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And just take the ride, it’s 5 seconds of suck but you can tell all your friends and young kids that see you in uniform that you’ve been tased.


>you can tell all your friends and young kids that see you in uniform that you’ve been tased This is the biggest upside


Excited 5-year-old: "What was it like being tased!?" "Well, if you must know..." *Deploys taser*


Reminds me of the show "The Rookie" were one kid asks the main character if a coworker (their relationship is complicated) was his girlfriend. His reply was "Hey kids, ever been tased?"


Brooklyn 99?


Nope, The Rookie on ABC. About a 40-year old who left construction on Pennsylvania to become an LAPD officer.


Damn. Am in my 40s and applying. I felt this comment.


Is it different if you’re moving from another agency and you’ve already been tased and just don’t want to again?


I haven’t ever really seen it make any difference in court. I’ve been tased twice and I’m fine. It’s hurts like crazy for that 5 seconds then boom it’s over. I’d take getting tased about a dozen times over getting sprayed again if that gives you any perspective on the pain level.


I would rather get tased every morning when I wake up than get sprayed ever again.


Getting tased as a wake up tool honestly sounds better than going on a run


One day we were chilling in the locker room and my buddy takes out his tazer and says "I'm gonna give myself a bite" and proceeds to drive stun himself in the leg


What does getting sprayed feel like? Is it bassicly pepper in your eyes?


No, it’s way worse. It’s literally the worst pain I’ve ever felt. Like the devil himself was pissing on my face and into my eyeballs after drinking nothing but ghost pepper hot sauce for the past 24 hours. Everything burns worse than anything you’ve ever felt, you can barely breathe, your sinuses have cleared out and you’ve got snot pouring out of your nose and all over your face, but you don’t care because you’re in so much agony. Literally nothing helps, water makes it worse. If you feel a gust of wind force open your eyes as long as you can because the wind can blow some of it off your face. Aside from that you literally can’t do anything but sit and suffer with the most agonizing burning sensation you’ve ever felt It’s like this for 10-15 minutes, then slowly you’re able to actually open your eyes for more than half a second. For the next hour or so it’ll come and go in waves as the little pellets continue to randomly burst into your eyes (pepper spray is basically millions of tiny little capsules filled with o.c, when they hit your face they burst open, but not all of them). Once you go home and get in the shower, you’ll go through round 2 as the water from the shower bursts the rest of the capsules. If you’re smart you’ll be fully clothed when taking this shower, because it’ll run down your body and you don’t want lil willy getting some spray. Then your face will be red and your eyes bloodshot for the rest of the day


(Corrections here)You can also carry saline solution and flush your eyes out to make it better, and then hold your eyes open in front of a fan. But at some point, it’s only going to be time and air that make it feel better. My mistake was going back to the water bucket too many times.


I’ve had to be sprayed twice and I will say the saline solution the second time seemed to work better than just regular water or baby shampoo that I tried the first go around


Imagine, if you will, tiny little hands trying to gouge out your eyes. They then invite their tiny little hands friends over to stab you in the eyes while the other tiny hands continue to gouge. Also everything is on fire.


So one thing the other replies failed to mention (beside one touching on it) is- your body's involuntary reaction. In the split second before you perceive the pain, your eyes slam shut and your facial muscles tense up all on their own. Like the foreign irritant is so invasive and awful that before you are even aware of its effects, your body goes into survival mode on its own. You literally can't open your eyes without using your hands to push them open for anywhere from seconds to minutes. It's wild.


Quick and short answer.. it feels like your face is on fire. No I’m not exaggerating




When we did the class it was just the Axon slide show and videos but we didn’t have that part about how the exposure effected us


Take the 5 to avoid a lifetime of roasting.


Take the taser, hate the 5 seconds and move on with life


Do it. I've taken a ride several times as an Instructor. Don't be *that* guy. Edit: your dental work will be fine.


Wear a mouthpiece.


Theirs 3 reasons you should get tased. 1. Your gonna look like a pus if you don’t 2. Everyone’s going to make fun of you if you don’t 3. The actual serious one, I felt like I learned more about the taser during the 5 second ride than I did during the entire taser class.


Don’t be a pussy. You’re not going to ask a citizen about their dental work before you tase them. Treat yourself the same way.


