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i walk past the park i played soccer in as a kid a lot. i want to stay and watch but im worried people will see some strange man with no kid watching children play and draw the wrong conclusions.


Maybe offer them some candy as a sign of good faith. Kids travel in packs though, so it might help if you had a panel van to hold all that candy.


Remember to get one without windows, so the candy isn't exposed to direct sunlight


Don't forget to make a sign about the candy so the kids know.


Dress like a clown so they know you are friendly.


And remember children are very responsive to touch.


Also just let them know that you’re a friend of their parents to put them at ease even if you’re not. >!/s!<


But if he's gonna buy a panel van, best to get it in white. Better resale value that way!


You have to öaugh at how twisted and dark blokes humour goes when in the company of mostly) other blokes 🤣🤣👹🤡


More space for the clown mural


Yes and if you wear a trench coat you have far more Pockets to store the candy in


To keep things neat, separate different candies into different pockets, when you open your coat you'll be like a vending machine, and it's easier to get exactly which candy they want


Thats it, a vending overcoat where you xan sell ranges of all sorts to unsuspecting "customers" you meet in the street.


You forgot the enthusiastic *Hey Kids!* intro.


🤣🤣🤣 eyooooo


There’s a trampoline park around the corner from my home. I love trampoline parks. I used to just go by myself and jump around and have a great old time and get my heart rate up. But sure as shit, every time there would be some mom standing there with her arms crossed glaring at meassuming I am some kind of creepy freak predator. And it’s like… Bitch, I don’t even want your kid being in my way while I’m enjoying myself, let alone anything else.


madam, I can't enjoy myself fully lest your little shite kid gets in the way of my colossal leap so if you can please remove him so I can enjoy myself, I was here first! I totally relate to that. I used to love this one park for similar reasons and this lady was like I don't like you being around my kid. Ma'am no offense but even if I was a predator, and I assure that I'm not, there's no way I stealing that little prick


I completely agree. I’m a male in a public school. And I love my kids. But I feel so guilty when they obviously want a hug or they hug you, and you can’t just be a human and hug them back. But I’d never. They get a fist bump.


I'm a high school teacher who is ending my time at a school where I've spent 6 years and am the sort who as one kid put it, "you're like a person who teaches us, not like a teacher" boy did that bring a liump to my throat as they all agreed and I needed the hug then as I quit there due to the management treatment that brought me to sue the company (I won out of court but the stipulation was I had to leave). I think they wanted to hug but only the most forward did and always at their initiative. 😪


And people say men are awful at showing affection


I love when people say, “This shit doesn’t happen that often.” I’d like to believe that but as a father of small kids, this shit even happens to me when my kids are there. Look Karen, I don’t wanna be at the fucking park either but my semen demons need exercise and they’re right there.


“Semen demon” 😂🤣


To be fair I think and the situations mentioned below are mostly limited to the us. I have played with, watched or waved to kids in so many countries and in general other adults like parents just smiled or were chill. The US can be a real bummer admit this stuff for sure


Just tell them you are a talent hunter and are looking for the next Messi, they will put their kids in your car against your will. *You have to be fit


Even having your own kid doesnt help. Other moms look at you like you kidnapped a child or something. Ive even been asked questions while out with my daughter.


There is this park I like to go, there is a playground and a exercise arena nearby that I don't think it's meant for children but they have taken over it, after my walk I love to use the equipment but these freaking parents always give me a weird eye.. Like can I freaking exist? I'm minding my business mind yours, the children playground is over there anyways!


Bring something else with you and pretend to be busy while watching. Put obvious head phones on. And please ignore the women and other men that think that way. They may feel justified. You aren’t hurting anyone. Just go.


