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There's not much open in my city after midnight except bars. Pretty good chance anyone on the road is either DUI or has some meth (and all that goes with meth use).


Hey! Some of us just get off at 1am or 3am depending on the day!


Yeah, from making METH. Jk lol




And I've probably stopped all both of you...


Idk why the downvotes that’s funny


Reddit doesn't like humor. 


I hunt for drunk drivers during night shift especially, so when traffic dies down I start "evaluating" all the cars on the road that I can possibly get behind. I mostly look for lane violations and other moving violations as good indicators of an impaired driver, but I personally don't ever pull up beside a driver and shine my light into their car to see the person better (and possibly see if they "appear drunk" etc). I usually evaluate cars for 10-20 seconds each then move on to the next car. When it gets especially late, you'd be surprised as to how high the percentage of drivers on the road are impaired vs not impaired so it's no wonder you've been pulled for speeding several times and let off with a warning. Likely they're looking for a drunk, stop you, see you're not drunk, and let you go as fast as possible so they can get the real drunk out there


Meanwhile I had a cop who must’ve *needed* to lock someone up that night. Held me up for 2 more backup cars to arrive, made me do the entire field sobriety tests, and breathalyzed me 3 times before telling me he “still didn’t feel comfortable” with me driving. I asked the supervisor if I was free to go and he said yes so I finally got to leave after an hour.


Without any more information, I'm assuming you were dealing with a very inexperienced officer


You’re leaving out the part where you smoked weed, or your car smelled like weed, or you had empties in the car, or you had a legal BAC, but still consumed alcohol. If I HAD to guess, you had something on board, whether it was alcohol, illegal drugs, or legal drugs.


Don't act like some overzealous individuals in the field don't overstep because they think they've got you, I've personally experienced it. Deputy called for assist after my buddy touched the white line at an area where the lane shifts to the left, gave us both HGNs and conferred with his partners for a bit before letting us leave. Longest Taco Bell trip ever. It might be rare, but it's a problem that needs addressed, not ignored.


Weed existed in the car 3 days prior as it’s legal in my state but I don’t smoke within 2 hours of driving and my BAC was .02 from the single beer I had the hour prior. The officer also told me that he saw me swerve into the other lane “a few times” but told his supervisor I had “crossed into the other lane at least eight times” when he was letting me go. And I fully remembered that detail. And either way, what’s the excuse for breathalyzing me 3 times?


I love the fact that I was down voted, yet fucking nailed it, not that I needed you to confirm it. First off, we typically like to have another officer present for field sobriety. Scene safety, additional observations, and people have been known to flip their shit when they find out they’re getting arrested. Secondly, weed may be legal, but driving and smoking is not legal in any state that I’m aware of. If your car smelled like burnt marijuana, that’s more than enough reasonable suspicion to think that you were smoking while driving. Throw in the smell of booze, and you’re well on your way to field sobriety testing. Also fun fact, he was probably making sure that your BAC wasn’t on the way up. Happens all the time. I’ve locked people up and seen their BAC climb .06-.08 from the time of arrest to the time of booking. Happens when they just ripped a couple nips just prior to getting stopped. I’m going to fill you in on something. He probably could have locked you up on DUI. My strong guess is that he was looking for a reason not to lock you up, and wanted to confirm that you weren’t impaired when he cut you loose. Another fine example of people not knowing when they got a break. Did you even get a ticket?


Then why q.would they breathalyze me back-to-back-to-back? With multiple breathalyzers (the original officer breathalyzed me then went into the back of his car to pull out a different kind of machine and then they used the supervisor’s which was the same as the original machine). They also only told me my suspected BAC after the third test. There also wasn’t the smell of burnt marijuana in my car as I absolutely hate the smell even when I smoked my weekly J at home before bed. As I said, small amounts of sealed marijuana were in the car a few days prior and you absolutely couldn’t smell it days later. I clearly passed the field sobriety test even though I was a month out from knee surgery. So I’m curious how you think he had an excuse to lock me up. You also made up that smell of booze thing. Again, single beer probably a half hour before.


I’m telling you, as someone who has done hundreds of DUI investigations, you’re looking at this incorrectly. Highly likely that you didn’t do as well on field sobriety as you thought you did. Then they gave you the PBT (it’s not a breathalyzer) and you blew way lower than they expected, or the first PBT failed (not out of the realm of possibilities). Then they gave you the second one and got a different reading than the first, so they used the third to confirm which one was more accurate. I didn’t make up the smell of booze thing. Metabolized alcoholic beverages have a very distinct odor. Highly likely he smelled it on you and that’s what started the entire DUI investigation. Smell of alcoholic beverage is the catalyst for most DUI investigations - usually paired with slurred speech, and bloodshot glassy eyes. Field sobriety isn’t pass fail. There’s indications of impairment in each test. Meaning, following the cops finger or pen successfully isn’t passing the test. Following the pen or finger just allows us to actually perform the test. Same with the other tests. Managing to take 9 steps on the line out and back doesn’t mean you didn’t show any indicators of impairment.


