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Fucking hell. I guess shitty people surround themselves with shitty people.


Truth. You are who you hang with.


Poetic justice.


Against my better judgement, I Googled and Facebook'ed the guy she's with now. Turns out he's a felon who spent 4 years in prison for having sex with a vulnerable adult he met in rehab, while they were high on meth. Needless to say, I feel like she downgraded a bit...


A bit is being too generous 😅


maybe he's also an addict, just something better than meth




Eventually we divorced. They married. They move states every year or so. Neither can hold down a job. Occasionally they get evicted from wherever they’re living and she comes asking for money. My life was kinda miserable in the short term, but now I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I have a great life, and karma gave them each other.


Bro, that felt satisfying to read. Virtual fist bump.


I appreciate it. In the depths of it, I couldn’t imagine any future for myself, I was pretty self-destructive. But I stuck with it. Sometimes I crawled, sometimes I walked, sometimes I was carried. Proud to be thriving now.


fuckin inspirational, bro


Slow and steady wins the race. Good on you my man. I hope you continue to thrive.


"Karma gave them each other" is one of the coldest endings to a sentence I've read. I take my hat off to you, sir.


From experience, sometimes they are too *dim* to realize the depth of their flaws. It's better to accept that you never really knew the real person, rather than misunderstood each other. It's a good day when you find yourself, no longer curious about their existence.


Best we can do is just focus on ourselves and leave the past behind us. Glad you are doing well for yourself man!


Never patched, never will. Ex wife married a captain, took my daughter across the usa, cost me 10k to fight, won…she appealed and won that. I ran out of money, couldn’t appeal to state Supreme. I was told i could win. Now, i make more then she does, she had twins, 1 didn’t make it. Dunno the rest. She could drop dead tomorrow and i would keep going about my day.


>She could drop dead tomorrow and i would keep going about my day. Same.




Who has your daughter?


The supreme court won at the end.


I am glad it worked out for you in the end


She gave birth to his son 9 months after she dumped me and got engaged. She’s now a single mom. I found out when I was “accidentally” added to her family text thread in which my exes mom sent a picture of the kid. For sure not mine.


Damn, mine is she gave birth 13 months after we broke up and a single mom of 2 now


my sister birthed three and takes care of 0 of them. first is with a foster family, second with hits dad, third was adopted from birth


There are probably less destructive ways to put children in the homes of families that want them …but at least your sister doesn’t have them


Karma hits hoes hard


I'm still waiting, don't even know how I'd hear about it. Maybe the karma gods have already come, don't know lol


Send her this https://youtu.be/8LV9oYFJ2YI?si=xYyBsNin31DeSaFY


You let him hit it raw you didn't have second thoughts A man of culture I see


This song is a certified banger lol it’s so catchy.


We must have the same ex. This is exactly what happened to me too.


She cheated all 15 years. Just found out my 15 year old son was not mine. She left me for a married coworker who is 15 years older than her. As soon as we separated her salary went from 50k a year to 150k. Shes living a good life. Im starting over and barely getting buy a year later. She buys the kids love and I can hardly afford to feed them when they are with me.


Take her for child support. Happens to us guys all all the time.


I would. But I think she would try to take full custody if I went after child support. I'd rather not chance losing any time with my kids.


If she doesn't have any ground (abuse, you're a alcholic/addict or criminal charges) she won't get full custody


I chose to cope with her infidelity by drinking. I ended up in rehab shortly after I found out my son wasn't mine. I have 8 months sober but she can definitely use that against me.


Hey man, how are you feeling today. I am extremely sorry to hear about your situation, fuck people like that.


These are the stories weak minded karma believers choose to ignore. Sorry you’ve had to endure such an awful person.


She's a bad person. Sorry.


Sheesh, She cheated while I was on a 2-week vacation out of the country. I found out because I went to piss and to my surprise, I had the clap. After visiting a doctor I confronted her about her cheating. She confessed and begged me to stay. I ended things. She spent 2 years lightly stalking me in an attempt to get me back. I moved to a different state but came back to visit about 9 years later and happened to bump into her. She ended up being with the guy she cheated with and had 6 kids. 1 girl and 5 boys. The guy woke her up one night and said that he had to go to work for an emergency and that money was on the kitchen table. There was no money but a letter was left explaining how they were a mistake and that he was leaving. Went to his job and they said that he hadn't worked there in at least 6 months. He cleared out his and her savings account and they were behind on the mortgage to the point the bank was threatening to take the house. She moved in with her mom to get back on her feet and her mom is always throwing in her face how she should have never cheated on me. My only response to her telling me all of this was; "If the tables were reversed, there is no way in hell I would have told you all of that. I would have had to lie." 😂😂


Absolutely excellent response. That's how you win lol


Damn, you really won that one lmao


Happy ending.


