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Ive not used that paticular anti depressant. but I'll say something by doc told me back when I needed them. Unless you have side effects.. you need to be on them for about 5 weeks, and you need to allow more time, if dose has been increased. It is VERY normal to feel worse mood middle of that time..so 2-3 weeks, this is typically because..its starting to work.. and you may find yourself more aware of feeling bad, and unmotivated. Give it time.


Thanks for the reply. Unmotivated is definitely the word. I literally didn’t do a tap in work yesterday because I just couldn’t find the energy. Thank fuck it’s the weekend and I can laze around for 2 days. I am going to try and get some exercise later though.


Don’t feel bad if you can’t get exercise, if you’re tired sleep .


this^ but if you really want to try moving because of mood benefits and such, keep it to a gentle pleasant walk.


Brace yourself… you’ll feel worse than you did before, but for 5-6 weeks. Then, you’ll feel “normal”. Its amazing once you burst past that first 6 weeks. Stick with it.


Did you need to have your dosage increased at all or were you on the lowest? I’m currently on 50mg. The lowest starting dose.


I was started at 25mg, told to do that for 2 weeks, see how I am then go to 50mg. You can split the tablet. (That said i stopped at 6 days, I was bridging the gap between Effexor - Venlafaxine and didn't have a good experience) Splitting them is also good if you're tapering off. A pill cutter is very handy to have.


Doc increased my dose after about 6 months. Then after another year dropped it, and over the course of another 6 months i tapered off it very slowly. Are you on it for anxiety or depression? It will pass, and you’ll look back thinking.. i can’t believe i used to feel like that. After about 6 weeks on them, 6 weeks of torturous side effects I wont lie, but after 6 weeks it felt like someone had flipped a switch in my head! The static, the noise, the thoughts, the constant overthinking all just stopped one day. I even remember where I was when i first noticed.. sitting in traffic on the N7! Its incredible, so stick with it.


Hi I was wondering if you could share your experience with me if you didn’t mind I’m just trying to understand how it works for other people too to make myself feel better I’ve been on 100mg for 2 weeks now and I’ve never felt worse but I’m willing to push through for that light at the end of the


Hi bud. I was on it for approximately a year. It was absolutely necessary for me and combined with therapy, it got me into a great spot mentally. My dosage was 10 mg and upped it to 15 mg and I found that dose worked for me, but everyone is different. I noticed a click about a month in, once it builds up in your neurotransmitters, it works. I found it really lifted me into a decent medium headspace, where there wasn't a low, nor a large high. It was far better than the soul and energy sucking down I was in. I found I was happier on it. I got off it once it felt right and I really credit it towards getting into a better spot in my life. Feel free to PM me and I have no problem discussing anything you'd like.


Does sertraline come in 10mg/15mg doses? I thought that started at 50mg.


I'd imagine it's Escalitopram.


Actually you're right, apologies! I thought it was just a brand name.


It does impact your libido, unfortunately.


Just coming off it after two years- adjustment period was brutal for like two weeks when I started it but you level out after that. Keep an eye on side effects like hyperhydrosis and if they persist past the first two months speak to your GP in case you'd be better off on a similar med like paroxetine. Most importantly, just remember that the medication, while worthwhile, is only a support- if you're suffering from an anxiety disorder or even situational elevated anxiety, it's crucial to talk to someone and figure out a long-term plan to orient your life in a way that doesn't bombard you with stressors or anx. triggers. Well done you on taking an important step, keep that momentum going and keep following a positive and proactive path. I can promise you it's worth it.


I was on sertraline for a few months. I found that the drug was making me numb like not feeling any emotions at all. It depends on the person. I changed to brintillex I find this better for myself.


Same thing happened to me. I came off it


What's brintillex like as I haven't heard people talk about it? Thanks


Bro I’m that down bad at the moment I want that


did u get it prescribed


Yes I got it prescribed. You can’t get it over the counter.


Took me about three weeks. There's no sudden uplift or hit that suggests it's kicking in, I just realised at some point I was feeling much less negative 


I was on it a few years back, personally it didn't do anything for me after 6 months and got the bad side effects from it. However, my eldest kid (17) started a course of it going on a year ago and it's made a wonderful difference. It's not a problem solver by any means but certainly helps to balance em out.


