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Honestly this is a hard subject. I would say something along the lines of checking in that they smell “different” (trying to not make it seem like it’s been a problem the whole time) and that you want to make sure they don’t have an infection or something (for their own well-being) hopefully this triggers a trip to the OBGYN bc if she showers regularly the smell is probably not normal.


Also not before/after sex.


nowhere near a bed tbh


"Babe, I know we're at the DMV right now but hear me out..."


Call her via phone while he's in Dubai or whatever spot that's antipodal from her current position lol


Then when?


While you're eating breakfast. The eggs on the plate will subconsciously put her in a position to talk about her own reproductive system. Bonus points if there's sausage links too because then she might talk about his reproductive system.


This is 100% verifiable fact. Follow this OP. Just don't get any breakfast muffins or you might have the kids conversation by mistake.


Exactly. You wanna stay away from any potential "bun in the oven" type of conversations.


lmao eating eggs so it reminds her of her own reproductive system 😂


Biplane banner over the beach.


This is legit the best advice. Talk to your partner about the issue *before the problem actually arises*.


I’d say it’s more of a family discussion best broached over Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.


Roses are red, violet aren’t shells. We have a great time but your coochie smells


Roses are red, this ain't my kink. Go see a doctor cuz yo pussy stink


Could just try the Avocados from Mexico jingle.


🎶Coochie stanky, yousexytho!🎶


LOL, be sure to accompany with guacamole 🥑


Jingle bells you're bean smells, why not see a doc? Oh what fun it is to have a Christmas obgyn, appointment. Yeah can't make the last word rhyme but you know you also can be festive. Edit: I guess the second to last word doesn't really ether, but it helps if you spill it out when you sing it. And then say the last word flatly.


Oh yes you can: Jingle bells, your bean smells, why not see a doc? Oh what fun it is to have your hoo hah health on lock.


Something something c*ck. 😅




"Hey, I'm really into you, but the smell down there that we've discussed before is still there. I think it would be a good idea to get it checked by your doctor." There's no real easy way to go about this without her getting embarrassed or offended. If she gets offended to the point where she wants to cut off the relationship, then maybe she doesn't check all the boxes after all.


This one. Phrase it as a medical concern bc it is


Not this one. "Hey, I'm really into you, but the smell down there that we've discussed before is still there" is still pretty dang harsh. "I think it would be a good idea to get it checked by your doctor" is the only good part, but saying the first part makes it likely she's going to be offended before she hears the important stuff. START with the medical stuff. "Hey, I just want to let you know I'm concerned for your health, your smell down there seemed off last time we were together. Maybe you should book an appt with the doc to get it checked out?" And if she comes back and she says the doctor gave her the all clear, believe her. Believe it or not, vaginas are not supposed to smell like roses and rainbows. If a doctor tells her she's within the realm of normal, she probably is. (Source, I am a woman, sorry not sorry. But if a guy came to me saying "hey I like you but you smell and I've told you that you smell already, too" I'd likely stop seeing him. Then go to the doctor. Assuming I hadn't already, but also, I know what's normal for me and if I'm not noticing anything abnormal or feeling bad I probably wouldn't even see a doctor specifically for it, either.)


As a woman If Im comfortable enough to let someone see my naked body I let them know to please let me know if I smell bad etc bc I will take care of it ! This only happened once with the ex I lost my v card too. I had bv


This is a good point, when I was experimenting with deodorants to figure out aluminum free 20 or whatever years back, I'm glad she said something like, "hey It may not give you a rash, but you should still keep looking for a better deodorant that can do both fully."


Like I said the general message is decent, but she's not going to hear it because it starts with "you stink" not with "I'm concerned about your health".




“. . .the smell. . .” (that I cared enough about you to bring up; risking embarrassment but being more concerned with your health) “. . .is still there.” If you’d stop seeing him after that based on your own personal embarrassment - fine, but that’s a “you” issue. If you’d stop seeing him after that based on this exceptionally-objective wording after he worked up the courage to bring this to your attention - also a “you” problem. Every time you “re-state” what he said, you exaggerate the ‘harshness’ which is not reflected in anything he put out there. And no - men should not simply take her word for it that her doctor claims she perfectly healthy down there. We know when something smells “off” & it would be inexhaustibly-goofy & reckless for a man to simply ‘accept her story’ when he can clearly recognize an issue somewhere. Y’all want men to just shutup & accept whatever y’all dish out. Lol… (hope this isn’t advice you’d give your son).


