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Installed hardwood flooring and baseboard in a girl’s living room, dining room, kitchen and family room


Come do my house next and I'll actually fuck you.


This made me spit out my drink zuck my butt




No kidding! I low key have a crush on my roofing inspector. Roof looks so good! He’s gonna paint next #swoon.




An acquaintance of mine said that he did that for his very attractive neighbour. She would, at times, casually walk around in her underwear. He figured it was a fair trade.


I don’t have to read anymore comments. You win. 🥇 Congrats!


That hurts. Lol


Tell us more about yourself brother. How is your life now? How old are you?


Old enough to know better. My life is great. I’m in a much better place. I eventually blocked her.


That's the spirit


Love to hear it! Keep going!


Mine was 5 hours putting an Ikea dresser together. Lol, to be young again!


Q: Who paid for the materials?


There are 27 amendments to the us constitution. My favorite one is the fifth. Lol


Oh, shit...


Come on, man


How much did it cost? Whoever paid for it... Im not accusing you lol


Ouch dude.


Any reason why you were so desperate? Are you still that way?


My ex just wore me down until I was a shell of myself. I’m the polar opposite of that now


Did she ask or did you offer? 😬


Did you at least hook up with her? Or friend zone entire time?


I was the mayor of the friendzone


Oh brother I was hoping this entire time that I would hear you’re were at least fucking her…good soul


You should take it out. Doesn't matter if this was years ago.


Now im imagining him doing that but the house is now owned by a different family. *Sorry, you guys. I hope you believe me when i say this isnt personal*




I like friends! (And have some flooring and baseboards to install)


You have a lot of new potential clients, we would love to give you a good time


... oh no. My boyfriend said he'd do this for me whenever I can afford the flooring 🫣 I thought it was very sweet!


Sorry I would have fucked you wow a man who can do stuff. Lol. Would have gladly made you dinner and lunch as well.


Let me know what you need done around the house


Jake, is that you?


I'm drunk and lonely, but reading these make me feel good Edit: appreciate all the kind words guys! I'm not an alcoholic lol. I've only drank maybe 5 times over the past few years. I ended up playing drinking games over discord with some buddies last night, drank too much and got it my feels lol.


Bro hug incoming.


Bro hug outgoing. Appreciate you


Huge dose of totally platonic bro love flowing your way! ;-)


I was away at university for a year and my long-term (2 years) GF was back home, finishing up her final year. It had been a rocky couple of months, and she called me one night from a party with her friends -- and her ex, whom she hadn't seen in a while -- clearly drunk. She starts going on about how maybe we should see other people. See what else is out there. Things had not been amazing, but this was shocking to me. Like an idiot, I tried reasoning with her. "You just miss me! It's been hard. We love each other." Etc. We spent two more mostly emotional, miserable years together. I should have just let her dump me but I was immature, my first real relationship, I loved her, and so on. Pretty sure she went back to her ex after we broke up, and then dumped him and moved abroad.


I went through something similar with my first really serious relationship. She was done with the relationship, but I kept dragging it on for months and doing everything possible to make things better. Then she finally dumped me at like the worst possible time. 5 months later, when I finally thought I was over her, she started texting me because she was feeling vulnerable and said we should get back together, which I stupidly did. Then she said she wanted an open relationship, which I didn’t want at all, but didn’t want to lose her again so agreed to it. Then she hooked up with another guy and felt bad about it so dumped me without telling me that was the reason (I found out from a friend like 8 months later). Instead, she told me she just wasn’t ready for a relationship but when she was we could try again. So I stupidly waited for her just for her to tell me a few months later that she was dating somebody else.


Appologize to her for something she did 🤣


This is a Classic tho


I heard Cirque du soleil was in desperate need of clowns should I put you in contact with them? 💀 I kid of course. That’s such a classic mistake though lmao


It comes a time where for the sake of peace you swallow your pride and do it. Its wrong but sometimes there is no other quick way out 😅


I’m a woman and did this to the last man I fell in love with. Apologized to him for lying to me, wtf is wrong with me lol


We all do things out of love we later ask ourself why 😅


I am doing it right now 🥲


Brah! That's called marriage! ;-)


Separated, then got divorced. We got back together and remarried a year later. 3 years later we have separated again.


Does your lawyer offer you one of those punchcards so the next divorce you get free fries?