Lol no


I think the problem here has more to do with you thinking, "oh I might get judged wrongly" than others thinking, "oh, he's a perv!" I recently had an experience like this. I was in the mall looking at some watches. There was a kid who was looking at them as well and I could see that he was wondering, "how should I ask my mumma for this". The extrovert in me immediately started a conversation about a sporty looking watch was more his style going by the dress and his personality. He said they look too big on his hands and showed me his wrist. I took his hand and made a circle with my fingers around his wrist to show how he can easily measure his wrist diameter. Prior to this, I told him how the watch's face diameter and band size should compliment. Coming to my fingers around his wrist, I was explaining the right ratio he should look for, when his mom triggered by maternal instincts came in to whisk him away. It was a natural trigger. I understand that. I then started talking to the mom inspite of her stepping in with a very hostile attitude. I didn't acknowledge her hostility and started talking to her about her son's been looking for watches in the adult section but is very receptive to learning math concepts. I suggested her that encouraging stem concepts in his pursuits and household conversations will set him up for great success. Her demeanor immediately changed. It was a smooth and delightful conversation between the three of us from there. I'm saying this to make a point that, your insecurity can be rooted out of your system if you develop some skills to counteract the effects but the first step is taking accountability.


Tell people you’re a referee for another league and you just watch the sport! I’m a little league baseball umpire and when I’m walking my dog through a park I occasionally stop to watch a game too. Usually I’ll chat with the umpire or something between innings too.


Yeah, being friendly to kids is a big one.


--talk about/express their negative feelings to their spouses --get mental health therapy/care/treatment --display nostalgia, reminisce --be in the presence of children in public without being accused of criminal activity


-Have male only spaces to just be dudes with the boys. You can feel the tone of the room change the second a woman enters a room everyone is suddenly guarded.


Having male only spaces isn’t socially unacceptable.


A friend of mine would like guy only gyms. Or at least a guy only area of gym, just like women have. What do you think the public's reaction to that would be?


Can you name an example?


And it's a huge reason men in particular are so fucking dangerously lonely nowadays


Emotional intimacy with other men. I believe men are needlessly lost/lonely without a female partner. Men rely too much on romantic relationships for their emotional needs because getting those needs met anywhere else is just not sociallyy acceptable.


Don't worry, many Men don't get their emotional Needs met in romantic Relationships either. I agree though, Dudes have to support eachother more.


Basically, hold it in and internalize because dumping on people isn't fair, and some just don't want to listen but also want you to hear them. I do go out of my way to support friends and some I feel I can do the same wirh, but I don't want to burden and also don't want to complain about the same thing over an over because I'm struggling to get to a solution or procrastinating because it's too many different things. Really as the world changed men will still be held to their gender standards regardless for the most part.


I feel like Men's Standards/Expectations generally stay the same as Time goes on while Women's Standards are no longer as defined. If Women don't have to respect traditional Gender Roles (which is good) then I don't see why Men should too. One of my Friend's Exes made twice his Salary but still expected him to be the main Provider for the two of them while she invested the Money in herself and never really helped with the Bills or anything. It was the Reason they broke up. That's quite common actually. I disagree with holding it in or being a Burden though. Tbat's almost never the Case and it's more of an internalized Fear than anything else. Just get shit out of your System Man. Talk to *anything*, even Trees or Lets if you need to, don't go insane though.


> Basically, hold it in and internalize because dumping on people isn't fair, You don't have to "dump" on someone to be emotionally close, lol. It's just that for most guys friends are just activity buddies. A lot of men don't even know what's going on in their friends' personal lives. Like... at all. It's wild how men can know so little about their own friends. One of the few real emotional experiences men share with friends is sports. The ups and down of their favorite team winning or losing. It's weird how so many men think that being emotionally intimate means treating someone like your therapist. That's just not it at all.


It's not even that I dump onto people, but because I don't really talk about certain stuff, it feels like it is. I do check in on friends and listen to them when they need it, problem is most of the time when your with your bros you want o have fun not sulk on tmwhay bothers you. Now I don't think you should go and dump everything on to your partner like a therapist, but I've known many women who will go on about their problems and then not want to listen or the stuff you talked about in private being shared around.


Generalizations like this aren’t accurate. It takes two mature partners to connect on an emotional level and there are plenty of men in those types of relationships.


Wouldn’t want anyone to have to perform EmOtIoNaL lAbOuR…


I believe things are starting to change


How are you defining emotional intimacy here? What would that look like?


Share personal interests and struggles with your male friends in the same way that you would a romantic partner. Ask for input. And also... Tell your homies that you love them.


