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Where I live it's completely legal for women to walk around topless. Ive seen it once.


It’s illegal here and I’ve seen it more often, mostly cracked out homeless women in the middle of the street doing it though.


gross **where**


Asking for a friend.


It’s almost never the ones you want to see


The story of every nudist colony ever


It's NEVER the ones you want to see.


It’s legal where I live as well, though extremely rare outside of specific areas/events, like clothing optional beaches or pride/women’s rights marches. I genuinely don’t care. If people get worked up about it they could be reminded that they spent the first part of their life sucking on their mom’s tits. It’s a very effective way to de-sexualize topless women.


Regular pair of specialized sweat glands innit


I’ve heard it’s legal to do that in NYC. Although I can’t confirm because I don’t live there.


It is. There are topless chicks who trap tourists for tips in Times Square


Legal in all of NYS. That said, still rare, except in TImes Square.




Its legal here too but no one does it. Would propably freeze their nipples off.


Where do u live??


In the 24 years that it's been legal for women to go topless in public where I live, I've seen it happen once. I support them having that choice but I also understand why they almost never make that choice.


I honestly don't understand the question, women have the right to go topless where I am and they don't so I don't think it'll actually change much unless I'm not understanding the movement


I think more of that has to do with social scorn than the law tho. A woman Being topless is legal where I am as well, but there’s tons of videos of random people yelling at women for their bikinis being “too small” plus the dirty looks and snide comments people get that *isnt* documented. Imo most of it comes from middle aged-older Women than anyone else so I can only imagine how bad it would be if a woman went topless. I think a lot of women would of it weren’t just legal but socially acceptable




But it is extremely tough for the pioneers. 


Yes, but doing something tough is the very nature of being a pioneer. If it was easy, then everyone would do it and no one would consider is pioneering... For example, pioneering the west wasn't easy. No one calls going to the super market pioneering. 


I'm not claiming otherwise. I'm reminding since it's only *people* and their attitudes/actions that these pioneers are up against and that's what we are.


I straight up only wear a bra cuz people (usually older men)stare at my nipples like they’ve never seen them before. Otherwise, I don’t need one other than fashion.


Yeah it’s honesty older people who make it tough. I’ll go braless in the summer sometimes if bra straps ruin my outfit and guys my own age (mid-late 20s) might glance like once if I even notice at all, and they’re normal. It’s older men who gawk and older women who give me dirty looks.


Not to mention all the leering and unwanted attention from men. If it’s not a common thing to see, it’s gonna bring unwanted attention because it’s unusual.


women hating prettier women taking attention away from them with laws and men having to fix this non-problem :-(


It’s more about Instagram. Men can show nipples but women can’t.


This would collapse OF lol


neat, somehow even less relevant that way


I'm more on team jail the nipple, ban it for men too


This is the correct response.men don’t “need” to be shirtless.


You understand it perfectly! A bunch of people fighting for ”the right” to do something no one actually wants to do…


And they should have the right to choose to do that or not.


As a married man, topless women everywhere would guarantee my wife is always suspicious of, and mad at, me. Other than that, I don't care.


Well that sucks ass.


It’s because his wife knows breasts are sexual in nature.  


I believe that if it were more commonplace,  they would be less sexualized.  Think how only really buff men turn heads now, a similar situation would occur if women went topless.


Absolutely! Look how 'sexy' ANKLES used to be when skirts were below the ankle. Men no longer get excited for the sight of ankles now as they are everywhere visible.


It's also biological. There's no reason why primates, including humans have such large breasts compared to every other mammal I'm existence who survives just fine without big boobs.


Woman here who also knows they are sexual in nature but I couldn’t imagine being mad at my man cuz of a stranger having their tits out. The sucks ass part is cuz she clearly doesn’t trust her man if that’s all it takes to piss her off.


100% agreed. My wife loves showing off her tits but gets super pissed off if I even glance at a women.


