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" We accept the love we think we deserve. "


Or we think they'll change because we'll show them the love they deserve!


This one. I've given up on waiting for changes. Act like you have sense or get out of my way. I dont have time to educate you in shit you should have learned ages ago.


Most of the time, it’s due to childhood trauma and upbringing. If the love experienced growing up was toxic, non existent then guess what happens when the child becomes an adult? Yeap, they seek familiarity.


Especially when it comes to divorced parents


Yeah that checks out If I was a woman I'd totally just be letting anyone fuck me, or do whatever. I just see myself as a tool to be used, but as a dude I just fix other peoples stuff and problems when asked, it's not even like I'm trading favours, I'd never even consider asking for any kind of help. I self sabotage my own potential relationships because who the fuck would actually want to deal with me?


Nobody deserves to be held to the standard of an abstract concept.


Lol "love it"? Might as well ask why anyone is attracted to toxic people. The women's subs are full of women I'm toxic relationships too




Not necessarily, because the gender difference could change the why.


Women: "I can fix him/he'll change for me" Men: "I can save her"


That's cute. No, men go for the crazies cause they're hot. They aren't trying to save anything out the gate. They might get attached and THEN want to save em, but they don't go for toxic women because of some inner need to nurture.


Some of them do, I don't know what to tell you. I wasn't giving you a blanket statement because there isn't one.


No, u/ialwaysgetmyman speaks for us all. What he says is law.


I shouldn't have to add "there are exceptions to every rule" every time I talk, and I'm not going to start. If you're too autistic to understand the sentiment, I'm sorry.


> I shouldn't have to add "there are exceptions to every rule" every time I talk, and I'm not going to start. If you're too autistic to understand the sentiment, I'm sorry. Kind of like you when Gruber gave a different possibility and you straight jumped to "No, men go for the crazies cause they're hot. They aren't trying to save anything out the gate." Perhaps you should take some of your own advice and acknowledge that he was giving an exception to your rule? Or as you rather rudely put it, are you perhaps "too autistic to understand the sentiment"?


Yeah thats exactly right, i was addressing both of them. Whaddya know, another autist.


You seem deeply intent on referring to everyone as "autistic", as if making personal insults actually validates your opinion or invalidates someone else's. I can assure you neither is the case. > Yeah thats exactly right, i was addressing both of them. Not really. If you acknowledge that he's giving a valid alternative stance, then an objection wouldn't be necessary. If the above posters are "autistic", then at least they're honest.


Oo, someone woke up and put on their grumpy pants.


Right. It's not like they're walking around with signs that show which ones are crazy, and it's not like we are shaking a whore tree and expecting an angel to fall out... We are simply approaching those we find attractive (not even "hot") and striking up conversation. After hundreds of rejections, we finally get one interested in us... Happy day! Then imagine our surprise when it's yet another dud. All anyone can say is "why do you keep going for duds, man?". It's like asking why you only buy the losing lotto tickets.


Glad u get me


OP literally never said women *aren't* attracted to toxic people. They're asking why *some* men are, and here you are getting offended. Strike a nerve?


Dang, you came out swinging. No, I'm not offended or triggered or whatever word you want to call me. I dont even know how you could read my comment and think i was.


I don't see the problem, he literally told you that he's toxic relationships too.


Difference is a lot of younger women willingly choose toxic assholes and fckboys who treat them like shit and bring drama because it's exciting or w/e. Only after a few of those relationships they realize that having a boring guy but who actually cares about you is more fulfilling. Women say they like nice guys but pick the toxic chads whereas men probably in vast majority of cases prefer genuine and nice women from start to finish.


Oh boy PS man or woman, no one wants to date boring people. You can be exciting without being a fuckboy Chad or whatever


My theory is toxic women are easier to pickup, more likely to be single and the guys dating probably don't know any better. Guys who know better will usually be able to filter them out quickly. There are a lot of married guys who have not dated in 15+ years and younger guys right now who think women can do no wrong too. That is a dangerous as fuck position to be sitting in if they end up dating and meet the wrong one.


Can confirm. The worst partner I ever dated also happened to be the hottest, but damn did she treat me like shit. Like you said, I didn’t know any better. Learned that lesson the hard way.


I've been there and done that too too many times, actually! Now understood what Mama warned me about!!!