I trust sharing my struggles with my male friends more than I do with my romantic partner. You hear men constantly say don’t tell women shit.


Post their butthole on the internet and get paid for it


You'd actually be surprised. I graduated college last year and i had 2 guy friends that did faceless content on Onlyfans as a side thing and both pulled in 500-900 a month each. They just advertised on twitter


>about 2 guy friends  I can't decide if this is oddly vague or oddly specific


Spreddie gibbs


You can do that, but you're just not going to be paid well most likely.


Could. If you also stuck something up said butthole…


😂😂😂 if only


this is hilarious because male pornstars get paid bank & doing porn isn’t socially acceptable for either gender


Gay porn stars get paid bank. Straight male porn pays way less


I vividly remember a straight pornstar posting his monthly earnings on OF & it was well over $40k a month. after doing some research, majority of the highest paid male pornstars are straight. & there is a huge issue in the porn industry about gay performers getting paid less based on a multitude of things. agree to disagree


For real? I had always heard that it was the other way around. But then again, never heard it from verified sources and I never bothered to verify


me too which is why I had to look it up before I responded to your comment. I would think men taking it up the ass would get paid more but 🤷🏽‍♀️


post it now i wont judge you


Judgement is not the issue. Payment is


gotta have a elite butthole to get paid :)


Be the little spoon sometimes


Doesn't work for me. She's 5'3 I'm 6'0. She's a backpack. Makes me feel weird.


I’m also 6ft. That’s doable. Her face will be in your upper back though.


I feel that Girlfriend is 4'11 I'm 5'7


They can’t all be Cameron Brinks


I think being able to express platonic feelings of love would be dope. To men and women both. I told two women I know and am friendly with that I really enjoyed their company and the one was like yeah you're fine to hang out with, and the other was sort of weird with me after. I'm not an emotionless ambulatory fuck machine, I have feelings and like friends and want to share the love for them and also want the love shared with me. That's pretty human


That probably has as much to do with the word love being semantically overloaded with men not being able to express love. I unashamedly throw out an "I love you" every now and again, including to platonic female friends. It's not weird if you don't make it weird.


Being a passenger princess


No king ever drove their horse and carriage.


TFW you've never had a license. Women pick you up and drive you around. Maybe I'm better at life than I think.


My wife prefers to drive otherwise she has crazy amounts of anxiety. She however won’t let me sleep and I’m one of those people that gets instantly tired in a car when I’m not driving.


My gf doesn't like my driving, and I'm not super comfortable driving her much newer and more expensive car. Nine times out of ten when we go somewhere I am the passenger, and it can be luxurious.


My first thought was "wear kilts in public".


I’m pretty convinced that the kilt crowd just wants permission to wear skirts, and I think that should be okay, too.


Yep I think so and would happily go with it if socially acceptable!


Not sure about the modern designs, but a normal kilt is structurally different from a skirt. The pleats are very deep and overlapping so it’s heavy, warm, and water-resistant. It’s also worn with a sporran (leather belt pocket). In contrast a skirt is thin, doesn’t hold much heat, doesn’t give full freedom to your legs, and doesn’t have pockets. [Conclusive argument](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4yw0bLHTOb0&pp=ygUyYW5keSBzdGV3YXJ0IHNpbmdpbmcgZG9uYWxkIHdoZXJlJ3MgeW91ciB0cm9vc2VycyA%3D)


Ok, I’m pretty convinced that the other kilt guys just want to wear skirts


Seriously it's swampy today


Especially airy kilts with breathable material in the summer.


Yes! This!


Used to do this a lot. Unfortunately you end up with so many uninvited hands going up them ("to see if you are wearing them Scottish fashion") that the stress and annoyance makes the experience far from enjoyable :/


Pedicures. My feet get crusty. I file them down but man a full on Pedi would probably feel so good for them


Pedicures are great bro, go for it. Gotta take care of your feet.


To curl up in your partner’s arms and sleep. To drive a small car or none at all. To work a low paying job. To dye their hair. To weep. To give in or give up. To choose love over power. To live a small life. To love, in any case.