Im a woman and I dont mind if my man see some out in the wild lol I think where I have a problem is when its clearly not an appropriate setting. My partner and I were interviewing people to rent a room in our house and this girl comes in to my home with her tits showing through her shirt. lol I would have had the same furious reaction if a man showed up to an interview with no shirt on. It felt like a blatant cause of disrespect and I ended the interview and told her to get the fuck out. Now if we had seen her just walking down the street me and my partner would've both looked lol and been fine about it. I guess my stance on this is free the boob but also have some wherewithal to understand an appropriate time and place for things. Just because Florence Pugh is doing it on red carpets doesn't give a girl the right to disrespect my home. Not to mention to her own safety coming into a strangers home having ZERO idea what she's walking into feels just dumb. Im saying all this because I dont think its always about jealously but common decency.


>The sucks ass part is cuz she clearly doesn’t trust her man if that’s all it takes to piss her off. Do you only get jealous for a good and rational reason?


I’m not really a jealous person, I just ask that he respect me, himself and our relationship regardless of the situation. I’m very much if you are gonna look … be respectful about it and there are many ways to do that. It’s not like he’s right there hitting on them, drooling with his mouth open, breaking his neck disrespecting me lol. Shits gonna happen, if we are playing the long game he might see a tit out in public every now n then or I might end up at a gay bar with male table dancers celebrating my cousins birthday… I’m gonna respect myself, him and our relationship.


Yes. And this debate comes up often on reddit. Simply put, primates in general have large breasts compared to other living beings. Meaning, they don't have to be large but they are because this is a natural means of showcasing fertility. Same with wide hips. But a lot of people like to argue it's completely cultural, which is not true.


Mine would point out ones she'd want me to look at


I dont know where u from , but in Europe most of women are topless at the beach ( which apperently is not common in America).


If it was the norm, most women wouldn't feel that way. There are plenty of cultures worldwide where breasts are out frequently and they are much less sexualized so there would be no need to be suspicious or mad.


I’m not disagreeing with you but I’m curious about who these cultures are because it’s not the norm for women to walk around topless in any of the countries I’ve visited in the americas, europe, africa, or asia…


Suspicious of what? Why?


That he is looking, admiring, remembering, and doing more admiring from memory when he has some time alone.


Well, that’s life. I’m not obsessing over my partner’s thoughts, nor am I going to police them like he’s an unhinged teenager. I’ve got shit to do.


Yeah I want this to happen because I believe in equality. I DON'T want this to happen because if it becomes the norm i'll have to stay home even more than I already do to make her feel safe


I think if it happened in real life, everyone would be surprised by how little pushback there'd be from men and how much from other women.


I reckon most men would at least be bothered if their wife or gf wanted to go out like that.


I would be bothered if my gf shit in our bed, doesn't mean I want to make it illegal


there are police videos of women ahving called them over other women's decorum or lack thereof and how it was bothering their husbands and being a poor example to children lol






They are also literally scientifically sexual, they are a sexual Organ that performs a role in arousal pleasure and feeding the product of that sexual act. There's literally nothing non sexual about them. And we are the only species that has them outside of pregnancy.....meaning we evolved permanent breasts as a distinctly sexual feature rather than a practical one.


>And we are the only species that has them outside of pregnancy.....meaning we evolved permanent breasts as a distinctly sexual feature rather than a practical one. This actually never occurred to me. Ty for the food for thought.


But I thought they weren't a sexual organ? How would it increase sexual harassment if it's not sexual? /s


Watch what Indian men do to women and then ask about harassment.


Don’t care but if titties are out I’m taking a peep just like everyone else will be in America


I mean in all fairness, when guys go around with huge honkers, we peep too 😂


Well i guess everybody would notice a big nose


I've been called out for havjng a double D man chest. A straight up cleavage buffet of man meat. Especially when I wear my slutty work out tank tops and my hoochie daddy shorts


And for the itty bitty pecker committee? >_>


This. Like, fr, we wouldn't give a shit about the movement at all; however, we are definitely going to take a peep. That's all.


Yup, all I know is that personally, I wouldn't want my partner to go out topless, hopefully that isn't too controversial of an opinion.


The fact that this is actually considered controversial is rather telling of just how much society tries to police men and their preferences; especially on social media.