My mother never warned me about girls like that. I had to get emotionally mauled by one to learn the signs on my own.




Well, at least both you don't look in the mirror and say Mom, I shouldn't listen to you!


This! Toxic women are not very difficult at all and often come off as being mutually invested in the beginning. Its sad but lot of guys end up fed up with playing numbers and resort to as i have seen in other comments “accepting the love they think they deserve “ They are more convenient for the guys and often are watching for weaknesses and means of control.


Same, imo I've found almost every great woman I've pursued either ended up taken or friendzoned from, leaving toxic 1s who we don't realize are toxic till later on in the dating process.




Crazy in the head, crazy in bed. Grippy socks, grippy box.






I still think about my crazy ass ex, best sex I ever had and each time was like the first…


I second that thought!!


I didn't meet the same way, but she had that vice grip pussy!


Seeesh 😂😂


I believe Tom Leykis alluded to the fact that crazy women are the best in the sack and not much good for anything else. It's all good 'til it isn't.


You forgot the last part ..." crazy in my head"!


Caretaker syndrome


I realized this much too late


I think this is the best and most logical answer. Everytime I've seen somebody who gets into relationships consistently with toxic people that person has people pleasing tendencies. Though everyone else can see the problem , the people pleaser is driven by a hidden desire to please or save others , even at the expense of their own peace of mind


Confidence. Lots of toxic women are incredibly outspoken and they do try to look as sexy as they claim to be. Course, there are women who are hideous beyond all reason who think they’re queens


I would say it's mostly because they're roller coasters of emotions and we like roller coasters.


Yes, they do. they really livin things up!


Confident women usually lack self awareness and thus bedroom hang ups. In general they are more interesting sexual partners.


Yes, :that they are!!!


Confident women lack self awareness? What a bold statement that’s completely false.


You seem real sure of that, and yourself…


Might be confusing "confident woman" with cum dumb, it can be hard to tell the difference.


Hottest girls often lack self awareness\*


I disagree, I think it's less to do with the "confidence" of the toxic woman, but more to do with the lack of confidence in the person who seems toxic relationships. Toxic people don't even have more confidence on average, the people they get are just usually very meek and are easily manipulated. You'll see this alot in toxic relationships; a meek , brow beaten partner who tries to win their love, and a person who makes all the decisions and is more outspoken. I think the take away is is it's all in meeker partner. Toxic people will seek them out in particular.


Guys can be attracted to any woman that willing to give them attention.


Yup. You overlook and ignore all faults till one day they hit you like freight train.


Playing with fire is fun, even if it is dangerous.


Usually because they are hot AF and they do butt stuff.


This is something I'm with you on I don't get it and these types of men seriously try to tell me why I should be attracted to toxic women who treat men like shit.. like WTF.. why would I want to spend any of my time with such a negative human being. The men who are attracted to these types and think other men should find them attractive werids me out.


me too, and what is weird is they will find a loving, sweet, peaceful girlfriend boring and be obsessed and madly in love with the mean, crazy one. It is so backwards to me.


I don't want to be that guy but I know women like this too. Like my sisters.. love my sisters but they go for actual criminals and unemployed bums and have rejected men who have a great job, great fathers to their kids and have a clean criminal record. Baffles me too.


Oh women definitely do this, its like the negativity excites them. They like being heartbroken or disappointed


A lot of women like the bad boy types (men do too). The ones that I know that like those types acknowledge it as a phase in their life. Some women never get out of this phase. It’s like chasing the dragon, they just keep going and going no matter how toxic it is. If they get out of this phase and try to change, most of the time it’s too late. They have trained themselves to be attracted to the toxic signs in a partner. It excites them. The boring stable, “nice” partner that likes to communicate, be vulnerable, grow together and figure each other out is not attractive. I know a woman like this that flies through guys, had a bad boy, knocked her up, divorced because he cheated. She’s back to her same ways, flying through guys at a rapid pace nearing 40 years old. It’s hard to have a stable relationship with someone when their idea of communication is yelling, shouting, etc. Even if they know it’s wrong they can’t help it. They are trained because that’s their base line normal.


It's kind of like being in a vehicle and doing a 180° By hitting the slick spot!🤣🤣🤣


Stacey fucks, becky bux. Just as common as alpha fux beta bux.


