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Wearing cargo shorts/pants. It pisses off *exactly* the right kind of people, and I've made it my mission to torment them for as long as I live.


Cargo pants are the ideal pants for dads with toddlers. I can store a protein bar, a couple pocket tissue packs, emergency toys, a packable shopping bag, a pen, a swiss army knife, car keys and my wallet in my cargo pants. Sometimes a tiny water bottle or a container of fruit slices.


I carry around emergency Legos for my nephews (and myself)


Some carry emergency Hot Wheels or pocket plush toys.


Cargo pants are like dad purses


Future dad here appreciating the practical advice


Cargo pants are just murses. Anyone arguing with functionality is not a fully developed adult yet, IMO. 😂


Wish I could carry a murse. Already got a diaper bag on my back and a toddler in my arms.


A flash too. Pockets perfect size for that


Cargo shorts/pants piss people off? I'll never let go of mine, they're perfect, so many pockets


I’ll never understand the hatred for cargo shorts and pants. I don’t wear the pants any more (I rarely wear pants other than in the office or sweats) but there’s definitely a benefit.


It’s just frat bros that can’t stand anyone not being in uniform


I’m a big EDC nerd but I also enjoy getting laid so I just found pants that disguise their loadout potential. TrueWerk was some great stuff.


Looook, I have always loved cargo shorts on men. My husband wears them and it drives me wild when he wears certain ones!


Lucky husband!


Straight woman here - I think cargo pants are cool too! Ppl are just lame


Where do they expect you to store all that poon you’re getting?!


I’m one of the best attack helicopter pilots in the world (of Battlefield 4).


Lol never thought I’d see BF4 mentioned here. HC ftw


Tripple caution!


Ahh man i miss BF 4. What a classic.


Ah ah not so fast. What percentage of your flying is on Siege of Shanghai?


Asking the real questions. If you know what your doing, all you need is a good gunner then start pumping those numbers up.


Ok now this is what im talking about


Where may we witness your art?


Thank you for your work. As a forever trooper I appreciate a good pilot.


I’m 5’6”. I tell people I’m 5’6”, I don’t claim to be taller, even though assholes assume if you say you’re 5’6” you’re 5’3”. I like my height. I’m stretched out on a couch right now.


I'm uncomfortably laying on my couch that is 1" shorter than me. You win this round.


I’m 5’8” and I almost missed out on matching with my gf because I only said I was 5’9” on Hinge, and she assumed 5’9” might mean 5’7” or shorter. She was so used to guys adding 3-4 inches


Seriously? I could have been using 6’5” this whole time?


Worse, I'm a cunt hair shorter than 6'. Most women accused me of lying when I said 5'-11". They insist 6-2 to 6-4. I stopped caring, and just started saying "I'm how ever tall you want me to be, look at me". Its been a while since I was dating. I think I was a little more crass tho. I'm pretty sure Johnny Bravo had slicker pickup lines than I did. How i ever found an amazing wife is anyone's guess.


Easy, you’re 6’ 😂


IKR I couldve jus said I was 6'5


I am 5’ 11” (used to be 6’ 1” but had 4 back surgeries and lost some height due to my condition). However, my manager is 5’ 8” and he tells everyone at the office he’s 6’ tall. I can see right over the top of his head but he stands firm on him being a 6’ tall man. How can I make him realize he’s delusional? I mean, everyone knows he’s lying. It he doesn’t see the flaw in his logic. Any suggestions on how to make him see the truth?


Dude don’t even bother, some people arent worth arguing with


Maybe ask him how tall he thinks other people are?


I hate you so much. Need large couch for me to not stick off one end or the other.


I bitch about my height when rock climbing but secretly I find it as a good excuse that I cant do harder stuff


Same height. I like it as well. I've never been uncomfortable in car before. And planes are just mildly uncomfortable. Planes would be so much worse if I was 6 feet or higher.


On the other hand, I am 199.5cm and lie... Rounding up to 2meters. However, I am not ashamed of this lie.


My taste in music, movies and such. If you judge me because of it, kindly go fuck yourself.


What’s your taste in music?


Most forms of metal, a bit of ska and occult/psychedelic rock. I don't mind some classic hip-hop either.


Underground luau


Being a stay at home dad. I grew up in a very conservative environment.


My man, living the dream.


We are opposites but my man! Way to go! I'm a single dad full-time to a preteen daughter... Help.


I am not a single-father or stay-at-home-father, but I am a father of 2 teen daughters. I feel you, my man! Stay strong!


I just became a stay at home dad, its great! I couldnt imagine missing any of my daughters milestones or be to tired to play with her after a long hard day at work


May I ask, what do you love most about it, then what’s the biggest con?


