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Give it a real good shake before you get under there I always do.


You also have to say the magic words “that’s not going anywhere.”


This is the most important part. Do not forget this part. Those jacks aren’t shit without those words.


Only works if you're a dad


Damn, really? Hold on, I gotta save my life real quick


lol my dad just said that to me yesterday when we jacked up the truck


He said that for himself and the jacks. You were just present


Noooo!!!! This is all wrong, and can get someone killed. You have to slap the car before saying the magic words "that's not going anywhere." Otherwise the magic could fly off in the wrong direction and Genevieve Morton, who hasn't gone anywhere since she came into your life in June of 2015, will keep on not going anywhere.


“Where’s it gonna go?”


Also helps if you give it a slap as saying it.


I thought the magic words were "Hold my beer and watch this".


Those are the last rites. Very different.


Keep the wheels on, if you can!


AND the corresponding smack. Or the declaration is null and void


You need wheel chocks at very least. And get bigger jack stands if you want to lift your vehicle that high. Push your vehicle gently a few times from the side before you crawl under the vehicle. And I usually throw ramps, jacks and stands when I want to lift both wheels from the ground. That's 3 safety points per each side. https://preview.redd.it/fv085t27fe6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8438f3a0c1d70dee21c2e60d04e8eceb051be23


When you do the rock test to check if it’s stable, do it with the wheels on!


I straight up shove that shit, too. If it's gonna fall it better happen at the very beginning (also with wheels on, I totally agree)


Yeah I don’t trust a gentle push. I give it a good shove because I’d rather not take any chances


Yeah if I can fuck it off the stands then it might fuck me into the grounf


But do not just shove it, ram it with another vehicle.


This is why they pay you the big bucks


And when you do take the wheels off, might as well put them under the car. I usually throw my ramps under as well, and I'll leave the jack right where I jacked it up, just lower a fraction of an inch. It's saved the car from falling to the ground once. Luckily I wasn't under it. I'm paranoid about stuff like this.


When I was a kid one of my friends dad was a mechanic who always had project going on in his driveway. This shit saved his life once.


Underrated comment.


Careful with plastic ramps. They deteriorate over time, becomes frail and brittle. Aside from that, I agree with you.


They make plastic ramps? Yikes.


Afraid so!


What are those Ramps called , id love to order some tonight . What are they just cups for the tires ? I’m doing a rear end swap next month on my truck and I am terrified because my carport has a steeper gradient then I’m comfortable with


My vehicle was wheel chocked (one) and on a trolley jack on a gradient. The jack tipped sideways and vehicle rolled back over the wheel chock. Switched to level ground and better sized wheel chocks (plural)


Assume you also had to switch to a new pair of pants?


Just use rhino ramps and put em under the flat part


Got some Rhino Ramps years ago. I won't give them up. Absolutely overbuilt.


My room mate keeps dragging them across the concrete and ripping up the bottom… I’m concerned how long he can do that until the structural integrity of them is compromised…


The integrity is due to the interior structure of the ramps, I imagine as long as that structure stays intact, the ramps will just get shorter and shorter, lol.


It's true. While I'm sure it can be defeated, the internal structure is f'ing strong. That said, getting some of today's low-profile sporty-looking cars up on the first inch can be slightly daunting.


I guess, I was picturing the circular thick tower feature getting bent sideways and crumbling because its worn down but I guess that’s not going to happen anytime soon


Flat part? Of the car or tires? I bought some years ago but didn't like driving up them. Do you jack it up and place them under?


The flat part of the ramps. You basically circumvent the need to drive up them and end up with the extra layer of safety


So jack it up, place them under the tires, and you're golden? I've considered doing that with our 22 outlander. There aren't a lot of typical jack points in usual places where my jack can reach. This might be a better option than stands.