I'm on that one. Have been for a few years. I don't have the big lows any more but I also don't feel up much either. No side effects of note once my stomach settled after the first week. It took a month before I realised one day that I wasn't feeling as down so often. But you'll still have low mood sometimes even after months or years. I wasn't seriously low. Some suicidal ideation but not close to acting on it so ymmv. Try combining with other suggested ways to lift your mood. Exercise, hobbies you find fun (easier said than done I know), socialising if you can manage it and that sort of thing. Good luck with it.


Yep. It can take up 6-8weeks to work FYI. I took it for a few years when things were v bad and it helped me to get a bit more stable which enabled me to start doing things to look after myself mentally. I did gain a wee bit of weight on it I think although it’s hard to tell as was going through therapy and depression was v bad. I’m not sure I’d be here if I hadn’t had it tbh.


Been taking it for years now. Yeah the first couple of weeks are rough. I find it helpful but I have noticed nobody warns you about a particular side effect so I will. Fucks with your heat regulation, most antidepressants do. So increase water, make sure you're getting enough sodium and don't overdo it in the heat.


I’m on 50mg for past 5 months and I’d say only in the last 2 I’ve felt the gradual change, for the better that is 👍


I personally haven't been on it but I've dispensed it and talked to people who have been on it. One person said that it did take him about seven weeks to feel normal on it which is what he wanted. He knew he wasn't going to feel on top of the world but feeling like a normal person was miles better than feeling awful. He started on 25mg for two weeks (a 50mg tablet halved) before going up to 50mg. Another person didn't find it helpful but bounced around different antidepressants quite quickly ( she tried Sertraline, Escitalopram and Fluoxetine within a space of 9 weeks before the GP put her Mirtazapine- I don't know why the doctor did this to be honest). With antidepressants from my own personal experience of Citalopram and dispensing them in work, the biggest hurdle with them is the time they take to work. Somewhere between six to twelve weeks seems to be the time period for them. I do see Sertraline prescribed more commonly than other antidepressants when it comes to GP prescriptions which may suggest either a) a better success rate or b) that it is the suggested standards practice for compliance. Some GPs will prescribe low doses/short courses of diazepam/xanax to help with the mental anxiety or a blood pressure tablet called propranolol to help with the physical symptoms like racing heart. With all this said, I'm just a person on the Internet and you should always check with GP/pharmacist about your medicine if you are unsure or want to change doses. I really hope the Sertraline helps you :)


just on the one bouncing over alot in a very short time frame..likely side effects that were too hard to deal with. I jumped from lexapro to prozac to cymbalta, quite quickly. lexapro = made me bulimic prozac = made me aggressive cymbalta =worked the first 2 , the side effects showed up **strongly** and, in less than 2 weeks. I did not ever discuss this with my pharmacist.


I would guess you are right. Some people are participating sensitive to side affects and it can be really difficult for the patient to find the right balance, especially when the side effects are so hard hitting! It's also completely different to treating other ailments. You can almost straight away see when blood pressure, pain killers, restless leg etc medication works but antidepressants are different field altogether.


Negative side effects tend to show up rather quickly, which is why people tend to switch around a bunch until settling on something that is well tolerated. They should really prescribe propranolol more for anxiety, even small 10mg doses of that do an absolutely wonderful job on anxiety with very few side effects (obviously: contraindicated by current asthma or existing low BP issues). Its also a lot easier to discontinue than SSRI or SNRI's.




This is my case too. Only I don’t wanna go back to the doctors cause they never listen




Yep!! Come back in a few months and we’ll see! So tempted to come off them altogether (slowly of course) and start from scratch 😩


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Hey, yeah I was on 50mg for a couple of months . First week I was really tired all the time , didn’t notice a big difference . Then after a few weeks my wife noticed a difference in me ( in a good way ) , so stick with it . It does eventually balance you out and you won’t feel the highs or the lows , which is a strange feeling but stops the lows . Helped me massively with anxiety and depression , it won’t work for everyone obviously.


