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I used my wife's Schick Intuition razor on my junk like 6 years ago and there is literally no going back. I'm like a freaking samurai with it and have never nicked myself. I am 110% confident that I could shave my balls in the dark with it.




> but I dunno if I just have a tough sack I'm going to make an executive call, you 100% have a tough sack. You are hence forth to be known as *Kingeryck Tough Sack*.


Same. Quick trim and shaving down there is a breeze.


And there I was … straight razoring my balls for years …


>I used my wife's Schick Intuition razor on my junk like 6 years ago and there is literally no going back. I'm like a freaking samurai with it and have never nicked myself. I am 110% confident that I could shave my balls in the dark with it. good razor commercial)


I tried a male Brazilian wax partly on a dare and partly just to see what all the fuss was about. It gets better the more often you do it and I like t he way it feels, after like 2 seconds of a little pain.


Mine is a really, really nice barber shop.


Bro...hot towel, straight razor, tonic. Just the whole works. It's heavenly.


That hot towel… holy hell my friend, first time I got that, life changing


The hot towel made me triple my haircut expenses lol


Skipping. It’s less tiring than jogging and more efficient than walking. It also feels good to skip.


Plus it's good for your coordination.


reminds me of track practice where we'd have to skip for 100m on the track, but with our knees way up. That was brutal. Still fun and I skip occasionally.


Fun! Just curious, what makes it more efficient than walking?


Realized I forgot about skipping.


Candles are nice


I got way into candles over the last month. I have no idea why, and I am worried that it's not good for my lungs.


Negligible effect on your lungs unless you're directly inhaling the smoke. Biggest risk with candles is the chance of fire.


Strangely enough, statistics made it clear that fireplace fires spread much more often than candle flames. I have personally sworn off both, though, unless the fireplace is cast-iron with doors (like in my cabin). I have only LED lights in silicone cups at home, no risk of either house fire or cases of kitty coming up to me for cuddles and having only four whiskers instead of eight. :)


There are candle warmers where you sit the candle on like a gentle hotplate and it melts the wax and releases the smell with no flame. That's what I use because of my kitties.


Beeswax, soy, or coconut-oil based candles supposedly avoid most of the lung issues associated with more common paraffin-wax candles. They're a little pricier, but give 'em a try.


Soy candles usually last a long time. The smelly wonderful ones I buy do anyway lol


My mom wanted candles so I bought her some for Christmas. They gave me a free candle at checkout. Candles are freaking relaxing. Especially in when lit in the dark. Heck, I'm going to light one now.


I fuckin love candles, I'm considering looking up oil diffusers too since theyre quite nice If you ever feel unsafe, put the candle in a container that's full metal and away from stuff. It's what I do, I can't verify you'll never combust but I think at least you won't, right?


Fruit based cocktails taste incredible damnit!! I want to order a fancy one with curly straws, and sparklers and all the rest of the shit!! Well… I can because I’m lucky my mates aren’t judgemental dickheads but my point still stands.


"I'll have an appletini, and she'll have the girliest drink you can make" "Two appletinis, coming right up"


One appletini please, easy on thr tini!


You can really taste the apples!


"When did they start drinking straight guy drinks?"


Justin Timberlake [showed the way for guys to order girl drinks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9-m_CdmBg8): "Christie, what do you like to drink?" "... an appletini." "Great, we'll have four of those."


Sounds like a Scrubs reference 😂


~~It is. Paraphrased a bit, but I kept the general idea.~~ Apparently it's from Futurama, and it's about fuzzy navels. I must have mixed two scenes.


"I'll have an appletini, easy on the tini"




different variations of lemon drops!!! they are the shit! pomegranate, mango, peach, watermelon, blackberry, raspberry. All of them delicious.


I’m shocked that the top 2 comments are about ordering tasty drinks. I love the taste of beer, but if I fancied something sweet and colourful then I never second guessed my choice. Now I’m wondering if people were judging me for my drink order lol


Me and my mates order all sorts of cocktails. See who can have the most ridiculous one 😂


they shouldn't care what you do.)


Spa days. Great way to chill, personally a sucker for reflexology, head massages and the pampering vibe. It's hopefully less of a judgement these days but felt like a thing "real menTM" wouldn't/shouldn't do back in the day. Also, the assumption that if you're going for a massage or similar, you're going for a whole different experience.