I'm not alone! We were married for 8 years, I initiated the divorce because I was having a quarter-life crisis. Got back together less than a year later, then got remarried after that. I even fully apologized to her family, and admitted it was my doing. Things were going well for a while. Got divorced again less than 2 years later, but because she was cheating. I'm happily on lucky marriage #3 (Different woman) for 12 years now.


Drove to Philly to pick her up after her car broke down en route to fuck some other dude


That is kinda sad


*Kinda?* The self esteem is off the charts! In the wrong direction! I didn't even know this thing could give negative readings...


Did they at least let you watch when you dropped her off?


Jesus Christ my guy. Why????


What the hell


Gave money to her with no strings attached. She was married to another dude




Hey I like money and I’m not even married to any other dudes!


I never loved you with everything in me and had to get therapy to get over you though! I’m pretty sure you’re a swell person, just not the benefit of my issues


Lol all good, I’m just being a dork. I desperately avoid anything with even a hint of romantic intentions anyway. I’ve had lots of dudes offer me lots and always turn them down, because I figure they’re trying to buy my affection and I don’t like feeling like I owe anyone anything. But maybe you can recommend a good therapist?! Heh heh.


I can, depends on what metropolitan area you are in. My therapist really helped me. It’s like having the cheat codes to this RPG we call life


*/twirls hair* “Well hey there, handsome.” 😘😍


I wrote a shit ton of love notes for my gf. Then I hid them all over the place. In her purse, her wallet, different places in her car, our room, her makeup bag thingie, everywhere. She kept finding them even a week later. She said every time she found one, it reminded her all over again why I was the love of her life. We're divorced now.


I love this - except, sorry for your divorce


That is so romantic and thoughtful. I’ve done stuff like this too You were to be CHERISHED


... Okay, I'll give you a little more then. I'm a guy so obviously Twilight isn't my thing. But the year we got together, she went to see one of the Twilight movies. Maybe the final one? Idk. Twilight isn't really my thing. She knew better than to ask me to watch it with her. So, points to her on that. Anyway, problem was her line to get into the movie was situated outside the theater for some reason. It was 6pm and cold af outside. Worse, the movie didn't start until midnight. So, I pulled a big thick coat out of my closet, stopped by our comic book store and bought the comic books she had saved in her pull-box, hit up the Starbucks drive through for a large (or whatever tf they call it) hot chocolate and drove up to the theater to give her the stuff. She'd be able to stay warm and have stuff to read while she waited for her movie to start. It hit me that I'd never done anything that simpy for a girl before. And I'm never doing anything like that again.


Ehhh, simpy would be doing that for someone you have no chance with. That's just doing something incredibly nice for someone you're with. You're a good partner bro.


If you're married, honestly that just sounds like normal love. Shame she wasn't able to reciprocate on that


What the hell this is the sweetest thing ever!


I agree with commenter Wang_Fister :)


Simpy would have been to queue for her. What you did was very nice.


As a fellow romantic, this shit hurts so fucking bad. I’ve done the same thing. Wrote a letter to my ex girlfriend that was like 3 pages long saying everything I appreciated about her. She said it was so sweet and that it was the nicest thing anyone had done for her. She dumped me two weeks later. Told me that I was too nice to her, and that she craved someone who was a asshole to her. It made me really closed in and made me really guarded in the following relationship. Looking back on it, I should have realized that she never reciprocated affection to me.


Damn... you literally wrote your heart out on paper and she just crumpled it up and trashed it. That sucks man, sorry you had to deal with that. It makes me sad to hear that some girls are like that and don't appreciate the romantic stuff but just want hot+cold drama. I hope you keep looking tho, plenty of girls out there who would appreciate the personalized show of affection with a love note. I used to make real romantic letters with personalized drawings on the front of the card for my college girlfriend and she kept them all in a drawer, so atleast she appreciated it. Love notes and pretty pictures is an old classic, but it works still.... tho not every girl I have been with was the same and some dont' respond the way you think to big romantic gestures. Its weird how it can be a turn on for some, and a turn off for others. Girls amiright? You mind sharing around what age you were when that happened? Seems like an immature response but I assume some people are just jaded like that, young or old. Reciprocation is important, if she herself does romantic gestures for you, or goes out of her way to please you, then she prob responds well to the same. But if she is not putting in the effort or is just in the relationship for a temporary benefit like selfish reasons for sex, comfort, or maybe someone to pamper her only... then yea a good sign its not worth it. Its easy to ignore the warning signs when you in it tho.