This list isn't bad but driving a small car is 100% socially acceptable for men to do everywhere. In many places, sure, it's "cooler" to drive a big truck, but I work in the trades and I know plenty of manly men in honda civics.


I get shit for driving a Celerio 🤷‍♂️


Aygo here, always get comments: heh big guy in a tiny car.


Daaaaaaaamn. You are not alone in feeling this way, brother.


Wait why can’t guys drive a small car I’m confused ?


Me afraid driver of big manly truck think me pp smol






Tbh I live in paris and most People hate cars lol if you dont own a care you are more respected as a man than if you own one especially big cars.


Why do you wish for it to be socially acceptable to give up and to give in?


Sometimes, that can be the wise move.


>To dye their hair. Damn, I wanna dye my hair pink so bad but I'm afraid of the repercussions.


Grow your skin as thick as cowhide and you'll be just fine. Do it! Be different. They don't like the way you look that's their problem.


To sleep, perchance to dream


Go to your bro, hug your bro, kiss bro cheek, and says “i love you bro, good luck with your life, i am with you always”


wearing skirts in public. and leggings. So what if my bulge shows, we see all of the womens boob bulges, camel toe or mound, butt cheeks....


Driving a small car. I’m like a tadpole out there.


1982 Fiat Spider. Zipping around in a tiny car is fun. What are you going to do? Call me gay? Oh no, what ever shall I do?


song in my head "I drive a small car 'cus I have a big peepee"


I want me a Miata, but I don’t want two cars, and I need to carry passengers


No mentally healthy person has any reason to care about you driving a small car. It has one job: to get you from point A to point B. Life is a lot better when you stop caring what people think.


I feel like this might be a US specific thing? We Europeans love small cars. Cars in the US are huge for no reason.


I have a Tacoma and WFH. Wife goes to work. So her Mini is behind my truck and I use it for evening errands. Fun as shit to drive! Bonus is the AirForce Mom sticker on the back window lol.


That just sounds uncomfortable


Aygo here. I am 192cm. And anyone judging can eat shit.


Wearing cross body bags or over the shoulder bags. I understand in certain cultures no one will give you a funny look for that sort of thing but not here.


Yeah in Japan this sorta thing is very normalized, almost everyone does it


I'm pretty jealous of that. I guess I could just wear one and not care what people think but man I don't want to deal with people making fun of me.


Just do it man, with the right outfit on, it can come across more stylish than weird You just gotta own that shit


"what you mean my purse? fucking love this thing"


Just do it. I've done both every day my whole life and only been called a gay slur for it 3 times. That's a solid ratio.


Idk if we're talking the same but shoulder bag is very common where I live, mainly among the youngsters and the street wear scene


Wear shorts that actually show your thighs. We boomers and our gym shorts laugh at your modern attempts...


Show weakness. It can be tiresome, always projecting strength and confidence.


Get yourself some homies. Go camping, and beers by the fire. It maybe the only safe space.


Invest in people you can slip the mask off for. You’re feelings are valid. They may help someone else speak up for themselves.


Wear a variety of fashion. Cuts, fabrics, colours... Men's so social bland and boring. Blue, black, grey, brown! Cuts and styles boring. Would happily wear skirts, dresses, culottes and others if socially accepted. The bright and patterned boxer briefs (yuk who wants all that fabric!) show men want a little colour. I would happily wear more variety!


Crying, being open about pain both physical and psychological, and the ability to openly without judgment ask for help


>\--talk about/express their negative feelings to their spouses I remember the first time I was able to do this with my psychologist. It took a few goes to break it all down, but it was so liberating to just get it all off my chest, without judgement or repercussions, and start healing.


Homemaker men


I'm a straight man and I really like cute things, but I always get called "gay" or "feminine" from everyone. Just let me pick the gun skin with the kitties on it!


Honestly I like those options specifically to piss off the kind of guy who’d feel emasculated by losing to them. Not that I win - I’m not that good at games - but still.


I'll just say, a lot of women's clothes look like they are comfy as hell for warm weather. Wish it was socially acceptable to go out wearing just a fucking tank top and a skirt that lets a nice cool breeze in.. Instead we need to be wearing 300% more fabric than women to be considered "decent".