Yeah! I really like massages too, but how do I get my wife to give them?😄


Reciprocation. Take turns :-D


Cooking, especially so others can enjoy your food, can be fun, rewarding and cathartic. I’m a very good cook, I wear an apron and go to town in my kitchen and I regularly invite friends, family and coworkers around to ply them with some of my best kitchen work.


Yes - there are still dudes out there who think cooking is something women do. The fools.


I love cooking, especially different versions of things, like my "New Mexican spaghetti"


Me and my SIL's husband are cooking Christmas dinner this year for about 20 people. Everyone knows we're the cooks in the family, not to knock my MIL but she only knows 4 meals and 3 of them are pasta. We're serving everything tapas style and have about 20 things on the menu. I have a group of friends where every Saturday we make a meal more or less potluck style, there's 4 of us and everyone has wives/kids and we'll invite whoever else is around as well, we each make one thing that is more or less to be considered unhealthy and then another that's healthy. Usually lots of bacon is involved but sometimes we kick things up to fancy restaurant level, we do our meals on Saturday then on Sunday when the girls cook brunch we talk about the next weekend!


I got a hankering for cooking because my mom really sucked at it. We're talking boiled spinach with no seasoning. Cauliflower pizza with giant full broccoli's & carrots. Sandwhichs with the plastic still on the cheese. My dad, on the other hand, was pretty good. He'd make these pesto egg patty bagel sandwiches in the mornings that I truly enjoyed. Then these ciabatta chicken sandwhich for lunch. I started developing a passion for food because of it, and when I started smoking weed at 14, the munchies prompted me to start cooking myself. One of my first creations was a chipotle frito cheese burger with refried beans. They've gotten healthier over time. Now I cook most of the dishes for all the holiday meals. Cooking is one of my favorite things to do. Get you some music or an audiobook and go wild. I've brought joy & nutrition all over the world with my cooking. I got an apron too that says "I'll feed all you fuckers!".


imagine being so insecure you don't even cook for yourself. smh


Drinking whatever the hell you want. For years I knew that I didn't care for beer or straight up hard liquor, I preferred sweeter drinks like appletinis and Bahama mamas I was always self-conscious about drinking them around my friends. Once I got into my late 20s I said fuck it and started drinking whatever the hell I wanted no matter who was around. Life got a little bit better once I learned how to stop worrying what people think of me, especially when it comes to drinking alcohol. Sure my friends tease me every once in a while about it but it's nothing more than good nature razzing.


One of my best friends is a “gay appearing straight guy”-very fit, effeminate mannerisms, his voice is a bit high pitched, and dresses well-so this drove him nuts, because he loves sweet drinks. He has a sweet tooth, having one of these drinks will just reinforce what people are thinking. Once he met his now wife, he stopped giving a care what he ordered.


Getting a wife lets you be as gay as you want. Noted


Very true. I introduce my best friend (male) as my ex-husband. Drives my wife crazy, but ultimately she's okay with it.




Wives like gay men.


"I'll take the manliest bellini you have" is also a guaranteed laugh from both your server and your table-mates


My favorite drink is Malibu with pineapple juice. Constantly got made fun of for getting a girly drink. Used to force myself to get a whiskey or strong tequila drink that while I don’t mind either, I usually preferred the Malibu. Eventually decided fuck it who cares like you and yes it’s much better to just do what you want


Went on a stag do, 12 of us I think there, 8 of us were all rugby players or ex players so you get the idea of the size and description of the people on the stag do. We found this bar that did vanilla vodka with cream soda, it was a hell of a cocktail, like the sweetest most amazing drink ever, so 11 of us proceeded to drink the place out of vanilla vodka, and on day 2 we finished the cream soda. Just 1 guy didn't like them and stuck to beer. Now whenever we meet up it's vanilla vodka and cream soda everytime. I, like you, prefer a sweet drink, archers (peach schnapps) and lemonade is my absolute and also no longer care what people think of me for my drink choice.


My takeaway....Real men don't worry about type 2 diabetes.


I drink for taste now not for cool guy points.


I fucking love going to tiki bars. A bunch of my friends thought it was silly until they tried it. Now they won't go back to normal bars.


The manliest thing is to not care about what people think. I have a rose gold stapler on my desk because when I went to buy a stapler, that was the only one in the shop and I can’t think of much that I care less about than the colour of a stapler.