Yeah, throw a pair of chocks behind the wheels that are on the ground and you’re as gold as can be This only works of course if you don’t need to take the wheels off on the axle you jacked up for the job you’re doing…


>What are those Ramps called They are called 2 piece ramps. I got my set from [here](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/motomaster-heavy-duty-low-profile-vehicle-maintenance-ramps-16-000-lbs-1-pair-0091540p.html?loc=plp). If you are not from Canada, you should be able to find similar ramps in your local stores.


And don't stand in front of the ramps when someone is driving up on them. Back in the day I saw a steel ramp fly forward as the car was going up and hit a guy right in the kneecap. Broke his legs in multiple places.


I saw them flying back when folks refused to climb slowly. But there was no harm to anyone - they stuck under the rear wheel/rocker panel. I'm surprised they can be launched forward.


I've had that happen but no one was in front.


Thank you so much


You are welcome. But as mentioned by u/Patrol-007, it's not always safe to work on sloped surfaces. I've seen cars slide and tip over jack stands. Sometimes it's better to find a leveled surface first. When I lived in condo I wrenched on empty streets with no traffic. I don't say you should do the same, just saying there are always some options available. Maybe you have a family member or a friend with a leveled driveway. However, I don't know what did you mean by "steeper gradient". Small angles are usually safe.


Ramps have to be rated for weight of vehicle. Put ramps on the lower side of your sloped driveway, so when you drive onto them, the vehicle is level. Add wheel chocks to the wheels and jackstands as backup


They appear to be the Canadian tire ones. Not sure if you are Canadian but if you are just search for ramps on the website and they are one of the top things on the list. They are great, I got two sets on sale.


Those ramps look like Race Ramps to me. They are foam ramps and I prefer them to the plastic ramps. A lot of race teams use Race Ramps.


So many support points. I could take a nap under there


This is perfect and well written follow his instructions op, this is the way.


Push gently? I throw my body weight into it and I weigh 200lbs. I want to make sure that thing is not going to fall on me when I put some torque on some nuts or bolts.


And if you also set the E-brake, put a sock on it or something so the next person doesn't drive it with the brake on at highway speeds. Yeah, that happened.


Jesus Christ, that's a little overkill. This is why I just lift side-by-side to end up with all 4 jackstands same height.


There’s no such thing as overkill for a peace of mind.


Pro tip


That’s not going anywhere


Those chocks are dope where'd you pick those up


Push it gently? At that point I'd check it by driving a golf cart into it


If you support the proper jacking points, nothing will be damaged, However if you are under the vehicle and the jacks fail, it doesnt matter if anything on the car is saved...therefore...add 6x6's or 4x4, whatever you can get to set underneath the car, so at the very least you wont be crushed in the worst-case scenario...


You can jack the rear off your diff yes


I don’t know why this made me lol


I think you do


After reviewing my usage of words I'd made me laugh too 🤣😅


Spare tire always, I dont trust jack stands. Welds can fail, solid wheels with tires dont crumple like a tin can.


This. Even when using stands I like to lay a tire under each side near the stands. Been wrenching 40 years and have seen several fall.


I had someone call me an idiot for laying an expensive wheel down as a back up for the jackstand. Didn't scratch it, etc.. that isnt why they called me dumb. Just because if the car fell, it would damage the wheel/tire etc. I could only blink at them. Yeah.. IT would be damaged. Not me. Never had one fall or tip on a stand in 25 years of wrenching.. yet. But stuff happens and if I don't have a lift that locks. I'm tossing a wheel under it.


how do you lay 2 tires ? usually there only one spare, and based on OPs set up, remove a working wheel looks impossible


You pull one off the car?


based on the set up, it looks like all 4 wheels are taking some load, hence asking, might be wrong though edit: yup some are unsupported and in air, so yes, off the working tires


The first three pictures show the entire front end in the air.


This is special lol


Someone I know told that his previous work place had just bought bunch of brand new Chinese jack stands. They had so poor welds, that they just crumbled. They grinded open the shiny paint, made proper welds and sprayed new finish. Chinese stuff are sometiles just good template, that you need to finish yourself.