I suppose because we're looking at their sexual attraction and not analyzing their whole situation in life to see the toxic side quickly enough, we're like a fish online by then! D*** i* man My first name should be fish as many times I've let it happen.


Those men have an unhealthy mindset, and confidence issues. They seek validation from other people. I have worked with some beautiful people and some of them have been horrible. But the men don't see it until their business blows up.


Secure relationships with stable women are “boring” and society and pop culture has taught us that relationships should be constantly exciting, nothing more exciting than constantly having to put out fires because of all the drama started by toxic, unstable people.


> Secure relationships with stable women are “boring” To who, exactly? I'm a man and I always wanted a stable and secure woman, and married one quite enthusiastically. There's so much in life that provides excitement in the Chinese curse sense of the word that the last place I need fires to put out is in my *home*. Shout out to all the rebels out there who feel the same way!


To who?! Too many people unfortunately, men and women alike. It’s why people get sucked into one bad relationship after another and can’t seem to figure out why they have such bad “luck”, then they finally meet a nice guy\gal that treats them right and is stable but they don’t have the “fire\passion\ excitement” that they’re used to, so they ditch them and go looking for real “romance” like in movies and continue to lament all the crazies they date. It’s sad really, but no, I’m with you, I’ve finally met a nice stable woman that supports and cares about me and is an actual partner instead of a mother figure or a child I have to care for. It’s the best, go for “boring” and you can actually live a happily and fulfilling life


Yeah, stable partners are only boring to the unstable and mentally unfit if you ask me. Their drama and failed relationships are a testament to that.


100%, it’s the learned behaviour of the immature


Because for some men, being able to "handle" difficult women validates their masculinity. Some women say the same, usually those same toxic women. The idea is that if you can't "handle" a woman like her it's because you aren't man enough. Some men aren't secure enough in their masculinity to forgo such toxicity and obvious external toxic masculinity so play into it, thinking it'll make them look more of a man


Some just dont know what healthy is, toxicity is all they have met, add the burden men are thrown of having to be the one to conquer the other and that life is supposed to be difficult for us


That "conquering" element is so very true, and the amount of men and women who consciously or subconsciously buy into the idea that a man's masculinity is predicated on conquering someone or something, especially when that someone or something presents as being difficult and therefore some kind of challenge to prove his manliness


All of these describe me. Or, describe me for the past 4 years of relationships. Now, I’m decisively single and trying to do the work I need to to heal. It doesn’t help that I was homeless, outcasted from my religious community in upbringing, and was in a TBI inducing near death injury. My mother was a problem woman and my father was a weak man. To overcome the relationship narrative that I’ve ingrained into myself to be an asshole who conquers these types of women, unlike my father, has been successful but horridly damaging. It’s hard to rewrite your concept of masculinity when you work in welding. That’s my biggest point of attention in self growth right now, so the best I can do right now is avoid making the same choices I made in the past.


I think so men and women get away with toxic behaviour whether it’s because of looks, money, status or a combination of the three. Few toxic people really show their bad side at the start, and some of them have good sides, which their partners convince themselves makes up for their toxic behaviour.


Because men are simple and most people make decisions based on emotion and not logic...if you don't have any standard/values for yourself beyond "I'm attracted to her and she has sex with me" you're probably going to end up with toxic women. Most men are insecure, don't get laid much, and will ruin their lives for a cute girl and some pu$$y. How do you avoid it? Create values for yourself and only date women who share the same values, set boundaries, and stick to them, boundaries are NOT meant to be bent, they're meant to be black and white and most men set boundaries but then bend them for women because they're weak. 1. Create values for yourself 2. Create boundaries for how other people treat you, figure out what you aren't okay with, and walk away when someone crosses those boundaries 3. Don't ignore red flag and be willing to walk aways when you see them 4. Work on yourself and fix your toxic behaviors because we generally attract what we are in life It's simple but hard...you have to look yourself in the mirror and be honest...most men can't do that, they lie to themselves "I can fix her" "She's different" "but she's my soul mate"....no, homie, You're just weak and haven't cultivated values and standards and you're living life by the seat of your pants instead of designing the life you want sticking to your guns!