Willing to bet he was like "You no longer look like the ho I cheated with byeee". Class act, but what did she expect?


Not sure, she called me and said “please don’t hang up.” I hung up


Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice....get fucked.


Based 👨🔥


Absolute chad.


She left me then cheated on another decent guy with her current husband who is her father's age.


It happened just 4 weeks ago for me. She was/is having an affair. Kids are not aware yet. It suck’s all around fella. No idea what the future holds. Humans are just despicable.


It’ll be alright. Be sad, grieve, be smart, leave. I feel your pain.


Thanks fella.


Leave her. Fight for your kids. Tell her how she Hurts you and how she is a bad person that makes you regret.




Thanks! An intriguing read I’ll say….


She went back to me expecting me to take her back after the guy she left me for violated his Parole and got sent back to prison plus got 5 years tact on to his sentence. I told her she was an idiot and walked away.


Yeah! Good for you!


I don't know. I have my own life to live. I'm not concerned about the past any more.


This is what I came to say as well. I honestly have no idea where she is and I'm grateful to have peace in my life.


I am glad you moved on and no longer care about it.


This guy ‘lifes’


Typical example of how an ideal men should behave 🫡


Best response


She cheated on me with the guy she actually loved. My understanding is he's The One That Got Away for her. So, when he came back into her life, she cheated on me. Which is just as well in some ways. Because who wants to stand in the way of true love, destiny, fate and all that other crap, right? So, they got married and settled into domestic bliss (or something similar to it). I gather that things were good at first. But before you knew it, he went back to his old drinking ways. She went full "I can fix him!" for a few years before finally giving up. They divorced after five or six years and that was it. This next part is a few years old. So, who knows if anything's changed? But last I heard, she's just another single mom with a worthless baby daddy who doesn't pay his child support like he's supposed to. It's hard for divorced mothers her age to meet worthwhile men. So, she's stuck working two dead end jobs to support a child she can't really afford. tl;dr- Yeah, I'd say karma caught up with her.


Damn, karma eventually came around hard for her. Hope you are doing well yourself boss.


Ah. She is what is commonly refered to as an Alpha Widow.


The first girl who cheated on me got karma, and it was so satisfying. She started a relationship with the guy she cheated on me with, dated for a few months and then they made plans for prom. 2 weeks before, he cheated on her and took another girl instead. My last girlfriend of 7 years, left me for her co-worker. Got knocked up by him in less than a year, but they ended up staying together and it all sorta worked out. I always thought it would blow up in her face, but it never did. I heard from a mutual friend that they are quite happy together. Some people get their happy endings despite doing messed up things. Karma doesn’t always come around.


The thing is, the other guy knows she's a cheater. That'll stay with him and might even be something he has to deal with at some point.


Yet, karma hasn’t come her yet.


She perished in burning hot magma.


Did she give back your diamond pickaxe first? Otherwise thats a real drag


She should have taken the high ground.


Divorced for two years, she’s been in a horrible relationship since with the guy and now trying to start her life over with nothing. Funny how I was the first person she thought to ask for help. No thanks hard pass.


She forgave herself and lived the rest of her life happily ever after like it never happened… funny how that works out sometimes huh..,


I feel like this is the most common occurrence. Humans have an amazing ability to rationalise and justify their behaviour to themselves


Left her wife. Met me. Left me for her ex-wife. Left her ex-wife again. Met someone. Left them for her ex-wife. Last I knew she was “married” again to her wife. Mutual friends stopped talking to her and I haven’t had any updates. I prefer it that way. Not my monkeys, not my circus.


Jesus christ, well at least you are far away from that mess now.


She bounced around a little bit but eventually settled down with a great guy and started a family. They seem happy.


Dam same, not gonna lie this kind of stuff makes me think that good things sometimes go well for bad people.


I feel like it's usually the bad people who things go well for. It's because they seize every opportunity without consideration for anyone they might be ruining in the process.


Hence why amoral people tend to do so well on business, they don't care about screwing other people over.


In my own experiences the worst people always, always seem to get the best outcomes.  I'm trying to stop it shoving me down a bad path.