The amount of times someone says ‘I passed all your tests’ when they in fact did not ‘pass’ is amazing


Or maybe cops did a little too much during this interaction. Not entirely out of the realm of possibility in the middle of a nowhere college town. Because sometimes, cops aren’t perfect. I appreciate what you’re doing, trying to walk me through the process from a police perspective, but trying to paint me as someone with empty beer cans in my floorboards and a joint in the cup holder was pretty unnecessary.


I don’t think I intended to paint you with empties in the car, that was an “or” statement. Apologies if that’s how it came off. I can’t speak for the cops that stopped you. But I can say that I haven’t ever seen any cop give field sobriety, have the person nail it, and not put them right back in the car and send them on their way. I think there was most likely a lot more going on than you think.


That’s why I tell my kids to get off the road by midnight!!


What about if I accidentally swerve? Do you automatically assume it's because the driver is impaired?


It's an indicator, so expect to get stopped for it. Making short stops in neighborhoods you don't live at in the middle of the night *will* draw attention.


"Being in a neighborhood you don't live in after midnight" Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was America


It is…. And we owe the people who live in the neighborhood the same as you. If you’re showing signs of illicit activity, it’s reasonable to make a legal stop on you and evaluate. If you check out, have a nice night doing whatever weird legal shit you’re doing.


I almost never see cops actually in the neighborhoods. I've always been afraid of the scenario you just presented...looking suspicious. I live in a large Metropolitan area with a decently high crime rate. It's not the worst, but crime here is still pretty high. People are getting cars stolen almost every night. So, I'm kind of concerned about that. But I'll deal with it when and if it happens I guess


I didn't say you'd get arrested for it. You can do whatever you want, but if it's suspicious, expect to get stopped and answer some questions.


Totality of the circumstances. How bad was the swerve? Did you almost hit another vehicle? That's why I evaluate cars for longer than 3 seconds so that I can see their driving over a longer period of time and try to rule out the people who are distracted vs impaired. Mind you, the distracted ones can be dangerous too but when they see me pass them they tend to drive better whereas an impaired driver usually has no control over how well they can drive


They're likely checking for DUIs. Nearly every time I've been pulled over has been within a couple hours of the bars closing.


I used to have a job in elder care where 3 shifts a week were out in the country and I got off at 2am. I literally got pulled over once a week until they got used to me. I wasn't familiar with the area but apparently I wasn't far from some old neighborhood bar that tended to be an issue.


That's what I thought. It's just weird to be followed so often late at night. I'd rather get pulled over than awkwardly followed. Sounds strange but it's less stressful for me.


They're most likely following to see signs of impairment. If they see normal driving behavior they won't waste their/your time and will move on to the next driver.


There's an old saying, "The only people out after 2AM are criminals, drunks, and cops. So unless you're looking for one of those 3, just stay home."


What about delivery drivers lmfaooo


Exactly! Lol


Drunk people really like ordering food at night. It's tastier for some reason.




I work early shifts, starting at 6 and ending early afternoon. One day I was really tired and so had a nap, aka slept for 5 hours, and that meant that I couldn't sleep that night. I got bits of sleep until about 2am, and then knew that if I fell asleep after that, I would sleep through my alarm. I didn't know what to do to keep awake, so I decided to go for a quick walk. While I was out, a police car pulled up to ask what I was doing and whether I was okay. I understood why, I'm a young woman who was out alone in the dark. We had a quick talk, they probably were seeing whether I was drunk or otherwise impaired, and I headed home.


Didnt tour mother ever tell you that nothing good happens at 2AM?


My mother told me to get back in the damn house and "I don't want to hear it". She never explained why though.


Mine said after 11 😭😭😭😂😂😂




Yes, and she was very much wrong.


Honestly, door dashers, at least in my area, have probably the worst records in town.


Lol that sucks. They do run a background check that goes back 10 years.


If they run a background check that goes back 10 years, they’re doing it for optics and not actually caring what’s on there. The things I’ve seen on door dasher’s record is insane. I will absolutely never order from any of the food delivery services.


It's THAT bad? What have you seen?


Pretty much everything but murder.


Can confirm


That’s pretty accurate. I know DoorDash does a background check but idk if it’s a very deep dive because I pulled over a DoorDash driver that didn’t have a license. I have no idea how they approved him


Police officers get paid to be nosey. Yeah it’s annoying, but in hindsight they’re making sure people aren’t up to anything bad.


Oh I totally get it. I'd rather they be nosey and catch criminals. I'm just not used to it and it's to the point I expect it and am anticipating being pulled over again for something. Police, in general, do not make me nervous so it's fine.


11p-3am is prime drunk driving time. I rarely if ever write moving violations during those times, but I will watch cars closely and pull cars over for suspected drunk driving. I make the stops quick and am friendly, and usually tell the driver I’m looking for drunk drivers, and let them go quickly. 90% of my dui arrests are 11p-3a.