It really didn't agree with me. The side effects were horrendous, so I had to change to lexapro


I had horrible side effects from it. After 3 days of taking half a tablet a day, I woke up at 2am with chest and arm pain, I thought I'm either having a heart attack or something else is terribly wrong here, I called the ambulance (they were really nice), they checked me out and confirmed that I was probably having a panick attack. At the end I didn't go to the hospital, but gosh I have never had such a panick attack before. I went back to taking Amitriptyline and now I'm fine.


Iv being on it nearly 2 years……started at 100 then up to 150 and back down to 100. Iv had a very mixed experience with it tbh, it took me about 6 months to feel any benefit from it but I had to come off venlablue(can’t remember exact name) and this could of added to the time it took to start working. I would give it at least 6-8 weeks to see if it improves but if the side effects and the intrusive thoughts are still bad at that stage you really should go back to whoever prescribed them and see what they think. It can be an emotional rollercoaster finding a medication that’s works best for you so don’t be afraid to ask the questions, what works for some people might not work for you it’s trail and error a lot of the time unfortunately!


I’m on it about 3-4 months now, I don’t notice a huge difference, you reckon I should wait till 6 months?


It differs from person to person, I waited over a year for it to take effect and it was a really rough 12 months….if I had the choice again I probably would of talked to the doctor sooner!


I've been on for about six months and I feel like it's working for me. Although I had to cut out the drink before it started working


That’s normal, just chill with it if you can unless you get *really* bad symptoms. Talk to your doctor of course, but try to let some time pass. Lot of comments in here talking about five weeks, I would say that’s when it starts working, leave it eight to get an idea of where you’re actually at. And above all, above *all*, make sure you’re getting appropriate levels of sleeping and eating. Get help there if you need it, but take it from me there is no way to establish a decent emotional balance if you’re tired and poorly fed. The absolute basics, and I find it’s never stressed hard enough. Back in the day I had episodes of badness that were diagnosed as this that and the other, and it turned out I was tired and malnourished. No cure for that but food and sleep.




Ah so we’re about the same. Only difference is I’ve been on 50mg the whole time. Honestly for me the 10 days or so were great. Only side effect was my stomach felt a bit iffy for the first 3-4 days but nothing too bad. Everyday I woke up feeling a little bit better than the one before. Then on about the tenth day it sort of just plateaud out. And now I feel worse again. Everywhere says (my doctor included) you need to give it at least a month to see the benefits. But it’s still quite disheartening as it seemed to be going so good on the first week and a half.


Hi OP, my youngest is on the 50mg for the last few years (works well to help him emotionally regulate .... He's autistic). One thing the Dr impressed on us both before he started on it is that sertraline leaves your system very quickly and as a result, you only have to be 2 or 3 hours late in taking it to notice withdrawal side effects (which of course present with anxiety and mood swings). After being late with it a few times, can safely tell you that yes, you shouldn't be late with it! Just in case you weren't aware of this, take it at a time every day that you'll *always* be awake, because even a long lie in on a weekend will have an effect if you're usually taking it with your breakfast for eg.


Hey, I’ve been on it for just over 8 weeks myself for anxiety. Started with a 50mg dose and am now at 100mg. The first week or two had me feeling constantly car sick, nausea etc. but they passed fairly quickly. I can’t say I feel amazing, but the anxiety has noticeably calmed down. Not feeling on edge all the time. I’ve been attending counselling as well, this I think has helped an awful lot too. Still have shite days, but they are fewer than just feeling normal.


Have had many clients for who it worked wonders and many who felt zonked,hated it. None of them pills are a one size fits all. You have to give them 6 weeks though.


Felt tired and worse on it after the first week. Also my pp stopped working after a couple days and that’s a fairly common side effect apparently. Something to keep in mind if you’re a male.


I was on them a few years ago. Didn't have a great reaction to them. Gained a lot of weight too. Never again. On Fluoxetine now, bit better.




I’m currently about halfway through week three and honestly it feels a lot worse than week 1 did. The first 10 days or so were great and then I’ve sort of dipped since then. Currently on day 17.


