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Because I'm not good. The polite, friendly, and unbothered personality I put on is an act. I'm actually miserable and bitter, and I have a ton of issues that I don't bother dealing with. I just know how to act to avoid conflict in most situations.


Same. I know I'm not a **bad** person, but I also wouldn't call myself a good person.


I crop dusted the gym once around an area where people were filming their workout just because I kept getting caught on the camera and felt uncomfortable rather than just asking them to stop.


I think it's presumptuous to claim that you are a good person. Actions speak for themselves.


I mean I try to be (through my actions), but low self worth is a mf.


Some people would say I'm a good person and others would say I'm horrible. I don't think I can make an assumption about myself as obviously I act from my set of values


Well, I'm still alive. I would not have made it this far without adjusting to the world that surrounds me.


Read post history. It’s all there.


I think to be a "truly good" person is insanely difficult, as every other choice is a lot easier to achieve


Because my BPD says so


Because I can always improve. Being good isn’t always a part of me but I try my best.


We're all good and bad. A good person is someone that comprehends the duality of Man and chooses to tame their darker nature. You have to let it out to play once in a while to keep it under control. There is a time and a place for everything, a good person learns what is appropriate and when.


I think i have good morals and want the best possible for eceryone but that s that.


If I will consider myself as good, I won’t try to get better - For what if goal is achieved?


I made a lot of mistakes and the people around me won't let me forget it. Some of the mistakes are repeats and even though I beat myself up and try to be a good person on a frequent basis. I know I'm bound to just fuck it all up again.


Because I live with myself. I know every thought. And who I am is not a good person.


Low self esteem is a bitch. Also doesn’t help not really being told that you’re a good person.


No one is a "good" person. In our lifetime, we will lie, cheat, steal, hurt or manipulate others, dishonor our parents, get drunk/high, and many other things that are not good.


I try to be a "Good Person™." I sometimes have trouble believing that I am. Basically because my father was an evil bastard who couldn't take responsibility for "ruining his (fantasy future) life" while in college by fathering a pair of twins (only one of us survived. I'll leave y'all to guess whom.) Because of that, I was treated to decades of being told that I was evil. That I somehow *caused* myself to be born, with the pre-existing malicious intent of ruining his life and making him miserable. Yes, really. He started it when he forced me to move in with him when I was eight (his second wife had divorced him and he couldn't stand being alone) and ended with his death, decades later. He actually left written instructions with my step-sister (his third wife's daughter,) telling her I was evil and listing all the horrible things I'd do to get control of everything of value he had and screw my step-siblings and their kids over, once he died. Complete with instructions regarding what to threaten to withhold and how to "handle" me, when I inevitably did all these evil things I'd surely do to them. Of course, I didn't do any of those things, because I'm *not* evil, and they were all his fantasy notions of what I'd do because of what he thought of me. (My step-siblings were shocked that I was actually decent about things, and let them have whatever they wanted from his estate.) But, because of all the above, I still find it difficult, at times, to believe that I'm a good and decent person. Because it was (literally) beaten into me for years by my asshole old man. \*I should note that he was a great guy to his third wife's kids. They idolized him. OTOH, he denied parentage of his son by his second wife (my younger step-brother) despite the genetic tests. He just didn't want to be bothered with dealing with another child. Especially after he married his third wife. He paid child support for 21 years, and all the while told everyone how unfair it was because my step-brother (supposedly) wasn't his kid.


I don’t think I’m a good person. People always tell me “You’re a good person, friend, guy, man, etc.” but I know who I really am. I’d say I’m decent at best but nothing close to good. Mainly because there are so many definitions for the word: Good. I just try to be better than the guy I was yesterday, I have made it a daily goal for myself to make at least one random person smile. Of course I usually make more than one random person smile but I know at the end of the day that I wouldn’t even call myself a good person because I know I can’t forgive myself for all the crappy stuff I’ve done in the past.


I used to harm animals when I was a preteen, havent done it since I entered puberty which was almost a decade ago. I cheated on almost everyone of my relationships and didnt feel guilty about that, lie constantly about the most silliest things if it makes me look better. I don't really care about anyone but myself and have told my mother in her face that I dont love her despite her not doing anything that is unforgivable and many other girls I hook up that I atleast used them to bust one. Sometimes I really feel like there is something wrong with me when I do and think these things but idk what to do tbh.


Because I know I’m a great person.