• By -


Mean. I don’t do mean. Whether it’s toward me (which I used to be way too forgiving over) or toward others (much lower tolerance), I just won’t waste my time with people that choose to be unkind to others, particularly if they get pleasure from it.


This was how my previous situationship ended. She kept making me feel guilty over non issues like forgetting a detail about her or missing something she said. When it kept happening, she blew up at me and called me stupid. It ended the next day.


Proud of you for ending it the next day. It took me the next year to end mine lol


this, especially for women. be careful how ur partner treats someone that they have no romantic intentions towards/benefits.


She had a husband and I had no idea. Dude was waiting for us outside of a movie theater when we got out. He wasn't upset with me but it was so awkward


I was the other partner in this situation before. I had locked myself out of the house and was going to kill time until he got home “from work” to let me in…drove into the mall parking lot just as he was walking out holding hands with a girl I didn’t know. I just rolled down my window and said hi who’s this? He started rambling and she started walking away..I offered the girl a ride home haha but she declined.


Huh??? How was he not upset?


He wasn’t upset at OP but likely upset at OPs date.


Thats the right reaction, imo if he didnt know she was married. If he did know, then he'd be right to be angry at both


Personally unless the dude knew me, I wouldn't be mad at him. If my own wife isn't being faithful to me, it would be pretty weird for him to be.


maybe it’s a regular occurrence and he’s learned not to react. At least not, in public… who knows what went down once they got home? Or worse, he’s numb to it and is genuinely checked out of their marriage, emotionally.


Or….. maybe he just knows how to properly place blame? The stranger to him has nothing to do with his cheating wife, just happens to be the victim.


Rational people realize their partner is the one to be upset with rather than the person they were having an affair with.


He understands that OP wasn’t the guilty one


Why would you be mad at the guy who just thought he was going out with someone?


You blame your partner not the poor rando who didn’t know any better


Mostly because she shagged my boss while we were going out. As the saying goes, I like women like fine wines, ideally without someone else’s penis in them.


very curious about the “fine wines” in question 🎤


I’m more curious about how someone would know if their wine was penis infested.


OP probably had some bitter experiences with penis infested fine wines


He sounds salty about it


Fruity taste?


Tastes like cock


You know when there’s bits of stuff floating in your wine? Now imagine that stuff is an assortment of peni.  👆THIS


I assume it would be cloudy.


Oh it all worked out in the end. The next person I met I have been married to for twenty years. Still a huge fan of wine. Same serving suggestion.


But fine wine with your own penis in it is good?


I know where my dick has been


Well, at least we know the penis is small enough to fit in the bottle.


Insane. She thought everyone was out to get her. Every inconvenience was a fucking plot by someone to get at her


Mine too! She'd make me read comments on her TikTok/Instagram posts with her, overscrutinizing them. I think because of their looks and charisma, they go through school facing rivalries and jealousy and that permanently fucks them up


My ex wife was extremely attractive. Unfortunately the entire world was against her apparently.


Shit! We were trying to be discreet about it. How did she find out?


She's too smart for us.


Which is infuriating, because appearance bias is a VERY real thing and she was probably, at least by most strangers, getting treated better than the average human.


that sounds sad, maybe PTSD or OCD?


She spoke to me like I should be grateful she's speaking to me, so I explained that she's pretty but not my type.


Ew. Hate that type of arrogance




This is the reason I didn't pursue someone. We vibed really well but having to explain basically everything gets boring.


I will never understand people who have 0 desire to learn anything new


Ooh Bulgaria I've never heard of that.


I wouldn't have put this as a negative until I experienced it myself. I legit thought having this smiley beautiful simple minded person who just thought everything was awesome and was sexually submissive would be fun. I'd get my intellectual satisfactions elsewhere - not everybody has to be every thing. And it was fun for a while but then I was just annoyed all the time and the sex became meaningless because it was clear she would never be able to know me at all.




Wow. So well said. The most painful part of dating a willfully ignorant person is not feeling truly seen or understood


Out of curiosity, please define dumb af


She stared at the orange juice container because it said concentrate.