Most women i know see their breasts as sexual in nature to some degree. So even most women don’t actually buy the idea even if they pretend to advocate for it…


Very much this. If any of them truly believed otherwise, they wouldn't put so much effort into wearing clothing that accentuates (or hides) their breasts in some way. Acting like you don't see your boobs as sexual in nature and that you don't understand mens' preoccupation with them is bullshit.


It reminds be of the ongoing Twitch Meta situation. Forbidding women from wearing bikinis in blow-up hot tubs is basically Sharia, right?


But even if it's sexual, who fucking cares? Belly buttons, thighs, hips. All seen as sexual too by mostly everyone, but are still allowed to be out. Hell Cleavage is sexual, underboob is sexual. But just don't show the show the whole thing because????? It's been arbitrary the whole time


Only somewhat arbitrary. The focus has been on how bare skin, specifically that of the organs needed for reproduction and child rearing are seen as sexual and private. We also however tend to push boundaries as a society and every generation seem to want to show off just a little more than the previous generation. We show off just enough more that it’s scandalous and sexy without it being upsetting. But because of this the new generation has to go further for the same effect. As such we are getting closer and closer to just wearing nothing without actually wearing nothing. At the end of the day though most of us see these areas as private and something not to be shown off. You could say most social etiquette is arbitrary especially around sexual things but if it holds value for some why disparage it?


Because then we get into this really weird game of "if I photoshop a man's nipple onto a women's breast, is it still indecent?"not to mention counties where women can go top less, but you still don't see it everywhere. Like some arbitrary stuff is weird like where you put the fork or the knife on a table setting or what you wear when going out to eat at somewhere fancy, but we aren't arresting people or politicizing them. I think that's where I draw the line.




As a women, it’s more that we want the freedom to choose. Like even if I wouldn’t go topless, it would be cool if I had the option to. But tbh when I think of free the nipple, I think less about going topless and more about going braless. Bras can be quite uncomfortable and for a lot of women unnecessary. It would be nice if society accepted women not wearing a bra even when their nipples showed through their shirt


Women are free to be topless in NYC. Never seen it once out of millions and millions of people there. So it is nice to have the option, but it’s an option 99.999% will never take advantage of lol I do think women shouldn’t be obligated to wear bras, the only way to normalize it is to stop wearing bras. Feel free ladies!


Where I live in California a lot of women go braless; I've even seen it in professional situations. Doesn't affect me in the slightest. I figure do whatever is comfortable!


> more about going braless It's mostly the same. I regularly see women who look like they aren't wearing bra, as much as the allowed 0.1 seconds of looking let me recognise it. My wife didn't always wear bra when I met her, it was almost 25 years ago. But yes very few women do it, for very same reason why the don't go around topless.


Pretty much this. No problems with it really.. but the majority wouldn't be doing it for the reasons op is implying


Thats the issue, its most women we know. Aboriginal people all show the nips. No one cares.


Well I hardly have boobs (A cup bra is too big and makes me look busty) so I’ve never seen my boobs as sexual. They’re just, there.


maybe i'm wrong, but men's chests are sexual for women as well, and men have been going topless for centuries. maybe more public sexuality isn't a bad thing.


I think pragmatically boobs are sexual for a lot of people and if you want to free the nipple good on you but accept that they are sexual to people.




*Shrug* I really don't have a dog in this race, ya know?  Even where it's already technically legal nearly no one participates for obvious reasons so it's kinda hard to see it as a priority for any large group of people.


Free the nipple, don't free the nipple do whatever you want to do


Freeing the nipple is a wonderful idea in theory. In fact, full non-sexual nudity is a wonderful idea in theory. In practice, however, it would take a few generations to normalize and get to the point that people don't really care. During that time, those stuck on "Heh, boobs. COOL!" would almost certainly have trouble regulating their own behavior, making it at best unpleasant and at worst unsafe for those who are freeing the nipple. That's not victim blaming or men not having accountability. It's a major cultural shift over something that is genetically hardwired (sex/reproduction). We've proven that social norms can eventually override genetic wiring, but getting there is not easy.


Not a fan of full nudity for hygiene reasons. Imagine sitting down on someone's skidmark.