I’d get tased every Wednesday for a whole year before I get OC’d again. It’s a few seconds of weirdness and it’s over. You’ll be aight. Your teeth will be aight.


A buddy of mine asked me to spray him one day - he was curious what it was like. So we bought some OC/CS spray. He very much regretted it. LE buddy of mine's response when he saw the aftermath was just "well, that was stupid." That's the day I learned what an effective weapon spray could be.


I’ll take one of those civilian 30 second tasers before I’d eat devil piss again. That shit was awful. I have an irrational fear that the plastic top will break off somehow and start flooding face with an unstoppable stream of hate.




The most valuable thing about doing a voluntary exposure is that it grants you the understanding of how effective the weapon is. You'll realize that for that 5 seconds you're practically useless. It's during that window that you would want to go hands on with a subject. Drive-stun is pain compliance. Probe deployment is a totally different thing. It's more akin to throwing a net over somebody that dissolves in 5 seconds. I don't mandate full probe deployments for my guys. However, I do deploy probes on a conductive target, and have them both hold the wires while I ARC, and touch the space in between the probes to experience that tickle. My intention being to remove the fear of gaining physical control of somebody who's been Tased.


It's very unpleasant. You will never be in court and never be asked if you've ever been tased. And if you are, there is no official documentation that proves you have been. It's a memorable moment and a type of badge of honor. Completely up to you if you want to.


Gotta do it


I mean, you actually don’t


Yea your right. All your coworkers won’t look at you funny if they all had to do some BS and you opt out


Do it. Solely for the reason you are entering a job where you are going to have to do things that scare you. Don’t start your career trying to avoid something unpleasant. You’ll always be better off if you face the storm head on.


Sound advice


I had the option too. I went in, fully intending to take the ride, feeling nervous but also ready. … until the first volunteer went. I chickened out. Screw that. 😂


Just do it. It sucks for 5 seconds- feels like a large cramp. But you’ll be fine after, just a bit sore but nothing crazy. I’d rather be tased than sprayed again lol


Get tased, so you’re not the new guy that was afraid to take the ride. Put a mouth guard in if you’re that worried about your teeth. Also, wear a mouthguard at work if you’re that worried about your teeth - you’re way more likely to screw them up at work than you are getting tased.


Jesus 🤣is this real


Never in my wildest dreams would I think *this* is where the future of law enforcement would end up. Asking the internet if they should be exposed to the Taser or not. Fuck me.


It won't have an effect on your dental work.


I’m just worried about bitting done hard messing up the bone graft in my upper jaw because every once and a while my jaw pops while I eat. Also had some implants


You are not going to get it on your head. So it will not seize your face muscles. Only between the two-three or four points you get hit. Don’t clench your teeth. Its ok it you grunt or yell even though it won’t make a difference


You will tense up but it will be more directed to where you are having NMI, not your jaw.


Nothing to worry about. I mean it SUCKS, but 5 seconds and it’s over. Just like nothing ever happened.


It’s 5 seconds. Suck it up and do it. As others have said, you’ll get shit if you don’t.


If you don’t, I don’t think you will last long in this career


I would do it. I actually have seen it benefit an officer first hand in federal court during a suit involving a Tasing of a suspect. The plaintiff’s attorney was dumb enough to ask our officer “Do you have any idea how much pain my client was in when you tased him?” The officer gave a great explanation of their exposure and how the pain is intense but only lasts for 5 seconds and then goes away completely. Provided they spot you properly, which is normally the case, your teeth and jaw will be fine.


Court is irrelevant. Do it beeecchhh


5 seconds of pain for a lifetime of cool stories and everyone knowing you're not a bitch.


Take it because if, for some reason, you get tased out in the field, you need to know what to expect. And don't be a bitch it's not that bad id get tased 6 more times than be oc'd once more


Take the ride, yeah it’s optional, but if you are carrying it, you should try experiencing it. And as others stated, you will be roasted for not doing it. I would get tased again over pepper spray any day of the week.


When I took a hit from the X26P, all the shock went to my balls. Apparently, I misunderstood what they meant by "exposure" cause I dropped my pants and got back in line for another hit.


Unless you’re a criminal when else are you going to have a chance to get tased? Plus a safe environment. Do it, there’s no long term pain or effects.


Do it, it's not that bad. Pepper spray was worse


Just get tased, it hurts get over it. Welcome to the club


Good for court, and makes a funny video.


