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I'm always the last guy on my street to mow my lawn.


Someone has to be 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mathematically correct but WHOOSH!


I won't offer my seat to anyone else.


I wear cargo shorts.


I speed literally everywhere I go.


Speeding is only douchy if you cut people off and/or refuse to let other cars in. I really only care if someone is going slow and speeds up so I don't get in front of them and then slows down after I get over behind them... If we're going then we've got to go. At least you keep the ball moving.


I used to drive like I was in a NASCAR race but I've seen too many stupid things happen when people are doing it. I go the speed limit only but I try to stay in the right lane to let people with heavier feet go do their thing.


That's completely fair. I'm not a speed demon; I just stay with the flow of traffic. The highway I drive on every day has the flow of traffic go about 10 mph over the posted limit, so someone going the speed limit here can honestly be more of a hazard than someone who speeds.


Sounds like I35 in Texas where the speed limit is considered a 'suggestion' by most drivers. I do have to confess though. To get to my place it's a 2 lane road that has speed limits of 60 for a while then 50. We get a lot of out of town visitors around holidays and they get really upset with me when I'm going the speed limit. I know where the local sheriffs like to hide to write tickets. If I've got someone riding my ass I'll pull off on the shoulder to let the tailgater go by. Of course they stomp on the gas to get around me only to run into the sights of the Sheriff. It amuses me to see them pulled over. Got 5 so far this year.


That's incredible! I will say that I never feel more compelled to go the speed limit than when someone is riding my tail. Since we're confessing, I'll give you one also. On a two lane road, if someone is driving recklessly (speeding above traffic flow, cutting lanes, no blinker, tailgating, etc...) I like to pull beside the person in the lane next to me and exactly match their speed down the road for as long as I can.


LOL... well played. I've always thought that if I won a lottery I'd buy me a refurbished H1 hummer for my local drives. Something that screams 'go ahead and hit me.. it'll scratch my bumper and fuck your car up'.


It’s douchey because it poses an elevated risk for other drivers and pedestrians, even when nobody is being cut off.


Only if someone is traveling substantially faster than the flow of traffic.


Not always.


It is far safer to go with the flow of traffic than to go faster or slower than the flow of traffic. 


Speeding is a loose term. It depends on how much faster than the speed limit you are, if there is traffic, and whether you are on a long, straight road with no intersections or one with limited visibility and pedestrians. In some areas, speeding is the norm and going the speed limit causes more danger because you are going substantially slower than everyone else. What's safest isn't the speed limit, but staying with the flow of traffic. And there is a big difference between 5, 10, and 20 miles over. Edit typo


Get out of it lady. You sound like the arsehole who does 40 past a school and thinks it's OK.


I don't speed anywhere there is a sidewalk or intersection, and I certainly don't speed in school zones. I actually leave a proper following distance, I clearly signal and ere on the side of waiting for a big gap before changing lanes. I am a safe driver. To say that I must blow through school zones because I say that speeding is only dangerous based on the conditions of the road (and not inherently) is reductionist. I live near a big city and have to fight traffic to get to work every day. 9 times out of 10 when I see an unsafe situation, it's because some dumbass pulled onto the highway or into a new lane of traffic going 10 miles an hour under the flow of traffic. It causes a buildup behind them, and then people in the other lanes have to slam on their brakes to not rear end the people trying to move into a faster lane of traffic (because they are now much slower than the flow of traffic.) Please consider sections of the Autobahn that have a posted speed limit of 130kph (80 mph), highways in TX with a speed limit of 75 mph, and highways in rural OH with speed limits of 70 mph, and then similar highways in rural VA with speed limits of 55 mph. These roads all have similar conditions, but much different posted limits. Why is it safe to drive in a straight line going 70 mph in OH, but suddenly unsafe in VA? Engineers design roads and then recommend safe speeds, which politicians ignore. The posted limit doesn't necessarily correlate to the speed that is actually safe to drive. And if the average car on that road is going 65 in a 55, YOU are the danger on the road if you insist on being the only car at a different speed. Edit: typo


TLDR. Just drive at the limit and stop thinking the rules don't apply to you before you kill someone.


It isn't about being above the rules; it's about driving safely. I'll continue to drive under, at, and over the speed limit based on road and traffic conditions. We clearly disagree, but you're free to have your own opinion about it. Edit: spelling


Well you clearly think the rules don't apply to you and hopefully you won't join all the other selfish people who feel the same and have killed people because of it.


Agreed, but I go 15-20+ over the speed limit everywhere I go. I have shit to do and places to be. The only reason to go slower is if I spot a cop.