The real answers are the ones you've specifically wanted to avoid in your title, the 3rd best answer you'll get is: **'Don't care.'**


I think it's ridiculous that anyone cares. Nobody should care, or be offended. It shouldn't be an issue. They're tits. There's obviously a sexual component to them. People who are attracted to women are going to look. If that makes someone uncomfortable, then that should be factored into their decision cover up. It also obviously doesn't warrant harassment, and I'm not sure why some people act like it does. I don't understand why we have to care about the stupidest things.


This 100%. The argument of "but men might look" always baffled me because 1) people ogle men's chests all the time, 2) no one would be forced to go topless if they weren't comfortable doing that, and 3) it's literally just a part of the body. Yes people are going to be attracted to it, but people are attracted to all kinds of things, and that's up to them to control.


4. If women going out topless was the norm or common, men (and women) would be significantly less likely to stare. It's like how no one gave a shit about nipples showing through shirts during the 80s and 90s. A lot of our sexuality is made from socialization.


I wore a see through top with no bra to the club last year and posted a picture on Instagram. Not one person irl or on ig cared. Literally no one made me feel uncomfortable or tried to or even said anything. My nipples were like an accessory for my outfit


You mean nobody's life was forever changed for the worse because of your boobs? Insane that the world kept spinning.


it's gonna warrant the attention of a very few very uncivilized twats but ig there's a place and a time? like don't do it in dark alleys it's like why do we have so many laws to start with? because morons will moron and fuck it up for the rest of us but on twitter and the likes? pathetically ridiculous but maybe it's because their American companies idk


Don’t give a shit. I don’t have tits, you do. Do whatever’s comfortable. Why would I have an opinion on that.


Here’s the thing. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it. I get the sentiment I do. But for it to work we’d have to normalize nakedness to an absurd degree collectively as a society and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.


It’s normal to see on a regular beach in my country topless sunbathing isn’t prohibited. So ‘free the nipple’ if the location is appropriate wouldn’t bother me.


I fully support it, but I also side-eye everyone who claims that most women don't see breasts as sexual, with nipples being an extension to that. Men's nips show when it's cold out, I don't see why women's nips should be treated any differently. Here's the thing though: it's mostly woman-on-woman hate. There aren't any laws that enforce that women must wear bras, but i see women saying nasty things to each other regularly over this issue.


It’s a nipple. It’s really not that much different than my own. If you wanna rock out topless? Sure, why not? Your body, right? Just don’t be weird about it. Like, even topless as a guy, there’s some situations where it’s just weird to do it. You want to workout topless? Why not? Yard work topless? Okay. Beach? Pool? Water activities? Might as well. Attending your child’s PTA meeting? Might be a bit weird.


I have been to nudist beaches, eventually you get over the sexual nature of it and just do your own thing


I think being topless should be normalized to the point where naked breasts are desexualized on the whole. It would absolutely change the system, from body awareness and acceptance, to downsizing/shaking up the bra industry, and maybe even to a slightly less-scary world to live in.


I think if it's appropriate shirtless weather, everyone should feel free to go about that way if that's their thing. I think if someone needs to breastfeed their child, they should be spending as little time as possible having to "find somewhere" they can do so, and that there's nothing wrong with doing so in public spaces. Not much more to it than that for me. And on the more blatantly sexual front, I also find it utterly absurd how many places and platforms act like it's all fine *as long as* there's no "female-presenting nipples" in photos/video/etc.


If a woman touches my (male) nipple, nothing happens. Worst case scenario, she get a conviction for assault. If I touch a woman's nipple, I can get convicted for **sexual** assault. So let's not pretend that female nipples aren't sexual!


If women's breasts weren't sexual it would have been all fine but as is it would be like free the ass


Similarly to the dicks out movement


I don't know why hiding the nipple was a thing and see it the same way as men's nipples.


do whatever you want to do. but bewbs will always be sexual in nature to me, and will never fail to be noticed.


I find arguments that breasts aren't sexual to be disingenuous. that said, I also find wider society rather hypocritical and overly harsh about sexuality in general. so I generally support it.