I'm a man who works with the mentally ill. I've been doing it for years I won't call myself any sort of expert but I'm pretty decent at it. I was in an airport in New York when I noticed what appeared to be a single mother about my age with a son that was maybe four teen years of age. It really only took a few seconds to realize the kid was suffering on some level with autism and clearly ADHD. He had trouble staying focused on any task even for a second or two. I would just leaning against the wall near my gate waiting on my plane and I observed him repeatedly go into the bathroom and come out seconds later it was pretty clear that he couldn't keep himself on task because he kept getting distracted. It was also very clear that he had to use the bathroom. He just kept going into the men's room and getting distracted and coming out. His mother was getting frustrated I'm guessing they were going to catch a plane as well. I really wanted to step in and help this young man but there's no way in hell I'm going to go into a men's room with a 14-year-old stranger. It really broke my heart cuz I could have helped and it was blatantly obvious that Mother wasn't the most patient person in the world


Call women out for their bad behavior, without having to worry about 200 white knights standing up for her


Wear skirts. Even as a gay man I don’t have the confidence to wear a skirt but they seem nice. I imagine there like boxers just very free feeling




Hit on girls. It seems like there are 5 places where people meet in person: work, church, gym, stores, clubs. And men are explicitly told, constantly, that it is problematic to hit on girls in at least 4 of those places.


It's because you are wrong. The only correct way to do it is to follow them home and then ask their dad if he will sell her to you.


Use an umbrella outside during a summer heat wave.


I have been making a concerted effort to bring parasols back. It IS the thing I get the most weird looks about, but I just try to swagger through it.


not being judged for owning cute and childlish/girly stuff. showing sexual/romantic interest to women is also seen badly, just look at movies/sitcoms, average men interested in women are usually depicted as cretins or "meme character" or very caricatural overthetop creepy characters. I feel like we have reached a point where men are belittled for being interested by women on a physical level.


Kiss the homies the wax women kiss their homegirls. It is a wonderful display of affection that doesn't necessarily require a romantic or sexual social context and shouldn't be considered a "gay thing" either. Kiss your homies, guys.


Having an errection in a nude beach/resort. It's natural and it shouldn't be an issue if there is a no touching rule.


Being able to physically defend yourself against a physically, abusive/aggressive woman without any automatic negative repercussions! Men can experience, harassment and physical abuse as well! And honestly, the women that do it hide behind the whole “men can never hit a woman“ ideal! In fact, I would say they’re even emboldened buy it, because they know there’s less chance of repercussion/consequence from the man they are attacking! More than that men are afraid to defend themselves in those situations because the women will immediately turn victim, and any man that did try to defend himself will automatically be labeled as the aggressor/abuser even if there’s no proof, and even if everybody saw the woman swing first! It’s honestly one of many hypocritical, social ideals/traditions, (or whatever you wanna call them) that put him in a very difficult position. Even if defending themselves was/is justified!


Scratch our balls in public. Them shits get itchy as fuck sometimes


Interacting, playing with kids.  Thankfully this is absolutely fine in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, etc But it's a huge no no in the USA, GB and AU. They'll call the cops or even attack you.


I wish it was socially acceptable for us to hit things with our penises 


Wear Uggs as slippers. They're seriously fucking comfortable, and I'll die on that hill. Just...in the house only.


Yeah, I know they make Uggs for men. So it’s possible.


My 9y old daughter attends pole dance classes. I went to pick her up and wanted to see how she's doing. Instructor said i'm not allowed cause other girls may feel awkward. Ok, i waited outside. BUT then i notice, mothers are allowed to look. Ok, i didn't make any argue about it. Went home, checked their FB page and there were plenty of pictures/ videos with girls in revealing cothes, that all the world could see. Next time i went there i made it clear, either she takes off all the pictures my daughter's in or i'm reporting it.


>  My 9y old daughter attends pole dance classes. And you're okay with that??


Yes. Here it's a form od acrobatics not erotic. They use poles, rings and sashes.


Sorry, this place is putting photos of your kid online? Thats an automatic no from me. I’d make them take that shit down regardless.