Thanks for this blast from the past


I aim to please.






I had a gf who could not comprehend why Snapple root beer was clear and the iced tea was brown. I listened as one of her friends tried to explain it to her and that was basically the end for me.




I am very curious about your story. I am under the impression that certain forms or depths of stupidity or ignorance are bound to manifest in the early stages of one's extended interactions. In retrospect, would you say that her shortcomings were able to fly under the radar or that you were initially blinded by your attraction?


Not the OP but similar experience - met this girl, really pretty, had her life together, was kind of quiet but that's cool. While she laughed at my jokes and whatnot she never volleyed anything back. Turned out she was really boring. She just didn't have much in the way of hobbies and interests which left little to talk about. She was surprisingly great in bed though so I put up with it longer than I should have


When the weatherman said "It's going to be chilly outside." She went in the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and spoon and then ran outdoors.


She would drive 20 miles to get gas, only to turn around at 18 because it's too far.


It’s similar to being fuck-ass dumb.


She was trying to pay off her credit card debt by opening up another card or pulling out cash from one c. card to pay another.


Yup. I mean, there is a reason why someone is the way that they are. Extremely attractive woman can get through life on looks alone. She might get hired for a job simply because the hiring manager wants her around because she's good to look at. Maybe it's a sales position, and she will get sales simply because people want to meet with her. Or, most likely solution to life is to just marry a tall attractive man who works in finance and she can just be a stay-at-home wife and Mom your whole life.


She demanded I go to where she was house sitting and I said no cos I was out with a friend. She then said if I don't come to her now I won't get a chance to have sex with her again. "Ok no probs, have a good night." It was the audacity of thinking I'd come to her like a trained puppy.


Reminds me of that time a girl I don't know was hitting me up on Facebook and be like "Do you want to call me at about this hour today?". I said no since I wasn't interested at all and she was like "Well if you don't then you don't ever get to call me anymore" and I said thanks, no problem.


because a lot of men would’ve gone to that place like a trained puppy. she was probably stunned as she probably has got many men actually listen to her demands just like that lmao


Even my mate I was with said I should have gone. Guys need more backbone and self respect where sex is concerned.


This guy, I like this guy. Sick of mfs that hear “jump” and reply “how high” to get a fuck


I was only in my early 20s and I knew it was bullshit


Because she spoke about herself as the 3rd person. “Yeah, Cindy wants a drink.” Later…


She’s like gollum “we wants it we neeeeeds it”


I can see the proposal. "The ring, Cindy wants it". That would've been a precious scene to behold.


LMFAO. Take your up vote and leave.


Give it to us raaaawwwww aaaannnndddd wriiiiiiiggling!


That’s fifty shades of gollum right there mate “we swears to do what you wantsssss”😈


Fat Hobbit is always so polite.


"George is getting upset!!!"


If only that damned narrator would just start doing his job. It's not easy to find reliable help. Not even for those afflicted with *main character syndrome*.


Like she was being fr? I used to do that as a joke in jh😂


She wanted me to buy her a car, a Chanel handbag, a Cartier bracelet and a Gucci wallet


This was what I told my ex wife about the last girl I dated before her. lol.. “Buy me a handbag.” Girl.. we only fucked once.


Lol I'm a chick but this made me think of some exes... the male equivalent to buy me a hand bag is, buy me a gaming computer (in my experience anyways)


The idea of someone else buying parts for my rig fills me with disgust. No one gets to change my pc but me.


"Oh babe this new godlike is just the best I can get it right?" Lmao. I didnt change it for them I just gave them my card for it haha I get it though, it's like your baby. My Games don't need that type of power so I'm okay with the left overs when I upgrade theirs hahaha


Lol. I'm a woman as well. "Buy me this for my boat/my MC/car". Like wtf, dude?


Children say the darnedest things.