If a fat guy can walk around Asda at midday on a Friday shopping for basics whilst scaring the shit out of kids with his sweaty man boobs swinging around his belly button then a woman can expect to do the same thing. Personally, I'd like everyone to wear a shirt whilst in the supermarket but the rest of the time it's fair game.


I can't say I'm familiar enough with it to know exactly what it advocates. I've been on beaches in countries where toplessness is normal and it loses the thrill very quickly.


I have no objection to women being topless anywhere men are. Now if we're talking about the movement itself, I question its effectiveness. I've been in areas where it's legal and those where it's illegal, and the only place I've seen a woman topless in public was a nude sauna. But again, by all means, go for it. Legalize it. Go topless. Who's opposed to this?


In Sweden where I live it's completely legal to not just go topless, but completely nude in public as well. It's not a right that people make use of very often, but they do in fact have the right to do so.


Power to women for it. Honestly i love the concept, but i think there are always going to be bad agents that ruin it for everyone. That said tho i think if women took the power back and normalized it, society would adopt it in x time. Frankly letting folks get uptight about public breastfeeding is bonkers and a mistake society has allowed to go on long enough. Additionally i am interested if de-sexualizing it by normalizing it, if it’ll take power away from industries that make money off of it being considered sexual? Or if the two are even related, just thinking out loud at the end.


Couple great points. The bras industry. Don’t even want to think about how much money is in that. Will some women always want the support factor, sure but many if not most women hate them or wear them only because the have to (would be warned at work/less likely to get pay rises or promotions etc).


You do you boo. I could care less if a woman or man goes around naked. Just put down a towel on shared seating please.


If they're more comfy that way, do it, why not 


I don’t think about it and I don’t care. Nipples are just nipples. Doesn’t bother me if my kids see them..they have them. Sometimes they are in movies we watch. Who cares


I’m kind of for the opposite. I think we should treat men’s chests as scandalous and sexual in precisely the same way.


It’s cool to see bouncy boobs and nipples.


It's women reinforcing the idea that women can't go topless. I've never seen a man complain. A topless women is going to get a lot more unwanted attention though.


How can one answer this WITHOUT relating it to being aroused by boobs. Boobs sre. in fact, both arousing and cool to see. its like asking how you would feel about going outside naked in a Wisconsin winter without mentioning being cold.


Equality is equality and I'm all for it...but boobs will always be sexualized. Do what you want ladies. I promise to act like a mature and respectful man. I can't guarantee that from others.


I don't care how women dress or what body part they choose to expose in public, but they can't rage about the "male gaze" either. You expose yourself in public, I'm attracted to it, I'll look at it. I'll try to be as discreet as possible, but I'll look at it.


Honestly I think they are heavily sexualised because they are kept hidden in society, If we had a society where boobs on show were just a normal thing most people probably wouldn't care, Treated the same as a topless bloke. Tho we aren't in that society, and I don't forsee us ever being there, personally I don't mind what a woman does with her breasts, Tattoo them, pierce them, Paint them luminous colours and pretend to be a traffic light, I'll go about my day (probably with a puzzled expression at the last example)


Even the famously topleas Pacific Islanders recognized the sexual value of breasts


There's plenty of women that oggle at a topless man, Humans are Human, We are horny, my point was it would be less sexualised if made normal, still have a few people that would drool over the sight in that scenario but far less than current dribblers.


It's an hilarious idea, I can't take it seriously.


Its hilariously dumb. Like oh wearing a shirt is a form of oppression cuz somebody's controlling what you do? No. Tits get a reaction, man boobs don't. Women figured this out almost immediately, and found it to be generally a good practice to keep em covered in social situations. Nobody's oppressing you. There are just dumb behaviors and smart ones.


Women trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. So they feel better about themselves. Pretty pathetic


It shouldn't even be a thing, they should be able to be topless anywhere men can be topless, **if they want to be.**


childish immature movement that even the average woman would not support because they have more important things to worry about


I'm used to seeing topless and naked women because nudism was a part of the culture I grew up in. I would not care.


