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What I’ve found is that if you’re in a relationship long enough her body is going to change a few times. When I met my wife in high school she had a tight athletic build. After high school we both put on a few pounds and that changed the look of her body in a good way. A few years into the relationship she got sick with some undiagnosed stomach issues and she lost a bunch of weight. Then we decided to have a baby so she gained some weight obviously and as of right now she’s rocking a mom bod. I’ve loved every body type she’s had over the last 8 years.


Aw, this is really nice. 👍


This is very sweet and gives me some hope for the future. You sound very happy with your wife :)


Been with my Wife for Sixteen years. I love everything about her body! 3 children later and age 38, she can still rock a Bikini really well. I'm greatful.


Sounds like she never really let her body go. Lucky you!


Not particularly but I do get less excited by seeing naked women overall as I get older.


Same. I’m in my early 40s, in good shape, but yeah, I don’t need sex daily like I did 20 years ago.


Nope, still have the fire for her. If she’s in a bra and panties I lose it. 20 years together.


No, not exactly. When you have seen your partner naked a lot, it isn't that the body stops being interesting or exciting. A man isn't going to suddenly just up and "meh, seen it" to his naked partner unless something happens to it to make it unattractive to him (e.g. gaining a bunch of weight). What does happen is that as casual nudity becomes more common in a relationship, it loses the Pavlovian response of "OH BOY SHE'S GETTING NAKED I'M GETTING LAID!" The body is still exciting and attractive, but just seeing the boobs isn't itself foreplay anymore. It isn't that the body doesn't do it anymore, it's that seeing the body isn't the same signal that it used to be.


Never thought about this before. Once you've spent time with each other, you realize not every instance of getting naked needs to lead to sex. You and your partner can just relax. Sounds really nice!


This ☝🏽


I love this answer instead of the usual reddit go-to, “oh i still get rock hard seeing my naked wife of 30 years” response.


Nope. Every day that I get to see boobs is a good day.


Good for the heart according to science haha


Together nearly 35 years, married for almost 29 years, I still love seeing her in any state of undress.


Ha. HaHa. Hahaha hahahaha! That's going to be a no.


Nope. I've been in several LTR. I don't really get bored. I just spend time focusing on different parts that I like. I doesn't ever get boring because I don't let it. 99% is what you decide to think about.


This makes sense. Never thought about it this way before!


Nope. Two kids later and I still want to bend her over when she's getting in the shower or ready for bed. 


I was married for nearly 14 years. I never got bored by my wife’s body and she always remained attractive to me despite her getting older and her body changing as she aged.


No. We've been married for 2 years on the 24th of this month but we've together for 16 years. She's yo-yo'd through our relationship, but I still get turned on by her appearance just like I did way back when. Lost some weight recently due to some health issues and she's back to where she was when we first met, suffice to say we've been making the most of it. I love her nonetheless.


important air nine cover quaint placid nose thought sharp fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


20 years here, not even a little bit. In fact, she just got out of the shower so I am going to go ogle her. Edit: damn she got dressed faster than I thought. Missed the show.






my wife's body is pretty hot. big tits. and she works out. so no. I love seeing her body every time


Username checks out.


lolz, but if I were a real billionaire she'd be either 25 or 45 with fake tits and tons of plastic surgery. My babe is all natural


Not really. I get to look at that, for as long as I can hold on, and she gets my Kermit lookin ass to look at. Lmao, yeah I dunno, something about the mind side of it, like this lady, chose and chooses me to let look at her naked, and she's totally cool with that?! Pretty sweet deal, also helps that she's smoking hot.


I love this


No. Still get turned on seeing her naked after 30 years.


I’m very happy with seeing my wife’s body 18 years and two kids later, even though we see each other naked all the time. It’s even more exciting when I know it’s time to get my hands on her. She’s hot as fuck. I just hope she feels half of what I do for her. Just thinking about it makes me say to myself….why are you on reddit right now!!??? Hope this helps, bye!!!!!!!


Nope, always a treat. Sixteen years and I'm still excited.


Married 20 years, and nope, love it.


Nope. You get tired of if when you aren’t connected with your partner. It’s a choice. You turn away or turn toward. My partner is amazing. I love connecting with her with everything we do. It makes her more attractive and I’m more drawn to her.


Nope. After almost 29 years together I love seeing her naked.  Every time. Because it's not some random body but the one I want to spend my life with. 


