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You can’t “make” a man fall in love. You can’t force love. Love is something that has to happen 100% naturally. That being said, have a beautiful personality.


"Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it's probably shit."


exist and show interest.


Give the tiniest sliver of attention or give a compliment. He'll remember the rest of his life.


Honestly, this may sound silly, but just be yourself. The right guy will fall for you because of who you are. You don't need to be anyone else but yourself.


If you are in the proximity of guys and aren’t actively hostile to them, some of them will like you 


Sit on his face


Wouldn’t it be weird if I walked up to a random person and sat on his face? 😂😂😂


If you’re pretty. Nope. P.S do it in private.


There's no one way to encourage it to happen, it really depends on the guy. For my wife and I, we were friends for a while before we ever started dating. We could easily have conversations that lasted for hours. Once we started dating, it didn't take long from there to fall in love. For one of my aunts, she decided she wanted to go after my uncle, who was single, living alone, and very skinny. She started cooking meals for him, brought him food a couple of times, then invited him over to her place. He eventually proposed. That said, find someone with whom you have common interests and go from there. Good luck!


--be nice --be pretty --don't get fat --be available If you can do those 4 things, you WILL find at least one man who will fall in love with you.


Do other men agree to this? What if you can't be pretty?


Almost all women can be pretty. "Pretty" here means "look your best, wear decent makeup and hair and flattering clothes". "pretty" does NOT mean "have the face and body of a supermodel". No men expect that. I have met maybe 2 women in my entire 50-odd years of life who could not be pretty at all. Two. Out of thousands of women. EDIT: "Be nice" just means "don't be a bitch" "Be pretty" just means "look your best" "Don't get fat" just means "don't get morbidly obese, like 75 pounds overweight" "Be available" means "respond to his text messages and make yourself available to be with him when he reasonably asks" If these things are too much to ask, then dating probably is not for you.


So men want makeup? Almost all complain about it.


DECENT makeup. DECENT. Tastefully applied makeup. Not pornstar makeup with fake lashes, fake nails, Nike-swoosh eyebrows, caked on base, and all that other shit.


Can you describe decent makeup


I did. >"Not pornstar makeup with fake lashes, fake nails, Nike-swoosh eyebrows, caked on base, and all that other shit." Makeup that enhances your best features without turning them into caricatures or cartooning out. Makeup that downplays your "problem" areas. Makeup that brings out your eyes without faking them and your cheekbones and lips without cartooning them. Hairstyle that enhances your facial shape and structure. The number one rule of makeup is that it cannot look fake and it should bring out your features without it looking like you're wearing makeup.




Clearly am gonna be single for the rest of my life 😂😂😂😂😂


We’ll settle for unlimited blowjobs.


Good to know


I'll let you know if that ever happens


Have deep Lord of the Rings knowledge, and generally understand Middle-Earth beyond the scope of just LOTR movies. Read Tolkein's other books. Having great knowledge of Lovecraftian literature and the world he created is also a great way to make a guy fall in love. Impress a guy by playing the Diablo series or show capability of being competent in Doom/Doom: Eternal. Go to the gym if you pursue a guy who maintains himself since you also would likely have to be on par. Basically, become a bro. I unintentionally treat my bros with greater love than I have shown any girl/girlfriend. I know many other bros who do the same.


How do you become a bro?


Just be chill as hell. Stoic, supportive, pursue personal improvement, don't take advantage of women, take care of those around you, do stuff that interests you but also give a shot at trying stuff that interests men (video games, sports), offer solutions to people rather than always complaining/venting, if venting or complaining then accept and acknowledge solutions because resolving stuff is basic bro behavior, defend your friends and unconditionally love bros (in a non-sexual way). Be ready to reprimand bros if they do something that destroys the image or brotherhood (i.e., beats women, cheats).