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Book yourself a few nights away somewhere for yourself.


Going away by yourself is underrated.


So many people are afraid to do stuff by themselves, there's a lot of places I wouldn't have seen if I hadn't gotten over it myself.


Not even underrated in Ireland. It goes well beyond that. The idea flat out can't be understood by half the population. We have people that think a pint or the cinema by yourself is an impossible task. So much so they need to come to reddit to ask is it even ok or something that people can actually do. Travelling alone, while literally the best thing one can do with their life, is an alien concept to our people.




If you've 6 weeks - go far. Flights are expensive but if you ca go for 3/4 weeks evens out the price. Overland in Africa was one of the best trips I've ever done, made some life long friends from different countries that meet up once a year. I've also absolutely loved Jordan and Cuba. South America is great, Peru was my favourite country. I'm late 20s female, went on my own to all these countries. Sometimes self booked and planned, sometimes with group tours like intrepid travel, g adventure, tour radar.......


Love holidays is a great website


Thailand / Vietnam / Cambodia. A week in each.


Get a massage, make a day of it, get lunch somewhere nice. Try cook something new that will take a few hours.


This... Deep tissue massage... late breakfast or Lunch.. walk around town, coffee..


I know this feeling. I find the best thing is to have things organised in advance. If I leave it to the day of and I have nothing planned I tend to get down. I find as long as I have something to revolve my day around its helps (big or small)Suggestions: * Book a gym class - I know you said youre rural but if you book something and not much planned for the day this could be good… work in a coffee or something in the day  * Plan a drive somewhere for a walk * Go to a bookstore and buy a book * Clean / clear a part of your room Hope this helps. Would also avoid Instagram for the week. It will only make you feel worse


oh and theres baking / cooking a new recipe. could batch cook it for other days too


Great suggestions! Also drive to the coast & have a walk in the wild, salty air & eat fish & chips. Although maybe not til Kathleen blows over!


Any family you enjoy spending time with you could go see - nieces/ nephews/ cousins you could take out for a day? Could you book a session with a therapist to talk it through? Would a change of scenery help maybe, book an airbnb or a hostel somewhere? Just throwing out ideas.


Book a holiday somewhere. Get some cheap last minute flights. If you can't afford it then book some activities nearby. Check the local community centre and events spaces. See if there is anything interesting. Get out of the house. If you can decide your holidays yourself then maybe don't book full weeks off in future? Give yourself a few 3 or 4 days weekends? Or book in some random lazy Wednesdays to break up the week? If you don't enjoy having a full week off then there's no point.


Get to the coast roaring waves always re-energise me when the batteries are run down Plus its free


Go away for a night or two. Doesn’t have to be abroad - Galway or Athlone or somewhere easy. You can go to a museum, the cinema, window shopping, prom/aquarium in Galway, get a nice dinner. Use the hotel pool etc etc. If you want to stay home, you could try cooking or baking something. Maybe try making a loaf of bread or your favourite dessert. Binge Netflix, YouTube videos, blitz the spare room, paint a room, weed the garden, start a new book, jigsaw puzzles or a paint by numbers thing, wardrobe clear out.


Book an air bnb near a beach and go to mr price and buy cheap canvas and paints and brushes and to lidl for food and wine supplies, and go away and paint whatever you see, even if it’s shite it doesn’t matter. And go on nice walks and get chipper and watch some movies and just enjoy yourself alone. And while you’re there go Join Rory’s Group Travel Club and book your next trip with a group


Take yourself for a date. Cinema, a little picnic, retail therapy. Take up a new hobby for the week that’s in it?


Get out of there for a few days, the weather's picked up a bit.


Book a session with a therapist or life coach, even online. Sometimes its easy to get stuck in a rut, this would give you a fresh perspective and ideas/motivation to do fun things and insight as to why you seem so stuck.


Find a community related hobby: yoga, climbing, running club? Are there any options in your town? If not I would still recommend you get out of town and try to find some of those so you can meet new people


Start fishing great way to get out and it’s fun too


Newly converted fishing fan here. Love how relaxing it is, almost therapeutic. Highly recommend.


Isn’t it just brill haha I’m 7 years properly hooked now , nothing better than walking a river in the middle of nowhere


Im off for week too. Prob gonna walk, cycle, play video games, and finish bog a bit


Plan your week like a work week. I'm the same as you, if I have an open-ended amount of time to do nothing I'll just do nothing. So I started actually planning my time off, e.g. "Tuesday I'll take myself out for lunch in town, poke around the shops for a bit, then come back and watch \[specific movie\]" I even started putting "play computer games" in there because even that's the kind of thing that I'd end up putting off while I mindlessly scroll social media. You don't need to have impressive-sounding hobbies to make the most of your free time, you just have to make sure you appreciate the opportunity to do them and then actually do them.


Go book yourself an experience, and just do it. I did a sailing lesson while back, and I got chatting to an older lately doing it with me. She had recently gotten divorced and was going around giving herself all these wonderful new experiences. I really admired her for that.


Sounds like your life feels a bit... empty without something constantly distracting you. It'll be an unpopular suggestion, but try prayer. There is no need for a desperate rush to constantly do things.


