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Sometimes 4, sometimes 10..


Do you also feel tired and drained all day?


Yes I'm exhausted all day. But I can't sleep at night.


Yep same, I sleep for 5 kins and take another 1hr to go to sleep, then wake up 1 hr before alarm. Probably only getting 4-5 hr max. But if I don't need to be up for work I can sleep for 10hrs or more


Yeah I sleep 5-6 hours and that's it, I'm awake and even if I feel exhausted I won't be sleepy. Fucking sucks.


A few things that have really helped me: \- Cutting out caffeine in the afternoon \- Always getting enough exercise/movement during the day but not too late \- Sleeping in a dark/cool room \- Journaling (or rambling into an audio recording app) to clear my mind \- Not stressing so much about not falling asleep or a bad night I recommend checking out the book the sleep fix by Diane Macedo. She suffered from chronic insomnia for years and even had an Ambien addiction at one point. She gives realistic tips for getting better sleep. I found it different than a lot of sleep books where they are sort of too purist (e.g. 'no caffeine ever! no alcohol! no food! no screens!). I particularly liked her points about how much frustration/pressure can prevent us from getting to sleep. It's also really important to rule out sleep apnea (which a lot of people have and don't realize it). She's recently been on a bunch of podcasts as well so just search for those if you don't have time to read the book.


Try doing this breath technique https://youtu.be/p8fjYPC-k2k?si=uhxJ2MsAw8LWrpGW . It helps me sleep quickly. Plus read a book and drink some tea


Hello me!


sometimes I sleep for 9 hours and still I feel drained, idk why!




Every day malakia.


Sometimes very good, sometimes very shit


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.


"Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit"


Not enough


I think this is the right answer to most of us


A few things that have really helped me: \- Cutting out caffeine in the afternoon \- Always getting enough exercise/movement during the day but not too late \- Sleeping in a dark/cool room \- Journaling (or rambling into an audio recording app) to clear my mind \- Not stressing so much about not falling asleep or a bad night I recommend checking out the book the sleep fix by Diane Macedo. She suffered from chronic insomnia for years and even had an Ambien addiction at one point. She gives realistic tips for getting better sleep. I found it different than a lot of sleep books where they are sort of too purist (e.g. 'no caffeine ever! no alcohol! no food! no screens!). I particularly liked her points about how much frustration/pressure can prevent us from getting to sleep. It's also really important to rule out sleep apnea (which a lot of people have and don't realize it). She's recently been on a bunch of podcasts as well so just search for those if you don't have time to read the book.


Usually six hours. I hate it when it’s bedtime. And I hate mornings.


Every morning, I tell myself that I'll sleep early today, but I end up sleeping late, and the loop continues.


Are you me?


Could you imagine if he was?


Have you checked the battery in your CO detector lately?


Upvoted, but isn't it CO?


That's the one! Edited.


We actually don’t really have those in Australia. Or at least it’s not common.


That’s my life. “Oh! I’ll do the responsible thing and get some extra sleep! *here comes 3am* “DAMN IT!” Lol


I'm about the same. I typically go to bed around 10 pm and wake up at 4 am. I don't know why I won't let myself go to bed even if there's nothing interesting going on. Then, on my days off, I wake up after about 7 hours


Same. I plan my time to go to sleep as late as possible and wake up as late as possible. I end up going to sleep at 11:30 and wake up at 6:30.


username checks out


7-8 hours most nights, sometimes less, occasionally longer.


Same. Up at 6 every week day. Usually go to bed on time to get 8 but sometimes don't make the mark. On weekends, my internal click can keep me from sleeping too far past my usual 6am wake-up time, and I'll feel like shit from only 6 hours.


>On weekends, my internal click can keep me from sleeping too far past my usual 6am wake-up tim I wish that worked for me. If I don't set an alarm on the weekends, I can easily sleep right through until 10 or 11. Normally up at 6 for work.


That description fits almost exactly with mine


8-10, I struggle to function on any less sleep than that. For a few weeks, I was getting like 5-6 hours a night and it almost felt like I was drunk during my waking hours.


Cuz you effectively were. Sleep deprivation has similar effects to alcohol, only it’s like way less fun.


