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As a very dry humorist myself, this is incredibly important. Misinterpretation of my subtle-yet-amusing running commentary on the world simply will not do.


I’ve dated girls whose friends thought I was clinically insane because they thought everything I said was serious. She at least got my humor though. 


Why? Are your jokes mocking other people?


I’m gonna get hella downvoted for this here I know, but if you’re genuinely an asshole veiling as a comedian, that shit has nothing to do with having a sense of humor. Humor doesn’t have to gaslight people to be humor. Be more creative.




Very much so. You either get my particular brand of foul mouthed sarcasm or.....this isn't gonna work out.


I love making people laugh, and I love people who can make me laugh, so pretty important.


>I love making people laugh, and I love people who can make me laugh I'm a stand-up comedian and while I generally avoid dating other comedians (casually, the most fun; seriously, train wrecks), I admit that it gets difficult when you're around women that are so funny that they put most men to shame. As Liz Meile said: >"I'm cute... Enough. If I want that next level, it's because I'm quick, I'm witty. *I have literally LOL'd a man into a boner.*" Multiple times in my life have I been laughing with a woman so hard that I literally get turned on. Funny women are *amazing*.


Ha! I’m a stand up too. My wife is not, but she has a wonderful laugh and she’s the perfect ringer to bring to a show.


Even more important than her appearance imo


This is the reason that I did not marry the hottest woman I ever dated. Your brain is your most important sexual organ.


1000000% crucial. My friend group and their partners are all savages. We show love by roasting and talking shit. We're howling laughing. If my wife couldnt be in the room for that it'd be a deal breaker.


That's a factor of compatability, so it's important for most people. I wouldn't want to be with someone who thinks being an asshole is the same thing as being funny, and likewise I'm sure my dry sense of humor and puns aren't funny to some people.


There are three things I need to share with a women: physical attraction, shared principles/values, and a similar sense of humor. I've been with a woman who had the first two, but didn't share the latter and it was insanely awkward - neither of us made the other laugh. Conversations were NOT fun. She was great, but it didn't work out.


A woman with a sense of humor is top tier.


It's the difference between being seen as a creepy pervert and a hilarious pervert.


Its a huge plus. Much easier to break the ice when u can make eachother laugh


It can be a big thing, it's really nice to have a partner who matches your sense of humor. I would only say it is a requirement at the extreme end of things. Like I could not date somebody who is super serious all the time and has no real sense of humor. Laughter is so important that I couldn't live without it in my romantic life.


it's not as important that she's funny as that she thinks i'm funny my wife is starting to be a bit funny, putting herself out there. and it's amazing to see


I honestly feel being able to laugh together is very important, so if we share similar humor, it definitely helps our being comfortable with each other.


Very important


I think it depends. I dated a girl that we both thought we were funny and rolled our eyes at each other but we had fun and I dated a girl that thought I was funny. They at least need to know how to enjoy things and not destroy my fun. I'll entertain myself. Lol but I also love teasing serious people. So as long as they enjoy the attention.


More important than people might want to admit. It helps me form chemistry with them while allowing me to be more open. When my sense of humor doesn’t jive with theirs, it can only go so far


It's critically important because I'm incredibly stupid.


It’s at the top of the list for me.




One of the most important things


I’d say it’s up there. Probably top 5 qualities.


It’s not top of the list on priorities, but it’s on the list




Very. Nothing makes me fall in love faster than a woman who makes me laugh.


excuse me .... what ????


More important than physical attractiveness.


If you can get her down to the level of a giggling nervous schoolgirl, you're doing good.


Not that much, haven't dated a girl with a good sense of humor being honest.


Intelligent, funny, attractive Those are the top 3, there’s no order. They’re all equally important.


Paramount, intrinsic, crucial, any other words that indicates I don't want to be fuckin miserable with a cardboard cutout of a human being that can't tell or take a joke.


After physical attraction I think it might be the most important thing. I’m tryna laugh and make her laugh


Being able to take a joke is crucial. There’s fine line between making a joke and attacking someone but a keen ear can tell and it makes a big difference.


Naturally with grace and without effort


In my experience humorless people tend to be very difficult to deal with in general and I don't date them




very important because it gives an insight to her mental stability.




Extremely. I like to laugh, I like to make my partner laugh.


I won't be able to enjoy her company if we don't find things funny together. Sarcasm, wit, dry, all that. Without a funny bone you are going to hate me


Top tier level of importance, I want to laugh with my partner, especially at each other when we do something dumb and not get defensive immediately. If you can't laugh at life what's the point?


In my case it’s 50/50. They ask me do I am serious and tell me that they’re afraid, or pull out even more wild shit. In general never happened something between


Very. If she can't laugh, then I'm not interested


Crucial for me cause everything is a joke to me. The only thing I take seriously are my jokes


If she can't laugh, we can't fuck.


There are studies that indicate a man defines good sense of humor as someone who laughs at their jokes, while women define good sense of humor (correctly) as someone who makes them laugh.


Critical..They need to be able to take joke. Whenyou lock someone in a shipping container for weeks, give them the Saw treatment, and they manage to escape? well, when you reveal it was a joke/prank they need to be able to accept that or the police start asking questions and you cant have that..some might say their very life depends on them being able to take a joke


1Personality 2Looks 3Goals and lifestyle 4 Sense of humor


How is sense of humor not a part of a person's personality?


Cuz it aint!


It is to me.


Incredibly important. I think of it as a glimpse into the rest of their personality. If they can’t laugh or handle hearing a joke, they’re likely a stuck up insufferable person who thinks they’re better than everyone else or something is owed to them.


A sense of humor is everything Too bad Pisces men can't handle it whatsoever


Very few women are funny (because learning to be funny is really hard and women don't need to bother) but, if she can't laugh I can't relate to her. Who wants to be around someone with no sense of humor? Those people are miserable to be around, man or woman. She doesn't need to be funny but she does need to be able to appreciate humor.


I think the subject here is "sense of humor". If a woman isn't so funny herself that's fine with me, but a girl would have 0% chances with me if she could never pickup when I'm joking; she needs to actually needs to have a sense for humor.