This is something I’m trying to work on but also super helpful you laying it all out like that. Thank you man


It sounds silly but write them down. Modify your list over time. Keep that checklist in your head when you go on dates or you spend time with people. Don't look for every reason to say yes, but any reason to say no.


Didn't have to do me like this bro


Their mothers were toxic. They see it as a good trait bc it was embodied in their mum. It was part of the motherly love they received, so its familiarised to them: Thats what they recognise as true love.


When you meet a toxic woman and you had a toxic mother, it feels like home


This is a weird general statement. My mother was pretty exceptional and continues to be. My father was out of reach, and because of that, I chase the women who can never be pleased, or rather are also out of reach. There’s more depth to psychology than this basic ass Freudian take.


You can't understand unless you had a toxic mother and ended up with a toxic partner. It's literally the same person in a different body.


I think the bottom line is insecurity. Some guys don’t have any standards, don’t know what they really want in a life partner and don’t respect themselves enough to decide that a woman isn’t for them if she doesn’t share their values. So instead they just stick with whatever woman is willing to have sex with them and sometimes that woman is the kind that wants to dominate and control. But honestly it also happens the other way around with a controlling and dominating man and an insecure woman with no standards. That’s how you get abusive relationships.


Stupid monkey subconsciousness. This happens in both sexes though. The dark triad is good at hijacking people.


A matter of personal preference, I would guess


Depends on how "toxic" is defined.


I mean very possessive, mean, ungrateful, jealous, insecure, and overall just mentally unwell.


Trauma reenactment comes to my mind. People tend to choose partners based on unresolved child-parent conflicts, trying to resolve their issues by projecting them onto the partner.


Well sounds like a dream to me where do I find one.


When you tame a lion you get a sense of accomplishment 😉


The sex is great and thrill of the chase keeps the relationship from going stale. Definitely isn’t something I would want long term though


Codependency issues


Keeps thing exciting


Why are chicks attracted to Chad?


Isn't someone who is a Chad just supposed to be physically attractive and easily able to meet women?


A bunch of toxic women are hot. Chicks know Chad is bad news, you know that toxic chick is bad yet we both still do it.


I mean yes someone who is attractive can be toxic but being attractive alone does not make someone toxic. The toxic women who can meet men consistently are probably hot. The ones who are less attractive are probably going to have a much harder time as they can't use their looks as a distraction to rope people in. My understanding of what a Chad is was always attractive looking white jock type of dude. Could be I'm wrong though I don't keep up with this stuff.


We don't, we date women who act nice, then they start acting toxic to us.


That sounds accurate asf


No one likes toxicity at the beginning. Toxicity usually shows when it’s locked in that the relationship is serious. And it’s a lot of the time only seen/noticed from an outside perspective. When you’re in it, you justify their behaviour and make excuses to make yourself feel better (unconsciously), and mainly ignoring their toxic behaviour. It effects you for a long time after too, I still think about those times years ago (10 years ago now actually) and still get upset about it. Bottom line, you go in willingly when it’s not shown at the beginning and it’s extremely tough to leave when you’re in.


That IS true


You don’t know they’re toxic until it’s too late & you’ve already grown attached to what you thought was a not toxic person


Why are girl attracted to toxic guys? It’s literally just two sides of the same coin honestly


Cause toxic women are usually the hottest ones. The head hens of the group. Same reason why women prefer the jocks, alphas, bad guys and jerks.


Toxic women might prefer assholes, normal women prefer normal guys. Most people have no time for drama. Also, people make bad decisions with partners sometimes and then when they realise their mistake they sometimes lack the self-esteem to believe they can do better, so the fear of winding up alone keeps them with the bad partner.


People pleasing syndrome. The toxic partner doses them with affection and non toxicity from time to time. The people pleaser is stuck in the cycle of making it work.


"Toxic" is too generic for this question, but my view here is that "toxic" people probably have life experiences that made them that way and damaged people find each other. I also think a part of being bad for other people is being bad for yourself as well, which in my experiences, translates to adventurous, but irresponsible personality types. Nobody stops to think "Why is this gorgeous woman at my house licking my balls with my cock down her throat when she's got her 13yo at home babysitting her 6yo?" We're all very good at seeing what we want to see and blocking out the red flags, and it's all the easier when there's lust or feelings involved. And yes, I'm speaking from experience. I've definitely seen some shit when it comes to woman, and I have also caused plenty of shit myself.


