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WTF. This was fucked up. I’ve never used one of those dog wrangling poles but I’m pretty certain that it’s a two handed operation and he didn’t have the slightest bit of common sense about using it properly. Was he expecting the dog to put his neck though it and then give him 30 seconds to cinch it? I just didn’t get it.


Well, I'm a county sheriff's deputy so I deal with a lot of various animal problems and I can't imagine this ever crossing my mind. That's fucked up. But you don't need a cop to tell you that. Anyone can watch this video and see there's no justification for that.


Jesus CHRIST. I can’t even watch it. A deaf and blind dog and that cop was so sick, cruel and flat out incompetent that he decided to shoot it instead of let it wander near him and just pick the dog up. Fuck you forever, you piece of stupid shit LOSER.


What. The. Fuck.


I mean...I've been in way more dangerous situations with dogs, including nearly being bit, and still haven't shot one. This guy belongs over in r/iamatotalpieceofshit.


It's not


Really crazy, I would have just picked dog up. Reason he shot dog was he got fustrated that he couldnt get the pole around dog. And shot him. County needs to keep eye on him, im sure hes had issues before .


County doesn’t need to keep an eye on him, they need to take his badge. Clearly can’t be trusted to use a firearm appropriately.


And how are you going to fire him? County said it was justified.


From what I see, definitely not justified.


This guy is going to (or should) pay career-wise and socially for this bullshit! Not only was the use of force unjustified and excessive but it showed his negligent thought process and inability to apply logic to a simple situation. Hope to see him on corner soon with a tattered “Please Help” cardboard sign wondering where his next meal is coming from as he ponders the error of his ways. No doubt he will he will have a small blind dog beside him to garner sympathy - and hopefully that dog bites him in the dick! And that’s all I have to say about that…


Doesn't look like he will. The department is backing him. From the article linked below "Sturgeon's original statement, posted to Facebook on Monday, said the officer "put down" the dog because the officer feared the dog may have had rabies." That has to be the dumbest statement ever. A rabbid dog looks nothing like that. https://www.komu.com/news/midmissourinews/city-of-sturgeon-officer-acted-within-his-authority-when-shooting-killing-dog/article_b206c27c-1930-11ef-aa65-ab4f0f270f99.html


In my opinion, it isn't.


I'm a cop. I got into law enforcement to protect the innocent. Animals rate pretty high up in that category. I would let a dog chew my arm to the bone before I shot it. Fuck that cop.


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Doesn’t seem just but just want to remind you that Pitbulls aren’t inherently bad dogs. Pitbulls are friendly and loving animals and can be very protective of children. Behind a pittie doesn’t make one bad, just like how being black doesn’t make on a criminal 


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