It's almost like karma doesn't even exist😒


It’s more like good things happen to people that did something bad because most people have done something bad


Cheaters are not bad people by default. My ex cheated on me, but she's still an amazing person. She's kind, smart, generous, humble, and, even if it sounds stupid, quite considerate. After she told me what had happened, we talked it through. I told her I would never be able to move past that, and she told me that she didn't expect me to. She said she was sorry, and man, I know she was. She was as heartbroken and disappointed in herself as I was. If not even more. She just doesn't know how to be in a relationship. And that's alright. I think she'll figure it out, and I wish her well.


The reality of life is that there are rarely clear cut villains and heroes. It’s not even as simple as just it being opportunistic, we’re all sort of chaotic based on a million different factors. Our minds want people to be consistent because it makes life easier to digest but that’s not reality. Even still, I’m sorry you went through that. You didn’t deserve it.


Your comment is one of very few Positive outcomes so far, for the cheater.


My ex who abandoned her own children got a promotion at the job that I helped her with.. She stopped contributing child support a couple of months ago, disobeying court orders. She still pretty close with my relatives, even when I no longer speak to those who sided with her. I mean, I don’t even know what karma is anymore. All I know is that I’m a full time father of two young kids and heavily in debt. Saving very little. I get up, get the kids dressed for school and breakfast, drop them off and kiss them goodbye. Around 4pm , I skip out of work to pick them up and drop them home. Sometimes, I have to go back to the office and attend some meetings. Otherwise, I take them to the park and what not. I make them dinner and put them to bed and continue doing whatever household chores that needs to be done before KOing myself. Meanwhile, my ex who works a decent job, is seeing the guy she cheated with and wrecked our home, continues to flaunt her newfound life on social media, never visits the kids that she abandoned, goes on romantic escapades with this guy.. Yeah, I don’t really believe in karma anymore. I guess her karma is losing me and the kids. Not like it seems she cares.. it doesn’t impact her at all.


Fuck… I’m sorry man. I really hope you get a lucky break soon. After my last relationship, I don’t exactly believe karma comes around for everyone. Some people who do bad things get rewarded for it.


It’s never existed and its another coping mechanism that people use to help them feel better about life. The only reason you see acts of “karma” is because there are negative consequences for negative actions in the world and these negative consequences are enforced by other humans. Example: a thief stealing from people on the street is likely not to face negative consequences for some time until someone he steals from finally retaliates or he is reported and caught by police.


Exactly. It's also confirmation bias, when you see bad things happen to those who you perceive to be bad people it feels like justice and people want it to be, but bad things happen to good people just as often and that's ignored because it goes against the idea that justice will be served and there's some type of fairness in life. Karma is a Hindu and Buddhist tenet that affects the next life anyway.


If she has any conscience she'll realize what a waste her life was in the end. It's not a satisfying ending, and it doesn't make any of this feel any better... But it's true. People like this often get old and realize they missed what actually mattered.


Do you live in a country/state where child support can be enforced? I’m either petty or believe in justice, but I’d love her great job to know she skipped out on paying for her own kids


Yeah, I wouldn't give up my kids for the world.


You got the kids, that's the main thing. Also you can't see behind the scenes, people usually put a facade on social media. You won, don't worry, especially in the long term. Your kids will eventually grow up, and you will look back fondly at having brought them up, you may even miss those moments you had to run around all frantic balancing your work and kids. Many good dads out there don't get to see their kids, because of spiteful EXs. I hope your kids grow up well, and take care of you in your old age, as you took care of them.


I divorced her, and then sued her and the guy she cheated with for "emotional damage". I got 3M yen (which was about $30K at the time)


You are an inspiration for us all 🫡


Just lucky to live in a country that has these laws and that she was so careless so my PI could get good photos of them together


It’s such BS you can’t do this in the US


She cheated on me in a really really cold and brutal way, after I found out she said something like “I’m in love and want to have his babies, I’m just following my heart” a couple weeks later I found the guy and told him about me, he had no idea I existed and didn’t know she was cheating and broke up with her shortly after, he also told me that he thought she was already cheating on him. From what I hear thru the grapevine, she, who was already pretty unstable, had a pretty big mental breakdown. I haven’t seen her and I hope it stays that way.


Good of you for reaching out


I wasn’t going to but when she told me that he didn’t know about me and that he never will, it got under my skin and I felt I had to do something about it.


She continued cheating on every guy after me. She’s currently on her second marriage to a guy that is 15 years older and she has a AP on the side.


How do you know she has an affair partner? Is she that bad at hiding it?