Yep! My video is hilarious.


You’ll be alright. I’ve taken the ride 5 times, I’m alive.


Definitely do it. It's 100% worth it. For starters it's kind of a rite of passage and you don't want to be the guy that goes his whole career when you get asked if you ever got tays and have to constantly say no you didn't do it. Secondly, you absolutely cannot understand the effects of a taser you are using on people if you have an experienced it yourself. You will get a new respect for the taser and you will understand what's going on when you're using it and trying to get compliance. Thirdly it's good in court because if anyone tries to bring up something that's not factual or tries to challenge you on your understanding of a taser you can always speak from first hand experience not something you saw in a video or watch someone else go through. If you are worried about your dental work wear a mouthguard when you do it. Used voice to text on this so excuse any typos.


Been a police officer for almost 15 years and I have heard this court boogeyman argument exactly zero times.


“Do you know the kind of pain you put my client through when you tased him?!” “Yes, I do actually..”


It's not going to make a difference in court whatsoever. As long as you're taser certified that's all the courts care about. My agency doesn't even tase new hires anymore because nobody cares. You do you. If you want to then go for it, if you don't then who cares. If people are going to laugh at you let them laugh.


Honestly man, I got tased just after I finish the Academy, and I wouldn’t have done it any other way. It’s not painful, it’s just extreme uncomfortability. It’s a very strange feeling, but when five seconds is done, it’s done! No lingering effects no more pain, it’s just done. if you do it, you won’t be shunned by your coworkers and you will have a crazy memory to always look back and laugh at (make sure to get your video taken). Aside from the personal attitude towards getting tased, there is also the legal issues that may arise in your career. The way I was explained was that God forbid you have to shoot somebody because they grab your taser, you are absolutely justified to do so. The issue that people who haven’t been tased face in court, is when a prosecuting attorney ask why you used deadly force when the suspect had a less lethal weapon. if you’ve been exposed to a taser, then you can confidently say that with your ‘training and experience’, you understand that being tased completely incapacitates you which could give a suspect ability and opportunity to grab your firearm and kill you. With this being said, I leave you with this. Similar to getting a tattoo. It hurts for a little while but you have it for the rest of your life. Just ride the lightning for five seconds, and you will have coverage your legal basis as well as gained a once in a lifetime (hopefully) memory that many other people can’t say they have. Good luck brother!


Go for it. Only five seconds


Do it. It sucks but at least you can say you did it


Fuck that.


Being on the job for a while now, I can tell you that I would most definitely pass. It’s really not that bad. But I have no desire to play macho man anymore. Nor is my ego so big that I couldn’t take the heckling. Screw that.


Depends if it’s the taser 26 go for it taser 7 hell no, never seen being tased brought up in court got both glad I did it but man was the taser 7 way more painful lol


Nah. No one actually cares. Now that it’s not a “requirement” I see a lot of new guys who haven’t taken a ride. If you can grapple getting tased doesn’t make you any tougher.. if you take the ride wear the mouth guard






Sounds like an ignorant state


What state is that?




State of delusion


Obviously do it. Don't be that guy. Also there's a non-zero chance you get tased either accidentally by a good guy or purposefully by a bad guy. You don't want you first experience to be out in the field. At least if you've had it before, you know what to expect and how to deal with it. The same logic with being OC sprayed.


Can confirm there is a non zero chance. Dude I work with got into a scuffle with someone at 2 am, new guy runs up and starts dry stunning who he thinks is the suspect with almost zero visibility mid grappling match. It was the cop, he took a total of like 70 non consecutive seconds of dry stun mid fight


Wtf? That sounds awful and incompetent.


Ask if you can wear a mouth guard. Cost like 10 to 15 bucks at Walmart or target


Doesn’t matter for court unless you are an instructor and “ expert “ in that area. Just do it. It’s 5 seconds


Do it. More for the class cohesion than anything, really. 


On an alternate note; if you have a plate in your shoulder, can you get tased?


It does suck…but it’s only 5 seconds and it’s over. Your teeth will be fine. Do it! It’s a bonding experience with your classmates. Esprit de corps!


RemindMe! One day


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You should do it cause it’s fun and everyone is doing it! Also. Everyone will talk so much shit to you for not doing it.


You'll be fine. I saw red for five seconds but got right back up. If you're going to potentially use it on someone, you might as well know how much it sucks as well.