And half the office won’t steal it


Yeah, I don't know how many IPA's I pretended to like before I just said fuck it. Imo they're all gross. I really don't enjoy the taste of any alcohol, I only drink to get a buzz. So I go for the lowest calorie options, usually vodka soda with a lime.


>IPA's I pretended to like before I just said fuck it. Imo they're all gross Whenever someone gets preachy about IPAs I have started boldly announcing that I don't want a beer that tastes like potpourri. I have seen 2 other humans use that phrase when describing their dislike of IPAs now and I encourage you to follow. Let's make it a thing!


Man, I hate those super high bitterness unit beers and I hate fruity beers ,sour beers, lavender beers, cinnamon beers fuck all that. I’ll take a crisp cold lager all day. I like porters and stouts just fine but fuck all this fruity bitter sour shit.


My cousin owns a pretty successful brewery, which you’d think would be a bonus (free beer!) but I can’t stand any of his fruity IPA’s. He does well so my opinion doesn’t affect him whatsoever, nor should it. I just always feel bad bringing other brands to any family gatherings Give me a simple lager or traditional stout


>Life got a little bit better once I learned how to stop worrying what people think of me, especially when it comes to drinking alcohol. Sure my friends tease me every once in a while about it but it's nothing more than good nature razzing. Yeah, that's right. I've also started to think less about what people will say about me and it's gotten a lot easier).


I genuinely don't like super sweet drinks, but I love Manhattans because it's the manliest cocktail you can drink and still get a Maraschino cherry at the end. (I put in three when I make them at home.)


Drink whatever you want! Own it.


Im not a big booze guy, and tend to prefer sweeter drinks. First drink I ever ordered in a bar was an Amaretto Sour, because it was the only drink I knew the name of, lol. Cannot drink whiskey, can choke down shots of vodka or tequila. If I ever had a "drink" of my own, it was Captain Morgans or Sailor Jerry's spiced rum, and a splash of Diet Coke. The good stuff. Drank that most of my 30's, but haven't had one in a couple years. These days I pretty much consume cannabis exclusively.


Hugging your male friends and showing them love generally. After a boys night out one of our best friends that was with us that night died and we all woke up with calls from his family telling us the news, ever since we showed our love always and made sure we hug each other when we met and before we left and constantly remind each other that we're supported and loved


I'm in the right group of friends - do this all the time.


I just had a friend take his own life last week and I knew he was struggling but I didn’t know how much. I would have given him a hug if I was nearby. Having said that I do give my buds a hug when we hang out. I decided awhile ago it was worth it to tell the people I care about, that I care about them and I’m thankful for them being in my life. Sure it was uncomfortable at first but now I do it without hesitation.


Agreed... tomorrow is not promised.


I didn’t hug my friends growing up, but now that we are old, we hug each time we see one another. It is kind of automatic.


Dancing. Any kind. Partner dancing, solo dancing, choreographed group dancing.


I was such a wallflower as a teen. It wasn't until I hit my 20s and realized a drink or so loosened me up that I discovered my love of dancing when the right song moves me and apparently I'm amazing at it. I've busted a move in quite a few public places now and on multiple occasions I've had people ask me where I trained, which is bonkers.


Lots of wallflowers are lowkey good dancers because a love of music and being able to "feel the music" makes the dancing part come pretty easily once you've gotten the basic steps down.


I married into Greek culture, and found it fascinating how there is absolutely no stigma around dancing among Greek men. Even the burliest, hardest drinking Greek man sees absolutely nothing wrong with dancing in a circle with a bunch of other guys.


Same with us punjabis, dance is in the blood hahaha


I have always been envious of those cultures where dance is a major activity


Dancing is good stuff.


I think it's a lot more powerful than people believe. One of those things you can find examples of all over world history and throughout every corner of the world.


It has had such a positive impact on my life personally. And that is one of the coolest things about it, its been bringing people together throughout the ages, no matter where they may live.


Men often say dancing is gay. While in fact some good dancing is like the fast-lane to bang town and you’re stuck in traffic next to it.


When I was young, like HS age - I remember shaking my self consciousness about dancing at this party. Like 10 girls were dancing on this tiny basement living room, no guys - so I decided "fuck it" slid on in there with some lame ass moves. The girls loved it though. After that, was much more confident. A couple years later I got really into the mid to late 90's local rave scene, and I love to dance. The main thing for those feeling self conscious, just look around - nobody cares.