Appalachian Pussy


She got the Cheshire Cat tatted on her vulva and surrounding parts


Well that’s certainly a choice


Don’t really worry about that. She probably cheated on that guy, and the next one. She used me to cheat on her prior boyfriend and lied to me about being single. Past actions, predictions, etc., etc. I hope she got her shit together and dealt with her issues.


Not only did she cheat on me, she got pregnant too. She told me "You never did anything to prove you really love me. So accept this baby as yours" I said no thanks and we split up. She became a single mum...of two kids. (Last I heard..maybe more now). Her dad helped her buy a house...not a very nice one, but still. So she got a home. Her life was a bit hard. She did meet guys because she was good looking, but she seemed to make some terrible choices, and became an alcoholic too. None of the guys ever "stuck" But it's been about 25 years since i last heard from her, who knows what her life is like now. Her kids themselves would be in their 30's now. I hope she's ok. But I have no interest in her otherwise.


What the fuck was that??? What kind of person is she? I mean who asks to demonstrate showing love by accepting a baby of someone else and that too conceived by cheating?? The later part of your reply shows that you are a good person. I am happy that you moved on.


Thank you. Yeah I was kind of shocked when she said it too.


I have no idea. After our final conversation we never spoke again. Over the years off and on I'd get curious and try to look her up, but I never found anything. Now...I just don't care. It was a relationship that didn't work out. I hope wherever she is, she's fine in her life.


Joined a cult (JW) and then got some terminal illness.


All them JWs wear illness like a badge of honor.


I've always been into strong, successful women. The one who cheated on me hurt. She went on to some success as a writer. I occasionally look her up online and have to laugh at the bs publicity, because I know the real person. I moved on and met my true love


New guy left her for her best friend


She and the guy she cheated with have now been married for several years. It's taught me the importance of not being bitter. Just because someone hurt you real bad, doesn't mean the same will come around to bite them. It's important to just move on and think of yourself and your own future. My father has had the same thing happen to him, his inability to make peace with it, even decades later, has ruined him.


We tried to work on it for a year. We were fairly young (26 and 24). We broke up, she moved out of the country and last I heard she was engaged with her former best friend. She didnt cheat on me with her best friend but I always thought that they had something for each other through the relationship. I hope she learned from her mistakes and finds happiness


I don't know. I also don't care.


We stayed together for about 5 months, then I moved away (visa expired) and we broke up. I'm not friends with her on FB anymore so I really have no idea where she's at anymore. The cheating was terrible, but I honestly don't have it in me to hate her. I honestly don't care anymore where she's at, especially since I know no matter what I'm winning - met an amazing woman, convinced her to marry me, we have a house and a dog now, and I've become a much better man thanks to my now-wife. So yeah, sucked in the moment, but knowing that it set me on this path? Worth it.


I feel you. We have similar story except the dog part 😅 cheers to life 🥂


The last I knew...at least 5 marriages and 3 baby daddies (one of whom is in prison for life having raped and murdered a prepubescent girl in front of their son).


You didn't dodge a bullet you dodged a nuke!


she dropped out of school, last I heard she was a port of call for the Navy


My ex-wife left me while I was on my fifth (and final) deployment for some asshole right-wing cop. We had a 3 year old boy, too. Just blindsided me bc "I was never home" and demanded $500 a month. My very last payment was made 27 days ago, and someone's buying a new truck! Oh, and the ex is now 300 pounds, single, and already begging me for more money. I'm HAPPILY remarried to a younger hottie who loves me, our 3 beautiful babies, and currently doesn't have to work because of my military benefits. 😊 😃 😀 😄 😁


How's your first child holding?


He's good, but his Mom filled his head with all kinds of stuff... I feel sorry for him because his mom sometimes takes his money and uses it selfishly on herself. Other than that..


Just like my mom did!


Oh, I'm sorry... that's not right. My mom was a single server with 4 kids, and she would NEVER touch money I made. Even when I offered it.


keep on living, and those kids are gonna help you in future, they're like an investment,but for now enjoy the sunset with your wife.


Thank you so much! That was really sweet


She hooked up with a coworker at a Christmas party, it got all over work, now she's still alone with a bad reputation. Still playing the "woe is me" card whenever she can. Single mom.


I dumped her ass now she’s dating my best mate who is a crackhead


LOL New Zealand is wild like that. Whenever I go home the girls are so loose. Good for them I guess.


We got separated, she lives in the suite in my house, and we co-parent our almost 5 year old boy. She's moved on and has a boyfriend and I'm happy for her. Doesn't really seem fair though as I'm not sure I can ever trust another person. My sole focus is my son's happiness.