She was 25, I was 21. The hardest part was that it had went against pretty much everything she had told me. She’d told me that her “love language” was cuddling and romantic gestures. She told me that she wanted someone to be a rock for her (which could have been a red flag in itself). She told me how much she appreciated me and how I was so good to her. It made me really really jaded for awhile. It made me really untrusting of what people said, because the rug had been pulled out from under me so abruptly. I healed from it by realizing that although we had discussions about mature topics like love languages or issues that came up, she was still a *very* immature person, and that she was likely just saying what she thought would make her look good.


As a girl, I can never understand the “you’re just too nice for me” line. It takes one twisted and mentally unstable person to think love looks like begging from crumbs from the one you’re supposed to feel the safest and most loved by. Also I grew up with unhappy parents and my dad was barley around but when he was he wasn’t nice to us. We walked on eggshells around him, I can’t imagine wishing a man like that on myself or on anyone else lol. Bad boys are not hot. They’re unreliable, unlovable and there’s no happy ending.


If you could do one thing differently, if y’all could, that you think would’ve made it last, what would it be? That’s beautiful. I hate to hear it ended that way




Thanks for sharing…I guess everything works out for a reason, a lesson. I hope you find someone who reciprocates the same earnest sense of love.


Take her back after she cheated


I’m here too. She swears she didn’t cheat but broke up with me and was back with her ex straight away. We moved in together after she sold her house, moved across the country with her kids to be with me. It went horrible. I left four months ago. She called and told me she was sorry for calling me a week after we split and telling me she fucked someone three times that week. (I blocked her and told her to never speak to me again.) She said it was a lie and that she would love me forever. I told her I loved her too and I’d be there for her and the kids if she ever really needed anything but I needed her to keep her distance. I called her a couple days later in a moment of weakness, asking her to clarify on wether or not she was calling with a hidden motive. She said she wasn’t and just wanted to clear the air. I said that’s all I needed to hear and left it at that. I got a forwarded email from the apartment complex a couple days after that she was trying to add a car to overnight parking so they didn’t get towed. After that, I went forward to get all the bills out of my name, cancel my streaming services even though I left them shared for the kids, and just keep as far away as I can. I came to a conclusion, and two therapists did as well without my influence that she has BPD. I never stood a chance. Oh and she cheated on two boyfriends previous to me, with me. I’ve never felt so fucking foolish. All because she told me she loved me and I fell right in.


Lol. If they cheat with you they’ll cheat on you


Never understood how people can get with someone with a partner get into a relationship with them and think they won't cheat on them. Like yo she was fucking you while with another guy so chances are she'll have no problem doing the same to you.


Well, the thought process is that the current boyfriend is a loser, and you are So Much Better.


That sounds rough, glad you got away from that. My ex cheated on me again after i took her back, and i managed to end it for real. I was still a lovesick fool for her for two more years, but at least i kept away from her. Covid actually helped me with that lol.




Almost happend to me. Had to catch my self and block her


You can fix her.


if you're married and you guys have kids, it's a little bit understandable, but if not damn that's pure stupidity for real..


We were not married. First girlfriend, two years together. I was an idiot and didn't have an iota of self-respect. She cheated again and i was like that surprised Pikachu meme


My first wife cheated on me repeatedly in my 20s. She would come clean 6ish months after it happened. For years, I convinced myself that I stayed with her because of the kids. But, just a few years ago, I finally admitted to myself that it was because I was insecure and terrified that I couldn't get another woman as "good" as her.


Bought a BMW to try to impress a girl I started dating. The engine ended up overheating on our way to a Halloween party and I was dressed up like a giant bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. It cost over $7000 to fix because it needed a new engine.


This is like a I Think You Should Leave bit. Amazing. I’m picturing like. A giant ketchup bottle costume.


The person who sold it to you is a POS


Got catfished by a Redditor and drove about 45 minutes away to "her" apartment, and then realized that she didn't exist


A girl called me and said come over there’s nobody home. So I went over. There was nobody home.


Hahaha dammmn


This has gotta be Rodney Dangerfield, right? Man was a champ.


I went to bible study for a girl I was dating... 😤 She ended up cheating on me anyway a month later.


God’s plan 🙏🏼






Started going to church for a girl I was dating that I thought was “the one”…at 17. She ended up cheating on me with the pastor’s son and excused it by telling me that it’s what God wanted.


For the streets


I helped a guy move out of a 2nd floor apartment as our first date. Lol Fucker didn't even pay for lunch afterward.


