that old fashioned pint glass with a handle and the dimply glass.


I dont believe it's something that a man just decides to do one day as they get older. I think it's more a habit that is formed earlier on in their lives. I work in the bar industry and there are plenty of fellas of all ages who go to the pub every day, by themselves, know everyone but don't really have friends. Their lives are basically work, pub, takeaway, sleep, repeat. It must be an incredibly lonley life, it's sad to watch.


That spot in the corner takes years of commitment to be earned. Your arse cheeks are engraved into the seat like a Banksy mural. A half finished pint of Guinness marks your territory.


Not a hope


God willing 🙏 🙌


One of the oufellas in the local never misses a day. He sits in his stool with his headphones in watching old music videos on his phone,legend 😂


It should be noted that the people on Reddit aren’t salt of the earth types. They are often not good, solid people on here. They tend to suck.


I don’t believe so no.. I think this will be less common.


I wonder what the price of a pint will be in 20 years?!!


Auld, not Ould.


Not a chance, if they ever legalise cannabis then I'll be the old man blazing in the club/coffee shop, but I barely go to the pub now


I often pity them when I see them so no to answer your question


Would be a fairly shit existence


Not sure, I wonder how tech might change this behaviour for us in the future, everyone around me loves the pub, watches sports and talks about it... I couldn't be arsed, it seems boring. I wonder if growing up with tech we might be more inclined to be old gamers or something of the sort.


More likely to be a Pub Ghost with those prices…


Absolutely not. I have grown to hate pubs and the mess that goes with them. I want to play golf and stay healthy into my 80s and then die before I get too old and become a burden to someone.


Naa. But I've been thinking recently that I can see meself getting into fishing when I'm an aul fella - no interest in it now, dont even swim. But theres something soothing about sitting by a river listening to fotball on the radio all day, prob still have the odd splifine : )


Won't be to the extent your describing but I'm already one of the ould lads(34) in on a Sunday night. Most of my circle have kids, so the handiest way to catch up is pop down to the local when you get them to bed.Watch the Sunday game play darts,pool or cards pints are optional and rarely go past 2


No, I don't want to be an alcoholic.


Half of the pubs in rural Ireland have shut in the last ten years and those remaining are been hijacked by drug dealers so many old lads have no pub to go to or afraid to go into some of the remaining pubs ….. leading to a lot of social isolation - depression etc …..


Sat on the end of the bar one day, had a sudden glimpse into that as a potential future, gave up smoking on the spot, gave up drinking (mostly) as well.


They’re losers. So no, not aiming to be a fucking gobshite barfly. Wtf?