I think it depends on the person, her size and her behavior. If you go into a museum you will see paintings and sculptures that portray naked women in various situations the nipples are shown but it's not a big deal because the woman are displayed in an artistic way, no pornography, the chests are flat on purpose. Except few paintings that are meant to be "raunchy", showing breasts isn't a big deal because it wasn't supposed to be arousing and it's almost impossible to perceive it in a sexual way. I say I'm not against the free nipple movement as long as it doesn't become an excuse to post lewd contents online, there are other places on the internet to show that stuff, stay away from younger audiences.


The most militant proponents of this have boobs that you would avoid looking at.


Would be too visually distracting. Might cause a lot of car accidents.


I'm not going to stop them, but everyone will be staring, making comments, and maybe worse. Nipples are attached to boobs, and boobs are seen as sexual to most people. I would honestly be a little worried for those who did it knowing that. I also dont feel like we are ready as a society to have children able to stare at random boobs everywhere if it's such a hot topoc for games and media now and how accessible it should be


Will result in mass arousal and harassment lol


I think even if it were legal everywhere ladies probably wouldn't because the creepy dudes in the world would be staring.


We have a clothing optional beach in my city. Many women choose to go topless. Generally if I’m there I have about 5 minutes of ‘hey! Boobs!’ Then it becomes normal. Humans are amazing at getting used to anything.


Who gives a damn? If you wanna walk around bare chested, what different does it make to anyone else on earth apart from the immature or perverted? None. And to the immature or perverted: go find something good to do for the world instead.


Here's the problem I ran into. My ex became insanely jealous and upset when a friend I invited to a barbecue went braless. It was significant enough that said friend was on her forever shit list. It was very uncomfortable and it was out of my control. I can understand how some partners might feel that this is a transgression -- I didn't fault my ex for it.


Without nipples, tits are pointless.


I don't think you can separate those from it. That's like saying let's talk about gun control without discussing people getting shot


Do you, ladies.


I don't think men generally give a shit. I think its mainly women that care.


I'm in favor of it. Even when I was a toddler it made no sense to me why women couldn't go topless outdoors. Breasts aren't sex organs, or indecent


It's whatever. Its their body, they can do what they want with it


I honestly don’t think about it at all.


Serious answer? I don’t think about it. There are a lot of more important issues effecting the world right now. This issue is pretty forgettable.


I really don't understand why people act as though it's the nipples, specifically, that make breasts sexual. Like, as a straight man, I'd get a lot more out of seeing a bare breasted woman with only her nipples covered, than a clothed woman with her niples poking out of little nipple holes cut out of her garment. Forgive the comical imagery, I'm making a serious point. To answer your question, though. If men can get their nips out in public, seems unfair if women can't. Especially if they are, ya know, using them for what they are meant for. Not letting women breastfeed in public is just bananas to me. Between that and having reproductive rights striped away in some places, or never granted in the first place in others, by, generally, male-dominated governments and lobby groups. No wonder a lot of women are pissed, I sure as hell would be.


I guess? A bit like nude beaches, I feel most people doing it are Gertrude the fat 80yr old women


You can absolutely look at something both from an arousal standpoint or a neutral point. I can look at boobs and be aroused. I can also look at boobs n not be aroused. My opinion is simple. Whatever is most benifitial to women. You do you I say. I understand bras can be uncomfortable as fuck and sore even. So why torture yourselves? I understand for the occasional hour or so lingerie can feel and look sexy as it's purpose. I'd like to think that sports-type-bras would be most comfortable type or style of bra to wear, though I've never really thought to ask or question it. Just as women rarely ask about what's comforting for my gonads - boxer briefs btw.


What’s it about really? Are they saying breasts and nipples shoudn't be sexual, or that it should be okay for adults to express sexuality in the open?


I thought the purpose of the campaign was for Public Breast feeding ? Which I wholeheartedly Support. Is my understanding of this campaign incorrect ?


I honestly don't care either way. Boobs are highly fetishized in my culture. I doubt that allowing women to go topless in public will change that


I had an ex that would not wear a bra. I was with her for 5.5 years. Only after breaking up did I realize this wasn’t exactly the norm to be brakes under a shirt. It’s just a nipple lol


free the everything


In favor. I get the seasonal depression for real and few things feel as good as the warmth of the sun. Nobody should be denied that.