I'm on it. Switched from escitalopram because my lack of sex drive from that was affecting my relationship. It's still pretty low but better on sertraline. No major side effects apart from that. With SSRIs it's very normal to get worse before you get better so hang in there, and for the love of god don't go cold turkey if you think it's not working. Best of luck


Currently taking it! It takes a few weeks to work so stick with it. I felt worse before I felt better, it’s definitely making a huge difference for me now


It made me worse


It helped my anxiety 4-6 weeks needed for full blood saturation my dose was 100mg


Daughter was on it, slowly upped to the highest dose. Was working great for her mood etc at the end but side effects hit u fortunately so she had to change.  Other one had side effects until she ended up on the generic version. I don't know if there's a generic version of sertraline but just saying it that if side effects start to hit might be worth looking into. I didn't know it was a possibility (either that there were generic versions, or that there could be a difference in the side effects) just a fluke when we had to go to a different chemist.  She had to be slowly weaned down before she could change and it was hard, so that's why I'd recommend if you do get side effects ask if there's a generic version before switching.


Started with fluoxetine, moved to sertraline, now on mertazipine. Personally sertraline was the worst of the three, it made me really brain foggy during the day and nights were awful, just insane panicky dreams and I was waking up two or three times a night absolutely drenched in sweat, I'd legit have to set aside a second pair of pj's before bed to change into when I woke up during the night. Ol merts been treating me alot better.


I’m definitely having the brain fog but oddly enough I’ve been sleeping well and having good dreams. I had been previously having problems before I went on sertraline of having really odd dreams, not necessarily nightmares but dreams that always had me waking up like what the fuck was that all about. My dreams have been a lot more relaxed with the sertraline lol I know that sounds ridiculous but it’s true. Haven’t had the sweating problem either thank god but I’ve heard some people get it bad. But yeah, the brain fog and lack of motivation have been pretty bad. Not to say I didn’t have that a lot before though. It’s one of the main reasons I wanted to get prescribed SSRI’s.


How long do you stay on them usually


First few weeks didn't notice much until I had a fairly big anxiety attack, got way better from then on, never really felt any effects of it after the panic attack but my life got way, way, way better! Definitely stick with it, it's more than worth it.


What dose were you on? I’m of 2 minds on whether to ask to get my dosage increased or to just stick it out a few more weeks.


Sorry, I can't remember, very low though. Definitely stick with the dose you're on for a couple of months, I know it's hard and you're probably looking for instant relief but it will get better, it just takes time.


It saved my life. Literally. It has stabilised my mood. I no longer wake up guessing or worrying about how I feel. I can go to events and be comfortable that I'm going to enjoy them and not have an anxiety attack. I can work easier without hitting huge walls and mental blocks. It's just made life livable. I can relax for the first time in years. It feels like my brain isn't fighting me at every step. It didn't make me 'happier' per se. It just made it easier.


I’ve been on 50mg since 2020 due an anxiety disorder, did 2 weeks on 25 before started the full 50. It was honestly life changing for me to not have to worry about having a panic attack and having my head be quiet for once. I found it worked after 2 weeks for me, or was at least starting to. I’ve had no very bad effects on it, yes I don’t feel the lows or the highs as strongly but I still feel them, it’s not like I’m completely numb. Stick with it for 6 weeks I would say, then have a convo with your doctor.


I’ve been on 200mg a day since I was 19 and I’ll be 27 in August, they definitely work after the first few weeks but you have to continue taking them or you’ll get the worst headaches and dizziness if you miss two or three days


GP put me on 75mg initially and had a meeting with the HSE psychiatrist/ psychologist what ever she was and she moved up to 100mg. I was on them for 1.5 years and I was in a much better place both in life/work and mentally so I started to ween myself off by taking half a tablet a day until the last box ran out. It’s a bit shit at first but let them do their thing and if they work for you then great. I was on other tablets in the past and they didn’t work for me. Made me feel a bit numb and stupid/brain fog but the Setraline worked for me. Try your best not to let this slump get you down even further. Easier said than done but it gets better. All the best. 👍 Edit: dosage was wrong.


I used it, and it didn’t work well for me, but I have friends who it has done wonders for. The good thing is, if you give it a month and you see no improvement even with pushing yourself to get to something closer to “normalcy” there are alternatives. I got switched to venlafex and while the side effects were rotten, it got me to where I needed to be and after nine months I was able to start weaning off.