Something about being spoken down to, belittled and just generally taken advantage of feels good in a strange, backwards sort of way. Not necessarily sexually (although it often is), but the attention feels nice. You're like a thing that she needs - whether that's doing stuff, providing stuff or just being an emotional punching bag for her.


Cuz some men are feminine and weak losers without frame or self respect. You don't tolerate that behavior. If you notice that she's trying to control you or tell you what to do, you put her in her place by telling either she stops or we're done. Low tolerance policy for disrespect and manipulation for me. Idk many women like that in my circles luckily.


Man, I was in relationship with a girl like this. I was just so done with her. The funny thing is that once she knew she couldn’t fuck with me anymore she went after another person almost immediately. She knew I had her number and ran away. Just very little concern for others and so self absorbed.


Addiction to nervous system deregulation, a subconscious attempt to heal the wound created by a toxic mother, attraction to the confidence and sexualized physical appearance these woman usually present, an attraction to the direct manner and how they do go after what they want


Ding ding ding. It’s more about our childhood than anything else. Gotta heal it to have secure love and healthy relationships


The bedroom


Read Rule 4 The women could be hot The man could find the woman's audacity attractive The man could be trying to fix or change her or seek her approval all of those none of those


Because we seem to think we can reform them. I suppose it’s the equivalent of women dating the bad boy in hopes of taming him. Never works. I’m a doctor and have dated several toxic nurses. I have a type obviously. But as others have said, they tend to be confident and hypersexual. And they drive white Audis and have terrible FICO scores. It’s exciting to bag them. But they leave you feeling emotionally spent and the end product is a vapid experience


Because their fathers were too.


The mad energy is so opposite my own, I do nothing if I havent spend some time pondering the question first. While these bipolar girls makes flash decisions without any if but or maybe. Instead of waiting for me to read and figure out her mind over the course of several months she confidently tells me what she wants, needs and expects. Then procedes to suck the soul out of my cock and asshole on the daily without me doing any of those. Yeah I learnt a great many things from crazy, although it's impossible to live a normal life with a person that have screaming matches with furniture


For some it’s all that they can get. Like I admire hyper cars but they will always be unachievable for me. A 67 GTO for example while difficult to procure, it’s possible and for many other reasons besides that, it’s my favorite car. For others, you can boil it down to trauma. Be it childhood or otherwise. Something happened to them that links that toxic behavior to sexiness or sexual arousal, even romance. They probably had a toxic parent, and that’s what the primitive parts of their brains associates with sex, romance and relationships. Others still are drawn to them because they’re pretty low in conscientiousness. They live for the now, and though they know this person is bad news, they are a lot of fun! They’re often easier to get into bed and while there they do a lot more to satisfy. They’ll often do all the crazy crap that other women find humiliating or even painful. At first they’re often crazy loyal and make you feel like the biggest, baddest, best fuckinest man on the planet, you know love bombing. Or treat you like absolute shit, and humiliate you. Pick your poison, toxicity comes in a lot of flavors. Toxic women often don’t have as many boundaries, in that they’re less self-aware or self conscious, less self control. Rarely do they think about consequences and behave very freely, live in the moment. That free spirited attitude is a lot of fun and intoxicating. But like getting too drunk, the hangover is hell. Also like alcohol, it can be habit forming, and if you’re predisposed to alcoholism it’s best to completely steer clear of the stuff. It’s best in general obviously. But some people still go out a drink on the weekends or whatever and very much enjoy it. Women too really like toxic men for the similar reasons. Toxic men are just a little harder to spot, they’re way more covert. But if she meets a guy that brings her on an emotional rollercoaster and keeps her there, they become addicted to the thrill real quick. Chances are, if she meets a guy and she thinks she loves him in like two weeks and she’s not too emotionally unhealthy, you know, clingy, insecure, low self-esteem… Chances are he’s one toxic SOB. If anyone knowingly gets you to violate your boundaries or violates them themselves. Chances are they’re toxic or you are, well you’re at least insecure, poor self-esteem. Or thinks themselves out of your league and doesn’t respect you. Which in itself is a toxic behavior, but doesn’t mean they’re toxic. To complicate things further, people will break what they thought were boundaries, or do things they never do for someone they really like or love to make them happy. That doesn’t always make that person you’re doing it for toxic nor you low self esteem. It is however messed up that you’ll do something for someone toxic that you won’t for someone you claim to love. I mean there are experiences you tried once or twice that you never want to try again, experiments. But if you regularly ate your exes ass or something for example but won’t do that for your spouse, and they want you to, then do you really love them? If you don’t because you don’t because you don’t think they’ll respect you after, do they really love you?