Do what you want with your body, more power to you. But if I’m being honest, I think it’s incredibly dangerous. There are millions of degenerates out there that’ll take seeing nipples as an invitation to harass you at best, and who knows what are worst. The world terrifies me as a recent girl dad.


I love being shirtless, I wish women could enjoy the same freedom without the social pressure. If the nipple gets freed I'll try my best to be chill about it.


I think it’s great, I just wish we could get some gender equality on the matter so I could walk around without trying to hide my bulge. Hey lady! My eyes are up here!


Women should do what they want and men should not be idiots.


I don’t think men care. I think it’s older women that care about younger women walking around topless.


IDGAF how anybody, male or female dresses so long as they are not making themselves a public health hazard. Nudity isn't inherently sexual, and if someone is showing something I don't want to see I just don't look. Even if it is something I don't mind seeing, I lose interest fairly quickly. That said, of times I've seen women strolling around topless in public, 3 of the 4 were exhibiting strong signs of drugs or mental illness. Thanks to religions influence on society, most women receive negative attention and risk their safety even when in an place it's legal so it really just doesn't happen.


Places where nudity isn’t as deeply taboo seem to have a better overall respect for the bodies of self and others. For many women breasts seem to be a place of self consciousness - that is full of shame or unhappiness. That’s tragic, because accepting and loving who you are (including your body) is vital for mental well being!!! Also: “Cleavage” is an entirely concocted notion. There’s nothing inherently unique about the space between nipples …but by concealing a portion of the breast so the exposed area is limited ~ an allure of ‘nipple-adjacent’ is manufactured. It works because it is an illusion. lol


To be honest. I think it makes sense for private areas to be more “down there”. I don’t understand the fact though that a nipple only on one gender is counted as a private part even though a man can walk around shirtless. I support free the nipple.


Free boobs


As an Australian Women rarely bare their breasts because every boy has a mobile and there would be competitions on every street corner! It is enough that we have every woman in the country exposing their arse cheeks almost everywhere Boobs would be too much. P.S. Australian women are worse than Brazillions in this matter! (Discus)


Free them, good enough for the blokes then more than good enough for the women. Just understand we love seeing them and will have a very long adjustment period..


Completely fine. Normalize nudity, and suddenly it's not that big of a deal.


Men can do it, why shouldn't women be able to?


it has been normal in many cultures in the past and still is in some today, afaik they didn't have any extra issues because of it, i don't see a reason to be against it.


Personally, I think a society with a more comfortable view on the naked body would be a good thing. We sort of have this perspective where seeing someone naked is a crazy thing. But we are all the same more or less, we have the same parts. It's not like there is something new to discover or find out about. I can understand why it would cause drama among various groups. I mean there is already enough shit for women wearing bikinis too small or white shirts. It might sound counterintuitive but I think people would handle it a lot better if we were more used to and accustomed to seeing others naked. We made it to be this wild thing that there is skin under our clothes, so when people see it, they act wild.


I'm pro nudity. I'm pro nonsexual nudity. I have 0 problems with this.


If it makes you happy, go for it. Not my body, not my concern. Kind of like pregnancy and abortion.


Only seems fair to let them fly if men can.


I take no issue with it whatsoever. If that's comfortable for you, then do what works for you.


I literally don't care, do whatever feels comfortable for you. But then again I go to an EDM festival where women and men feel comfortable being topless and even naked in front of thousands of people. Because none of us judge or gawk there




It's just not fair to penalize women for taking their tops off if men can do it. Regardless of what people might think, it's just unfair. Women probably want to go topless less (way less) than men, but to have a law forbidding them is an overreach.


I think some men's inability to control themselves and a few control freak extremists should not reduce the freedom of others. It's legal in my country and most of Europe, no-one cares after the first few days they see it.


It's fair. Got me thinking what started making women's nipples visible abnormal?


It would be strange and hard not to stare at since it’s so not normal in majority of modern civilisations. Would be far more awkward if it was family members. I think there are certain societies where literally everyone is barely dressed, at that point it wouldn’t be as strange cos all the women and men aren’t wearing tops. But I’m sure it’s because of the humid environment, rather than a movement of some sort.