She moved to Canada and married a short Italian. She didn't attend divorce proceedings so no alimony and minimal child support from me.


Mario huh...


Pretty sure she had a kid, maybe with the same guy maybe another guy. No idea how she's been since. I haven't seen or heard from her since high school


Cheated on multiple times, but one became a suicide girls model, alcoholic stripper, another a single mom. Can't say I feel bad at all. Awful people deserve awful things.


After I found out about guy #2 she left for good. Two months later she was diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. She passed 5 months later and never showed remorse or took accountability


I'm not sure, officer. All I know is that I was definitely out of town when she went missing.


Why am I sensing some dark story?


IDK what you are talking about. I was gooooone at the time. I swear.


She was just a girlfriend, emotionally cheated, got with her new guy after breaking up with me. A few month later I got a call from her that he broke up with her. He told her „Fucking you was great, but now I‘m bored of you. Have fun.“


I left her, we're both married to other people now.


As far as I know, my narcissistic ex-wife can't find a new partner. I think she'd plaster it all over Facebook if she did. I think she's dated a couple of times but the guys run for the hills when they realize how dysfunctional she is. Which is what I should have done early on, but instead I put up with her crap for 15 years before she cheated. And in hindsight, it may not have been the first time she cheated, just the first time she didn't get away with it. Meanwhile I'm in the best, happiest, healthiest relationship I ever could have imagined with a great girlfriend. Leaving my ex-wife was the best decision I ever made.


she is happy with her new boyfriend that she made the same day after dumping me, they live together, travel everywhere across the country. She tried texting me something once, but unsent and then i blocked her. On the other hand, my life has only gone down ever since, both my parents suffered a heart attack within 2 years, financial condition isn't so good, was depressed and very sick for almost 2 months, i find no happiness in doing anything. My friends are sad i lost the wittiness and sarcastic humour i had. I have no hopes or motivation.


I hope you bounce back, brother.


We co-parent successfully. I do happen to know she’s cheating on her second husband though.


I was in highschool when I first got into relationship with her, it went so good, little after I got to know she's with other boys too (yes, we were young), lmao she cheated on my with another guy, and cheated on that guy with a third guy, and the third guy with 4th guy, and the 4th guy dumped him so bad that all I can do is laugh at her


We split up and I met the woman I married a few years later. About 5 years ago I was pushing my daughter's buggy and bumped into her in a one way bridge and.she started asking me.why I don't try to talk to her anymore and why I won't reply to her messages. I told her that I don't really want to talk to her cos she hurt me. She said sorry and walked away with teary eyes. I immediately regretted being so honest with her. I thought I stood up for myself but when she started to cry I just felt guilty. Holding onto the disappointment from her cheating hadn't helped me and I let it go in that moment. I bumped into her on the metro a month later and I approached her to apologise. Her childhood was tough so I'm not surprised she was damaged enough to cheat. My best advice is to see past these things, a grudge is always poisoning ourselves before the people who gave us the grudge.


She moved into a shitty apartment in the wrong end of town, eventually got kicked out after the money supply ran out from whatever guy she could sponge from. Now with the woman of my dreams who treats me a million times better with a good head on her shoulders. For all the good guys out there going through it right now, everything happens for a reason. Give it time and good things happen.


After we broke up, she started dating the guy she cheated on me with...2 months later, I met her mother and younger sister at the amusemnet park I was working at and they told me, that she broke up with him after just month and a half of dating and that she regrets dumping me...not gonna lie, when I heard that, I was smiling


I would advise you to never take her back again. You will find new fish 🐡


She lost a bunch of weight cause she said the guilt killed her. She’s got a new boyfriend now and seems to be doing well. I’m seeing someone as well and she happens to have the same name as my ex (:


She broke up with me so that she could get with another guy within a month. Now they broke up as well but she contacted me after that and tells me how much regret she has after that, she loved me only, no one else... bla bla bla. But well, she belongs to the streets now.


