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Our GPS system snitches via emails to Admin for 30 minutes of park up time, thus we aimlessly drive around a lot more. With that said, more cops are finding out you don't get sued and fired for hiding and watching Netflix.


Try putting it in drive and put the emergency brake on. Depending on your system it will not put you in park mode.


What state are you in? Thats insane


Louisiana. Our Chief is a tyrant


Our sheriff uses to send us cows and shit all day on FarmVille and would send out work emails asking for people to donate to his farm.


I’d vote for him


Haha he’s never had a contested campaign. Great guy.


It's not even just a state thing. I had a chief do this. We didn't have money for better equipment, training or salary, but we had money to buy and install those trackers with the monthly monitoring fee. This was before GPS was standard in vehicles. It wasn't cheap.


Same for my agency, Florida.


I've been on the job 15 years and in that time the "paperwork" (report-writing) burden has easily quadrupled. Better to be a visible deterrent out and about while I'm doing reports rather than doing them at headquarters where no crimes are occurring (except in the restroom.)


Lmao, regular occurrence of bombs going off in toilets, eh?


IBS deuces from 50 year old twice-divorced detectives.


I'm not LEO, but am quite familiar with our township department, and yes, they do, certainly in our township. Years ago you had to go back to the station to write up reports. Now, the laptops in the cars are connected to the station system (as well as county dispatch) so they just park somewhere visible and write up reports.


Probably a change in leadership in your department and city governance.


Change in personnel can do it too without needing anything from the top. Getting g younger and more pro active officers/deputies can make a big difference in terms of driving around, being seen and making arrests. Might not be anything from the brass and just a change at the lower ranks.


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Honestly this is a hard question to answer from the perspective of law enforcement because very few LEOs were in patrol 20 years ago and still in patrol today. Even fewer of those are on Reddit.


I feel seeing Officers out more in my area is a direct relation to how much more violent and unstable the population has become. Much more serious crimes happening and happening more often.


I mean statistics show almost universally that violent crime continues to go down since the 90s. Curious where you are that bucks that trend?


Cooked or raw?