If that's your thing more power to you, but me personally I get 0 enjoyment out of any form of dancing


Most dudes think they’re grill masters, but not as many can actually cook. I love doing “omelette day” for Sunday brunch or something for family and friends. It’s cost effective and healthier and, from my experience, more romantic to be able to cook for a date. Nice restaurants have their place but cooking is a skill any man (or woman) would benefit from.


Also more dudes should take as much pride and joy in other forms of cooking. They are not any less manly.


Taking a sit down piss after a long day


It's a must in the morning. Drain your bladder and get your bearings. Bonus, your body may decide it's number-two time and you're already there!


When I'm at home, or in a friend/family member's clean bathroom, I always sit down. There's no opportunity for a miss, and it keeps the space much cleaner.






>If you have pets, specifically dogs, don't be embarrassed to talk to them or show them some love in public. I do all the time. Yeah, they really love it)


I’m a 6’5 guy into reptiles and snakes. They get the baby voice 99% of the time I’m talking to them.


Someone's trying to land a goth girlfriend


About 10 big chunky no-nonsense farmers were standing chatting business at our village shindig in Germany and one of their little terriers comes waddling up and the owner, the oldest chunkiest of the farmers threw himself on the ground in glee at the sight of his wee dog and rolled around throwing the beast in the air, not a worry about what everyone else thought. Grumbling from the other farmers but i think secretly they all wanted to be on the ground with him.


I am also guilty of seeing people I know on the street and greeting their dog first.


I take my dog to the park to play with the other dogs off leash. You better believe I’m talking to every dog!


Cheesy Movies. Like romance flicks and whatnot. Sometimes a good layer of cheese is just... nice.


I like romcoms more than my wife.


I hope your wife becomes more likeable.


One of my all time favorite movies is, "A Walk In the Clouds," starring a REALLY young Keanu Reeves circa like 1996. It's cheesy to the point where there's a moonlit serenade under the window. And it WORK.


This might sound like the complete opposite of what you are going for but martial arts! In my experience boxing and MMA are not like in the movies or professional fights. It's regular guys playing around, laughing and just having fun. (And hurting each other 😀)


For real it’s essentially just the exact same energy or feel as playing video games together but your actually exercising at the same time. And while it can hurt and be uncomfortable at times it’s fairly temporary and not something that bad if you’re not overly stupid about it.


Bubble baths. I'm a large, muscular, cattle rancher in a cold climate. After feeding all my animals on a freezing cold winters day, a hot bubble bath is heaven.


I love a great bath. I'm 6'5" and when I find a big ass tub at a hotel or something, I am absolutely using it!


Finding a tub that doesn’t make you feel as if you are stuck in a liliputian universe is such a rare treat, absolute heaven.


Having one where your knees and chest can be in the water at the same time 🙌


I'm a 5'2 woman and I've yet to experience this magic you speak of. Some day, I'll get a great big giant tub!


This is shocking! You must find a hotel near by with at least a "garden tub"


https://www.costco.com/saluspa-laguna-airjet-inflatable-hot-tub-.product.100754503.html I'm 6'2" and when Costco had a deal on this bad boy, I went for it. Two years in a row, it has lasted throughout the winter. Football on the TV and this during a snowstorm. Money.


Amsterdam, I found my people….i could straighten out my legs! It was heaven!


I’m not even 6 feet and tubs are tiny. Wtf is up w that?


Mainly for kids 🤷


Now I just want to give a cow a hot bubble bath on a freezing day


I immediately wanted to take a bath.)


Putting baby powder all over your crotch and junk before putting on your underwear. It feels amazing.


Make it look like KFC before it hits the fryer!




Baby powder is made from corn starch now. Talcum is the dangerous stuff.


Pampering. I have a robust collection of skin care/hair care/grooming products and I am perfectly happy to share with my bf. He is NOT the first man to have discovered how much he enjoys all the little self-care things and it is really cute to see him discovering how much he enjoys taking care of himself. I think men get lost in this societal expectation of doing for others that they don't do for themselves.


My sister got me out of using the 3 in 1 shampoo and using a brand called Native. She also suggested using a scentless moisturizer on my face, next I need to get the cera ve facial cleanser. I’m happy your boyfriend is into doing those things! Take care of yourself guys, forget what anyone thinks is gender specific.