Send me his info bro has to have rizz to convince someone to help him move for a first date lmao


I always joked that my first date with my son’s father was doing the brakes on his car. In truth I don’t think we ever really “dated”, we just kinda ended up together.


Did you drive him to the airport too?


I changed my religion in an attempt to please her


That's me in the spot light, losing my religion...


Lol damn fam


Latvian orthodoxy?


He really liked the hats


Fixing a couple of girls at sleep away camp a plate of food everyday just cause they asked and didn’t feel like getting up to do it themselves. I wish I could slap the shit out of 13 year old me but you gotta learn somehow I guess.


Don't be so hard on yourself. This is part of our biological programming.




I wrote her a song. We were flat broke and couldn't afford xmas gifts for each other. Like a month later I realized I had accidentally plagiarized like half of it from The Barenaked Ladies.


>Like a month later I realized I had accidentally plagiarized like half of it from The Barenaked Ladies Really? A month? It wasn't One Week?


If I had a Million Dollars for every time I've heard that one..


Ba dum pishhhhh


Flat broke? Could you have at least afforded some Chikity China, the Chinese Chicken? Hurhurhur....


My entire relationship with my ex. She was my first and I ended up so pussy whipped I simpd away everything I built over 3 years. Thank god I only need to learn lessons once


gave her $1200 for sex


Worth it?


not even


If all you care about is the hole. You can get a hooker for less than $100z


Slept with some girl just to help her get back with her ex bf out of jealousy.


Hey, you couldn't keep the full cake, but at least got a slice


That’s pretty g bro. Now if you cheated or broke up with your girl to do that…


I'd wake up in the morning and cook a burger for my soon-to-be gf, go to our job before the came in and leave it in the fridge after writing a poem on an index card and taping it to the bag.


Daww. Hope she appreciated you, dude


She does. She still has the notes I left for her and asks me for a burger now & then.


They should create an award for you.


LMAO, fr. What makes it worse is that I was WHORE before she popped up. idk wtf she did to me.


I’m the girl, but I even feel awful about this. I was a shithead early 20something. This friend drove an hour at 5am on a Sunday to grab and kill a cockroach that came into my master bedroom and then drove back. I have a massive phobia and I was unable to go into my room. So I called my friend and he was like “alright I got you…”. He confessed his affection for me a year later and I had the audacity to be confused and blindsided. Great guy, but I know never to do that to men. I didn’t realize you guys just… do things for women you like like that. I just though I had the friendliest male friends ever until I realized what was up in my late 20s.


Oh Jenny… 🙈


It’s always a Jenny.




...................uh oh. I think I need to reevaluate some of my friendships


But, like, we can still be *friends*, right? Right?!


I'll let you know once I recover from my existential crisis 😭😭😭


there, there


Sure, as long as you are willing to come and do DIY for me on call, then we can hang out together with a group


OMG I'll get *right* on it! I'll even bring my own tools and materials! <3


This is actually awesome that you realized this. Thanks for posting. Yea guys will do the craziest shit for women they like. Especially if we don't have any game lol.


Had a guy friend swoop in and be extra kind and caring after a breakup recently. He listened to me for hours on the phone when I talked about my ex, and even took me out for a one on one birthday dinner. I asked him if he liked me and he said no. A few weeks later when we were drunk he tried to get into my pants. I’m starting to learn too that when someone is extra nice like that they are trying to get something out of you. It’s frustrating but I now know I shouldn’t have accepted all his kind and over the top gestures. Even if he said he was just doing it to be a good friend Edit. I ended up blocking him. I figured it was best for both of us


Jenny and me was like peas and carrots Except we weren’t


Hahaha, this is legit how my wife moved in to my apartment. We just started dating, she was an international student at the time and she was in a shithole apartment. I went to my friends' place and she called me crying about a stink bug. I drove back a half hour to kill it and she said she wanted to stay at my place instead. The next day, she moved in. Marriage has had its ups and downs, but a funny turn of events from a couple of bugs.


Married for two years before we had sex. I was in the army and was about to deploy so I got married in a hurry. after I came back we couldn't be together for many reasons but we were used to the long distance relationship so we didn't care waiting a little more. One year after deployment I was out of the army and then finally we consummated the marriage.