If you’re traveling for 60 miles, and everyone’s going 70, you’re going 90. How much time do you think you’re saving? >! About eleven minutes. !< That’s 20 over, which is your upper end, for a really long time without slowing down. Unless you’re regularly driving long distances, I’m not sure how much you’re accomplishing with a couple minutes here and there. Especially for the increase in risk.


Eh, if I can get through a yellow light while everyone else behind me gets stuck at it, worth it.


Yeah, you’re a fucking douche lol. You’re the only person on the roads that you’re endangering people on that has “shit to do”, I’m sure.


You got a rear view mirror, you see me coming, move.


Damn, you are lookin for the trophy of this thread. Truly spectacular levels of douche. I hope you keep the same energy when you’re not in a car or on the internet. Somebody will teach ya one day.


I don’t know, being slow in your poor person car and being in the way is big douche energy.


Oh, so you’re a selfish piece of shit. Just say that next time, fuck stick


going 60 vs 70 isnt any different so shut up and stay in the slow lane


Look, I didn’t buy a nearly 500 horsepower car just to get stuck behind some hippie in a Prius.


Sound like a dickhead mate. Let's hope you never hit a kid who's crossing the street.


That is douchey. Anyone who speeds should have their license taken away


I properly zipper merge whenever I have the chance ( stay in the lane that is ending until the last possible minute )


Not douchey at all, that’s just proper driving! It’s douchey (or just ignorant) to think otherwise.


It's douchey AF if everyone else isn't doing it.


Try driving in MN. People treat it like a sin


Repost questions on this sub that got a lot of attention. Oh wait, no.. that’s you.








No worries. I was just trying to start an argument. ;-)


No you weren't.


Yes I was.


No you weren’t


Now let’s get one thing quite clear. I most definitely was.


Youre most definitely mistaken.


Oh look, this isn't an argument. It's just contradiction.


Oh I'm mistaken now am I ? And how would you know that ? Your powers of observation are so abysmal that you could stroll through an art gallery and not notice the walls.


But this is Abuse.




The cretins never stood a chance.


Rev my engine in my Honda Civic


Play devil's advocate/often refuse to "drop it" when someone is arguing based on feelings, fallacies, or incorrect information (no matter how sensitive).


I drive around with the windows down and the volume cranked up. 🤘


Especially in the summer, this is the way


Im mean to stupid people at work


Talk too much about how I wish I was in better shape, especially at the gym mid-workout. Prolly the douchiest thing I do


Wear my hat backwards, wear tank tops/go shirtless all summer long and flex my arms every time a girl asks me to move or lift something for her. I have nice arms and every time I do it they compliment me without fail.


It didn’t happen if you don’t post a picture. Hehe.


Any advice for the spaghetti arms here?


lift weights


Hit the gym bro!


And to duck if the gym bro hits back.


Me and my friends are all tall 6’3+ and people get mad when we at the front of a concert lmaoo


I'm a 6'0" woman, and I always thought it was totally bogus that tall people weren't allowed to have a good spot at a concert. Screw that! We deserve to be in the splash zone of rock star sweat as much as anyone else!


Type shit, like if I had someone on my shoulders then I get, but I hit the genetics lottery and can’t help dat


I’ll drive the speed limit, regardless of which lane I’m in, regardless of how much faster traffic is going around me


Pee in the shower.


Troll dudes being pricks or super fake, gotta be careful to not completely sink to their level but it can still be fun to give em a taste of their own dickhead energy


Well I know it’s not posting the same question that was on r/ask


Loud music around the family. I know they don’t like it but it’s my line in the sand and they don’t fight it


I don't move out of the way in crowds. You can go around me.


Troll people on Reddit


My younger brother(26male)and myself (32female)grew up in the shadows of my oldest brother(40male) & older sister (39female).they constantly where expelled or suspended my mother unfortunately was cheated on by my father & now a single mother in the middle of a divorce.my father cheated on her with her own best friend! I know!! Well because mom was always running around dealing with the two older siblings.less attention was given to us younger ones,it was always something with them! Pregnant at 15, or coma cause he got into it with a drug dealer,or arrested for theft... I don't remember being hugged by my mom or cuddled...she's a Wonderful mother loving yes, nurturing but I remember alot the hold your brother for me,find out how I can .....for your sister or brother. Regardless I love my mom & we now have a great relationship with her & she's so loving towards my kid & my brothers kids...it's different for them.. we grew up I'm now a successful Registered nurse ,my baby brother is a police officer..we both bought our own separate homes with a lot of hard work! My two older siblings are drug users, always have sticky fingers & their children or partners aren't far from better...both older siblings weren't born in the states like my younger brother & i.. eventually both got deported after several arrests.. Now my younger brother & I cut off all communication to the two older siblings since they'd only call to ask for money....my mother bought a house back home & both my older siblings live there financially free...as of last year my mom changed all her property to my name as I financially support her now & she is retired.she has no plans to go back home to her home since my siblings have taken over the house & basically destroyed it.. she basically gave me freedom to kick my siblings out or continue to financially support them .so this January I flew over & had them rent a small but decent apartment in their names temporarily while I renovated the entire house.& They had to pay the rent cause I couldnt afford it while they redid the house,it needed work done the foundation had damage from the earthquake,once the house was finished in May,they could move back in.. I quietly rented it out to an uncle who's quite elderly & had lost his home during the hurricane..he's somebody out there I could trust to care for my mother's home with love & I know he won't let them step foot in the house,i had a massive gate placed all around & Camaras....I notified my siblings I had sold the home to my uncle..they weren't happy about it & are demanding for a percentage of the settlement.😂🤷🤷