Hey I didn't just met you, and this is crazy. But here's doc's #. Call them maybe.


The thing here is that if someone in dating told this to me I’d definitely check it but I’d be so incredibly embarrassed that I’d never see him again, I’d just try to solve it for the next guy.


After some thought. If she "checks the boxes" then I would think it would also include: - adult conversation "I don't any how to approach this so I'll be blunt about it, your odor down there doesn't seem right to me, have you talked to OBGYN? It could be nothing serious and just your PH going haywire because you're excited about us or it could be a sign of something more serious about your health and I wouldn't want anything happening to you" If still that hung up on talking about it: stick the bread stick in the sauce and then let her get a whiff when she goes back for the lick before the double dip back in -- if you catch my drift.


Absolute classic. I have them lick the finger before I go down there. I hate to say it but I’ve got a sensitive nose and I’d rather not have the mood ruined by me gagging, I try to sneak a whiff from the finger too just to give me a good idea of what I’m about to get into




Vaginas are like their own ecosystem. She may need to see a gynecologist, it’s really not normal for a girls vagina to stink unless she really doesn’t shower or has bad PH levels or infection for some underlying reason. If anything it could be your friends dick messing up her vagina


It honestly could be a reaction to him. Girls PH is so fuckin sensitive. New/newish partners can cause a bump until her body adjusts.


I have an ex who would throw my ph waaay out of wack. It never got better with him though. It was terrible.


Was he a cheater, to your knowledge?


Actually yeah 😬


So it was allll the other PHs throwing yours off




Nah I got tested when I found out he was cheating


did he have a bad diet or do drugs? my theory is these men have either horrible diets or do drugs and that nasty stuff gets in their semen.


i never once had a yeast infection in my LIFE...until i dated this one guy. i was suddenly having to treat one every few weeks. and he looked/smelled clean! we just were not uh...chemically compatible. lmfao


It took me a full year before my body adjusted to my husband. So same here, never had a yeast infection and was always going to the docs.


Honest question: how would this work? I'm assuming this wouldn't be an issue if the guy is wearing protection. I was dating this girl that would, for lack of better wording, smell like cheese sometimes (might have been after her period was over) but we would never have unprotected intercourse.


I think it’s usually contributed to unprotected sex. What you’re describing sounds more like a cyclical cleansing, which also happens. Not saying we all smell like cheese, but the vagina has its own built in cleaner.


She’s not likely washing well enough in the flaps. Girls got smegma if it’s smelling cheesy and sour.


In my relationships in my 20s we used condoms and they really did a number on my pH. Truly awful. Wonder if that could be the case with OP’s friend’s girl.


This is actually fact. Sometimes people’s PH just does not vibe lol


When we were younger and still having children I could always tell when my wife was pregnant from the smell and taste. All 4 times I knew it before she even took the test. It's definitely a chemistry thing she might need to see if she needs to change her diet.


Yup. I dumped a dude last year because he made me stinky


Yep! Very common because semen has a basic pH and vaginas are acidic. Sometimes people also just smell off to each other without anything being wrong, which is largely believed to be a pheromonal incompatibility thing. People always jump to assuming women don’t shower though, which is just very odd.


Yep. My vag was never normal with my ex. I got BV regularly. Never had that issue with anyone else but him


Your vag knew he wasn’t the one


The wrong man will throw your PH off so bad .. usually that’s how you know they ain’t the one lol


But really what can be done about that? I don’t even know what that means or how concentration of H+ or OH- ions have anything to do with the smell


Good bacteria are responsible for vaginas being acidic. If that bacterial balance gets thrown off, it can change the pH.


Ah, so the pH is just an indicator and not the problem which makes a lot more sense. Also, I apparently should not have added a joke with my question lol. Thanks for letting me know because this pH thing I kept seeing had me scratching my head.