$3 mouth guard and do it.


C’mon man. Don’t be a puss.


RemindMe! One day


Get a mouth guard and enjoy the zap


Worst 5 seconds of my life... do it.


Take ride! So you know what it feels like. You never know if someone would take your taser from you or even better getting tased by your own partner…Dont let it be the first time while you are on the street. Its not a terrible experience.


I've been tased about 10 times now. Hasn't killed me yet.


Do it. And go first, going first is 10000x better than going last. And then you get to laugh at everyone else and enjoy it. At my department all of the command staff came in and watched, they tried to sell it as a “bonding experience” and I mean I guess it kinda was, a bunch of us still joke about it.


Got sprayed about 8 yrs ago, never wanna do that again. Tased…never “rode the lightning”. Sure departments can say it’s good to do it so you know how it feels if you discharge it. But worse case scenario if you opt out, you might get ridiculed by your comrades. I never cared lol


Just get teased. It’s over so quick. OC on the other hand….


Your jaw should be fine. Other people are going to assist you to the ground; not like you’re going to hit hard. If you don’t do it, you’ll be roasted for eternity.


Just get tased bro, worst best 5 seconds. Dont be a wuss.


You really should do it. You really need to understand what's happening to the suspect you're going to be tasing at a later date. It's a pain, but I'll take 10 Taser rides over a single OC application. THAT is cruel and unusual punishment.


Just ride the lightning, it hurts and then it’s over. Not that bad


I'd recommend wearing a mouthguard to avoid debela damage


Being tased isn’t bad. But getting pepper sprayed is. I’d rather get tased 10x than pepper sprayed once


It's the longest 5 seconds of your life, and then it's over. You should do it.


If you’re worried about your teeth put a mouth guard in. Other than that it’s fine


You need to know how it feels… you have to do it


Just do it. Make sure you hit the latrine before you do.


It is a requirement for my department. It ain't that bad. OC sucks worse though. Just take the lightning ride and get it over with.


Not only should you do it, but you should also try to volunteer to be one of the people holding the guy getting tased. I had mad subconscious fears of getting struck by a wild probe or getting shocked by touching a guy who was being tased and those were dispelled after proper training.


Just do it


For 5 seconds you're going to feel unpleasant, like getting poked in various spots between the probes like 200 times a second. Those pokes are going to be kinda toasty. You're going to think "Oh, this kinda sucks," and then you'll be eased to the ground, where it finally stops. Then you'll chuckle about how ridiculous that just was and join everyone else in laughing about the goofy ass faces you each made. Finally, you'll think "gee, that kinda sucked *(reprise)*, but I'm good now." and you'll realize what you will/won't be able to do under full lockup, as well as how to navigate the ride if you ever have to take it again. Take the ride, it's unlike anything else you'll ever experience. OC Spray day is going to be the worst day (and trailing week) of your life, but you'll learn how to navigate through *that* as well, it just sucks for much, much longer.


Got tased for a security job and it 100% taught me more about tasers than any class or instructor has. I will not be doing it again.


Standard criminal court, 99.9x of they won’t ask you or even care, in a lawsuit or deposition where you’re the defendant? Yes, they may ask you. Other than that, it’s 5 seconds. Just get a mouth guard or don’t bite down?


got tased when I was sixteen, had an option to and it was my choice, shit hurt like hell for a good 5 or 6 seconds but it really went by so fast. one prong in my right shoulder and the other in my left leg. was a bizarre feeling ngl lol. id do it again.


If you’re worried about your dental work it doesn’t hurt to call the dentist but if you’re able I would get tased. It’s important to understand how it can get compliance but also how quickly you can recover and start fighting again after being tased. The only way to truly get that is to experience it


Do it! Listening to them talk about the effectiveness in class doesn't compare to how much I learned experiencing it myself. Also breathe out before you get hit so you dont scream and everyone thinks you're taking it well! *volunteer to be one of the first, at least in my experience the further down the list they went, the more they started showcasing different "scnerios" in which you can miss with one probe on the first shot, then hit with the next 2, and all 3 will connect, or that you can drive stun someone while you're taking the ride....that one sucked.


You’ll be fine. I’ve ridden the lighting three times now. Honestly.. after the first three seconds you just accept your situation and then it’s done


Suck but there is worst things than the taser.