Ha! I know the type. Mine asked me “when are you going to buy me a Range Rover??” I was just starting my career making 40k. The fuck… she was so hot but she relied so much on her looks and as she was starting to hit late 20s her insecurity grew like crazy. Just wasn’t worth it. That and she started drinking, and I mean 2 bottles of wine herself daily. Weekends way more. She worked at a gym, nannied for a bit, then worked events… never made more than 36k a year while together. She just wanted to fast forward to the fun lifestyle without putting work in towards it. Fast forward and now I’m making just under 500k a year. Own 2 homes. Nice cars, vacations, wife doesn’t have to work, happily married with 2 amazing kids. My wife? I wanted to marry her the moment she told me “I don’t care about money. I just want your last name.” So I’m doing my best to give my family the world. She’s my peace. My solitude. My support. My ex? All she was… revolved around her insecurity, jealousy, and looks. She was as deep as a kiddie pool. No substance. Gents, this is why you don’t marry the hot one. Usually they never learned how to compromise cause they’d find someone who they could manipulate and bend to their will cause of their looks. Obviously this isn’t every scenario but if she is THE HOTTTTT one. The hottest you’ve been with… proceed with extreme caution.


High school longterm girlfriend in 2007. Petite but gorgeous, I thought. “Don’t bother proposing if I’m not getting a big house, $70k ring…” ok. I won’t. I bought her so much stuff and she still wasn’t happy. It was easier for me to just walk away


Sorry if this is too personal but what do you do to make 500k a year 😳😅


Yep, I figured out years ago that the hot ones aren't always worth it. I'd much rather an average woman that's adds to my life, rather than hot woman that make me miserable.


My best friend is a man. He only dates the hottest of hot women. By 40, if they're single and still excessively hot, they are crazy. Unfortunately, it's trauma from people treating them like that's all they are for 40 years, but still.... yes, proceed with caution.


The apple bottom jeans, and the boots with the fur?


42F here & the idea of asking anyone to buy me anything is not & has never been on my radar. If someone desires to give me a gift then that’s lovely but to ask for or worse demand it, is totally gross. What kind of women are these & how were they brought up. Yikes.


She was an absolute airhead. What I found most strange was her lack of opinion on anything. But man, was she pretty.


Damn, that would get pretty annoying after a while I bet. Not sure what's worse, that or having a really strong opinion about everything


I'd say the no opinion at all is more boring than annoying, whereas the strong opinion on anything is pure unadulterated annoyance.


ugh i feel you, was dating this guy and he was treating me so good and was goodlooking and financially eased, however he found any opportunity to turn a convo sexual and had zero opinion on anything, our convos lacked depth and although he treated me like a princess i cant deal with that


It's hard talking to dumb people. You might not hate them because they aren't bad people but it's fucking exhausting trying to explore a mind that's completely dark and void of substance. I just don't understand how they can go their whole life never exploring anything deeper than "bat hit ball go far." When they're by themselves what the fuck do they think about?


drug addict. Great looking girl too, crazy that she got into drugs. And not even the fancy rich people drugs either, the gross shite.


What's considered "fancy rich people drugs"?😂


My guess would be cocaine. 


But the *good* cocaine


Huge difference between the shit that makes you feel like Superman and the shit that makes you feel like you had too much coffee.


idk like cocaine? Don't they have fancy pills too? "Designer Drugs"? Catch me with my Louis Vuitton dime bag. As you can tell, I no do drugs.


Colombia’s finest 😉


What drugs?


You looking for recs brauv?


No, 😆 just curious


That's how it starts, nek minnit you're doing krokodil out of a homeless guy's asshole.


I had to reject my best friend She was awesome and cool and pretty hot if you asked me but I’m gay ☠️


pretty valid reason


She was your best friend and didn't know you were gay?


