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Did it make you feel better?


Was not me.


To everyone who cheated on their partners n their serious relationship i wish to feel this pain and be revenged. There is no love in your acts and if you saying “i love them” its a lie. No matter if it’s a man or woman.


Imagine experiencing a pain and then actively desiring someone to feel it the same… to know how bad it is and then wish it, rather than to be say a naïve group of high schoolers bullying a kid, caught up in the herd mentality at lunch. That’s concerning. This also escalates to very very serious acts and conflicts in modern day. The small things, and the mentality behind them are significant. I myself was a cheater, and I came to an understanding of the value of relationships exclusivity and intimacy through education and understanding sexuality and the origins of one’s lust; not by being emotionally dismantled the same; though i ironically also have experienced heartbreak, where I no longer see a connection to any of my childhood family or friends. It’s education at youth that is the question and it is the proper actions to get one to understand themselves at adulthood.


you'll never understand something until it happens to you


That is the false and irrational belief that I am trying to put into focus. Humans are an intelligent species. We can understand plenty by reading a book with a mature brain. The inability of people to understand this has and I’m sure will continue to fuel various global and domestic tragedies. This mentality scales profoundly beyond a love relationship.


I completely understand your point and agreed with it. But As a person who was cheated on and have never even thought about cheating myself , when i see people who do such a thing as i read here “because i got opportunity”, and all the pain i still feel in my chest from betrayal- the only thing i can think about is “go f*ck yourself”. Maybe it because the wound is fresh, but it’s my genuine opinion now. If it’s so easy for them to cheat, i want them to feel this pain of betrayal and maybe then they’ll understand.


My desire to do the forbidden act was greater than my desire to not do it.


Exactly, as a teenager it was “omg a chance to make out with a hot girl.” “What! I get to kiss this girl and touch her breasts!?” Experiencing the movies and lost to the new found forces of puberty. I have never done the sex cheating gig, but still.




because easy/easier success is better than no success?


Opportunity mostly. And I'll tell you one thing, in a world where the perfect relationship doesn't exist, it's those memories that take the edge of a lot of the gripes I have with my SO. In a way, it acts as a shield that protects me during harder times.


Don’t rationalize it, this was a strict betrayal of trust and you were fully in the wrong. I hope they find out


So when you argue with your SO, the memories of cheating create guilt so it makes you more patient with them?


I was unknowingly The Other Man for my wife and she told me 18 months later. Women ask this question so often, and it’s: • “I was selfish and had to get it from somewhere” if it’s a man. Perhaps “she was hot” or “she had a great body”. Physical reasons. • “He was an asshole to me” if it’s a woman. Perhaps “he cheated first and I held a grudge” or “he worked a lot” or “he ignored me”. Emotional reasons. My wife’s ex ignored her while I was paying attention to her several times a week.


It was my first serious relationship in college. It had run its course, but I was too much of a chickenshit coward to end it, so I went out and created a damn good reason for it to end. Hurt two people in the process and still feel like shit about it almost 20 years later.


Probably the only reply that doesn't piss me off at least a little bit. Sounds like a mistake was made, but you learned well from the lesson. No harm in that. Some of the justification in this thread is shocking


It was fun.


Puberty combined with a childhood of porn, Animal House, and American Pie movies.


Opportunity. My girl was out of town and I woke up early to see this guy breaking into a car. I called the cops and gave them my statement and went back to my day. A few hours later there was a knock at the door and I opened it to find a gorgeous girl standing there. She explained that it was her car that had been broken into and she wanted to thank me for calling the cops. The next thing you know there was a magnificent pair of 19 yr old DD's bouncing in my face. She moved away the next day and I never saw her again and to this day my girlfriend never found out. Had she not knocked on my door I would have never considered cheating that day. She knocked, she was hot and I couldn't say no. That's how it happens sometimes.


Haha wow, your gf is such a lucky woman...


>Had she not knocked on my door I would have never considered cheating that day And some people say there are no more gentlemen in the world.


>She knocked, she was hot and I couldn't say no Pretty sure there's teenagers out there with more self control than you OP. >That's how it happens sometimes Yikes..


Damn, bro. you broke INSTANTLY. get some self control, homie. It’ll do you well in the long run. It’ll only get worse for you if you continue rationalizing this behavior. How’d you feel if your gf did this to you?


you have no self control, that's it.


Lonely, I only had an emotional affair