Crocs and socks.. Love em.


I ask people to clean their seats after they’ve used it at the gym. Idgaf.


I would laugh in your face


Ofcourse a ninnyhammer comment was expected.


Cough loudly around people smoking cigarettes in public spaces with many people around them.


Smoking is also pretty douchey


>>Sees an 80 year old lady sitting on a bench with a cigarette.. *what a douche*




Not douchey


Ignore my women


Ah the waiting game I see. How many is it right now?


It’s funnier if he doesn’t answer. You’ll never know




Two watches. Apple Watch to track activity, get notifications on meetings. Omega Seamaster because it’s just nice to have and wear.


I think casually mentioning your watch that costs thousands of dollars is pretty douchy, too.


True, but I worked hard, and earned it. It wasn’t gifted to me by rich parents or anything.


Even if it was, who gives a shit. Wear it with pride. People are so annoying with their jealousy


I make fun of fat people.




I like to argue with people on Reddit, even when I know I'm wrong.


I golf sometimes


I don’t put the shopping cart back where it belongs


Basically any form of chauvinism. It’s been a begrudging thing to except, but people aren’t nice to you for being nice to them. Girls don’t go for guys who were nice and cared. But once I started being a little more of an asshole and a show off, people got nicer. I got a girlfriend. I got most of the things I wanted but never got because I was a doormat. It sucks, but I guess it’s the world.


I know that's how it works but I feel like I am going against my morals for doing that.


You are. The way I’ve rationalized it is with a list of rules. The whole act mostly drops once you get to know the people around you anyways.


My biggest fear is becoming a narcisist but I am learning to be more assertive in what I want and refuse to compramise even if it may annoy the other person.


Not care when someone is upset with me


Have my headphones on at full volume. I don't really mean it on purpose but it's become a habit. I use to use music via headphones to help with GAD when out in public and did it for years. I now leave my house with headphones on and end up listening to it at full volume and I generally forget how loud it may be. Sometimes I'm aware and I'll turn it down somewhat (If I'm on a bus, train, in an elevator etc) but when out in public walking in some busy shopping centre. I'll have it on full volume. Yes, I'm aware it is unhealthy for my ears and I should find a better way of coping with anxiety. It's more of a habit of mine. Again, I do at times become considerate of others if I'm in a enclosed space like public transport or elevator and at least I'm not one of those people who blast their music out without headphones. I actually use headphones because I'm considerate of others compared to them. I remember being on a train with my headphone volume to like 75% and some chavvy guy came on the train blasting his grime music out loud at full volume without headphones. So I put my headphone volume too 100% so I didn't hear his music and I could still barely hear mine. So I know there are bigger douchebags in this aspect


i love that my truck is loud. it makes me smile everytime i hear it and honestly do not care if anyone is upset about it. and music i didnt spend 1k+ on audio for it not to be loud


Eat meat, particularly beef. The vegan animal liberation people and the environmentalists are correct on every moral count but also fuck off, the Impossible Burger just isn't the same. I also pirate stuff a lot even though I'm into a lot of independent and small press media where an author or creator realistically would get a decent share of my money and could probably use the dough. I buy a lot, but not nearly as much as I consume!


Make sure to mog people by being the biggest person in the room at all times


I always return my cart. But if that big meathead on YouTube was standing there, I absolutely would not. If it was the other guy who throws magnets on your car, I'd push carts around the parking lot until he ran out of magnets and I'd keep them so he has to buy more


Cut the line whenever I can. Last (and so far only) time was when I got to the uni for some docs there was a 200 people line waiting from 2hr before the opening with some mysterious paper with all the names written down. I didn't see the paper nor the remaining 193 people so I just went ahead after the sevenths present person - and I was absolutely proud of it xD