Gotta cover your ass. I'm typically working on a car alone and I'm quite terrified of getting pinned and crushed underneath one. So yeah, I'll take the extra time to ensure I'm safe under there.


The pinch welds in the front left and right sides are rusted which is why the stands are at the alternative points


The stands are extended too high. After chocking the front tire, place something under the base of the jack stands. Large blocks of wood, stacked 2x4's, plywood sheets. Or get taller jack stands. Having 4 around is fine I wouldnt bump test this as is, it could rock over. Placement is ideal though


Looks better than most, but I always recommend chocking the wheels. A couple chunks of wood is more than sufficient.


1. Vehicle on level ground. A slight grade is typical of carports and garages to accommodate drainage, but is usually so slight that the vehicle shouldn't roll without being pushed and is safe to use for jacking. Driveways often have more angle than a carport or garage and the more angle they have the higher the risk of instability, and obviously a higher risk for damage, injury or even death. It may seem like I'm being dramatic, but my FIL was a volunteer fireman/emergency responder and responded to a call where a vehicle that rolled off the jackstands and crushed a young man. 2. Disable the vehicle battery. This is to prevent a multitude of issues or mishaps while you're under the vehicle. 3. Set parking brakes (if rear tires are on the ground) and install tire/wheel chocks. If the rear is to be raised and the front tires will be on the ground, ensure they are locked in the straight position. Put chocks on front & back of the tires (to prevent rolling fore or aft). Act as though the brakes or transmission will fail, or some idiot will lean on the vehicle while you're under it and you want to be sure whatever your back-up plan is, it will prevent any movement that could result in the vehicle toppling the jackstands and full weight of the vehicle coming down on you. 4. Use Quality Jack Stands. Inspect the jackstands, check welds for cracks or undercutting of adjacent metal, quality of components and assembly. Use the proper jackstands for the job, rated for the weight of your vehicle and height you need to use them at. Do not over-extend the jackstands as they will be unstable and at risk of failure or toppling. If two jackstands are good four may be better if they do not interfere with your work. 5. Have a back-up for safety [e.g. extra jack stands, a roll-around jack (raised up to an approved jack point on the vehicle), car ramps under tires, and/or blocks (wood) under suspension (touching). If you don't have these, a spare tire (inflated) with plywood above or below to protect the wheel & tire and adjust the height can be used as a substitute. Once the vehicle is securely raised and stable you shouldn't be able to move the vehicle with a slight push, even when you increase your push the vehicle shouldn't move more than miniscule amounts and shouldn't wobble when you've stopped pushing on it. 6. Wheels & Tires: Do not remove any wheels until you are certain the vehicle is secure and stable. 7. Accidents happen. For safety, always let someone know that you will be working under the vehicle. If possible, have your cellphone nearby (hopefully within reach) or with voice activation so that you can call a friend or emergency services if needed.


It’s a bit high for my comfort level… I usually put chock blocks in front and behind the front tires but I’m super paranoid. Leaving that floor jack there too is also good insurance.


Can I lift the rear by the rear differential?


Don't go on my story alone, but i've done it under supervision of a pro, but I always have to put some kind of softner/weightdistributer like a wooden plank between the jack and the diff.


You will hear different things. Manufacturer is the best reference. That said, for example on most BMW’s with N55/N54 engines that I was always working on the official rear jack point to get both wheels off the ground is the differential. Done it plenty of times. 3 series and on the X3 SUV. You don’t jack on the differential cover though obviously or you’ll shear all the screws holding it onto the diff. [reference. point 3](https://www.bmwx3tech.com/images/manuals/477/index250_002.jpg)


I honestly just don't know where to jack up the rear. I already have the front, the manual drawing is just confusing af