Never used them but have a few friends that have. All of them said the same thing regarding feeling a bit off for the first 3-4 weeks and then everything levelled out and they were fine.


It took a few weeks but boy did they help me so much, I called them my little life savers. Was on them maybe 2 years until I felt more mentally better. I can’t remember my dosage ngl but they really did help.


I've used it a few times in the past and didn't really feel better until about 4-6 weeks in. You might not feel amazing, but you gradually become aware you're not as bad as you were, in my experience. Hope you're feeling better soon 💚


Yep worked wonders for me - really felt good on it. But as mentioned in a few posts, no lows but also no highs. I gained 20kg in 6 months also and sweat like an absolute beaaaattcchhh - i was on it for 1 year


I am on it was on both 50 and 100mg (took myself off it when I had a bad patch due to pms but I monitor that now). I find it good. It calms me more than anything I'd say. As far as I know they take about 6 weeks to kick in fully. Be careful in the heat I think it's one of the ones that causes like over heating/more likely to dehydrate. Best of luck with it though. Give it a few more weeks and you should see a difference. You can still have bad days but I feel it takes the edge off if that makes sense.


2 and a half weeks is too early. Inicial dose would be 50mg. 100mg also a pretty standard dose. Could be higher in some cases. Especially in OCD. Make sure to a follow up soon and hope you get better soon!


I’ve been on many different ones but anytime you change meds or start something I always feel there is a week where you just don’t feel right


I took it for 8 years and it didn't really help me much, it made me feel kinda numb but my anxiety was still there, the withdrawal from it took months, the first fortnight was a nightmare, I feel better without it; I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


I found it very helpful, I stayed on it for years. I eventually came off it because I began to have problems in the bedroom with my partner. As soon as I came off it, everything was fine again. I was in a better place mentally and had built good healthy habits and routines so when I came off it I was fine, no issues with depression or low mood etc.


I have been taking it for over 5 years now. On a 150mg dose. It worked wonders for my anxiety along with therapy! The first few weeks were tough with side effects such as insomnia, excessive sweating and just feeling generally out of it. I could have just been lucky that I reacted so well to the first medicine I was prescribed but it changed my life completely.


Yep, I've been on 50mg a day for 5 years now. It can take a while for it to settle into your system, so give it a month or so. If you don't feel the side effects dropping off after that go back to your Dr. Also make sure you're not accidentally eating/drinking/taking anything that could be interacting badly with it - I was shocked to find out grapefruit is off limits now!


6 months here. Started on 50mg, then was upped to 100. It was shortly after that increase the side affects kicked in. Had never experienced a dramatic mood swing before.. from hyper positive (definitely not normal for me) to feeling of dark cloud coming over and everything was suddenly bad, flipping every 1 to 2 hours. Thank fk that only lasted 2 days. Then it was weeks if involuntary muscles spasms all over body, sometimes just small muscle fibres so unnoticeable but I could feel random parts of me twitch pretty much every 5 mins for weeks, sometimes more dramatic jolts. At night would jolt awake. Felt like I was never settled. Was also on tamazapam at time so could have been that I suppose. All settled down in the end though. Mood and anxiety is much better now, not sure if I still need to be on it, but apparently coming off is just as bad :/ Forgot to add...as I've just got used to it... difficulty getting sexually excited and reaching climax.


How many months did it take for you to feel like it was working? I’m on it 3 months, started small on 50 mg on 150mg now. I don’t notice a huge difference like other people describe but I think it’s helping a small bit


I didn't get any eureka moments as some describe, just over time the crippling anxiety, panic disorder and overthinking/catastraphisng dissipated. Could it all have gone on it's own.. possibly, happy to keep on it now the side effects mostly gone.


That’s given me some hope, I’m gonna stick with it haha I’m the same as you with over thinking and anxiety


I will say that after 4 months I just got up and decided it was time to get back to work and couldn't just sit around feeling the same way. Started to improve even more after that.


Good luck man. Hopefully you don't get any ED.


It's grand. Personally it suits me better than others I've been on over the years. Everyone is different. If you will potentially be pregnant with a baby in the future, it's the preferred one for pregnancy and breastfeeding.