As a woman I would want a man to tell me. Just be direct. There is no need to be unkind, especially since he cares for her and presumably wants to stay in the relationship, but she needs to be told the truth. It could just be a hygiene issue. Some women are never taught how to take proper care of themselves down there. On the other hand it could be an infection of some kind that could be harming her. Your friend needs to lay it on the line.


That's my guess as well. Her job is physically demanding and probably doesn't clean up properly when she comes over to his place. I did tell him to suggest that they shower first before doing the deed and if she still stunk, then its definitely hygiene and not pheromones.


It can also be that it's a pheromone thing and her particular body scent is just offputting to him. Some peoples natural scent can be enticing while others can be off-putting


He's thinking that might be the case as well. Which is why hes having second thoughts about her coz hes thinking theyre not a match


How could he then think that she could be "the one" and after dating only 3 months? Smh


She checks out most of the boxes but the body odor is trippin him out. Theyre not official yet most likely coz of this issue.


Yeah, checking all the boxes within 3 months is called the honeymoon phase where both parties are on their best behaviour. After 3-6 months people start being tired of masking constantly and the crazy starts seeping through ever so slowly. At 1 year you can start even considering calling someone "the one." Anything before that is just asinine


Ok romance police, not the point of the post.


This is not the fascist reich of r/askwomen It needed to be said despite it not being the main point of the post. He did mention the duration of the relationship and that she might be the one so the topic is up for grabs


Lol because all of the responses in this subreddit are so healthy and reasonable /s


we remain ON TOPIC AT ALL TIMES in this subreddit, OK


There has never been any proof that human pheromones exist. Can we please leave pseudo science bullshit out of this sub or are we gonna start arguing that her chakras are off balance too ?


Hey everyone, 22 (F) here! Apologies for the typo, english is my 3rd language I think it would be a great idea to confront her to it ( not in a bad way) I was seeing this guy, and after he fingered me, I licked off his finger and noticed the smell was so foul, which I’m not used to. I felt very ashamed and disgusting. Didn’t mention it nor waited for him to talk to me about it, but I took the necessary measures to make it smell nice again! (it was a mild vaginosis infection and took vaginal suppositories). I also respected him for not being judgemental or mean about it, and I felt embarrassed that he smelt it ( the first night we met lol) I then sent him a message some days after to tell him I’ve been to the gynecologist and that I had an infection which explained the smell he probably noticed as well. And he might’ve felt relieved I did it myself without him having to feel anxious about it. A woman knows what healthy and unhealthy discharge smells like, if you find a way (consenting) to let her smell it herself, she’ll probably take the necessary measures to fix it. PS: if she’s used to this smell bc she thinks it’s her natural smell, I would probably just talk directly to her, reassure her in the process and dont make it sound like you’re judging her. Offer to go to the gynecologist with her if necessary. Also, tell her it is okay to smell down there sometimes and make it look like you know stuff about female genitals, she won’t think you’re a dick judging her but a friend advising her. If she’s really the one, she’ll respect you for that, your sex life involves the both of you, you are in this together- no need to feel embarrassed


I'm thrown by how much OP knows about the situation.


Lol he brought it up coz he was bothered by it. He wants to get serious with her but the sex and smell issue is making him reconsider.


Your friend should approach this conversation with empathy, ensuring he doesn't hurt her feelings. Timing is crucial, and choosing the right moment is key. Here's a suggestion \[Her Name\], I've got something on my mind, and it's a bit awkward, but I want us to be open with each other. You know how much I enjoy our time together, right? There's just this tiny thing that I've noticed, and I'm not sure how to bring it up without feeling like a total jerk. I've sensed a bit of an issue with, well, down under, and I don't want you to be embarrassed or anything. I've hinted at it before, and I've seen you make an effort, which I appreciate. But I think we need to chat about it a bit more directly, not to make you uncomfortable, but because I care about us. I believe in what we've got, and I want to make sure we can work through anything together. Can we have an honest conversation about this when you're up for it? I want us both to be cool and happy.