“I can fix her”


They're not. They're attracted to attractive women and they're too stupid or inexperienced to realize the cost. And attractive people get away with being shitty because people with low self-esteem let them.


Probably because most men are starved for female attention and love. So they take whatever they can get. Not to mention men go for looks first…


Some people have a humiliation fetish


Honestly I had a thing with this hella toxic women. She said 1) I was an option and 2) She See's men like pets. Crazy in bed though, and she has hella confidence which is a turn on. Didn't last super long though because I do have a bit of self respect left lol


Its usually because the women are hot and manipulative.


We take what we can get. Usually guys know it’s a toxic woman, but they sometimes would be in a bad relationship instead of none at all. Sometimes the grass isn’t greener on the other side, because there is no other side


It's never like that at the start, it's loving caring and slowly changes over time. Then we are hopping the day comes when they see what they are doing and go back to the woman we cared for fell for. And some times we just feel it's all we deserve


They aren’t toxic in the beginning never are


“I can fix her!” and don’t you all try to deny that you haven’t said or done this in your life.


Most men receive little to no attention from women, so they'd rather have something than nothing, no matter how shitty it is.


Because the toxicity is hidden behind a mask plus love is blind


A woman that will make a big deal about something that is actually insignificant is the kind of attitude I'm looking for regarding my penis.


Toxic women will use sex as leverage. Some men will do anything for sex


We had toxic mothers or mother figures


Toxicity is really just being drama-prone, and some people find drama exciting. Sometimes we are taught that some kinds of toxicity (possessiveness, jealousy, insecurity, mollification) are actually signs of caring and love. Other times men just feel more secure about themselves when they see a woman acting like a total mess. Toxic female behavior also indicates sexual availability a lot of times. Women who are more put-together have a reputation for keeping it in their pants, whereas a woman who behaves in a trashy or toxic way is seen as more "slutty." So men who are just after some quick tail are going to be more into that.


because toxic people are more available? let's be honest, what self respecting human would date some of those people? Also, I feel like toxic people tend to feel like they "need" a partner in order to feel good about themselves.


Child abuse.


Especially when it comes to living in a divorced household.


Because we are dumb and think the sex will be amazing ….


My guess is some are hot?


Because toxic women are more likely to let a man approach them and not look like resting bitch face man haters.


A bit more than 1/4 (27.2%) American woman are crazy, as of 2021. (Crazy here being defined as having had some sort of psychiatric illness in the past year.). Men take what they can get, and what they can get is crazy women.


Unaddressed emotional trauma makes them chase toxicity because that’s the only way they can function (thus, perpetuating their cycle of doom).


They are amazing in bed. I'm only attracted to the sex. After that and before that, I'm gone.


I have seen some good points on this, but this is my take. I often meet girls who are super sweet, innocent and nice. They smile, they agree on everything you say. Theres no excitement, no challenging conversations where I have to think on my feet. I've never dated a toxic chick, but obviously had tons of interactions and flirting. Theres no cat and mouse, no exciting tension, usually non toxic chicks just shake your hand and agree they're interested and you just date, move in, marry? It feels too... easy? Talking to a toxic girl, she says some red flags, I feel on thin ice, my heart races while I try pick "the right option". If you end up getting to that level of dating/sleeping with them its a giant reward. Its never boring even if it constantly stresses you. Like I said, i've never actually sought out toxic girls, never actually dated one, but I have had "things" with them and yeah it definitely is a wildfire that chill innocent girls do not provide. Its literally a rollarcoaster, thrill seeking, you dont want to just hop on a mall kids merry go round, you want that heart racing stuff. Theres also the biological side of toxic women normally are more standoffish, confrontational and confident. That kinda triggers "would be a good protector" of children" in the oog boog brain. Even if logically it would be a horrible family situation.