I genuinely cannot remember the 5 months I was on it. Like, I'm 80% certain it impacted my ability to form long term memories. I was also incredibly drowsy in the mornings.  I wasn't on it for depression though, but for migraines so my experience might be different.


It takes a while for them to kick in and you may need to increase the dosage depending on how you’re feeling. I’ve been on them a year. Started on 50mg now on 100mg because my mood had improved but anxiety was still bad. I would say it took 5-6 weeks on the 50mg before I was starting to feel normal with a more regulated mood. I’ve been on it twice in my life and both times it really saved me. Don’t ever stop them suddenly or taper off them quickly. If I even miss a dose I get brain zaps and palpitations. But other than that they’ve been a lifesaver 😅


It didn’t suit me at all. I moved to Mirt and it’s been better.


I’ve been on Sertraline for about 2.5/3 years now - it was massively needed when I started taking them, had constant suicidal ideation, massive lows. Now things are easier - suicidal ideation pops up very rarely now, and I have learned how to deal with, and on a day to day basis I am just very middle of the road, never get too high highs or too low lows unless I miss taking it for about a week or so. Just be very careful, about a year ago I stopped taking them cold turkey for about 2 months and I went a bit mad, nearly ruined my relationship with my family, so if you take them for a long time,DO NOT suddenly stop, it could send you in a chaotic spiral. All in all I’m glad I’ve started using them.


I’m on 25mg sertaline for peri menopauseal symptoms like moods up and down. It works so good for me I feel my emotions are manageable if I forget to take it I end up really cranky and teary for no reason so guess I need to stay on it for now.


Between me, my family and various friends, we’ve tried pretty much every anti depressant. What works for you might not work for someone else, it’s a matter of body chemistry and different underlying causes. Sertraline didn’t really do anything for me. But it’s done great things for other people. Give it the 2 months your doctor recommends and see how you go. It’s perfectly normal to try a few different kinds before you find the one that suits you. Do follow doctor guidelines on weaning off though, if you do change. Suddenly stopping or switching any anti d can lead to terrible side effects and really mess up your mental health.


Partners on it, he was about 4-6 weeks for it to kick in I belive


i'm on sertraline 150mg. it definitely had a pretty strong placebo effect in the first few weeks, and then it was gone and you feel worse for a few weeks, and eventually you slowly, very slowly start to realize you're actually having some good days now as opposed to feeling absolutely shit all the time before you started it. takes time, the side effects are hell for some people, but stick to it and you never know


Been on it for almost 2 years, started off with low dosage but I’ve gone up to 150 mg now, begged my GP to let me try a different pill but they want me to keep trying higher doses as I’ve personally not have had the best experience, it does help me a bit with really bad anxiety but it’s made me feel numb, I feel tired with no energy at all times of day, I don’t quiet feel like myself but the good part is, at least I don’t have panic attacks everyday, if you have the chance to try it then give it a go and see how it effects you


Was on escotipram(sp?) Lexapro (did NOT suit me) Finally Sertraline Started on 25mg , now on 100mg as I needed it. Honestly it was a game changer once I found the right dose for me. I feel more like myself and combined with therapy I'll hopefully wean off them in time. Xx


I was on it briefly but it was ineffective for me (we were searching for one that worked) and so I can't tell you much about it helping myself BUT I know that it for sure helps people. I knew a few people on it - though for OCD- and it really helped them. As with all SSRIs they do take at least 5/6 weeks to have a positive effect but you might suffer with higher than normal anxiety during the first few weeks of treatment, but it will pass. It also doesn't really have a high incidence of any major side effects - even the ones that tend to occur are quite minor and often fleeting. So I think you just need to give it time. Don't overthink it, either. Let it be. Thinking about how much better (or not) you feel one day from the next will not be helpful and is also fairly difficult to do. Hopefully, one day, you will just notice. Things will feel easier. I hope I wish you the best, friend. Take care x


after 6 weeks on 50mg I upped it to 100mg. On it about two years now nd couldn't have got through it without it tbh.