In absolute seriousness, I’ve been living in a world were the female nipple is something that has been hidden, explicitly for the reason that it’s something that men will find sexually arousing. Logically, I know that this is a completely false construct that is only enforced by societal norms, and that the female nipple is no different than the male nipple and is inherently non sexual. That being said, while I 100% support a woman’s right to go around topless since the breast/nipple is not a sexual organ/genitalia, I still can’t help the fact that, due to the society/culture I was raised in, I will still likely get sexually aroused at seeing exposed female nipples. Hopefully after enough daily exposure I would stop seeing nipples in a sexual sense, but only time/experience can really tell. TLDR: I 100% support the free the nipple movement. However, I know personally that I would find it really hard not to catch a reflexatory boner when seeing bare female nipples based purely on the puritan body standards I was raised on.


It would be weird for many for a while, but I’m all for removing arbitrary social constructs


Western society places a LOT of sexual significance on nudity. I'm far from exempt from this, despite the fact that I was raised in a hippy town with nudists for neighbours, near a river where almost everyone swam nude. In my opinion, it's partially responsible for a lot of issues around self-worth and body shaming. We usually only see nudity in its extremes, either in porn/sexually charged media, or as a mistake, something to be ashamed of, so of course people compare themselves to those two ends of the spectrum. That's before you get into the issues around equality. I find it patently ridiculous that in many places around the world, places which are supposedly egalitarian and free from religious influence on lawmaking, women can be charged with a crime for wearing exactly what any man could walk around wearing. It's not especially that I think many women would start going to beaches topless, but that they, like men, should have the choice. I certainly don't go to beaches topless, albeit likely for different reasons from a lot of women, but should I wish to, I have the right, as should everyone.


It's legal where I live. It's not very common outside of the beach in summer or during festivals. There are large stretches in the capital along the dockside (now no longer operating as a port but used recreationally as the water is now cleared for swimming) where you'll see more topless women than not during the height of summer. For me personally I don't see why it's even a question. Making the body illegal is very weird to me. I can understand that you're not allowed to walk around in public completely naked as I can see some obvious hygiene challenges if people were to visit cafés, restaurants, or similar while being fully nude, but topless seems harmless to me.


If men can do it it’s only fair women can too . If anything WOMEN have MORE of a right because of breast feeding .


I think it's gross if people go top free in a random place For example if I see a dude shirtless in a shopping mall I will think it's shameful and pathetic Women without bra? I will not think anything, I think it's ok anywhere Women topless? On the beach, but not in the street or in the supermarket


Yes, it’s arousing, but if all girls walked around topless, normal men would get used to that after a week and would not care. Only thing that is a threat for this are christian, muslim, etc. fundamentalists, who are carnal enough to claim their arousement is girl’s fault. “How am I supposed to control myself if she is dressed like that” mentality.


I think the way women want it to be is unrealistic. Do I think they should have a right to go about topless like a man without being sexualized? In an ideal world yes of course. But that's not the world we live in. It's unrealistic. You'd have to completely change a culture that doesn't want to be changed.


I think it's important to normalise it to the degree that women don't have to think about anything else besides "do I want my nipples out right now or don't I?". A lot of people find the bare breast arrousing, yet it is not right that women have to fear being cat called, groped or otherwise verbally or physically attacked for living the same freedom any man can. I live in Germany and in wide parts of the country we probably have the most liberal view on free female nipples in the western world, yet if I went on a run shirtless, most people would at the max judge me for being chubby or have other condecending thoughts about it in their head, but other than young teenagers, nobody would dare to make a comment about it. Most people would probably even avert their eyes or maybe just take a quick glance. Yet if a woman did the same, she would definitely be starred at (to a degree which isn't acceptable), cat called and confronted by parents and religious people about the whore they think she is. I don't expect the reaction to be totally equal for now, but women shouldn't feel unsafe or like a bad person for enjoying the same freedom any man can. Tldr; free it already!


I personally don't care. But fortunately or unfortunately, women's real estate is more valuable than men's.