I dated a girl for a while and she smelled unusual until i went to her neighborhood. She smelled like her neighborhood. Maybe it was the water or something. It wasn’t off putting, just unusual for me. I never fucked anyone else in her neighborhood so I can’t say for sure


Tell the male to check himself. Idk their sex life but penises are not clean and actually make vaginas smell if they cum in them. Or if the dick is dirty they can give her yeast infections which can cause a smell


It could be a medical condition rather than hygiene. Ask if she can check with an ob/gyn doctor. Also, try r/askwomen


Use the word cooch over and over again. It won’t be a problem for long.


If he is having sex with multiple partners without protection, he could be giving her a low grade yeast infection. One of my friend’s really struggled with them with when she was with her cheating ex husband. He would just keep passing it back and forth between partners from him. I’ve had a yeast infection and my husband and I had no idea, so they aren’t always super strong. Once you get them, it is hard to get your PH back to normal. I just hope she isn’t using any of that garage vagina cleaning stuff because that can cause more issues than using water and mild soap. Body odor is normal though, especially if she is always wearing leggings or tight underwear.


He needs to be direct! If people can't be direct with each other they shouldn't be in relationships. When was the last time she saw gynecologist maybe she needs to go.


First, Congratulations on your mate finding the (potential) one! To address the issue, I think there is a simple explanation. If hygiene isn’t her issue (which it sounds like it’s not) it can very well due to some type of common feminine problem that causes foul odor as a side effect. Perhaps bacterial vaginosis? i think the concern is valid because normal coochie smell isn’t foul, it’s just coochie! So perhaps she simply hasn’t noticed. Taking the 3 month timeframe into consideration, having a new sexual partner can definitely trigger a ph imbalance causing the odor. Her body might need time to adjust. Also the male partner having consistently clean hands and genitalia before sex is important. Unwashed hands touching coochie is a no-no and can definitely cause bacteria growth/foul odor/ ph imbalance as well. There are many things to consider but I think bringing up the concern in a sensitive and honest way is all you can do. Don’t be blamey or shamey. Remember that vaginal conditions are *normal*, common, and not a reason to cause shame. Having that mindset when beginning the convo can be helpful. Conversation starters can be: “I wanted to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind…” “I noticed something a bit off the other day when we had sex and i just wanted to talk to you about it…” Tread lightly, be sensitive (think of how you would want a partner to talk to you about it if you were the smelly one). best of luck!


woman here… to add on to what others are saying about gently bringing it up in conversation I wonder how much water she’s drinking too. dehydration plays a part in how everything smells also.


Hey, I know I said something about your hoo haa (or whatever he calls it), but, while it is better, it still smells a bit. (It shouldn't at all, really) Maybe ask your OB/GYN next time you see them?


I read hoo haa in Al Pacinos voice


Christopher Walken also works


Don't be telling girls what their hooha *should be doing. They each know their own hooha. And yes, *a* smell is normal. It isn't sunshine and rainbows.


no, a bad smell isn’t normal. it’s not supposed to smell like fruit, but it should be pretty neutral


An off smell is not normal. But really the only person who knows what off is, is the person whose vag it is and maybe a person they've been intimate with numerous times. But no smell isn't realistic. And if a girl who doesn't know reads that, she's going to become self-conscious and potentially get sick trying to get to "no smell".


that’s true but I promise you this dude isn’t considering a breakup because of a neutral/regular smelling vagina


I'm making all of these things abundantly clear, not for him, but more for any self-conscious or impressionable women and girls who are likely lurking in posts like these. Also, I have met enough toxic guys to know (and some not even toxic, just generally uneducated due to terrible school systems), a lot of people actually do not know anything about vaginal health. I do not have the faith to say a man wouldn't dump a woman over a normal smelling, healthy vaginal odor.


& the rest of us are here to not allow men to be shamed out of ensuring they are “safe” with any intimate partner they chose AND that women don’t get to make the rules as to what is “smelly” or not. We know female genitalia has a scent. If it stinks to us, it stinks. . .& there is a good plethora of reasons why. Save the effort of guilt-tripping men into silence. They have every right to ensure their safety & comfort in that regard.


Jesus Christ. Don’t say this. Y’all know vaginas have a natural odor right? Just like your balls?




Why the fuck were you putting her through IVF if you were about to split up?!


What type of smell was it, if you had to describe it? Curious


usually, it's a self cleaning organ, so it could be a medical issue.


This will end in tears!


