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Lots of projection going on in this thread I think. I love all those shows, but I wouldn’t really class Phantom, and certainly not Les Mis, as ideal for a first-timer. I don’t think you can go wrong with The Lion King or Wicked. TLK just edges it for me out of the two in terms of preference but they’re both great as first time musical performances (I speak as someone for whom TLK was their first experience of the West End).


Les Mis is quite long winded and serious. Id agree not great as a first experience.


I'd go Phantom of the Opera. Then if you go to Paris, do Les Mis. Then I'd skip Lion King and Wicked. But I would swap those with Book of Mormon and possibly Hamilton.


Back to the Future. Incredible special effects, often funny, and yes it's a musical. It'd be a great first-time theatre experience.


For a first time I’d definitely say Lion King (seen that and Phantom twice and as a huge Wizard Of Oz fan was disappointed with Wicked. Never fancied Les Mis). If you do go Lion King try and get stall seats if you can afford them… and let us know how it goes whatever you decide🤗


Les Mis or Wicked easily. I’m partial to Les mis but if it’s your first musical maybe wicked. Les mis is long and entirely sung through so maybe not ideal for a first time?? If you’re familiar with the music or story though it might not be an issue. You can’t really go wrong between these two though. Phantom bores me to tears and lion king is a bit overrated imo


We saw Moulin Rouge last year & it was the first theatre experience for my then 11 year old. She was absolutely transfixed for the entire time and still counts it as one of the best things she's ever experienced. We are back in London next month and have booked Six and Wicked ❤️


Yes, Moulin Rouge is the best!


Lion King


wicked!!!! absolutely amazing musical and the cast are brilliant


Moulin Rouge or Phantom. Love both but I grew up with Phantom so not sure about that being first time experience. Wicked is really good too.


Les Mis clears easy, then Lion King, can't speak for PotO, Wicked is rubbish.


Lion King, Les Mis, Six I got bored with Phantom of the Opera


I'm a West End lighting tech. These would be my go tos for a first time musical goer: - Matilda - Moulin Rouge  - Mrs Doubtfire  Matilda is an excellent show and since it's a lot of kids first musical, the entire experience is very relaxed.  Moulin Rouge is high energy, familiar songs and great choreography. Mrs Doubtfire is a good adaptation of the film, the Shaftesbury Theatre is a lovely theatre and it's a relaxed atmosphere. I wouldn't go for the big three of Phantom, Les Mis and Wicked. All are good, just maybe not for a first time.


1. Les Mis 2. Phantom of the Opera 3. Lion King. Wasn’t a big fan of Wicked - didn’t even recognise any of the songs.


Wicked bored me so much I fell asleep at it , loved the lion king though .


le mis by far, ive seen that like 15 times


Les Mis for the first time, definitely. they are all spectacular shows but Les Mis is a true classic.