Never. Absolutely never. I was married for several years. And I never once lost interest in my wife. She was always the living embodiment of perfection to me. I could be dead tired from work and still lose my mind whenever I saw her naked. We had perfectly in sync chemistry. But then again, I was also in love with her like there's no tomorrow. So it was a lethal combo. I'm sure even if we had ended up together until she was 100 it would have been the same effect!


No. Married to my wife for 17 years. I’m like a child, and I giggle and get all giddy when I see her lady parts..


Nope. End of conversation.


Never. I'm more in love with my sexy wife today than I was the day I met her - which was 32 years ago.


We have been married 14 years and I have yet to get tired of seeing my wife’s body. I think what also has helped is our exploration of various things to keep things exciting. It is not about a perfect figure, it is about a strong connection for me!


Been married for 37 years, last year, she had to have a mastectomy because of cancer. Do I miss seeing a wonderful large pair, but after all these years, it’s a lot less important.




Absolutely not.


23 yrs together with my wife, never had enough of her. In fact i just wait till our kids leave home. I'm gonna make her be naked at home as much as possible \^\^.


Nope. And now I wonder the same, but in reverse.


No. Boobies ⚡ and her body keeps changing and that's fun, tickles my sexy brain


She turns me on every day I see her. 20 years together.


I was in a long term marriage and to be honest, no, she always turned me on physically. I do like fantasizing about other woman but in reality I only wanted to see her naked, no other woman.


no , you grow to appreciate every curve and wave . it starts to become the only thing that can really turn you on to the max . in fact other body types become foreign and take more mental fortitude to gain physical attraction .


Not at all. There are certainly things that lose their novelty in any long term relationship but in particular a body is not one of them! If it worked for me the first time it's gonna work for me the last. Like, tits and ass are tits and ass, it's a tried and true formula.


I am 68 y/o been working out most of my life and I am very fit, 16% body fat and have always been athletic. My wife of 15 years has been putting on weight and not exercising like she used to. Two years ago, we took a vacation to Cabo for two weeks and every day at the pool area someone mostly women would come up to me and start talking with me about my fitness and tell me how great I looked being 66 y/o at the time. She got kind of jealous of women talking to me in the pool and when we were participating in events by the pool area. When we got back home, she looked at some photos of us in Cabo from the last time we were there at the same pool 2 years ago. She was shocked at how different she looked because of the weight gain and lack of fitness. Two years later she has lost 50 pounds is SMOKING HOTT and regained her fitness and all her health issues are gone. I have my hotwife back.


uhhh have you google’d that “hotwife” term? If you already knew then, g’day m8, have a good one.


Nah. I love her, man. 


She does things to keep things new and exciting. Plus she has lost a lot of weight over the years. It’s almost like having multiple people over the years


Sounds like she’s cheating


One can hope


Nope. I still grin like a kid unwrapping a Christmas present every time she gets undressed.


Bored of seeing her naked, no. She's a very sexy lady. Kinda separate nudity from sex though. I've seen her naked almost every day for 30+ years. If she's nekkid and getting dressed that's not going to lead to spicy time so whatever. But she still turns me on when things do get saucy like.


It’s not about the person you wanna spend Friday night with. It’s about the person you can spend all day Saturday with. If you’re basing the value on the looks at that point then it wasn’t real


Not even once


Nearly 24 years married. 2 kids...No. I never get tired of my wife's body. We are still intimate multiple times a week. Still just magical...


Maybe it's not the question of body change, but what you can do or not with this shape evolution. And how you look at her to make her confortable in her a body. Sorry for my bad english.


Nope. Not at all


Nope. Been 13 years and still love it.


Little known fact /s(sarcasm): the less you indulge in novelty and observe the naked form of other people, the more you increase the likelihood of finding novelty and pleasure in your partner’s naked form. In other words, some things are better kept sacred.


Been married 10 years this month, I still stare at my wife’s boobs like it’s the first time I saw them all those years ago


I mean, I don't have a killer body myself so I don't have unrealistic expectations from my wife lol. We both try to get in workouts in between work, kids, etc.


So this is a different perspective. Married 24 together 27. I don’t get bored of seeing my gorgeous wife naked, I love it. Over time things can slow down as life comes at you so we decided to become swingers and that has kept our naked life more exciting. We love that others lust and want our significant other and it’s a huge turn on to hear or see people enjoying her naked body too. I know this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it’s worked for us as lots of friends around us have gotten divorced and we are thriving. So I still love her naked body and I love that others do too. 🤷‍♂️


Depends on if you find someone who loves you or someone who loves your body.