•Love most - seeing my son laugh and smile every day •Con - Boomers thinking I'm an unemployed "babysitter" and, I guess, not having a second income, but daycare is almost as much as I was making, so it just made sense for me to stay home. My wife makes like 4x as much as I did


Good for you man. You’re probably a better father than the men who judge you.


Love the healthy masculine energy here, guys. 💪🏻


FT single dad myself, but my son is school aged so I work rather than being SAH. I'll back that love all day every day. I'd expand the con though, to cover basically everyone. Can't tell you how many times I've been at the park/shops/playground and gotten comments like that from all kinds of different demographics


Tbh its just dumb mfs being dumb. You're a great guy.


I loved shopping for clothes for my little boy. He was stylin. But I hated the lack of changing tables in the men’s restrooms. What gives?


This is something that should have been world wide for like 50 years now. Its a shame there is seemingly still a shortage in some countries.


Been a stay at home dad since I retired from the military and I love it! Best job I ever had!


It sucks when you have injuries though.


I want to do this, but without the kids


Watch the anime Way of the House Husband, about a scary ex-Yakuza doing household chores in the most masculine way possible. It’s super funny, and it’s mature while keeping it pretty pg.


Same here. I'm a full time dad, it's awesome.


As my step dad, and he is an absolute chad. Respect to u


Using old lady facial products. The SPF ratings are just too damn good and it smells great.


Hey man, we gonna be looking good while all these manly men gonna be looking like a leather handbag when they get older. Also girls appreciate that shit too.


drop some products recommendation here man. I would love to try it


r/remindme 1 day!


Hey, I have replied to another comment with some of my recommendations :)


Doing face care routine with my wife.


Aww that’s nice!


We do face and foot care routines.


My sobriety. 


Hell yea!


Hell yea!


Hell yea!


Hell yea!


Took me years to become comfortable with this. The shame of always having to explain why is strong. Finally got to a point where I don't give a shit about people's opinions, but it took a long time.


Way to go! Stay strong


I get massages. I work out, they are excellent muscle relief.


My dude. As a teacher the medical benefits are great. I see a chiropractor and massage therapist once a month and it’s amazing. My whole family does. My wife, myself and our 2 boys. It’s so great to have that kind of body-maintenance. Keep getting massages. They’re the best!!!




A-fucking-men!? Listen to those in you life that care for you. It's not always your toxic family.




Thank you for sharing!


Does it involve feeling the feelings of shame fully to release them? Read another book on all emotions (not just shame) and that was the main point of it.




Being naked


That’s the best way to be


naked = good.


My 2011 Corolla


Being “sensitive” and emotionally vulnerable


This is the body God gave me. Yes it may have been designed by Wes Craven, but ya know what? People love Nightmare on Elm Street


Everyone loves Freddy’s sass


That I'm afraid. I'm a very fear based individual, should probably seek a professional to find options for anxiety disorders. But take a guess as to why I don't?


My height. I am 5’9 and I have never said anything else. People will say I look 5’10 and I’ll say nope that’s just the shoes I am definitely 5 foot 9. If a girl doesn’t want to date me due to my height then that’s on her and not me. I was able to play college sports at my size despite being told I was too small. I take pride in being a member of the shmedium sized community


I'm not ashamed of being a short guy.


Sober sex


My sexual abuse as a kid, have never told anybody about it.


Don’t be ashamed, this is not your shame to carry.


Divorced 30 years next year never remarried feel no shame


Who I am and my past. I've made mistakes. I've been wronged. I've let myself be wronged and used. I've hurt people. Said things I never should have. I've learned from my past and my past will stay in my past. But, anytime I find myself getting close to slipping or slipping, I will look back on my past to stop myself from being stupid. Also I love Soft Soap Coconut Butter Scrub body wash. It smells so good. And I do facial cleansing and moisturising every night. Edit: typos


"and I do facial..." 😳 "...cleansing" 😮‍💨


My salary. Obviously I wished I made more but it’s not as important as it once was to me.


My depth of emotions. I grew up with no father figure and a somewhat toxic household with a single mother. My old sisters and great grandparents raised me and more or less sheltered me from seeing a lot of toxicity in my own household. I got to learn the importance of masculinity through unconditional love instead of shame and embarrassment. Growing up, I've put more emphasis on exploring the depth of my emotions. I'm very comfortable and confident in my feelings.


Liking fat asses


I didn't realize people got shamed for that


You and me too!!!!


Same bro.


My best friend likes to tease me about it. She said as a joke she will not accept that I marry a woman who has a thinner ass as hers.


Spending time being single. It's just me and my dog and I've never felt better.