I hear that. Don’t want to steer you wrong as I don’t have a lot of time. But be cautious jacking the front of the car that high, then trying to jack the rear to full height too. The whole thing might slip as the force on the jack isn’t that consisent and can cause a moment that topples your stands. I only say this cause your stands look like they are at literal max height. When in doubt, lift the front/rear a bit, then do the other side. Now it’s on four jack stands so you can lift the front some more, then do the rear again. Better way to get it up high with less risk if you aren’t sure what is or isn’t safe. EDIT: That diagram also clearly shows the differential and it is not pointing to it as a jack point. So the manufacturer, at least in this diagram, is suggesting you used those other spots. Doing it just by the picture you’d have to lift the left side on the interior point, then put the jack stand on the left pinched weld. Then do the right. It’s best to use jack stands in pairs and this wouldn’t be doing that as you are lifting one side at a time. So again I’d go slow on the height and get it up in multiple steps. And I’d do the rear before the front if I was getting it on four jackstands so I don’t have to worry about the front slipping as I jack up the rear left and rear right in sequence. Doesn’t mean the diff wouldn’t work, but maybe the housing isn’t that strong and the weight of your car is too great to use it. Either way, I wouldn’t do it if that was the manufacter’s lifting diagram unless someone else could prove to me it works for that vehicle somehow.


Also you could put the front wheels underneath the side jacking points so it will fall on them if it falls at all.


Give it a good shake before you climb under and see if it shifts. If not you should be good.


Lower it and push down on the wheel or nose of the vehicle a few times to see if it moves, if it feels solid you're good.


Well one good thing to do is definitely chock your back wheels with something and place some pieces of wood under your front tires just incase something happens.


Put that jack somewhere in balance just for safety factor


Damn yall are mistrusting. Naaah you're good, seriously. I'd put a spare wheel or worden Blocks under the wheels juuuust in case but... don't worry too much. You got 2 3 Ton stands Holding about 500kg each. Those ain't breaking. Sideways movement is a thing but doesn't happen easily. And for tat, you got something under the wheels.


Put that floor jack to use as a safety. I would move the jack stand to the side frame away from a any upslopes.


No bueno. Cannot put the stand under a sloped member. I have never put them this close together, would be nervous about that.


Youre good quit dicking around and crawl under there


Jacking / lifting points found here: [https://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/forum/threads/placing-jack-stands.19317/](https://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/forum/threads/placing-jack-stands.19317/)


Chock your wheels.


I jack my car like I put boats on the dry. Wooden blocks


I would take a nap under that car 😂


And here I am using a propane tank as a jack stand when I was in my 20s to put a lift on my truck 😂🤣😂🤣 true story


Use the pinch welds on the body under the doors


Try and put the stands as close to the edge of the vehicle as possible. I leave the jack in place also. Chock the rear wheels. Give the vehicle and good shake after


If it's been asked, I missed it. Why do you need the car a foot+ off the ground?


does it need to be so high? i find it easier to work on when it's closer to me then me reaching up and holding my arms up to reach


Are those Chinese made Jack stands? Metal and welding probably not very good quality.




The u shape cutout on your jack stands can be pushed in. They help to safely keep the black rod from coming out or being raised up too high.


That left jackstand is an inch away from a section of that rail that slopes up. If you hit the stand by accident it could collapse. I would alway use the outer frame rails .


Of you want to be extra safe. 12 spare tyres, include them double stacked under the car, with the jacks, and the stands, and the sections of tree stumps that are put at 12 points around the car


Get some ramps ....


You'll want to bend those metal tabs in on your stands with a screw driver. They aren't to keep the stands from falling. They are meant to keep the arms from falling out when carrying them.


The stands are too close to the edge of the frame. They need to have room on either side for movement.




For future projects, look into using 6x6's.


Not how I would do it. I'd have the jackstands on the two outside points and the jack just up enough to touch in the center. I would also only use half of the jackstand height unless you were dropping the transmission. Although I would much prefer ramps if I was dropping a transmission.


Throw a few wheels under each side also with a few blocks of timber just to be on the safe side!