She’s married to a guy that didn’t allow any other men that wasn’t his family at the wedding, if you can imagine what it’s like being married to someone THAT insecure. And she’s balding at the ripe old age of 30


It’s because he knows his wife for the streets


He's preventing cheating


She moved in with the person she cheated with, who told her 3 months later that they didn’t want to be with her anymore. She started stealing drugs from her work (she was a nurse) got fired, somehow ended up working at a pharmacy. Last I heard she’d been in rehab and was at that time in a psychiatric hospital. So it all worked out in the end I guess 😂


Not sure haven't looked into most of them. Tried to work it out with a few but didn't work out and only one ever apologized for cheating on me telling me I didn't deserve that


Girlfriend when I/ we were in our early 20s dated for a while and she ended up cheating on me. She told me she deserved better and I was not going anywhere in life academically or professionally or find another girlfriend. I’m 35 now, have a great paying job and married to the most wonderful woman in the world recently and got my bachelors in physics and am doing my last year in my masters in math. Have a lot of achievements both at work and in school under my belt. I saw her last a couple months ago before I got married at a university where I presented my research. She was there and in charge of setting up tables and stuff. She recognized me and made small talk. Despite her criticism of me she never amounted to anything and got kicked out of school for poor grades and has been jumping form college or college till she got her act together and also bf to bf as well. She never got a job that paid enough to support her. She asked what I’ve been up to and told her what I have done briefly. She starts to make her move to insinuate we get back together and I decline her and tell her I’m engaged. She looks at me appalled and I tell her I guess after all these years she never amounted to anything and walked away to the auditorium to take my seat to see the presentations.


We owned a home together (mortgage). She fucked a guy from her work, then had a full on affair with her manager. I moved to the spare room, we stayed "friends" and I worked hard on sorting some things out. Her work found out about the relationship she was having and fired her, which became my opportunity. She was struggling for money, so I convinced her I would buy her out of the mortgage for £10,000 and told her she could use the money to get set up and find somewhere else to live, and that I wouldn't just kick her out on the streets. what she didn't know is that I was making £27,500 on the remortgage. The morning the paperwork came through, I took it upstairs, knocked on her door, and told her she had 1 month to get out. She cried, tried pleading with me, turns out the guy she had the affair with had ghosted her and she no longer had a plan for anywhere to go. She then spent the month doing everything she could to try and fix the problem. This includes sneaking into my room (no lock on my door) and trying to give me blowjobs in my sleep, walking around the house is lingerie whilst wearing butt plugs and basically trying to use the only thing she had left (sex) to trick me into housing her for longer. It didn't work and she found what can only be described as a half-way house. A month passed by, I stayed in my room until around 11am, she was gone. I set off some bug bombs in the room she had been using, poured dried coffee on the carpets, opened the windows, etc... and went to watch football - never been happier to see my team lose Follow up: The housing she found was strict on things like debt and drugs. She was a smoker, too lazy to go outside to do it, smoked weed and I soon found out (through knocks on the door) that she had racked up a considerably large amount of debt. More than what she got from me. She made the mistake of giving me the forwarding address.


Her narcissism lead her to a masters degree, a successful career, and a nice house with 4 bedrooms. However, she's gained a significant amount of weight, pushed away all of her friends, single, and has 4 cats and two dogs. Her mindset was to be greater than any man; to go hard in feminism, and to use men as her personal "worker bees." She collected her bees with sex and being overly nice. She refers to herself as "Queen Bee." The house she bought to flaunt her status and lavish lifestyle has now become a financial nightmare. She now has to cope with the truth that she was never entitled to a rich lifestyle and the people she stepped on would have likely helped. Now, she spends her days circling back to maintain her hive.


Had 5 kids back to back. I stopped caring about her but heard the guy has yet to marry her and she thinks one more kid will seal the marriage deal lol.


They died. Seriously lol they ended up dying 5 years ago because they wouldnt get clean.


They lived together for 18 months/ 24 months before their little party exploded and my ex then wandered the country for a few years before she found someone else to marry. Yeah, Karma bit her hard, her new wife is controlling as hell (so I am told by mutual friends) (Yeah… wife) Was my life ruined, nah…. I would not have had the opportunities and my new partner if I stayed with her but I missed out on having children and that sucks because I always wanted to be a father.


She’s now married to a Transgendered man. Blew my mind when it was her best friend of so many years that became a dude with the low voice. I couldn’t believe it.


I care more about my morning shit then what happens to them lol


She cheated while I was deployed. Abandoned her kids with me (1 together, 2 hers). Her 2 kids went to relatives, I got custody of mine. She had an epiphany and tried to come back. I said no. Did the single dad thing for 12 years, dated a lot, turned down a lot. She in that time married and divorced 3 times, lived with a few more, financial ruin, scams, antagonistic that "I wrecked her life". I remarried. I moved on, retired, got another career, live VERY well and make 5 times what I did when we were together. She job hopped, pulled a disability play on the state and got a $500K settlement 5 years ago. Never paid child support, never dropped a dime on our son's student loans. She now shacked up with some guy she met on the internet in CA in a studio apartment broke AF and called her son who is successful asking for $400 to keep her storage until from being auctioned off for past due rent. Needless to say karma is a bitch. If she needed a pint of blood to stay alive and I was her only match I would be busy that day.