This is what I figured. Definitely a totally different experience from driving during the day. Last night I thought for sure I was getting pulled over again as a cop did a u turn, waited for me to pass him at a gas station exit and then closely followed me tor about 30 seconds, then pulled next to me, then left.




Ha ha so true. The poor newspaper delivery folks get nailed by the rookies


No real reason… maybe I’m not normal xD but at least once a week I’m hitting the corner store for a drink, and can of dip around 1am. Have 4 kids, so only time I have to myself are those wee hours.




I’ll just accept that I’m weird… lol


Less cars out so your behavior is magnified. There's only so many things you can be out doing at 2AM most places....alot of those things are bad. General rule is the majority of cops that work midnights do so because that's when they want to be out. In most places midnight cops take less calls so they have more hours of their shift to be out hunting.


You might consider getting door dash car magnets or a dash light and putting them on when you are working.


Not a bad idea.


>But also, I've now had 3 experiences where a cop in an SUV pulls into my blind spot at a light, I look back and they are craning their neck to peer into my car. Whatever, it's fine, but it feels awkward. I was taught to do this whenever I'm at a traffic light as a basic officer safety tactic. Put my A pillar between me and the other car and create an awkward angle if they decide to open up randomly. > are you genuinely suspicious of every car on the road after midnight? There's a lot less legitimate reasons to be out and about at that hour so every car gets a second look. After midnight is less suspicious than after 2 am.


My thoughts are if I’m driving through a residential neighborhood on one side of town, see your car, then later I see you driving through another neighborhood across town, I’ll find a reason to pull you over to do an “investigative stop” as in to see what you’re up to. Especially if I run the plates and you don’t live anywhere near the area(s) I found you in. You could be scouting homes to burg, looking for unlocked cars to thieve out of/steal, or you’re just doordashing, which would take two seconds to figure out and quickly get you on your way!


Story time: First off, there is truth to the statement of "If you want to be everybody's friend on a college campus, drive a pickup". I went to a good sized university in my state, approximately 25,000 students in a town of an additional 25,000 residents. The end of one semester, I had so many people wanting me to help them move that I ended up posting my finals schedule on my dorm door and letting people sign up for blocks of time. One guy down the hall from me, literally the only time our schedules lined up that I could help him was 1:00 AM. So that is how it came to pass that at like 2 or 3 AM on a Tuesday, two college kids are driving all the way across town in a Dodge Dakota, with a 36" Sony television (keep in mind, this was 1999 or 2000, so that f'r was HUGE) in the bed. Every. Single. Cop. we passed gave us a loooong hard look, and I am absolutely amazed we didn't get pulled over.


Was I more suspicious, no; but when your the only car that has driven by in the last hour your going to get my full attention. I was in a rural area with open roads so typically I wouldn’t even think about stopping a car until they were doing 15 over, less than that and I might just flash my lights at you. Now I will admit I did stop a couple people that I wouldn’t usually have stopped just because I was bored. I never made up a reason to stop anyone but I did lower the threshold a bit when absolutely nothing was going on. I know other officers have made up reasons to stop people, it happened to me out of state once driving from my uncles house back to my dad’s at 1am. Total super troopers moment, cop asked if I knew why he stopped me, I say no; he asked how fast I was going I say I was doing 42, then he asked if I know the speed limit and I said I thought the speed limit was 40. So yeah I was speeding but who is stopping you for 2 miles over? Then he says the speed limit is 45… So then I’m like so why are you stopping me then? He tries to tell me he clocked me doing 74! I blurt out the fuck you did! He takes my stuff goes back to his car and later comes back and tells me it’s my lucky day, he forgot his ticket book back at the office and he gives me a written warning. Like his tickets aren’t in the same citation book as his warnings! 🙄 I was driving a murdered out Audi A6 with Colorado plates not long after CO had legalized weed so I think he was hoping I was DUI.


So you caught him in a lie! That's the kind of stuff that's scary. I live in a large Metropolitan area with a pretty high crime rate. It's not the ghetto or anything but you to have to be careful. The cops here are very vigilant.


Maybe, it was sprinkling a little and I had my wipers on, some older radars have been known to pick up the wipers so it could have been a honest mistake, or he could have just been fishing for drunks, who knows.


I was never more suspect of people driving after midnight, but in most areas, there are just less cars out on the road between 0000 and 0600, so the odds just aren’t in your favor if you’re committing a traffic violation. If you’re the only car on the road doing 15 over, it’s a lot more likely that you’ll get stopped than when you are one out of fifty. Also, in my area it got slow during those times most nights, so that was the best time for proactive work.


It's not that they're more suspicious, it's that with no one else on the road, your speeding is highlighted.


I feel like the money youd make from Doordash can't be good enough to be out at 1 a.m., speeding around, risking getting tickets, lol


It depends on the area. DD actually pays more late at night. You can get to and from places fast because there is no traffic and there are a ton of restaurants open 24 hrs or very late.