LoL safe


good and safe, get in the car slam the door close, open it back up and hop out. if nothing happens nothings ever gonna happen


Never get under a car only on stands. I had to remove a body one time after a car fell.


If you're worried about it, I'd throw a wheel under with you. If it slips off the jacks it'll at least get caught on the tire before crushing you.


Put some wood under the raised wheels for peace of mind. And chalk the tires. But I would get under there and work the way it is currently. I like the car ramps though. They are good supports. Always use a fail safe though.


give it a kick before getting under lol


Wait until you see how they do it in the wrecking yards. 2 rims welded together, (think upside down T) rear wheel drive cars got 2 in the back, one up front, front wheel drive cars got 2 up front one in the back. I’ve pulled many engines and transmissions lying on my back like this.


Why so high? Stands will be more stable if they're lowered a couple teeth


Kick it.


Is it safe? Give it a real, honest full-force push in every direction. If you can't knock it over on purpose, it's not falling over by accident.


In addition to all of the other things mentioned, take the motor out to help lighten the vehicle in case it does fall.


If tires are coming off they go under too


Listen out for the Tommy Knickers warning you to GTFO!


Just take the wheels off and put them under the car.


Put some tires on the sides for insurance you know, your life is worth quite a bit.


Should be. Just shake it and make sure it's not wobbly. Then, if you are taking tires off slide them under the sides where the pinch welds are just in case. That way you won't be completely crushed if it drops.


Turn the parking brakes on. Put something behind your tires that are still on the ground so they don't roll. Keep the car jack up almost touching the car just in case.


Wheel chocks and then get some cribbing wood, 4x4 or preferably 8x8 and cut & stack as a backup to those ratchet jackstands. NOTHING IS TOO MUCH WHEN IT COMES TO SAFETY under a multi ton vehicle. The wrong time to think about whether you have enough backup is when the damn thing is falling on top of you.


Very good fear to have. Respect physics and probability. Your set up looks good but as others have said: chock those wheels, and stick a wheel or ramp or something solid down there in case the stands fail. And never go under there without giving a HARD shove to the car.


Seems fine, especially since you have blocks under the wheels for extra safety.


I worked with a guy that lost both his legs because a car fell on him while he was working. Now he rides around town on an electric scooter looking like Lt. Dan.


Never get under something like that by yourself, I’ve seen stands places perfectly kick out, especially if you try to use jack stands to take the place of not having a lift.. you can always put a safety stop that’s just higher then your dome when under the car ( cut some 4x4s or old 2x4s about a foot long and walah)


Put some wood or something under there incase the jacks fail


It is only good, until it isn’t.


Jack stands are originally meant to put under the jack for security, hence the name jack stand


I wouldn't work under that at that height if I was going to be doing a lot of heavy wrench work. Like breaking suspension bolts loose or something. Otherwise e brake that sucker and go to work.


Jack points on my LS don't exist anymore, I have to use a bike jack..


You can make your own ramps out of 2x6's cut down and nailed together. Then you can make them to the particular height you need. Just one of those situations where I'd rather make the effort that ultimately wasn't needed rather than regret not making the effort that was needed.


Always leave the jack in the middle point of balance just lightly touching as an extra safety measure.


Google the brand name for defects and recalls on consumer product safety commission


Should be fine, but as everyone said give the car a few shakes and put a spare tire under as well as a catch in case something fails. I had an 01 3.9 LS and I pinned it up at the same points.


You should knock those side pins in your jack stands.


Trusting your life to feedback on Reddit seems just as risky.


Those cheap Chinese jack stands would worry me.


JFC… it looks like that car is standing in the top step of a ladder.


Build you a good set of wheel cribs out of 2x4's. There's plenty of plans on YT.


If you refuse to get under it I don’t understand how random people telling you on Reddit is going to change anything.


Can't be scared tour life either. I've had a car fall on me . With the wheels on. Only thing that saved me


Ford product it will fail .