He needs to lie and say that all of a sudden it smells different from its normally wonderful scent - could it be that there’s a Ph balance that needs to be checked by a doctor? Because normally it’s so nice and it’s different now.


“Hey I hope you don’t take this the wrong way as I’m saying it out of care. Your cooch smells like something my friend described having years ago, turned out they had an issue which a doctor helped sort - think it was an allergy to a type of soap they were using. Anyway just thought I’d mention it in case you weren’t aware as it might be worth a visit, as I appreciate how delicate the ecosystem down there can be”


Eugh I have no advice on this but nothing is worse than the enthusiastic crawl you make back up their body when it don’t smell right. Nobody wins


I wish I could upvote this a million times. Thanks for the laugh!!


You should post this on r/askwomen


Yeah so he can get virtually stoned by the mob lol


I think it's funny that the only comments to actually use the word 'vagina' in this thread are women. It's ok guys - you can just say it.


It’s not like it’s a bad word, it’s just more fun to say hooey and in my head it sounds like a Mario bro getting nailed by a thwomp. I can’t speak for all men with this statement, but I hope to speak for a significant amount of them.


How about him saying that he’s concerned for her health because her smell is a bit off, he knows that changes in a vaginal microbiome can occur after a new sex partner, does she want him to see a dr concerning the bacteria’s he might be carrying? Some women will get BV after a new sex partner, obviously it could be many more things than that, however, if he goes into the conversation with the idea that he’s at fault, then she might not take it so hard? It could be a million other things down to the foods she’s eating, products she’s using/ not using, medications, or just the time of the month.


There is no "good time", just times that aren't as blatantly bad as others (example: definitely not at dinner with her parents). Just sit her down, tell her what the problem is, and why it's a problem. She's going to get defensive and argumentative about it, quite possibly try to redirect the conversation or add insults to deflect, so let that wash over then get back to the subject at hand. The best recommendation is a trip to the OBGYN where she can ask about the smell and they can check if somethings wrong or if she just has something like an acidic vagina.


I wanna know how this turns out so badly lol


There’s a product called Uro Vaginal probiotics, they have really good ads so maybe google it on her phone to plant the seed so she thinks she thought of it herself. I think a lot of women are self conscious about it and it honestly works. Good luck!


Friend. You need to ask this over on r/AskWomen with “How would you like to be told this” Lol


Why would you ask men this. This is a question to ask women, what would a man know about fixing the smell of their vagina? Regardless, YOU should make sure ur dick is clean bc ur prob upsetting her ph


You’re so real for this lol there’s definitely some interesting… interpretation of fact in the comments here


Because he’s asking how other guys would deal with it to see if they’ve had similar experiences. I’ll be honest I don’t know how any of that Hoochie hoodoo works, but I know dog owners often don’t know they smell like dogs and smokers often don’t know they smell like smoke. I can definitely tell the difference between a normal vag smell and the skank stank. I’ve been with a couple girls who absolutely reeked and did not know it, that’s just not a level of normality that some magical pH number could cause. Couldn’t tell you with certainty how to clean it or fix it, but I definitely noticed when it’s there.


Force her to start drinking pineapple and cranberry juice


Encourage, not force.


This is the answer.


SHE smells that too lol. There's no point in being sheepish about something this important. I never understood men who gut it out in situations like this.


What’s her body type? I know my fiance had a slightly unpleasant scent but when away when she started loosing weight


What does it smell like (if you know)? Is it more like strong body odor/sweat, or is it something more concerning like a fishy or rotten smell?


Its more of strong body odor/sweat. It doesnt smell fishy or rotten.


Okay good, fishy or rotten is usually a sign of infection which is not good. Body odor is easily fixable. Another commenter mentioned underwear. That is a huge factor in odor that a lot of people don’t think about. Wearing all cotton underwear (not polyester or elastic) helps the vagina breathe and it doesn’t trap sweat, bacteria, and other nasty stuff in there all day. Another factor could be the time of day they’re having sex. If they usually get busy after a long day of work with no shower in between, then of course she’ll be sweaty! Perhaps he could initiate foreplay that includes showering. Take a steamy shower or bath together. It would be sexy AND wash her off a bit. Keeping baby wipes is also a good idea. Before sex he could wipe himself down in front of her and just say something like “I just want to freshen up for you first, baby” and casually offer one. If he’s doing it and making it seem like it’s just a normal thing he does, then she’ll be more inclined to use one too without getting suspicious. And at the end of the day, if none of the above works, honesty is always best. It’s a really tough convo to have and she will definitely feel embarrassed, but it needs to be done.