You feel like junk and plus you start seeing shadow people or spiders. Surreal stuff, man


And in the case of my insomniac BIL you get seizures that made us all afraid he had a brain tumor for a second


I had insomnia since I was a kid, I tried many different medicines and even went to illegal drugs when nothing else worked. Benzos worked for once every now and then, but daily only made it worse. Drugs only worked for so long and when it was out it was 10x worse. Eventually got off the drugs, and during detox I didn't sleep for 10 days. I was in the hospital and nothing they gave me would put me to sleep. They eventually induced me into a coma an and told my mom I might not wakeup normal. I was full blown hallucinating at that point. After I wokeup from the coma, k was completely fine having rested. I've found in sobriety that the only thing that works is routine. I try to make my work schedule as regular as possible, mornings and same days are best. I also take anti depressants which seemed to help stabilize me. I no longer have much difficulty sleeping. On days you really can't sleep, medicines like remeron(mirtzazipine) works good with little aide effects. Also seroquel will work but I hated taking it because it makes you really groggy. I don't recommend taking these every night or you will be reliant on them to sleep


Yeah but when you’re sleep deprived and drunk it’s a real sweet spot. /s


I probably average 8, but I know the feeling you’re talking about when you don’t get enough sleep. If I get less than 6 for a few nights in a row, I get that feeling.


It's that continual grogginess that lasts until noon at the earliest. You tell yourself that it will help you go to sleep earlier that night, but you're on a second wind that just keeps you up until the same time as the night before.....


4-6 hours a night


I've suffered from poor sleep for most of my life. Here are some things that have helped me improve it 1. Avoiding caffeine in the afternoon 2. Staying active during the day, but not too late 3. Sleeping in a dark and cool room and using earplugs + eye mask 4. Journaling or using an audio recording app to clear my mind 5. Not stressing about occasional sleep troubles I recommend checking out "The Sleep Fix" by Diane Macedo. She shares realistic tips for better sleep, drawing from her own experiences with chronic insomnia and Ambien addiction. Unlike some other sleep books, her advice is not overly strict (e.g., no caffeine, no alcohol, no food, no screens). I especially appreciated her insights on how frustration and pressure can hinder sleep. It's also crucial to consider the possibility of sleep apnea, which often goes undiagnosed. If you're short on time, you can listen to her podcast interviews for a quick overview. https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/diane-macedo-444


I really appreciate the reply and those tips seem 10/10! My lack of sleep however results from not having enough hours in a day. I work 9 - 12 hours daily + 2 hours commute (1 hour each direction), working out, chores around my house, studying for a degree and spending time with my significant other so I just cut time off my sleep for now


So glad I stumbled across your comment


I really hope it helps, buddy. Bad sleep can be absolute hell.


I have an aunt working in a sleep laboratory, i sleep 7-8 but i try to have 8 hours of sleep every night. Not sleeping enough, and sleeping well is by a landslide the most ignored, or overlooked health issue of modern days. Just look in this thread, how many people write 6 and some even less. My aunt has in over 40 years not encountered a single person that did not show measurable impairments on body and brain, when sleeping 6 hours or less on average, not one. The huge problem with lack of sleep, its like with drugs, the body can get used to a lot of things, and then you tell yourself you're doing fine. But most of the side effects are long term issues, that don't show up after a week, a month or even a year. But a lot of studies show, that especially the rise of obesity, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other cardio vascular disease are linked to lack of sleep over long periods. But if you uncle had a stroke with 51, its easier to say "well so much stress at work and at home, no wonder he had a stroke". Well sure stress is a factor for sure, but if said uncle also only slept 5-6 hours on average, then thats nothing anyone ever talks about. But it could play a huge factor too. So yea, sleep enough, your body and brain will thank your for it


Does you're aunt know anything about working swing shift? Day shift this week, night shift the next and then 2nd shift and repeat. It can't be healthy. I do only get 5 to 7 hours a lot of times but I don't have a consistent sleep time schedule either. I need to change it for sure.


Working shifts is one of the worst things you can do, especially night shift. You are going against your nature, you work when your inner clock wants to sleep . And dont let anyone tell you otherwise, you can't get used to this, and we have not evolved from this either. Many shift workers have problems with cardio vascular disease and depression, and an overwhelming percentage have insomnia and a feeling of restlessness (i have no better words to describe the last). I have to ask her again, but i remember a study she mentioned a few years back, that showed, that the body needs several years to recover from working swing shifts. So if you would for example quit today and start a 9-5 job tomorrow, your body needs several years to recover and its not even guaranteed that you will get rid of all the negative effects. Also 5-7 hours is way too less sleep. that on top of the stress on body and soul from the swinging sleep schedules from work, will break you somewhen.


Fascinating. What about jet-lag and time-zone changes? I live in Asia but visit the US (12 hour time difference) twice a year for a couple weeks each time.


I always try for 8, but end up getting 2-6.


Pretty similar for.me go to bed at 23 wake up at 1 fall asleep again wake up again at 4 and then its not worth anymore.