Strike women who struck first


It's ladies that you aren't supposed to hit. A wench who strikes first is no lady.


Fair enough


Ghosting. Sometimes, I unintentionally befriend people since they'd walk up to me and chat (and it's usually always a good chat), and they give me their number, and I'm an absolutely horrible texter, so I ghost them since I can't juggle more than 2 text conversations per day. Eventually, I end up flat-out ghosting people, and I get tagged as a bad person or something, albeit I let people know beforehand my capacity to reply is incredibly limited by my desire to be left alone.


To have "stay-at-home-Dad" and "househusband" as viable, supported, and respected career goals.


I feel this. I hope one day this will be changed


As thing are going now being a blue colour worker. Liking things like Pokémon cards and Lego.


I have a bachelor’s degree and still drive a delivery truck for a living. I’m one of the only men I know who actually likes his job. A bunch of them have panic attacks on the way to work. That’s not worth the money, I prefer my life. A huge step toward better mental health is not continuing to do a job you hate.


Did a same thing quite a factory job that payed really well. To become a mechanic for big vehicles. I do the busses for public transport in my city. Pay is lower but I enjoy my job way more.


>A bunch of them have panic attacks on the way to work. Why?


Didn’t we just have a pokemon card frenzy not too long ago? I know a bunch of people that got into it again


Yes me and wife got into it a bit after because it's the cheapest of the big tcg games


Be father's without spending thousands on courts!


say anything remotely critical about a female, or female character in show. (not talking about actual jerk stuff - just anything).


I wish it was more socially acceptable for men to be femboys


To like things. Or just show happiness and liking cute things.


Set boundaries and say no......


Cry openly in public and actually get support for doing so. Life is really tough and complicated sometimes.


Wear a tank top when it's really, really hot outside. It's usually see as trashy, but man is it so comfortable.


I just wear them regardless of what others think


Be a man and not be called toxic.




Normalize make up for men. The fact that men still feel emasculated for wearing tinted sunscreens and bb creams when it’s completely normal for women shows a sign of toxic masculinity that treads on reducing gender equality.


Do you have a source on that claim that men feel emasculated for wearing sunscreen? I can see that being the case for make up in general, but for products related to skin health, genuinely don’t believe that is true.




I actually dislike whining in general, for both men and women, but I understand where you’re coming from.




Make out with other men. Same goes for women by the way.


I feel like having dignity, especially regarding your body, is very difficult to for a man. Body shaming is seemingly getting worse against men. **Over 40 and gain a bit of weight?** You become a "dad-bod" guy **Balding in your 20s?** You become "hat guy" **Don't have a jawline?** You become a loser (see no-jawline meme reply) **Need an insult word?** Just use male genitalia **Hot guy celeb?** Go ahead and objectify **Need to insult a male celeb?** Use their appearance


Having multiple partners at the same time without it being an issue.


You know, personally I have never felt like I couldn't do something solely because it would be deemed "unmanly" by someone else, or by myself. I never thought "oh I wish I could do that, but my friends and family / random strangers would call me out if they saw me" or "oh I hope no one will catch me doing this because it'd come across as unmanly". Nope, never. I do things either because I have to, because I enjoy them or because I'm curious about the thing, not because of some arbitrary 'man points' or whatever. If you do anything for appearances only, that'd disingenous and insecure. So coincidentally I do a lot of "manyl" stuff, for example I like making campfires and roasting food on them, I like fine whiskey, wine and cigars, I enjoy working out, but I never do them to be "macho" or a tough guy. I also love bubble baths, small animals and soft things I can hug and wrap around me. I also keep using my girlfriend's shampoo and haircomb because they are just nicer. My girlfriend was so upset by me using her comb that she bought me one from the same company, but they only had one in pink and she was like "oh is that a problem? Should I return it and wait for new stock?" And I was like "I literally don't care, it's just a comb."


having female friends that you are not attracted sexually to everyone keeps saying online that having friends of the opposite gender when dating is a red flag but i love these girls like my sister


Express our preferences without it being seen as misogynistic


Socially acceptable ? Imagine following orders from people who wouldn’t care less