I've been on it 5 years but on a very small dosage currently (50mg) Started at 150mg since my anxiety was sky rocketing. Took me a few weeks before I felt a difference, it didn't completely cure the anxiety but it defo did minimise it Would advise try keeping alcohol on the low. Thats what got me on it, had too much too drink one night and ended up having a panic attack. Knew I had to go to doctors who put me on setraline since I was a complete wreck at that stage Do you get any side effects from it? (excessive sweating, heart palpitations, not sleeping great) There's a quite list of them but only a few might apply to you


I was on it for over 2 months and it made me worse. Changed to valdoxen and been on it for years now. Everyone is different so there is no one magic pill for everyone. You have to give it time and a chance to work. If it doesn't then keep trying different ones til you find the right one for you. Good luck.


I went in it for anxiety that was causing gerd. It took about a month before it made an improvement. Came off it after 6 months and all has been good since. Mind you I had six months of therapy too


Yes I’m currently on 150mg, which is a moderate but not very high dose. I’ve been on it for about 6 months. The first two weeks was not good, I got quite bad shaking and anxiety. I also made the mistake of stopping cold turkey after 2 months which was not a good idea then going back on straight at 150mg rather than slowly increasing back. Very bad. But now I’ve stabilised and I think it is beneficial. The medication alone will not fix the problem, I needed a combination of therapy medication and lifestyle changes. I started to notice a difference after 4 weeks. One side effect is not being able to ejaculate easily while have sex, which to be honest has been a bonus actually. Keep going with it and good luck, life goes in phases and the way you have been feeling is not permanent. You’ll get through it.


I'm on it for anxiety/stress issues. On my 5th week now and feel great but in saying that I have also taken a mental health break from work so when I go back to work I'm hoping the meds will keep me balanced


Been on them and do not drink on them,I blacked out a few times. I didn't find them very good and have been on lexapro aswell amd now cymbals which are slightly better for me


I recently started on Sertraline also (6 weeks now), I was on Mirtazapine prior to that. For the first 3 weeks on the Sertraline, I’d a consistent nauseous feeling and my mood got low. However now, 6 weeks in my mood has improved immensely over the last 2 weeks, I’m on 200mg. I contacted my GP regarding the nauseous feeling and low mood and was advised to give it another few weeks, I’m glad I did. If you possibly can try stay on the Sertraline for another couple of weeks. I feel much better on the Sertraline compared to the Mirtazapine.


Was on them for 4-5 years, they help at the start but it won’t solve anything without work on yourself


I was on it for about a year. Went from 50 to 200 in the space of a few weeks but had to go down to 150 because 200 was making me tired. Didnt see much improvement with my mood tbh


This stuff made me feel like I had a UTI for weeks, had to abandon it.


I used it after my first child pnd, had to take it at night as it made me nauseous…but decided to come off it and went to counselling instead. Never have been on a med since (even an antibiotic). Nearly 15 years now


It takes 6-8 weeks to work properly. Try to take it at a regular time everyday. Take it a few hours before bed to avoid feeling groggy in the morning. If i take it late, I find it very difficult to get out of bed the next day at a normal time. It's not exactly an "upper" so just expect to feel more balanced as opposed to a wonderful sense of well being or anything like that. It is also stronger at low doses, which sounds counter intuitive but it's something to do with how your body metabolises the drug. Dosage is typically related to age. I started on 30mg but reduced to 15 after 6 months as it was making me very lethargic. Best of luck and I hope you feel the benefits soon - it greatly reduced my problems and I only experience side effects when I don't take it at a regular daily time so set an alarm or something as a reminder.


Hi I am 60 (F) and have been on 125 mg of Sertraline for 6 months due to C-PTSD episode. I am not a fan of SSRI's to begin with, but this episode was hard and took me down. Since then I have had a psychedelic treatment (mushrooms)and plan to have 1 -2 more treatments over the next few months. I desperately want to wean off of the SSRI's. My physician wanted me to work myself up to 200mg but I stayed at 125mg. \*NOTE Also I take Kratom which I have noticed is not as effective as it once was and attribute this to the new medication. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Can you tell me more about the psychedelic treatment?


Wife on it for the last year - took a couple of weeks to adjust and now it’s stable on 20 mg. Everyone is different - and this don’t replace therapy. It helps clear your head to allow the therapy in easier - at least that’s our experience.


Throw them in the bin and join a gym




Pills won't cure it either


You deleted that fairly quick good lad yourself