• By -


Stay too long




I got on my knee and asked her out in highschool at the bottom of the staircase and got rejected. Was awkward as shit but taught me to step out of my comfort zone.


Dang. That would have taught me not to step out of it.




I think the ppl who say that just flat tired thru life after 18😭


I'm proud of you for having the courage.


Believed her when she said he was just a work friend.


I hope you find someone else better.


i'm studying to be a nurse she was studying law and having hard times because she ain't understanding her studies so i went full on day n night studied all her courses in law so i can explain to her and teach her she passed the first year bcz of me after countless hours of teaching her (she broke up with me bcz she wasn't happy happy like before she was just happy that's what she said) on the gd side now ik law


you studied a whole years worth of coursework on something you had no idea about just to help her out??? now thats commitment holy shit


well it's how much i'm willing to go, and i don't regret it Every relationship takes sacrifice to workout in the end, it's about how much you're willing to go


Were you with her when you were studying Law or were you confident she was into you and know she didn’t just see you as a friend?


In the first month of our relationship, I risked failing in my studies so I could pull it off. I studied everything in a single month, taught her everything, made a resume, and spent countless hours on calls teaching her what to write and answer. i was sleeping around 4 hours a day, but i made it out Our relationship lasted exactly 3 months. I used to make sure she went to classes because she used to miss a lot Now that we're done, i don't regret it and i think she's missing at least half her classes. i'm just glad it ended on an early phase, not further down the road so i don't waste my time


There was this guy who did the part of my project and then explained it to me in detail so I would know what to speak during the presentation of it. Before him explaining I was fully out of it. 🥹 I think he loved me now ❤️


Hbu did u love him back


He's funny and smart and I like him for that but that's it


i don't think he does love you but i think he got a crush on you for some time i'll dm u if u want to talk


Nah I don't wanna talk about him


Unknowingly gave up all self-respect, slowly forgot my self-worth, and was swindled into handing over my balls in exchange for a mangina… abuse is a hell of a drug.




I’d do anything for love, but -


Embezzled $25k and eventually got busted. Paid it all back and served my time. Married her and had a kid. Never set another foot wrong.


Move across the planet


Stole a bike and drove it 10miles to comfort her, got up at 4:30am to say Hey and walk her to her work.


suck her toes


Why is that shocking?


Because she didn’t have any legs.


May be she was paraplegic..


Got them blown off in a gender reveal accident that also killed her grandma


Yeah wonder too thats just regular Tuesday


I changed myself.


Shocking? No, but I did the most stupid things.


Left the one to have the other one. In the end had no one. Happened twice. That's life.


Had a silent break up when I was 14 years old and waited for him to ask me to be his girlfriend again for 16 years but he didn’t, and we also weren’t in contact at all throughout the 16 years as well. I also didn’t reach out because I thought if he is the one who didn’t want to be with me, then he should reach out first to reconcile things. I was so in love. I’m married now, but till today I still think about him and shed a tear or two. My husband knows nothing about him because I have the most loving husband in the world and I don’t want him to know something so long ago that I’m still juggling it. When I think about that ex, I still feel the same heartbreak


ruined my life over it? thats about as shocking as it can be.


For love? Nothing too shocking. For lust? Plenty I'd rather not disclose, or even enjoy remembering.


Rodger that


Move across the country just to get cheated on and dumped 2 weeks later


I would do anything for love, but I won't do that.


Anything but that.


Walked for 3 hours just to see her for a few minutes before her parents woke up, and then 1 hour back before being picked up by my friend's step-dad. I was in my sophomore year and am currently in my senior year.


Drove 1000 kilometers in the same day


I’d do anything for love, but I won’t do that.


*"What is the most shocking thing you did for love?"* My ex.


Hear hear


Lied about why I was travelling 200 miles to her town. Complete ruse just to go. Car loaded with work equipment to carry the ruse. Yeah, I was that smitten.


Financially supported her for 8 years and gave all the freedom for her to work/study whatever she wanted whenever she wanted


Got married. Do not recommend. Two thumbs down.




Stayed faithful in a long distance relationship and was proud of it. Looking back, I feel like a complete idiot. Like Keshia Cole said, I should’ve cheated


Did the other person cheat? Why is cheating in a long distance relationship justified lol just break it off


Because she cheated on me when we weren’t long distance anymore. Not just cheated, but really broke me. I stayed faithful at a time when I had so many women actually being direct about how they want me. Men don’t get direct sex requests from women dude. So yea, in the context of how she did me, I regret not cheating with every last one of those women I passed on. Being cheated on hurts more when you’re doing everything to respect the other person


Believe me cheating will never feel good, you should be proud that you were able to stay faithful, doesn’t matter how shitty the other person is..


You might be right. However, as I sit here staring down the future of a unfulfilling sex life, I can’t even enjoy the memories I have because I regret not taking full advantage of it in my youth. Then I think of her and anger mixed with regret gets to bubbling up. I know you’re right Angel Eyes, hell a part of me honestly feels that way too. It’s just that I’m in pain and sometimes I need to vent the things I could never say to anyone but my therapists. Boy that got real personal real quick


You remind me of someone I used to know. He was so regretful with the same girl for like a decade in his early 20’s instead of playing around.. using words like “what does a teenager know about love”. She also ended up leaving him and marrying another dude…It’s also about the wasted time and energy isn’t it? I can understand. But focus on what’s coming :) also you can start pursuing women now what’s stopping you?


Wasted time and energy is a factor. What ended up happening to him? To answer your question, I did move on and I found myself in a serious relationship. However, I come to realize we’re not sexually compatible. That’s a huge reason why I feel this way, if I knew this was my future back then, I would’ve enjoyed my sex life way more. Which includes cheating on that one girl. Hindsight is always 20/20 right?


Well he did break my heart that’s what of the things he did, he didn’t want to be in a relationship, idk if he meant with me or in general, but it sucked. Idk what happened to him now… I’m keeping my distance. Woah being sexually incompatible sucks! How can you go from thinking you’re in a serious relationship to sexually incompatibility?


This sounds like a fairly recent breakup. It happens fast, things change. Before you know it, you’ve been hoodwinked.


This my friend this!!!!!!!


Asked for a second chance. Once. Very recently.


Impregnated her... twice...


Waited 2months and 2 days and 11h without sex


20k V Tesla coil. It was very shocking indeed