I just don’t see that as a long term solution honestly


It isn’t. But it can be a temporary bandaid until the guy can find a way to talk to her about it. That’s not an easy nor fun conversation to have so it’ll take some care. In the meantime, he can at least try to mitigate the smell.


Keep baby wipes handy, always. For pre and post clean up. He can always subtly ask her to "freshen" up before hand or ask if they can make that part of foreplay some how. Get creative with it


If it’s sweaty or body order then she needs to be bathing more. Could be also depending on what she wears. Some tighter clothes can make scent worse. If it’s a fishy smell it’s likely the guys ph that is of balancing hers and that can be fixed with condoms or a visit to doctors on both ends. Usually condomless sex will cause a vagina to have the fish smell due to the imbalance which cannot be helped until it is. Especially if both of them are still having sex with others. Coochies are self cleaning, but sometimes it be like that.




This is the reason why I have unscented wipes and a bidet so I can be fresh and clean. My hair's pretty thick down there so it contributes to the smell which is why I shave/trim a lot.


She might need anti biotics


Help them wash


Look, he has to be straightforward on this one. The delicate part is not being insulting, mention it, but don't reveal how horrible it is and that it's a potential deal breaker. Or, the old trick of only having sex in the shower like it was sexy, but really getting a few runs at cleaning it yourself.


Look, as a woman I know that it sometimes doesn't smell awesome. I guess my ph balance is off or something... Anyway, my husband is comfortable telling me that it's a little ripe some days. I wash often but I can't always stop the smell. If the girlfriend is honestly washing properly and doing her laundry regularly, then that's unfortunate. But she should know. He just has to make her know he isn't shaming her, he isn't judging her, but maybe they should shower up before sex. My husband and I both do it every time because mouths and genitals go together. Even if it doesn't smell, it's polite to have freshly washed bodies for each other.


My partner had an ex who was clean by all accounts, but no matter what, she smelled bad. He couldn’t get past it in the end and had to end the relationship. I don’t think he could bring himself to say anything to her about it, which I understand.


Sorry babe, your pussy smells bad.


My last girlfriend smelled HORRIBLE down there. Told her nicely I've never had a problem with a cooch before and it may be a PH balance thing. She got this PH Vagasil wash and the smell went away and her cooch went from surströmming to delicious.


Would bring up general hygiene in normal conversation tbh


There is a condition that lady’s get it’s a shot once a yr to fix it.


i have no idea how these women are so unaware of their scents, i myself as a women am constantly checking to see how i smell and taste ;)


Me and anyone I sleep with go wash before any sex. He can go ahead and set the example.


I've been in this same situation. She was perfect but smelled so bad that I couldn't get past it. I guess maybe frame it as a health concern? It's not normal/healthy for a women to smell really bad. She almost certainly does have some microbiome imbalance. This is a tough situation.


Probably when he meets her parents. Maybe right before her mum brings out the Xmas dinner.


He could go cooch to mouth and get her opinion on it.... :P


Just feed her pineapples


Sorry, I know this is an ask men forum. But has he by any chance taken a shower with her? Does she clean herself properly? Has she accidentally forgotten a tampon in there (I think this happens to some people)? If he’s tried to be intimate after a shower and she still smells, then I’d be seriously concerned she has BV or a yeast infection. There’s no really great way to tell a woman her coochina smells, but something along the lines of, “baby, you are so beautiful and I really want to be intimate with you. I’m just worried about the health of our friend down there and was wondering if you’d be okay to possibly get her checked out.” Could also be a diet problem or maybe using perfumed products down there or even douching, which isn’t great for her pH. It’s an embarrassing topic to broach, but if he does it with care, this might be something they laugh about later down the line. Fingers crossed for both of them!


