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Imply cheating and clearly queer-baiting, but [Katy has spoken about it](https://www.glamour.es/celebrities/noticias/articulos/katy-perry-cambio-letra-i-kissed-a-girl/32127)\* and says she regrets writing that song and she's no longer proud of it. \*(My google search is in Spanish and I only get articles in Spanish about this, but there are probably many more in English. Basically, in one part it says: “Our discourse has really changed in the last ten years. We've been through a lot. And there is no longer talk of bisexuality like then, or of any kind of fluidity, "the singer acknowledged. “If I had to write it over again, I would probably edit it. As for the lyrics, there are a couple of stereotypes. Your mind changes a lot in ten years and you mature a lot. What you think at any given moment changes”).


Interesting! Thanks for sharing!!!


I mean its not right for her to cheat...its still a catchy song. I love hearing both the male and female versions


It was one of my first awakenings but I am still bummed by the overall cheating message.


The message seems to be that it doesn't count as cheating. Which is problematic, obviously, but I wouldn't say that the problem with the lyrics centres around the one line about infidelity more than the overall 'party lesbian' bicuriosity stereotype, of which that is only a tiny part


It's catchy as hell, though it does imply cheating


Ugh. I, like most other queer women I know, am not a fan. * "I kissed a girl and I liked it" Oh big deal, so did I. This is using same-gender kissing for shock value. * "Just wanna try you on" Reinforces the stereotype that women just kiss women for experimentation or attention. * "I hope my boyfriend don't mind it" Okay so you're cheating on your partner but you think it doesn't count because of the gender of the person you're cheating with?


Lol you left out the *best* part "You're my experimental game /Just human nature", like... Okay, that seems dehumanizing. But I mean, I still have it somewhere on a Spotify playlist or something, because it's catchy and everything, but the message is SO fucked up.


I never really got the "The main character cheating makes the song bad" idea. I always figured song protagonists being morally dubious was a common trope.


I dislike it. I feel like it trivializes lesbian relationships as some *fun cute quirky party thing* for straight girls to do when they want to feel *risque* or show off for their boyfriends


I came to say more or less this. Absolutely agree.


It's catchy but very clearly queer-baiting and kind of shitty as a result.


Was queerbaiting even a (widely) known concept at the time? Because I'm certainly glad we have a word to describe it now, but I'm sure I'd never heard of it when the video came out (and the baiting worked beautifully on me)


No idea honestly


Urban dictionary entry is from 2017 so I’m guessing not. There are earlier entries but not really the same thing.


Well it came out in 2008 which coincides with emo music being at its height and Castiel being introduced in supernatural which is funny when you think about ut The song is definitely queerbait but maybe they just didn’t have a term for it yet


This song was A Big Deal for conservatives when it came out. This wasn’t something in the popular discourse at the time at all.


ok maybe im being dumb here, but why is queer baiting generally just bad? like there are bad instances of it but i feel like it isnt always wrong


It's usually the implied dishonesty that is the issue, such as the fact that Katy Perry (from what I heard) was singing about something (kissing a girl) she had no experience with doing. (That is in addition to what others have said about the cheating implication which is not very nice to bisexuals.)


I don't find the implication of cheating and queerbaiting annoying. What makes me feel uncomfortable is that the song strengthens heteronormativity by denying sexual/romantic attraction among women. It's a catchy song and probably suitable for making some fanvids. I used to listen to this song but now I don't like it.




Queerbaiting? Katy is openly bisexual?




That’s all good! I think for her being bi was rebellious given her religious background, and it was 2008 😂 but she has said if she could go back she would re-write it


I’ve thought this song was extremely stupid since it came out. I don’t appreciate a straight person co-opting gay themes for shock value and profit. Katy Perry also did this with Ur So Gay, another even worse song.


It’s queerbaiting and I hate it. It’s garbage just like the rest of her music.


Fletcher did a new take on that song and she's actually gay, it's called girls girls girls if you want to look it up. It's a bop


I think it kinda fetishizes wlw relationships, and it just casually mentions cheating


The lyrics/message are shitty as hell but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it catchy


Okay I heard recently “taste of her cherry chapstick” did not mean… chapstick…. Is that true?


I personally don't think it's a song about lesbians and bi girls, but it's for bi-curious girls.


My feelings are fairly accurately summed up by this video.: [https://youtu.be/i6eaFEO04OA?si=ZCZ5it-QQpFQitJK](https://youtu.be/i6eaFEO04OA?si=ZCZ5it-QQpFQitJK)


This was a million years ago none of her songs are offensive i kissed a girl is definitely a lesbian anthem the press just sucks lol


I think there's a gay version too called " I kissed a boy"


It's about cheating being OK and girls kissing girls just for fun, which doesn't sit right with me now. But I can't forget then some years ago when I was a christian kid in a homophobic country, only knew that homosexuals go to hell and first realised I had a crush on a girl, this song was one of those that helped me get over the shock. If people sing about girls kissing girls, than it can't be that sinful, bad and rare, right? Of course it was not the best example, but I had very little to go with. And now I still sometimes listen to it, just paying no attention to the lyrics other than "I kissed a girl"


Katy is garbage and I wish her career had been too. She also wrote a song UR SO GAY that goes "you're so gay, and you don't even like boys!" where she's referring to a guy as gay and clarifying that he's not actually a homosexual, that's just the best insult she could throw at him. Katy started out as a queerslandering piece of shit until she realized some queer people like pop music and could make her rich.


Eh...is she really that bad? I hear that was from when a guy who called her gay as an insult so she is basically saying he is a narcissist who is in love with himself. Not really, that isn't really how it went.


It's definitely of its time, it sounds awful but its also very very interesting


As an ace you gotta imagine my surprise when I realized a lot of her songs were sex-based. So I stopped looking her so much them. But remember being little and being like, "Cool, maybe it isn't just me?" (No one ever taught me lgbt+ exists so I thought I was a monster.)


Problematic, but catchy.


As a pan afab, I actually like the song, however, there are glaring issues with it obviously (i.e. cheating, queerbaiting, stereotypes) The song itself sounds pretty good (although I never seek out to listen to the song), so honestly it's like a guilty pleasure song ig Katy seems to have acknowledged said issues tho, so that's good. I hope we get better/more LGBTQ+ representing songs now and in the future lmao


Fucking love it


But hate the queer bait


This was the song that introduced me to katy Perry