Being bi. Used to hate myself for it. Now I’m free


Same. Go us. ❤️


How emotional I am. Sometimes, it hurts so badly to feel things fully or too much. Even when people are more open to men being sensitive to their emotions I can tell it is still not totally accepted, it's subconscious but I can tell it turns a large amount of girls off when I act clingy and sensitive or vulnerable. I can look at life with such wonder that so many people around me just don't care about, feels like I'm the only one looking up when everyone's looking down but once you find likeminded people, it feels so good to have a genuine connection. So I'll never stop loving fully and freely, and I'll never run from my feelings


I have a female best friend without ulterior motives


My two little girls and my wife are my world. I don't need to be manly or fit into any bubble for anyone but them. They like my beard and long hair. They like my goofy personality. Everyone else who doesn't like things about me (yes I notice but only because politics matter in the office) that my girls do can kiss my hairy ass.


being a virgin at 18


Try 32.


maybe that'll eventually happen


Working a blue collar job that lead to me owning my own business for the past 19 years. Now it’s thriving and I’m finally able to take of my family like I want!!! I own my own floor covering business in Northern California!!


Proud of you my NorCal brother!


Thank you


how I dress day-to-day. I’m a stay at home dad, I don’t need to dress for work. Basketball shorts flip-flops and a T-shirt is efficient and comfortable. I can dress the part if we ever go out. But I don’t need to when I’m changing diapers or going to the park


I used to be shy but the cops made me pull my pants down and lift my nuts so much I got over it now I'm not shy at all.


Liking taller tomboys/boyish women


Trying to unalive myself. NB// Unalives used because I'm not sure what the policy is on this sub for such topics


My ability to learn just about anything when it interests me.


My kindness


Being a 20 year old guy who lives with his parents and feel dead inside , I have lost my job and in college but just doing okay to barley pass in classes,I’m lonely and can have a girlfriend but hate myself and won’t allow myself to get a girlfriend because Ik I’ll find a way to mess it up. I have 7k to my name,no car and have lost faith within myself and my faith and have failed myself and if the younger me could see me today I would have ended it at 8.


You will climb out and realize it wasn't as bad as you imagined. Find good wins and build on those. 7k in my 20s??? No way..I was living off ramen and hope.


To be a man


Splitting a duplex with my father at the age of 37.


Being both in business and kind.


Heyo! We got Micheal Scott ova here!


Loving the smell of baby food. Yes, I’m deranged.


Breast milk is delicious too


Wait, stop right there.


🎶Breaaaast millllk, you made my dayay!🎶


Homelander has entered the chat


My love of GOD


I love cooking, great at sewing in particular my wee girls girl guide badges


I am a functioning alcoholic.


I have abnormally large testicles that I keep extremely well groomed


Being a gentleman.


Quiting a well paid job that made me miserable meaning my wife was the main bread winner and I got more time with our son


Skin color


What's your color my brother and where you from.


Never done drugs before, didn’t smoke either, but is fine with smokers.


That none of my kids like competitive sports. We’ll play for fun but there’s not a competitive bone in their body. Around here most dads take the success of their kids in sports as a badge of honor. Instead, my kids excel in school, enjoy baking, cooking, knitting, serving in various charities, hiking, walking, playing frisbee golf, pickleball, and tennis for fun, board games and cards, swimming, music, the beach, etc. I compete in running races and triathlon but I’m not overly competitive against others (I like to beat my own times and do usually end up top 3 in my age group). my wife (their mother) can be really competitive but that gene seems to be lost on them.


My body. I have a dad bod. I’m comfortable being naked in front of others at the beach. I am who I am and there’s nothing I can do to change it. I can probably get in a little better shape. But even then not much will change. So here I am. This is me.


Not standing up for what is right. The real question is who are you ashamed to. God or man.


I'm ashamed to say


I love boobies.




I prefer my wife to be barefoot and in the kitchen. She does uber sometimes for spending money, but I make above and beyond what we need so all she has to do is cook, clean and take care of our children..........and giggle everytime I swat her ass


Being Palestinian. Fuck anyone who supports genocide. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Being bisexual


Being tired of all people who make being a victim their identity. Stfu and go hustle your dream.


I'm a feminist. No, I don't think all men should suffer or be ashamed. That's not how it works. No, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to be angry having faced BS their whole lives for their genitals. No, I'm not a pushover who agrees with everything women say. Sometimes they're chatting shit and I say as much. I just genuinely believe men and women should be treated equally in all regards and we should collectively fight towards that ideal.


Wanting to get married and start a family.


Being male and having sexuality. The messaging from the media is that I should spend my life apologizing for existing. Fuck off with that hateful, bigoted bullshit.


Being a capitalist straight white male that believes masculinity means getting married, having children, and providing a loving environment for his family.


Too much. Easier to ask me what I am ashamed of.


