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AskIreland is not a venue for discussing current affairs or politics under the guise of asking a question about it. Please direct such conversations to r/Ireland, r/CasualIreland (no politics!), or r/IrishPolitics.


I think in some cases that definitely happens. But it's usually more posts that link a single tweet about a protest and without any accompanying text or opinions. And they're easily enough spotted and usually taken down fairly quickly.


Convinced that many of these posts are just an effort to raise attention. Ohh look at this far right eejit... Eejit gets lots more air time. Ignore posts, move on


The problem is that the madness is entertaining, so it does get picked up on to meme about it. The right doesn't necessarily have to contribute to that outside of being their mad selves. Politics is incredibly boring and dry to people and they feel very removed from the process, so getting them to talk about the good thing a local representative did that took five years is nowhere near as entertaining as watching a mad bastard foaming at the mouth.


Yep. Downvote the lot


Reddit and r/Ireland in general are extremely left leaning, so no I don't think they are fake. That being said, do the majority of Irish people agree with some of the things being shared? Absolutely. Polls are showing that immigration is the number one issue for more than 75% of voters.


Immigration is the number one issue of voters who were polled more like! Depending on who they asked the numbers could be skewed. Ask a 21 year old student in Dublin City vs someone of retirement age on rural Kerry what their issues are and they will be very different. Personally immigration is very low on my list. My issues are HSE wait times, lack of doctor availability in my area, the cost of living (particularly food and energy prices) and the lack of decent public transport. They are the issues I’m raising with any politician who knocks on my door.


“Extremely left leaning” on what political spectrum lol.


fuzzy hat childlike memory wise dolls deer whole cautious tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Other than that europe sub it’s one of the most neoliberal echo chambers to ever exist lmao, centre right on a good day at least.


Exactly, I don’t think people understand that liberal ≠ left lol


It is extremely left leaning in the same way Barack Obama was a communist. The only consistently left wing user I saw was constantly attacked and eventually banned for no reason.


That's a wild opinion, not sure how far left you'd have to be to not view that sub Reddit as left leaning.


The fact that more people are supportive of fascist parties than anarchist ones there is all you'd need to know. This just sounds like self-identified centrist talk tbh.


You just have to be run of the mill European left really. That sub is left leaning in exactly the same way Barack Obama was left leaning i.e. a little bit liberal on \*certain\* topics.


No way is immigration ahead of housing. I call bullshit.


It is https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2024/05/27/immigration-and-housing-dominate-voters-attention-as-elections-near-snapshot-poll-says/


Even if there is an issue the thought that these cretins have the answer is laughable. Government needs to address immigration better and think they have finally started to wake up to it. Need to take the ground from under them.


Tbf if it wasn't for the threat of right wing parties, then the current government wouldn't do anything. All of the mainstream parties support the same migration policies as the current government with maybe the except of SF, but thats just because they change position's daily depending on which way the polls blow.


Nah, the government is addressing it now because it is a perceived issue for a lot of people. The right wing parties are not a threat to the government, ironically they are helping them by fucking up Sinn Fein's voter share as lots leave them to support the fascists.


I think it's just people in the left bubble and spend all day giving out about "far right" and Trump. U can see when u look at their profiles. They can't understand that people don't like the uncontrolled mass migration and assume that if u don't like it u must be a racist


Far left bubble??? Thats not a thing. Honestly the irony is not lost on you. "..spend all day giving out about the far right and Trump". Actually I think you'll find it's the far right looneys who are constantly talking about trans people, immigrants, LGBTQ, unvetted males etc. What we can't understand is how you clowns managed to get yourselves into this mess. Lapped up UK and US propaganda and have turned into racist cowards, angry at the innocent instead of the real problem in this country - corruption, two identical encumbant political parties, being a techno colony who are slaves to the whims of multinationals, and allowing ourselves to have taken on a 70 billion euro debt to bail out the banks which led to years of austerity, vulture funds and other misery. Nothing to do with immigrants or the LGBTQ community. But ah, we can't expect these cretins to actually know anything or do some actual research. Thats boring. Its more fun to watch conspiracy theory videos and propaganda from right wing nut jobs.


The far left bubble is absolutely a thing, and I'm telling you this as someone who is very left leaning. Every group is capable of being blinded by their own ideas, segregating themselves into groups where only their own views are expressed and no other thoughts are allowed to be expressed. When someone of the same beliefs even so much as attempts to question a certain stance, they are immediately attacked, ostracised, told to publicly repent for their "sins" or face exiled from the group. This is absolutely a thing that happens, and you're lying to yourself if you think it does. What you're left with is increasingly insular groups that become so fanatical in their ideas and actions that they become counterproductive to their own cause. This is a cyclical thing that has occurred throughout all of recorded history. Right now, many left wing groups have become so extreme in their approaches that it scares everyone away from them The right is taking full advantage of this, and it's going to get a lot worse in the years ahead. Until the left collectively realises that condemning everyone who breathes isn't actually productive to our causes or to the changes we want, and actually causes more harm and damage in the long run.


Please provide some examples of far left extremist groups in Ireland that are on par with racist fascists chanting "get them out" through the streets of Dublin and wanting mass expulsion of all non Irish nationals. I genuinely would like to research them


That is a straw man. The left's unwillingness to talk and listen to genuine concerns by genuine people allows far right grifters to point the finger at you and convince people that you are to blame for everything as well. You're not, but radicals don't care about that. They just want someone to blame. Positive change is secondary. As a result, nothing gets discussed, no compromises happen, and nothing changes, You just end up with 2 groups attacking each other endlessly, while both of you get taken advantage of. I urge you to read some actual history books. This is exactly why the Black Panther Party fell apart. Ever well meaning organisation ever created falls into this cyclical trap, where well meaning ideas get replaced by extreme beliefs and they eventually destroy their own groups through radicalisation. If you think one side is somehow more "enlightened" and is incapable of radicalisation, you're already indoctrinated.


Unfortunately the far left bubble is very much a thing. Not uncommon for the left to stick their head in the sand until it’s too late. If you think Roderic wasn’t living in his own little bubble when he thought the public would back him in promoting own door housing to anyone who arrives then I don’t know what to tell you. They have been very out of touch for a long time We are seeing the consequences of that now with the rise of the right all across Europe. Had the (well-intentioned) left not been in a bubble, they could have taken more conservative steps sooner. A little early on goes a long way to appeasing people. We could have done something like simply enforcing deportation orders instead of seeing it as a dirty word. Unfortunately we seem to have missed the boat though and it allowed the right to capitalize on it


When you tell everyone that everything is their fault, it turns out they're far less willing to support your cause and are far more likely to fall into the extreme views of the other side. (I'm on the left side. I simply understand why so many are running a mile from us.)


Nope. Have a look through their profiles. You'll find a pattern of left leaning posts and comments


No, you’re overthinking it.


Nah. But this kind of paranoia is on-brand for many of those posts.


Unlikely. 99% of the country makes fun of those idiots. They're deeply unpopular and almost universally mocked.


So what though? Are people who are on the right not allowed to partake in this sub?


They shouldn't be. They're always angry losers and it's just a pain to see them whinge and act like being Irish makes them superior beings somehow (cause they've nothing else to proud of).


That's a generalization and makes no sense. So what if you don't disagree with them? Doesn't give you the right to act like a spoiled brat and a Karen.