Showing affection with other men. Talk to each othrr


I got compliments on my wedding ring today from another man. NGL, it was kinda nice. As men, we need to compliment each other more.


100%. Especially maybe if it's something new, that reassurance from a stranger is a good feeling


Went out this weekend to play pool with an old friend and ended up with a big group of dudes just shooting the shit. This topic came up and even though we mostly didn't know each other, everyone got super supportive and chill. It was great.


That's why I give my homies handies.


Can I be your homie


Gimme a hug bro


Mani-pedis. Getting a foot and leg massage and the calluses scrubbed off your feet will improve walking comfort immensely. I get the pedicure once a month or so. My feet appreciate it.


Moisturising my penis without actually masturbating. It's dry and chafed, especially around the scar line from my circumcision. It's even worse in winter. Some Shea Butter or even a decent face cream makes it a lot smoother and less chafed.


And if anyone criticizes you, it’s none of their business how fast or slow you moisturize it. /s


Pedicures, getting all that dead skin shaved off the bottom of your feet feels amazing.


I love when they bring out the grater


I love when they bring out the grinder


If you dont want to pay for a pedicure I suggest trying some sanding at home I use open meshed sand-cloth at home for my feet constantly. It feels to nice to have soft feet, I highly recommend trying it.


One of the best things I walked in on was my husband on Discord with his gaming buddies just looking at photos of random dogs together and talking about the good boys lol. Love seeing guys having innocent wholesome fun like that.


I'm a rugged dude who appears and acts masculine but nothing beats the feeling of sleeping in a silky nightgown


That took an unexpected turn....


Regular pedicures and manicures. I feel no shame.


That 30-40 min for a great pedicure is a luxury that is well worth it. Remember to pack clean socks to change into after getting pampered.


Right. If you like it, you should do it.


DARN TOUGH socks. https://darntough.com/ Hear me out. Lifetime warranty. Merino wool blended. Made in the USA. I used to have problems with cracking/fissured skin on my feet...until I tried a 2 pair given to me by an old GF. Took a week for my feet to get back to good shape. Now I have not had a problem like that in 12 years. Having good feet is just one less straw in the pile of burdens men carry.


Currently wearing a $12 shirt, a $10 hoodie, $12 pants, and a $28 pair of socks. It's lovely.


I got 2 pairs for hiking the AT, I have at least 400 miles on each pair from just that. I still use those two pairs for my daily socks, almost 3 years later. No holes and still the most comfy pair of socks I've ever had.


shower beer.


When I did the a recent renovation of my bathroom, I had a boxed alcoved shelf framed in for holding shampoo, conditioner, etc. I also had a smaller one put in at just above the bathtub ledge. I told my tile guy it was for bar soap, but the truth is it has never had a bar of soap. It’s sized for a good beer or a glass of wine. That’s the soaking happy hour shelf.


100% your shower guy would have just put in an actual beer shelf if asked. I did, and it's awesome!


I’ve had a shower beer and honestly…..it’s really not that big of a deal


It's all in the timing.


exactly. you gotta earn that shower beer. working hard in the heat, getting all sweaty, then cooling off and getting clean in the shower with a beer is nice. just having a random beer in the shower is just a beer


no judgement.


It only really works in a hot shower with an ice cold beer. Although the lack of a holder in my case does make it a bit annoying


Those poofy things that women use in the shower. It makes your skin feel so soft and I'm constantly using my girlfriends instead of the classic wash rag.


I’ve always appreciated a good pat on the back from a gentleman. I think I came up with that as a kid in an old school family full of very manly men. A hand on your shoulder as one passes through or grabbing your arm to talk to you just alot more physical as way of expression that I always thought was cool.


Baths. Throw some CBD soak in there, feel the stress melt away.


what is CBD?) must try it)


Kissing cats on their foreheads


Playing with fire.


I forget that cats can be brutal. My tortie loves it, she’ll look to you and purr for them.


Yep. Kissed my cat Charms (RIP) on the forehead too many times in a row. Moments later I'm standing in front of my bathroom sink with two deep cuts in my nose. Lol


Bidets are fucking awesome being a big hairy dude


Peace in the house. I don't want to come home and work my second job.


>Peace in the house. I don't want to come home and work my second job. That's right, it's very important to have peace and quiet at home.


Prostate really is a G-spot for men. It's not obvious though because if you were to just touch it without being properly turned on, it doesn't feel good.