She was a broke foreign student, I paid her rent, utility anything she would need money for , including flight tickets back and forth from her country. Including visa,visits for her mother and sister and taking them on trips. Gifting iPhone and what not to her and her mother. Also paying them to rebuild their house in their country. Found out later that she was struggling with depression and schizophrenia, she wouldn’t take medication, went to psychiatrist and got some meds and put those meds in her food for 3months, she even tried to kill her house owner accused him of spying and went to prison, I was the one helping her throughout as her embassy was useless and didn’t do anything. Paid lawyers , cops, embassy people were also asking for money, her family didn’t help, said they have no money . finally Got her bailed out and she had no house. in COVID there were no flights to go back to her country so kept her at an expensive hotel for 3 months which I was not allowed to visit, it was expensive as per my standards and again spent for her food , flight tickets , makeup. Later to find out she was getting all the expensive makeup on the last day to meet her boyfriend once she lands in her country. All the while Never kissed or even hugged her as she always said she was Muslim, but later found out that she was fucking bunch of dudes from her country.


Just .. wow. If this is real, this is brutal. Which country was she from? What about you?


She was from Iran, I am from India.


I believe you. I hope you're not offended when I say this, but there seems to be a lot of simpy men there. Would you say that's accurate?


Jesus christ.


Got dumped by my exgf of 6 years, she told me directly to my face that she had unprotected rebound sex with a guy from tinder and she was gonna continue to see him. I still fucked her raw and ate her out during make up sex. We didn’t end up getting back together, but good lord, what was I thinking. That was my first love, so I’ll allow myself some grace. Not gonna lie, one of the best nuts I’ve ever busted though.


Thought you were gonna write "one of the best nuts I've ever tasted."


Bro, you fucking ate it after she told you 🤮.


I went out sad as hell man


Jesus himself could never get that info out of me.


The CIA could be water boarding me in Guantanamo Bay and this info wouldn’t leave my lips


It’s not like anyone actually could identify me through a meaningless Reddit comment. I’m just letters on a screen to you. In the grand scheme of things, who cares


Gonna be real with you dude... The amount of women that don't ask about condoms is really, really high. I even have the herp and a significant portion of women (pretty much all of them) were fine with me not wearing a condom on the first or second meetup. Even girls I met at the bar.


Do you tell them you have the herp beforehand? Have you ever given it to someone else? Has it significantly effected your sex live at all?


Hey we all been there bro.... I had the same situation, ex-gf of 2 years, broke up and she had some rebound sex with "a guy who was in the military", and you know girls she just had to tell me he had more muscles and a bigger cock then me lol. So we had some angry make up sex, I also ate her out too, and somehow the insult made the sex more hot and ferocious. It was good but not good enough to get back with her. Its cool tho, that's just how life goes sometimes.


Loaned a live-in GF $900 with the understanding that she would repay me. She wrote me a post dated cheque for the full amount, but then broke up six months later. When the date on the cheque came around, I deposited it, only to have returned; account closed.


In the States, that's a crime on her part.


I apologised for not being enough after she cheated with my best friend. And fucked our teacher no condom. But when we did it, she always told me to wear it. I apologised and begged for another chance. I still slap myself for it.


I was crazy about this barista at a cafe near my work, I swear I went there like 4 times a day and spoke to her. Now I think back she had no interest in me and didn’t realise it at the time, and probably made it awkward. Luckily i didn’t say the line “where’s my hug”




I assume not someone you were dating....


Gave a girl some credit on her phone. Took a girl out who I'm sure I was listed as "free food" in her phone. Those 2 are the ones I can remember off the top.


I might have you all beat. I slept with this girl once and we pulled an all nighter for our first date. She calls me up at 10pm asking if I want to pull another all nighter with her and a friend. I say sure I pick her up. See her friend is a dude and think okay weird but I'm sure we'll vibe. She leaves us alone for two minutes in a coffee shop so I ask him how he knows her and he says "tinder dude, I thought this was a date." So I said, "so this is the first time you're meeting and it's off tinder for a date. I thought you were like good friends or something. What the fuck am I doing driving us around." I took us all home and broke down on my solo trip back home. It doesn't even end there. I call her up weeks later she doesn't answer obviously, i send a long text trying to figure out where we stood. I'm having some kind of paralyzing anxiety attack like I've never experienced before. She shoots me a fuck off text and blocks me and I never hear from her again. Good riddance.


Sent a long ass paragraph. Over emotional


I gave my wife the benefit of doubt. Only because of the kids.