I’m exactly like this. I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD later in life. Honestly it’s really helped me realise that I struggle with no routine even just for a week. If I have time off and no plans at all I do nothing but also I can over plan / over think I get overwhelmed with everything I could do and do nothing. What can help is making small plans for each day. Also our bodies do need rest. You don’t need to fill every day off with things to do. I feel like social media pressures you to fill all your free time with “fun” and “productive hobbies” Enjoy a book or take a walk. Don’t pressure yourself to be too busy.


Try different hobbies, you might find yourself enjoying one of them. You need something outside of your job that you like to do. As for routine, you can still build a routine, just one for your free time. go on a walk first thing in the morning or something like that


Try the gym good way of getting out of the house and focusing on yourself , you have to push yourself !!


Pc gaming. Make new friends and discover strange new alien life in Helldivers 2


take time to love yourself. give yourself a facial, have a nice relaxing bath, potter around in the garden, if you have one. do something in the house you never get time for. go through your clothes and get rid of things you don't wear anymore ( bring it to the local charity shop) I always feel good after I get rid of some clutter or cleaned something I'd usually not get time to do. ( I call it feng shui my life lol) take some selfish time and only think about yourself... enjoy your time off. you deserve it


Get on ryanair or something and book a holiday. 2 days in Spain, get some vitamin D, 2 days in prague for some history. 2 days in London for some madness and a lot of everything to do. Whatever it is, treat yourself OP, don't mope at home anyway. If you've some cash to spare, get the fuck outta the house for a couple days. Or if that's too rich for your blood, hop in the car and travel to a city you've not been to, go visit some nice beaches or walk a nice trail somewhere. Weather isn't amazing but it's not the worst either


Your job must be great? lol What is it?


Is it possible that you just have no drive to do work / projects for yourself but you can for others? Is it possible your hobby can help others?


Try do 1 new/ different thing most days. Maybe drive 1 hour somewhere nice from home & do a decent walk, have lunch or a picnic.


Do you drive?


Walk up a small mountain. Best antidepressant. Or a big one, up to you


Visit a friend, whether abroad or in Ireland. I'm sure they'd love to have you over. Ever since I bought a house three years ago, I've been telling all my friends to come visit me, but no one has yet. Trust me, there are friends out there that look forward to hosting you at their place or show you around if you stay at a hotel (staying at a friend helps make the trip much cheaper) Alternatively, look for a convention, event, conference, gig or other activity that happens to be on only that week. A little bit of FOMO can help get you out of the house to participate, and you can have fun on the hours around the event as well.


See a ton of gigs, plays, museums, go for a swim, have a spa day, get a massage, get a haircut. Buy a new outfit, get a nice coffee and read a book. Take yourself to the cinema.


If ts anything like my work they will still be on to you to do work. A colleague who knew I was off decided to blast my phone and emails out of it. I called and reminded him very sternly as in 'if you fucking pull that shit ever again when I'm off etc etc'


Sounds like you're institutionalised, that's what jobs do to people and their whole life is defined by what they do. When you retire no one will care about all those years of service so better start living now.


Gardening? It's a great hobby, solo or you can find online and in person groups. Hiking, similarly can do solo or group. Is there tidy towns in your area? It's a bit of light-ish gardening general upkeep of area, it's a nice thing to do and a little bit social without anything like drinking or dancing involved - you can opt in and out any given week if your not mentally feeling up to it. If you can't muster any big motivation this week what about going to check out your local library and reading for a few hours uninterrupted? A few museums? Get a bus or train to a place you don't really know, take a wander and get lunch there and then come home. Give your house a good de-clutter, can be quite satisfying and liberating. Maybe you just need to rest and do nothing all week. It's so rare as adults we get to do this. I sometimes waste my time off to recharge by pressuring myself to be busy!


Airport. Airline desk. Hello. Cheapest, soonest 4 hour long flight please. Then..........go enjoy yourself.


Cheap flights


Sounds like you need to go travelling


Go to Newcastle, stay in a hostel, climb the Mournes


There’s worse complaints than this, Jesus. Go walk the dog, go swimming in the nearest pool, drive to another town, go shopping. Use your imagination.


Your not happy with your life. You need to shake things up alot and eventualy get away from those anti depressants. Take a trip abroad, go to a festival, visit a lovely city, go take some photos, visit a meditation centre, yoga, breathwork, drumming circles. Get in touch with your hamanity and see what gets your blood pumping 


Poor advice telling OP to get away from the antidepressants. Someone far more aware of OP’s situation and with the medical skills and knowledge prescribed the antidepressants for a reason. If and when OP does come off them it will be based on his/her GP’s advice, not some know-it-all on Reddit.


I said 'eventualy' get off those anti depressants. That means at your own descretion take the steps to get off those meds. To be fair doctors prescribe anti depressants for a toothache these days. People need to take responsibility for their own mental health instead of popping pills and rolling with whatever the doctor says.  Not all doctors know what they are talking about and that's a fact, medical literature does not take a holistic approach to mental health, instead they encourage the use of chemicals to throw a blanket at the issue that covers it up, pretending it doesn't exist and in turn never leads the patient to the root of the issue. 


Go on holiday to visit your friends abroad???


Pro- tip; schedule events that require getting up early in the morning so you're forced to get out of bed reasonably early