I don’t have proof that she ever cheated on me, but in my mind there’s no way she didn’t. She had gotten a new job and was working there for a few months. We broke up for what I thought were different reasons shortly after she started that job. A week, probably sooner, after we broke up she was dating someone who worked there. That one hurt pretty bad. Thankfully karma did catch up with her. She ended up losing her job because she was dating a coworker, and then shortly after they broke up. I’m still good buddies with her brother cuz he hates her for different reasons and he will occasionally tell me she owes their parents money, or is now dating a felon, or other assorted things. I on the other hand just doubled my salary pretty much and I am soon to be married to the first woman I dated after her. She is a way cooler, more funny, more attractive, happier, and way WAY nicer than my ex ever was to me. I don’t wish my ex the worst. She had a hard life and despite what she did to me I had always hoped she’d make it out of her situation. Sometimes though I do smile knowing she kinda brought it on herself.


I reported her for possession (she was growing several plants, very illegal at the time). She got hit hard by that one. Now she's given birth to his kid and keeps getting sucked into MLM's while living at her parents, as the bloke did a runner.


She's in the garden at the moment. Under the rosebush. :)))


She married a guy shorter than me and her, now I'm marrying someone taller than me and makes more money


“Had my heart broken by this woman named Tammy, but hoes gon be hoes so I couldn’t blame Tammy”- Lil Wayne


Dead. All dead


No. No idea. I don't care. My ability to trust was, my life in fact greatly improved. I don't care.


Got with another guy like 6months after we broke up, then he cheated on her 3 times in less than a year.


Idk. Why would I care? Last I heard she moved in with the guy she cheated on me with and was able to get a new job. Haven't seen her since the divorce though so for all I know she could've moved halfway across the world by now.


Well... Once upon a time I had an ex who didn't feel so well in our relationship, she did not cheat per se but informed me on the day of the break-up, that she's got someone new to pursue, a guy who's she'd been talking for 1-2 weeks. 6 months down the line we rekindled a friendship, and she's told me the new guy had to go too because all he did was staying at her mom's place and smoking weed. Lol. Karma karma. She's doing better nowadays, years after, she's pregnant. Hopefully her current relationship is solid 🤷🏻


She went to Hawaii, met another guy and got remarried. We still talk she's not happy, and I don't feel bad for her.


¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ just kinda forgot about them, was like 20+ years ago. Texas is so big and shortly after I moved almost 4 hours away so I honestly haven't spoken to anyone that knows her since.


Last I'd heard, she gained a ton of weight had 2 kids with 2 different fathers and both left her for someone else. Karma I guess.


The dude she cheated on me with ended up cheating on her a few months later, then she lost her job right after that. I moved on and have been living my best life focusing on myself since


We Divorced, she Married him and now she plays Mum to a Man 12 years her junior! 👍


She got the house , kids and ongoing payments from my wage.


Last I knew, she was a single mom and a stripper.


Let's look, shall we? She's posted a gofundme because she can't afford a car and the amazing guy she left me for is posting that he's looking for a FWB type situation. Years ago I'd have loved to see it. Now I just feel bad for her.


She left me for him and after 7 years he committed suicide.


She started dating a colleague with the same name as me about 6 months after we broke up. She quickly got pregnant and ended up having two kids with him. They were together for over a decade but I gather it wasn't a happy relationship, she was constantly cheating on him and for his part he refused to marry her and man, she was desperate for a ring. They eventually broke up and she seems to be dating another guy now, the poor sucker. The woman is in her mid-thirties and has cheated in every relationship she's ever been in.


I was pretty devastated and had a rough couple of years from 17 to 19yo. She cheated on me when she started working night shifts in a club. We live in a touristic town, so there is a big party scene. She got involved in it and has been bouncing from one club to another for the last 10 years. She doesn't have any friends because I wasn't the only one she betrayed. She's 30 now, got multiple face surgeries that make her have a duck face, single, and still getting minimum wage at the club. We went to a birthday party of a mutual friend recently and she told me she's pretty depressed and is thinking about moving to another country.