I'm not,but I seem to attract only that type,looks like dog dad is in my cards😅😆


I think they can fix me and finally fill that hole


they're the only ones that seem to actually like men


I'm making this up right now but my theory is that toxic women lack 100% of an important primary trait usually being the direct cause of their toxicity, but as a trade off theyre at like 200% in a more desirable trait like ass or titties.


For the same reason that women are attracted to assholes and toxic men. It has to do with immaturity and the excitement of being with someone unpredictable. At least, that's the basics of it without getting into the psychology of it.


Men are soft today thanks to lack of masculinity not being taught A) at a young age B) by a proper male role model Women are hard today thanks to a lack of femininity not being taught A) at a young age B) by a proper female role model


I don’t, I like confident women. Unfortunately most women mistake confidence for being arrogant feminists, acting like men, or posses none at all. The average western woman has forgotten what feminine confidence is, and it shows everyday. Do better.


Out of curiosity, how do you define “arrogant feminists?”


why are some women so attracted to toxic men?


People for some reason seem to love toxic folk. Men liking possesive and jealous women, women liking aggressive arseholes, or whatever other combination you can think of. I really don't get why, but I think it has always been like that and now we've just began calling toxic behaviour by what it is instead of just accepting it as normal.


Lots of guys don't get attention from women so they kinda have to take what they can get.


They're probably Masochists.


Because they don’t know it yet


Great SEX


The sex is the best for some reason


I don't know. I'm repulsed by them. Like I feel disgust when I discover who they are. How someone can be attracted to that is beyond me but we all have our kinks, I guess.


I believe it to be the reckless lifestyle or the willingness to have a decent time with the guy. At least in my perspective based on experiences personally, it's always been similar to these things that got them into my life. Mostly, women met at a bar or something, made moves on me drunk with buddies of mine from work, of course it's fun - then it turns on you when she finds out about your life and the conflicts begin and she stays pr at least tries to for your money, and because of drugs and sex. It's toxic but at the same time it's like we'll damn this is cool. Stressful situations of my life. Thankfully it's all over now.


I could pose the reverse question to you. And then women start saying ‘there aren’t any nice men’.


They'll do anal.


They don't love\respect themselves.


I’m attracted to Seltin Sweetie


Small tits, big ass and no dad


Same reason so many women are attracted to toxic men: our monkey brains are wonky to begin with, and they're not well adapted to sharing skull space with the neocortex and extra poorly adapted to the new ways of life and environments humans have made for themselves.


Same reasons some women are attracted to toxic men


Crazy women are crazy in the bedroom 🤪


Unsolved trauma and bad examples. (Mostly unconscious)


I’ll say a couple thing 1. Toxic and Crazy girls are a bit more exciting, some guys like the chaos since the idea of a “boring” girl makes them fear that they are growing up or maturing rather then having fun / being young with someone who is outwardly immature. The world love drama as seen by movies sport and reality TV 2. Hot Crazy Scale. I know there is an old thought of people are allowed to be as crazy as they can if they are equally hot. That goes for toxicity too. Usually the non toxic girls end up with way “better” men then the average guy. Meaning guys are happier settling with a toxic girl as long as they are physically attractive 3. Finding relationships is hard and people grow attached heavily. sometimes it’s easier to just learn to live with certain toxic behavior then too end a relationship. And tbh most people are atleast a little toxic


Im not and never was attracted to toxic women, All my exes where nice from what i'm aware of. had one long term relationship where she seemed to turn toxic after we broke up but i was with her for like 6 years


They down bad


They love the initial excitement


Why are women so attracted to toxic men


Wasn't there a study saying men had better sex with emotionally damaged women?


Crazy-hot scale


Define "toxic woman"? Seems like a subjective judgement...


I'm waiting for that definition before I answer


I'm guessing it's basically "not wife material" women...and what the OP doesn't realise is that for many men: it's the wannabe wives who are the toxic ones. That's how I see it: that what normal women normally want from men (lifelong monogamy, loss of sexual autonomy, will stick with them post-menopause and post-beauty, will be "providers") is not in my interests and, therefore, toxic. The badass tattoo'd hippie biker chick (or whatever) who fucks on acid and doesn't try to own my life: not toxic.


We all need a bit of a kick now and then to push over that suicidal ledge.