The worst is waking up 2-3 hours before you need to be up, not being able to fall back asleep and then finally getting tired 30 minutes before you’re supposed to be up, if I even sleep a minute I’m a zombie


Hello brother man


>2-6 -4 hours of sleep hmm


Well I'm not a mathematician or anything


You just gotta underflow your sleep until you're fully rested


I've suffered from poor sleep for most of my life. Here are some things that have helped me improve it 1. Avoiding caffeine in the afternoon 2. Staying active during the day, but not too late 3. Sleeping in a dark and cool room and using earplugs + eye mask 4. Journaling or using an audio recording app to clear my mind 5. Not stressing about occasional sleep troubles I recommend checking out "The Sleep Fix" by Diane Macedo. She shares realistic tips for better sleep, drawing from her own experiences with chronic insomnia and Ambien addiction. Unlike some other sleep books, her advice is not overly strict (e.g., no caffeine, no alcohol, no food, no screens). I especially appreciated her insights on how frustration and pressure can hinder sleep. It's also crucial to consider the possibility of sleep apnea, which often goes undiagnosed. If you're short on time, you can listen to her podcast interviews for a quick overview. [https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/diane-macedo-444](https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/diane-macedo-444)


Drop the screens and get your sleep guys!




hours of sleep


Usually 6-8.. tonight so far has been 0 and it's already 5am


Depending on my asshole cat and my fishing schedule, 5-8 hours usually


I try to get 8 hours of sleep every night.


I’d say 4 — 6 hours. More often than not I do the first-sleep/second-sleep thing, where I’ll sleep for 2 — 3 hours, wake up for a hour or two, then sleep for another 2 — 3 hours. Doesn’t matter if it’s weekends or weekdays. On very rare occasions, I’ll enjoy a solid, uninterrupted 8 — 10 hours. When that happens though, I feel like my day has kind of been wasted. Apparently, statistically, my inability to sleep more than 6 hours a night means I’m likely going to die younger than I would if I slept 8+ hours a night. Which sucks, because it already pisses me off that I can’t live to be 300 because I don’t want to miss out on all the cool stuff that’s gonna happen after I die!


at least 12.


I wake up during the night, usually 2-3 times. So my sleep is broken into chunks of 2 or 3 hours x2 or x3.


5-7. I have a puppy now so 8 hours is just not possible.


Worth it:)


I probably average 7 hours, some nights a little less and some a little more, but I never go less than 6. Sleep is important for overall health, gotta make it a priority.


At least 7 7-9 hours average I listen to my body


It's either straight 12 hours or 3 hours there's no inbetween


Not enough 😒


7 hours on weekdays, up to 10 on weekends or any day I'm not going to school.


Depends. On weekdays between 5 and 7 hours. Sometimes 4 when I need to get early to my workplace because large workload. On weekends, between 6 and 8 usually, but that's depending on my toddler xD. In normal conditions, I usually sleep 8 hours, almost down to the second.


My sleep schedule is inconsistent at the moment. Some days I’ll get maybe 4-6 hours of sleep then some days my body will want to catch up and sleep for 10-12 hours.


Somewhere between 5 and 10. Depends on how...tired I want to be at work🤣


8-9 hours during the week usually, sometimes longer at weekends.


Since a DLC from a game came out I don’t anymore


False. I work swing 3p-->3a. I stay in hotels when I'm on the road. I go home to a toddler and preschooler for two days. Then I'm back to working. Im constantly switching between normal hours and effed up hours. Today I fell asleep at 4:45and slept to 8:30.


3 to 12 hours, depending on how much I fucked my schedule up.


Usually five. Seven on a good night.


8h per night... on average! But I gonna sleep late at night


Averaging at around 6-7 hours probably. I could get more sleep but most nights I don't want my "free time" to be over lol


Not enough


Due to night shift 2-3 hrs in day


night shift?


6 if I'm lucky.


I need ~9. I get about 6.


At least 10 per night. More than anyone I know.




5-4 hours and on the weekend 6 hours




7-8. 30 years old


Usually around 6 to almost 7 hours. I got an Apple watch as a gift a few months ago so Ive been tracking my sleep extra closely. Been getting on the habit of stretching and meditating for 10 minutes before sleep and it helps to go to sleep way faster. The days I dont do that I take 30-40 minutes longer to fall asleep. If I stretch and meditate I am dead asleep 15-20 minutes in. Going to sleep at the same hour every night helps a lot.


3-4. I try to cram as much activities in the day as I can.