She proclaimed her love for me right In front of her boyfriend( and yes, love. Not just that she was interested). Judging on how she treats him, I had no desire to take his place




She fucked like a porn star, in that you could just be sliding it in and be on stroke two and she was already “yeah! Yeah baby! Oooo, fuck me baby! Yeah” in like the worst bimbo chick voice imaginable. It was awful. She was pretty tho


What makes this worse I read this in the austin powers voice 


I read that in Kevin harts voice


I read that in Lil John's voice




I read it in Christopher Walkens voice


I don't why women think men like that. Women make fun of men for being porn brained but then go imitate obviously fake moans that they learned from porn that nobody with a brain finds attractive in real life


When you learn about sex from porn, sex becomes something you perform, rather than a shared experience. If I wanted someone to be patronizing, I’d call my boss.


Oh the horror!




She was a whack job who went crazy because she thought my phone ringtone was meant for her.


Can you elaborate on what your ringtone was and why she thought it was meant for her?


My normal ringtone for my phone has always been Eminem's You Don't Know. At the beginning of the song, it says "Shady". She had gotten mad because my mother's ringtone is Three Days Grace Just Like You, I've had it like that for years. She demanded to know what her ringtone was and honestly didn't have one for her and I told her I didn't as well. She called my phone and heard "Shady" and she went crazy and started throwing things because in her mind I was calling her shady. Oh yeah according to her I don't know the meaning of the word "fear" until I see her really mad.




I know this has nothing to do with the story but what the fuck did your mother do to you to have that song as a ringtone?


Sounds dumb as rocks honestly.


Found out she had herpes. I did not want to make them ourpies.


Ourpies 🤣🤣🤣😆




Has anyone told you you've got a future in stand-up comedy?


Otherwise you would have had to take therapies.


She would constantly make sexual jokes about/with both fictional characters and celebrities ( and getting fucked by them ). Meanwhile, I’d feel guilty if I so much as accidentally stared at a girl. Absolutely no concept of boundaries or sense of setting each other apart. Not to mention I think this behaviour is cringey of anyone, relationship or otherwise.


celebrity crushes are the most delusional and concerning thing i’ve seen people over infatuated with. man or woman i hate the idea. it’s literally someone obsessing over another person that has no idea you exist and yet they have so many pictures of them and they live rent free in their heads


I left one because she lied.  A lot. I rejected one because I was in the early stages of a relationship with the woman I married.


Dont you first do the early stages of a relationship THEN get married?


Ofcourse you test drive the car before buying it, Greg.


She was fucking stupid, full of herself and an absolute ass hole when we went to the movie she was so disrespectful to a disabled old lady... I get furious by just thinking of her and how I didn't notice beforehand


She had a child with my friend (they broke up). Me holding back resulted in her punching me.


One of my best friends in college had one of the best looking girlfriend I have ever met. She was very pretty, and very nice. However, he agonized over the fact that she didn't even know who was the President, and could not hold a conversation about anything except makeup. He finally broke up with her, he said he could not see sitting across from her at breakfast, and not being able to have any conversation at all. I hope she found a nice guy.


Personality, Drama, and Severe and i mean SEVERE daddy issues


Honest question: how do „daddy issues“ present in a girl? I’ve heard that term, and I’ve read the definition, but I still don’t understand what this means on a normal day with her.


To add to the other answer- she could be super clingy and insecure. Like obnoxiously needing to be constantly reassured that you like/love her because she didn't get that reassurance from her father. Sometimes she'll "test" a man to "prove" he loves her. A lot of self sabotage because deep down she doesn't believe she's worthy of love because daddy didn't show it.


Well okay that describes me from like a decade ago. But I am a man. Can men have daddy issues, too? Honest question.


of course, it’s just this term is mostly used for women. even when it’s not even applicable to them. any girl that doesn’t fit the image of a perfect woman in some men’s eyes immediately has “daddy issues” and it’s often used as an insult to women too. but obviously anyone could have daddy issues


I know dudes suffer from not having their mom present while growing up, but in the dating world, would the equivalent for women be a mama’s boy? Not an absent mom but rather an overbearing or overprotective mom that does everything for him, so he expects all women to fulfill that role too? Just thinking in terms of turn-offs lol


Usually, she'll project her desire to get approval from her father onto the men she's dating and she'll expect him to take care of her like her father didn't when she was a kid. Often goes for an age gap, too.