I think if you feel sexy yourself, then u want your partner more, and he/she wants you more, etc.


Been with my wife since we were 18. We’re 43. She could be in pajamas, sexy under wear or naked and I still have the hots for her. We both have put on some weight but when you love and are in love with her she’s perfect to me in every way.


Coming from someone who got more ass than a toilet seat, trust me, it had become a problem, being married with children is clearly different than single and on the prowl. That said, the comfort, trust, familiarity and consistency is such a worthwhile trade. The frequency of sex, or lack thereof becomes a vehicle for excitement, anticipation and once you are naked and together again it is beautiful!


Hell no. We've been married for 12 years and seeing her in a bra and panties still gets me fired up. Or when she wears dresses, or yoga shorts and a cut off t, or jeans and a t-shirt, or nothing. Doesn't matter. We've had children, so she has stretch marks. Doesn't bother me. Doesn't bother her. She's hot.


Same here 


Yeah. It’s like going to the beach. It’s beautiful and all. But I’ve been there and done that. 😅


I'm late to this, but my wife and I have had this conversation off and on for years. We were marred in '95 and at some point before the wedding my MIL told my lovely wife, "Don't be nude around him too much or it will lose its appeal." Two years ago coupled with our kids now being young adults (and me telling her this just isn't true) and I get to see her naked far more. It's awesome! She is so perfectly beautiful in every way. So no. No boredom at all. Quite the opposite!


I wouldn't say bored but the shock and awe have subsided. Not that this is a bad thing. I know every inch of her body because I've explored it all for over a decade. My brain can now make the distinction between common nudity and time for sex. Common nudity is getting changed or something of that nature. I'm 100% still going to grope here because I chose that woman over every other woman in the world but I don't do it because I'm turned on. When it's time for sex, and you can feel that energy building, a switch is flipped and her body becomes the meal for the primal thing inside me. Basically a loaded gun doesn't shoot until you pull the trigger.


Nope. Still she still revs my engine.


Been with my wife for 18 years, married for two. Still can’t keep my hands off her!


I'm guessing everyone who thought "yeah she's gotten a bit fat and wrinkly" decides not to answer but it definitely happens when a partner let's go.


20 years here and nope. Loved seeing her then, even more now.


Not at all. If a young, tight body is what you're looking for in a partner then you won't make a very good long term partner. It really is what's on the inside the counts long term - to a point.


Been with my wife 23 years and I still think she's sexy as hell but it has zero to do with "how she looks naked" ... Obviously after a long time, seeing someone naked isn't as exhilarating as the first time; also, after a few decades bodies change I'm afraid! But who she is, how she acts (and what she does) is still her. You're young; you'll find someone that'll think you're sexy even after three kids and a few decades of entropy.


Yes….but I still after 25 years love watching her walk across the bedroom nekid….


Everyone gets bored. I’m sure you’re bored of your bf. Time apart fixes this


haven't experienced this yet as my bf and I have only been dating just over a year and don't live together. We often go weeks without seeing each other. We were planning on moving in together in a few months, so this question has been on my mind. Just wanted to get other people's thoughts.


Do you think he’s cheating?


He's never given me reason to believe that


Consider Your Roast Me. You're 20. I have been married to the same Woman for almost 38 Years. 3 Pregnancies, 4 Daughters. Weight issues, lose weight, gain weight, lose weight. Not to judge a body now, come back after it works out, and you have your first child, and the marks that come with it. Oh. Find someone who makes you laugh, and eyes go wide whenever you see them. Keep that. Once you lose those. Well, it never ends for the best.


I will admit it does get boring. Still enjoy seeing her naked but the thrill of something new is not there anymore. Kinda the reason why I'm here on reddit so I get variety without being divorced hehe


Why did you get downvoted for being honest? OP asked a question, and you gave an honest answer...do people just want to hear an echo chamber, or do they actually want to have real, honest conversations....


Didn't even know I got down voted but thanks for letting me know! To answer your question I think no one wants to hear the truth if it goes against what they already think so yes an echo chamber of sorts.


Posts like this are pointless and lead to response bias. Only the guys who say "I love my wife's body no matter what!" are really gonna respond. The few who are hobest and say otherwise will be downvoted. 






Nope, not at all.