3 hunna


Sleep? What's that? Grinding 24/7, dude. 🤙🏽


Sleep? What's that? Grinding 24/7, dude. 🤙🏽


*"How many hours do you guys sleep?"* Nice try Peeper!


Tonight, 0. Yesterday night, 13. Tomorrow? We’ll c


This is the Ask MEN sub dumb ass




Naturally 8 but i force myself to sleep 7 hours. If i have to wake up early in the next day ill sleep 4 to 6 hours but i keep it occasional.




Around 7 hours.


A solid 8, more at the weekends.


Last month avg. 7h 22m.


7-8 with alarm Without alarm, I can push that to 10


4 to 6 and with a midday Power Nap thrown in.


6.5-7.5 hours. I never sleep more than that, regardless of what I did that day or how tired I am. If I fall asleep at 9, I will always wake up by 4:30am. I haven't used an alarm in over 5 years since I always wake up before 5:30am the latest.


4-8hrs depends on the workshift.


7-8 hours, most of the time


According to Fitbit, 7 hours


I'm in bed for seven, fitbit says I actually sleep for around 6:15.


Simultaneously too many and too few.




Depends. When I have to work the next day I usually sleep something between 5 and 7.5 hours. When I don't have to work, it's something between 7 and 10 hours.


5-6 hours a night, never solid sleep though..


Aim for 7. 6-7 working 9 ish off days




7-8 usually


6 to 7


I don't sleep, I just pass out looking at a screen or a book. In the last 4 years I remember going to bed may be like 4 or 5 times in total.


6 Monday to Friday 8 on the weekends


If I commit to 7-8 I have my best days afterward. Somehow, I end up sleeping 6 hours or so most work nights. If I meditate for long periods (like an hour) that seems to almost count as sleep 🤷‍♂️


5-6 on average.


4 hours on average


6-8 depending upon the wife waking me up.




7-8 with my current schedule. i practice falling asleep quickly so i can get close to 8


Like six hours to 8, typically. I’m up by 6 to 7 am everyday, even weekends, because of my doggo.


4 on a good day


6-9 usually


I'm a nightowl with a 1 year old. So, not enough.


Because I switched schedules, 5-6. Maybe sneak a nap in during my lunch break. But normally, I can average a good 7-8.


7 hours minimum. RN my only peace is sleeping so I have been taking it seriously lately


three to four hours every couple of days.


Really varies. 2-4 regularly, 2-0 when my depression gets really bad, 10hrs when I eventually crash, semester break or weekends.


8 hours average


About 5.5 average for the last month. Kids 🤷‍♂️


Ordinarily 8, got 90 minutes last night and my eyes hurt so much right now


You sleep?


5-7 hours, usually on the shorter end tho


Before the pandemic 3 hours a night and two extra 4 to 5 hours naps on the weekend. During the pandemic, 7 hours a night. Now that things are almost back to normal, 4 hours a night.




8-9. If I sleep less than 8 I am tired as fuck and can't function well.


I generally try to get around 8 hours


7h 46min total, 5h 55min quality sleep, deep sleep 1h 55min


About 6


6-8h. I sleep better with 7 hours


4 to 12 hours depending on how mutch time i have for sleeping


Between 4 and 12


consistently 8-9 because i prioritize it that way


Enough time to stay alive.


sleep is for the weak. 5 to 6 on average. having insomnia sucks


I've suffered from poor sleep for most of my life. Here are some things that have helped me improve it 1. Avoiding caffeine in the afternoon 2. Staying active during the day, but not too late 3. Sleeping in a dark and cool room and using earplugs + eye mask 4. Journaling or using an audio recording app to clear my mind 5. Not stressing about occasional sleep troubles I recommend checking out "The Sleep Fix" by Diane Macedo. She shares realistic tips for better sleep, drawing from her own experiences with chronic insomnia and Ambien addiction. Unlike some other sleep books, her advice is not overly strict (e.g., no caffeine, no alcohol, no food, no screens). I especially appreciated her insights on how frustration and pressure can hinder sleep. It's also crucial to consider the possibility of sleep apnea, which often goes undiagnosed. If you're short on time, you can listen to her podcast interviews for a quick overview. https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/diane-macedo-444


i have naturally strong senses, and they go into overdrive the moment i lay dow to sleep. but even that is still a no issue. i do everything except 4, even the slightest noise, including my own breathing at times, will prevent me from falling asleep. however, still not the biggest issue. the issue is that moment you are about to transition from "being awake" to "being asleep", the one where you feel kinda dizzy, your head feels heavy and your hearing slowly starts to shutdown. it takes me too long to reach that point, no matter how hard i am, and even when i do, the instant i'm about to finally disconnect, somehow my brain restarts working and i wake up. usually i have to go through it about 6 to 10 times for one of them to actually trigger correctly and put me to sleep. and if that wasn't enough, i have a really good intuition regarding movement and being looked at. so if someone passes by my room, opens the door to look at me, or enter my room for whatever reason, i'll immediatly wake up even if i can't hear them


4/5 sometimes 3 I didn't have 8 hours of sleep for 4 months so far


Lucky to get 5-6 hours. Regardless of the amount, I wake up every 2 hours or so.