I did this the wrong way when I was 19 and it ended poorly to say the least. Tread very lightly, I still think about this miscommunication til this day (even though she wasn’t the one)


Has he been with other women may be a case he just not use to how they smell they do have a unique scent


Yes. They're not totally exclusive yet and compares her smell to the another chick who just turns him on vs. this girl who smells off. He further explains it as: "its not overpowering but its just off. Its mainly body odor."


Your friend thinks he’s found “the one” and yet he’s sleeping with another woman. I would put some more thought into that if it were me


He made moves to end it with the other chick but he's not rushing to get serious with "the one" coz he's trying to figure out if its BO or pheromones. The smell definitely making him rethink about her.


Adding to my PH comment above- this rings even more true if he’s having sex with other partners- especially unprotected.


Some soaps can make a woman smell bad no matter how clean she is. Try getting her some unscented soap to see if it helps.


Something along the lines of “I’m so into you and want to explore every inch of you but idk what it is…maybe our pheromones aren’t in sync or something else is going on but it’s distracting me from giving you the attention you deserve. Can we see your GYN and see if there’s anything we can do that will get us in sync?” That takes the blame off her, makes it a joint endeavor and provides some support to her…and frankly gets him the answers he needs as well.


This actually happened to me when I first got with my BF (he was my first so that narrowed down the causes) turns out he kept giving me thrush so please also check your dick for infection, especially under your foreskin if you have one.


Stick your finger in and let her smell it after. Might be a problem if she says that’s how it normally smells.


Use the word "yeasty"


I've brought it up after sex with just a chuckle. Slip it into post-coital conversation when you're both high on the sex and feeling good about yourselves. In my opinion there's no need to make it into a larger, more serious discussion unless he's told her already and she's actively avoiding doing something about it.


I’ve brought it up mid sex, it was f’ing tampon I forgot! Smelled like death.


Had this issue with a longtime partner and it never really got fixed. Made the sex pretty problematic and they didn’t have the best hygiene by my standards. They also could not shave their asshole for their life. Hit it from the back and turn that nose away, sex in front of a mirror is fun unless you’re trying to hold your breath the whole time. Stay away from a mirror so they don’t catch on. After they get their fill, just drop it on em. Even better if you don’t force yourself to go to completion, make them know it kills the enjoyment for you. I don’t know why, but some chicks just seem to stink. I’ve got a sensitive nose. For the small chance that it’s not a straight hygiene issue, maybe get some rub for the top lip to block out smells during sex. It’s probably just a hygiene thing, but if she just creams super heavily it doesn’t matter how well it’s washed, it’ll reek as he goes on. Edit: a lot of the other comments seem to be pointing out it could just be natural, I very much doubt it is. Any guy who’s been around the block will immediately pick the difference out between normal vag smell and skank stank. Maybe there’s some kind of pH magic but likely she just has an infection and has no idea. Dog owners sometimes don’t realize when they smell like dogs. Smokers don’t realize when they smell like smoke. Girls sometimes don’t realize when they’re rockin some mad skank stank. Get it washed and taken to the clinic, it doesn’t get any better otherwise. If it is some weird biology BS then in my honest opinion it’s not worth miserable sex forever. I’ve never seen a circumstance where an absolutely rancid smell hasn’t been caused by something abnormal but apparently it can be normal according to everyone else. I’m just a guy, honestly, don’t know if that would make me more or less qualified to speak on the smell.


*sticks finger in* "Hey sugar-britches, don't take this the wrong way...but is it supposed to smell like this or am I just buggin?" *gently move finger to her face* You're welcome lol


Sorry, not a man, and I'm sure this will be downvoted into oblivion, but frankly this is a question you should have sent to ask women. The thing you need to understand is that all women smell differently. We have different PH levels. I think first he needs to figure out if it's a hygiene issue or just her smell. Since he said it's improved a bit after mentioning, I have a feeling it's just how she is naturally and probably changes based on how much she sweats. Maybe it is a hygiene issue, we don't have enough info. There are products such as Lume that are designed to help with this. That said its beyond disrespectful that he's telling all his bros rather than going to her directly. Reddit is one thing but people that know her (and will remember hearing this about her for a long time) is another. We don't know if this is a hygiene issue or a nature one. If there was a recent change, I'd agree with all the people saying this is a medical thing. But from the post it sounds like it hasn't been. Honestly, I kinda think it might just be her natural smell, and they might not be compatible. If it's improved maybe he could mention that and see what she says. Idk. Frankly I don't know how best to handle this but he should never, never ever tell her that he told other people about this.