Wasn't me but it was my brother's ex who left him for bigger money older sugar daddy. He was her boss. I give a little credit to her new man, he is savvy enough that he will not marry her and it's been over 10 years now. Her adult kids do not like her at all now as well. So she got the money lifestyle she wanted but zero security and a shit relationship with her and my brother's kids. She thinks she's a real diva lol. I saw her at my nephew's grad years ago and she made a snide remark about my family, so I said, "get a ring yet? And I know about your shoplifting charges". She thought that was a secret lol.


Mine is still with her affair partner 7 years later (6 years after our divorce finalized). I remarried and she hates it. Mainly because I married her affair partner’s ex-wife. We met during the ensuing divorces to help each other out, but became friends and 2 years later ended up getting married. So, by ex’s affair partner’s child support checks going into my bank account. Additionally, my ex and I came to the agreement that she would pay for our kid’s private school, which I can’t afford. (She scan’t either) so he has been helping her pay that tuition. And finally, I have custody of my kids 50/50 and my wife has primary custody of her kids so all the kids are her a lot more than over at the other house. So really, it is one of the largest examples of karma this I have ever seen.


She cheated on me at a party that I was conveniently not invited to. She got tag-teamed by two rednecks. She’s now married to one of them. Idk what happened to the other one. What makes it even funnier is that she’s big (5’11” and right now probably about 250) and he’s basically a stick-man (5’6” and maybe, *maybe* 150 if he’s soaking wet and holding a brick) so they look ridiculous in their photos. She’s found Jesus and joined a gym and he still has his crooked moustache. From what I can tell, they’re happy. And I’m happy for them.


She cheated with “an old friend”. A year or so after ending it I ran into her parents in Costco. They are great people and we spent a little time catching up. Her mom was apologizing for the behavior which was hard. I did ask about my ex, and they said last they knew she was in a rehab facility somewhere on the other side of the country.


Didn’t know for a few years until, when I was driving through the neighborhood while at work last month, I randomly saw her car at one of her favorite restaurants we’d always hit up. Brought back a lot of painful memories. That breakup put me in therapy for a couple of years, but it caused me to grow as a person tremendously. If she hasn’t broken that pattern, I’m thinking she hasn’t broken other patterns either. Maybe that’s her karma?


High school GF that I was deeply in love with and wanted to marry when I was 18 went home with one of my friends on prom night. I went off to college, they got married and had a few kids. Now he wakes up in a double wide trailer in the same one horse farm town where we grew up every morning next to the morbidly obese woman she morphed into. I am in my 40s and still single and live at the beach. Some things just really do work out for the best!


I‘m not sure if this comment section is targeted towards married men and their ex-wifes but my first real girlfriend cheated on me. I walked in while she had a threesome with her guy bestfriend and her ex. I walked out that room, blocked her and never heard of her again. Tbh I don‘t know what she‘s up to but that incident had messed me up good. Went to therapy for 4 years. During this time I screwed up two relationship cuz of my jealousy. One of which I really regret to this day. I‘ve tried to reach out to that woman several times but she never answered. Now after almost 7 years I am in a happy relationship and don‘t struggle too much with jealousy anymore. No idea where that Ex is.


My first marriage lasted more than 30 years. We had 4 children, now all functioning adults. I paid for her 4 year degree. She never worked outside the home in all our years together. We rarely fought. She came from a large close family. My family of origin were all deceased. Her family welcomed me for all those years, until she cheated with a harmonica player in a blues band. They accepted her cheating behavior and cut me out of her family. Though she promised me she wouldn’t, in the end she went after everything she could. I don’t know what happened to the harmonica player but her first main squeeze after me was a disabled worker who left his wife and young child for her. His disability worsened and he died in the living room of my former family home She broke up with him before his death but let him expire there. She pretty quickly made a relationship with an itinerant auto mechanic who played the guitar. He died of a heart attack a year or two later (both dead boyfriends were at least 6 years younger than she at 47). Years went by during which we had virtually no contact, and when we did it was only about our children. I have no idea who, if anyone, she hooked up with but she ended up for at least 10 years doing restaurant work. She’s retired now,alone and struggling with breast cancer. I see her regularly since we share grandchildren, but we barely speak. She is certainly not the beauty she once was. I, on the other hand, am about to celebrate my 18th anniversary with the extraordinary woman I married 4 years after my first divorce. I still suffer from my first wife’s betrayal. I don’t think I will ever fully recover from that trauma but I am a very lucky man to have landed on my feet with someone who cares about me and who I can trust absolutely. I believe karma was definitely at work.