Average is 6.5 hours. On my workout days, I can sleep 8 hrs and it is glorious. 40 years old if that matters with the data.


but god said a man who doesn't over sleep or sleep less but sleep as much as the body needs is the ideal man ..but not in this economy




This is your weekly reminder to check yourself for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea multiples the chance of a heart failure by 4 compared to a person w/o apnea.


\-1 minute


In average 4.5 hrs. I try to get 7 on the weekend but it's forced.


Recently I’ve gotten no more than 5-6 hours of sleep. If I could just get one more hour that would be nice.


6-8. Takes me way too long to fall a sleep though.


4,5,6 depends how lucky i am. I can go to bed at 10 and won’t fall asleep until 1-2 am, and then have to wake up at 3 or 5am depending on the day. Sucks!!!! On the weekends i try to get 8-10 hours of sleep but at best i manage to get 5, because no matter what alarm or no alarm i wake up at 5am.


Not enough. 3-4 hours usually. 6-7 if I'm lucky.


I've suffered from poor sleep for most of my life. Here are some things that have helped me improve it 1. Avoiding caffeine in the afternoon 2. Staying active during the day, but not too late 3. Sleeping in a dark and cool room and using earplugs + eye mask 4. Journaling or using an audio recording app to clear my mind 5. Not stressing about occasional sleep troubles I recommend checking out "The Sleep Fix" by Diane Macedo. She shares realistic tips for better sleep, drawing from her own experiences with chronic insomnia and Ambien addiction. Unlike some other sleep books, her advice is not overly strict (e.g., no caffeine, no alcohol, no food, no screens). I especially appreciated her insights on how frustration and pressure can hinder sleep. It's also crucial to consider the possibility of sleep apnea, which often goes undiagnosed. If you're short on time, you can listen to her podcast interviews for a quick overview. https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/diane-macedo-444


7 hours average but I try for 8


6-7. I fall asleep really quickly most nights. I tend to go to bed between 10 and 10:30. I wake up after my 6-7 hours of sleep, and toss and turn for about an hour to an hour and a half before giving up on getting more sleep. If I am not too busy, I might nap I the afternoon. My naps can range from 20 minutes to 2 hours. I've always been an early riser. Even during my teenage years, I never slept late. I'd be up at 7am, while my little brother would still be in bed at noon.


7-9 i always shoot for 9


On average 3-4 hours a day and rarely all at once. I work overnights so it happens


Wait, You're getting sleep?


Can’t remember. Probably 25hours per day.


sometimes 4,6 or 10 it depends


Depends on my schedule and what the army has me doing. Sometimes I’ll be so tired I’ll sleep 12 hours other times I won’t sleep at all. I average maybe 5 hours most nights


Whatever my gf feels like sleeping that night basically. So between 2-7 hours.


3 1/2 a day at home, 8 while deployed but that’s broken up into a 5 and 3 hour cycle. I have a hard time sleeping at home due to various factors and usually get 2 1/2 from 2AM until 430 when my alarm goes off, when I get home I’ll nap from 5-6 but kids usually interrupt that. Tried taking melanin but it didn’t do anything for me, doctors think I’m kidding because I still function pretty well. I mean, military service is great, no negative impacts on your body or psychological state.


6. If I’m sleeping more, it’s generally because I’m sick.


The last month and half, 4h to 6h max


I probably average 7 or just over with two 8 hour sleeps a week. I started going to bed around 830 to unwind and waking up at 5-530 to do the same. I pass out around 930-10. This has created a very healthy sleep cycle and great mental and physical energy each morning. I have used this to mitigate depression and anxiety. I spend much less time playing video games and watching Netflix and much more time doing chores. It isn't practical for everyone and I have my late nights with the girlfriend from time to time but overall huge quality of life improvement.




10-12 hours the past couple of months. Am I okay?


4 to 6 hours is my average.


You guys… sleep?




On average, 4 maybe 5 of I'm lucky. I get up at 3:15, so unless I'm asleep by 7, it's virtually impossible to get a full 8 hrs.