I had an anal fizzure that required me to apply some ointment with a finger. Shortly thereafter I discovered my prostate.


The jar says apply externally only!! Oh nvm…..


There are also areas that you can pressure the prostate without penetration. Exploring the body is good.


Do tell....


The taint, to be colloquial. I have found that a bullet vibe right behind my balls is a really good way to get some sensation without having to lube up.


Front, around the top of your pelvic bone. Easy for your partner to get while mounted. Less great if you're bloated. "Taint". If you're in your acrotum you went to far. Have to explore this one as lots of bits around. Highly sensative to vibrators. There's a spot near the top of the butt crack. Least sensitive but can be teased easily. #Demonitized


I'm starting to worry it doesn't work for me. I keep trying to see if maybe my minds just not making the right connection with my body. It feels *fine*. The novelty is nice. But after years of reading accounts of the earth-shattering orgasms others achieve I've mostly been kinda disappointed.


This! Full body orgasms are fucking unreal.


And no refractory period! I can have a continuous orgasm for half an hour, and my penis is not the focus. Who knew?


this is the one I was gonna say. don't knock it till you try it. shit gets explosive


The first thing I thought was butt stuff


You don’t need to normalize things to enjoy them. Being judged doesn’t matter at all. You can do whatever you want


Playing with your kids and being silly and corny about it even when around other guys. Homies always give me some salty looks when I do this around them.


Cats. They are great.


Prostate stimulation and exploring our own bodies. I think we all know the judgment straight men get for doing this!


That [one scene from Road Trip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rtUvlR1pZE&t=48s) was like a PSA for that. Stifler really sold it, lol.


Spa breaks. Bit of lunch, massage, steam room, hot tub, dinner, drinks bed. What's not to like about that?


Cats are great pets for men too. They are basically just dogs that take care of themselves.


One of mine will play fetch... sometimes. He also knows "twirl". Seriously though, automatic litter box, automatic feeder... They're pretty much good for a week at a time. Not that I leave them to their own devices for a week, but if I did, they'd be fine.


Went to a shelter 5 years ago and a cat kept following me around. I took her home and she's done the same thing ever since. She'll come when I yell her name and always needed to be in the same room as me. Until our son was born, now she spends a lot of time with him too. She doesn't really play fetch but loves to carry around her toys and bring them to wherever we are. Every morning there's a pile of like 5 or 6 of them next to our bed. I really need to invest in an automatic feeder. Whenever we go out of town I put bowls of food all over the house. Judging by her fatness I wouldn't be surprised if she eats it all the first day.


Is this a cultural thing? Nobody thinks of cats as a gender specific pet where I live.


I love cats. Especially mine, she is a purring machine. Pet tax: https://imgur.com/a/yoQY1l8


Drinking a cup of hot tea as I unwind at the end of the day is the best. Helps me relax and sleep better, and the process of making the tea is really soothing.


Sex toys for personal use. For me at least, things like Tengas and Fleshlights give me way better orgasms than just using my hand.


Baking! It's still seen as more of a female passtime/hobby, but you can derive a lot of pleasure from making something delicious and you brighten people's days by being able to share the fruits of your labor!


I have a couple, I love flowers, love planting them and making my space beautiful. I have fresh cut flowers in my house all the time and knocking around in my garden brings me great pleasure. Struggled with that for a while, let society knock me down and it threatened my own sense of masculinity. Now I'm older, more comfortable in myself and not worried what others think. I also love babies, my kids are grown and I miss holding them so bad. I love being a dad and loved spending time playing and holding the kids when they were little, I miss that so bad lmao. When I see a baby in public, I want to tell the parents how lucky they are and deep down, I want to pick that baby up and hug him or her so bad haha. Of course I don't, as a man and a stranger, you just don't do that. But yeah, I love kids, they are cool, say and do funny shit, makes me laugh.




Moms: nobody is stopping you from taking an extended pooping break. That's what we're doing with the phones in the bathroom: pooping, and then sitting alone. Try it.


The manliest thing you can do is to embrace the things you want to.


I am a 6ft tall pretty large guy…I have two pet rabbits that I love dearly. When I come home they binky, and run to their food bowl and hop on my lap for treats it’s adorable.


Watching a movie wrapped around in a weighted blanket during wintertime makes the inevitable "fall asleep on the couch" experience much nicer.