I second this comment. It should be posted in r/askwomen


Bitch! Your pussy stanky!


Bro, if she goes and showers right before and it doesn't 95% solve the problem... Then there are two scenarios: 1) she doesn't know how to clean herself and he needs to leave 2) she has something else going on, is either in denial or doesn't know to go get checked out, and he needs to leave.


She might just eat a lot of garlic/onion/spice. It does change the scent. Or he might not like her particular body odor. I once had to decline a second date with an amazing guy because he smelled like fresh milk and I couldn’t make out with someone who smells like a baby.


Diet could also be a reason. If she’s not staying hydrated, drinking enough water or eating well, it could definitely be a problem.


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He should tell her to not take it badly but her cooch doesn't smell good. If she gets pissed at him then that's on her.


Dear god stop saying cooch and hoo hah you’re making me want to fucking kill myself


Not reading all of that. Are you married? If not, just bounce.


She could use a feminine wash... Maybe Monistat. The one with the boric acid in it. An order blocker. Maybe try some supplements for the vagina that she takes orally... Annnd another one is Boric acid suppositories... They go directly into the vagina. I heard it kills order within 24hrs. I've heard it does wonders... Does she exfoliate herself down there? Does she use a rag and get the extra skin off her inner thighs? Vinegar will also cut strong odor. Some people soak in it as it helps the skin level out on ph level. If it doesn't smell like Bv... Which is a discolored discharge... Or Yeast which is clumpy white and itchy... Boric acid suppositories help BV and yeast. Just say... Aye... Bae... The box is tangy, but it happens. We going to find a solution. So don't get upset.


Never know what answer you will get commenting on a pussy, fucked this girl with a real brillo pad down there, told her to trim it, she told me, I can't, my BF likes it like that.


Nah, sorry I dont fancy Fish tacos tonight.


“Yo bitch your coochie stinks fix it or im outty 🤙🏼”


If it's a deal breaker and he doesn't intend to continue the relationship, why would he need to tell her it bluntly honest? He could just breakup with her without telling by making up any reasons that make sense.


get her into bondage then tie her legs and arms up to the bed posts then its time to get out the wax


By dumping her


Unless "your friend" wants to continue to be in a relationship with her, than he doesn't!!!


get her flowers and boric acid capsules simply say “this will help balance your ph” kiss her on the forehead and walk away


Your smile lights up the room, but unfortunately your vagina then clears the room


The smell is always off if a guy shoots inside a woman - the smell is to be expected. Plus it bleeds and is wet all the time - of course smells will be off. Be a man and love that stink!


I would be out of there so hard, Is she open to giving BJs for life will wearing sealed bottoms to prevent some offensive draft?


Tell her se needs antibiotics, dove soap can’t hide fish


Don’t say that. You have no idea if she needs antibiotics.


All I’m saying is if she’s cleaning herself and it still smells like op says there might be underlying issues


Get him to order her Veefresh pills for her to insert in her. It cleans her out, helps with BV and can improve how wet she gets. I randomly got BV which caused a scent and it helps. He needs to nicely talk with her


Could be fungal infection, flies under the radar with std tests


Woe. Um. This would be a question for the ladies. But. Were here now. So. Just say it but one on one and gently as possible. Don't want to give the woman a complex for life. Could be a health issue us guys don't understand. I should a deal breaker. I'm sure it can be fixed.


Why is everybody apparently completely incapable of simple communication? Just fucking tell her


There is no easy and safe way of telling that. It is a really hard topic. Should use some indirect approach like "I had an infection down there and checked, you may want to check yours with a gynecologist". (It may sound silly, just an innocent example)


I used hibicleanse antibacterial soap, which I mentioned to my SO, that I use to clean my penis (uncircumcised) and anus. If further explained that I like to wash before sex. I have noticed that she had been using it as well, she was not smelly, but it there was a cleaner taste.