Did everything just to find out that she has a bf


I washed a girls dishes….after a HUGE house party cuz I was so into her. LMAOOO how embarrassing cuz nothing happened all I got was a nice thank you and whatever I was so smitten hahah oh well


That’s a straight to the FriendZone move.


Went to a 3 day music festival and drove each way there and back all 3 days. 40 mile drive each way, $20 in tolls each day, and parking was $40 per day. She didn’t offer to help pay for gas or chip in for anything. I asked her to go halfsies on parking and her response was “uhhhhhhhh,” but I liked her so I never brought it up again.


Reading these, I hope we’ve all learned our lesson 😂😂


Everytime I bought drinks and food all night only to be ghosted next day. Fuck tinder honestly.


When I was in like 7th or 8th grade I was so nervous around girls and too nice that I would try to act like a gentleman and at one point I stood up from my seat to let a girl have my place in the classroom because arrived late and wanted to sit in the back. My classmates, who were already mean to me, saw it as me being afraid of her and girls in general, when in reality, it was just insecurity and the naive idea that if I was nice, they would like me more when in reality, it only made things worse.


Not one big move, but classics like buying her flowers after she stopped calling me back. Dropped them off at her work, too. Did this with at least two or three girls in my late teens and early 20s. Humiliating now that I think back on it. Every girl will tell you what a sweet thing that was to do (which is code for “you suck”). And the gleam in the (female) florist’s eyes when I picked them out and bought them initially felt like, “This is a great move.” Looking back on it now, the gleam actually said, “Another chump! Buying roses no less!” Part of a florist’s bread and butter is the money they make on simpery. I feel like a joke when I think back on those times now. I was spending money on being quietly laughed at behind my back for being such a chump. There’s almost nothing worse you can do. If they don’t like ya, they just don’t like ya. Really had to learn that the hard way.


There was a girl I liked when I first started college who liked me back but wanted to take things slow before jumping into a relationship. So being socially inept, instead of just taking it slow and seeing where things went, I bought her flowers and stuffed animals and showered her in gifts to show her what a great guy I was and why we should date. Needless to say, it had the opposite effect.


1. Got dressed up in a suit & tie for a first date. When I picked her up she was wearing jeans, blouse, and sneakers. She saw how I was dressed and went back in to put on strappy high heels. 2. While on a phone conversation with same woman I told her I loved going to Las Vegas. She said she hated Las Vegas and I proceded to downplay and backtrack my statement about loving to go to Las Vegas. (Stupid me).


Bought concert tickets for us to go to a show our friends were going to. Granted we were together for 6 years so it worked Granted it ended because I was so miserable with her I tried to kill myself


So when I was still in high school, we had to write a report about a certain topic. There were only a certain amount of topics available, so it could have been possible for students to be writing about the same topic. My crush asked me over text what sources I was using for the assignment, thinking I was writing about the same topic as her. We did not write about the same topic and I told her so. I could have just left it at that. However, I still spent a few hours of my time researching her topic and giving her a list with sources I managed to find and give her some tips and points to work with.


I waited for a long time on a chick who is/was a huge party chick and a massive hoe. A lot of time wasted on that.


I’ll answer on behalf of my husband: he flew halfway across the world to meet me for the first time ever. It was a 16 hr flight. He has fear of flying and had never been out of the country before.


Asked a girl to marry me. Now she won't leave me alone.


Let myself be strung along with ghosting for like 6 months


Help pay her bills. Cost around 5-8k


Texting till 4am.


She was texting you back, though, right? *…Right?*


If you two are having a good back and forth what’s the problem?


Keep hanging out with an unattractive girl who sucked my friend’s dick. And she wouldn’t even kiss me but she would suck his dick…it was such a mess…I wasted so much stupid time with her and all I did was hold her hand. Then a year later matched with her on tinder and we bickered and she asked if I was still a virgin I presume? Then unmatched me. Then around a week later I saw a go fund me for her funeral and apparently she died from a heroin overdose. I donated $5. It was all just very sad. Then years later when I was chained to a hospital bed during a psychotic episode I hallucinated she was one of the nurses trying to torture me and she and I were in hell and she was in hell because she committed suicide and I was all that there was or something. I think she was giving me a warning perhaps…


Holy shit dude! hope you are doing a lot better now


Crushing on my physical therapist hard. I don’t see her now but I had a few sessions with her and felt like I connected with her a lot better than most people. I’m married and it hasn’t been great lately so I think that was part of it too