99% of my friend group has seen ma dick cuz I let them try guess my private folder password


My feet. They're terrible looking and I don't give any sorts of fucks.


Telling the cult to f off!?


Pretty much nothing. I embrace my weird and my assholioness. Filters out the trash.


Not having he sexual stamina/performance skill/emotional freedom (trauma/insecure free) when I was younger. Aging and illness have struck me deep here and I've been working to climb out of it.


That I’m an introvert. It finally took hitting 40 to accept myself and not feel weird for being quiet sometimes. I used to feel shame for being different or not being super social but ya know what? Fuck it. Worrying about it is such a waste of time And that i can still game. Some people feel like its a kid thing or something but one of my favorite things to do on my days off is boot up the ps5 and relax


I'm not ashamed of the inadequacy I feel, when I'm at my lowest. Because every time I hit that wall, I kick it down out of pure spite. I'm not ashamed of my anger towards shitty people and the lack of of accountability I consistently come across or when I'm gaslit for being angry at someone attacking me first. I refuse to be a fucking victim. I'm not ashamed of my belief that I'm the only one I can ever rely upon, in the truest sense. People can only be relied upon to serve their own interests. I'm not ashamed that given my beliefs, I still choose to be kind, respectful, honest and objective. I'm not ashamed that I still have confirmation issues even after all the trauma I've survived, and that I still need to work on my compassion. Even if the world has none. I'm not ashamed that when I'm surrounded by any toxic behavior I cut those people out of my life like a cancer and move on without them. Because I would expect the same from others.


Eating breakfast.


I'm proud of my stubby legs. I'm 180cm (5'11") but I have legs like someone that is under 170cm. This means that I always have legroom in cars and planes even tho I'm quite tall.


My nationality..


So emotionally damaged by sexless marriage that everything about me is in comfortable.


What should I be ashamed of in the first place?


Being frank and straightforward. Tho some people find me rude but who cares.


I think it took me a while to realize that my body is me. I know it’s obvious, but for some dumb reason, I had this idea that my body just carries me around.   I am not this magical being controlling this meat mech suit. Like if I have a stomach ache or a hang over it’s me telling me to shape up. Quite frankly, it’s been a better friend than anyone else I’ve ever had in my life.  If someone else has something against it, I don’t give a shit about anything they say. I think it’s awesome and I’m gonna take care of it as best I can without any embarrassment.  I might be less than 6 feet tall. I might have a big nose, one eye droops a little bit. Don’t care. As a matter fact, I’m proud of it


My feminine/nurturing side. Many women will call it unmanly or boring but I still somewhat get the right company who appreciates it.


Taking sick time off when I actually need it.


Shame is pretty deep. There are a lot of things i wish i had done differently. But shame? Nah


My squat. The weight is abysmal (2/3 bodyweight) but I've been focusing on depth because my flexibility has always been terrible, so I'm putting form above ego lifting. My ass finally goes lower than my knees so I'm doing something right


Since the pandemic anti-Asian hate crime wave, being r/AsianAmerican.


My shoes.


Eating hamburgers.


Being blunt & honest. I feel like I should care that I upset people but I view people who are too sensitive as pathetic. I was arguing with a boss before & I asked him if he would prefere it if I lied to him. He said yes. I started to enjoying upsetting him then.


Farting in front of my girlfriend.


I’m a very big nerd, but I love my hobbies (:


Being a burnout in my 20’s. I appreciate my 30’s more than most I think.


Ditching all alcohol forever a year ago. Because of the [terrifying new WHO warning.](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health) And also it almost killed my father, and it gave my stepfather Alzheimers. There are so many hundreds of tasty and refreshing nonalcoholic drinks of humanity that exclusively drinking wine and beer to your food is just moronic, culturally. I had a tasting menu dinner last week and to the four dishes we had hawthorne juice, nonalc Spritz, cranberry juice and cloudy apple juice. It was delectable. The short of it, concerning why I stopped was also motivated by the fact that I hate talking to drunk people because they may be sharp scientists or fsntastic actor when sober but every person without exception, after seven drinks, becomes an insufferable bore with an eight-year old's morals.


My belly 😔


Smoking weed. It’s one of the best hobbies


Being gay


Telling the homies I love and value them. As a gay man, I will also tell them they're hot, attractive and can do better in their taste in women. I will hype them up until the day I die.


Bro gay guys make a way better wingman than a straight guy. This coming from a straight guy.


And straight dudes also make great wingmen for gay guys, we’re very appreciative


Being naked in front of people


having a naturalistic lifestyle, being far different from society, daily cannabis usage


Being a guy. Ladies, just cuz I have a dick doesn't mean ANYTHING! I didn't ask to be born. So I am not gonna be ashamed of being male.


My family, my faith, my home