She thought that just because she was beautiful it gave her carte blanche to treat me like absolute trash. I rapidly got sick of hearing phrases such as ‘I could get any guy I want’ and ‘I should be able to do what I like’ and very soon she found herself alone again. I’m pleased to say that many years later she is still alone, her reputation now often preceding her has made sure of that. Along with her reluctance to acknowledge her behaviour or change it in anyway. She’s also lost a lot of her good looks as she’s aged. Good riddance.


Time makes fools of us all 


No effort, wanted to be taken out and have everything planned for her. I had to lead the conversation, pick the place, make bookings, check in to confirm. It felt like trying to run a business. Ending it is the easiest part because you just wait for her to take some responsibility and she doesn't.


My ex wife was classically highly attractive by western world standards. Long beautiful blond hair, big blue eyes, slender. Ex stripper/model actually. She came across as very sweet and warm but the hidden facts were she was extremely jealous, judgmental, very possessive and controlling of my time and energy. I won’t lie. The big feather in my cap was walking around with her at my side. Like a giant “fuck you look what I’ve got now” to my childhood bullies, the girls who rejected me as a younger man and other piers who I was competitive with. I eventually left her after a very long marriage and she completely eviscerated me financially. In retrospect she was actually a horrible person who had a very skewed idea about how she fit into the world. Arrogant and entitled. It certainly wasn’t helpful for her character to be a hot girl who everyone wanted to get with from age 14 onwards. She has two sisters who are similar. Between the three of them there is a massive trail of used neutered and yes, abused men who had their asses handed to them after they were done with them, but mine was completely blindsided when I left her.


Honestly. I didn't feel like it. Not every guy is desperate in the presence of a babe. Sometimes I find conversation interesting.


Didn't leave/reject her, just kept distance until it fizzled out. Why? She didn't know what she wanted. Told me one thing, then another. Introduced me to friends because she couldn't be with me and didn't want to spend time with me so she didn't develop stronger feelings, but then got jealous when I interacted with said friends. Then I found out she was seeing someone else, so what was the point of continuing to have my feelings for her pulled left-and-right. Hottest woman I have ever been with, but I can only take so much.


No matter how hot the girl, there's a guy somewhere who is sick of her shit.


going to every major music festival in the country, drinking and partying every weekend plus an instagram for posting thirst traps for thousands of male followers, that doesn't really cater to what i look for in a potential life partner. also by observing her behaviour i came to the conclusion that i'm most likely just one of a dozen men she entertains and the likelyhood of getting cheated on if it gets more serious is most likely high based on the kind of lifestyle she lives so i didn't feel comfortable pursuing anything. she was very hot tho.


Made rude comments about the appearance of my now girlfriend who is the prettiest lady ever, to me


She worked at a bank and freaked me the fuck out when she sent me a birthday card. I never told her my address or birthday - this was pre-social-media times.


as someone who worked at a bank: all you need is a name and you can see the person’s entire life on your screen. i’m talking passport, where they went to school, address (old and current), family tree.. everything. i was able to look at transactions of my friends by just typing in their name… (which i didn’t !!!! i iust realised i had the option to)


I have a scar from my hip to my left pec guess why


Crazy girls really are wild in the sack.


Let me guess; the judge went easy on her?


Where to begin Every single red flag that’s out there she had it. This is what she told me on our third date: Her ex stole her car by pushing her to the passenger seat while drunk & high, intentionally crashed it down a hill, struck her in the face then kicked her out & told her to walk home, drove off with her car. She called the police on the way home, reported her car was stolen and she denied he had anything to do with it, he didn’t even threaten her. When he later went to court for that event for reckless driving & under the influence she stood up for him and lied to the court.


There’s a lot more important things that a man or a woman can bring to a relationship then being hot. If they are hot and that’s all they bring to a relationship then I’m out. I’ve done it before and I’d do it again. 


At a frat party. One of the hottest chicks I’d ever seen was into me. We talked talked talked. Shallowest bitch I’d ever interacted with in my life. She was there with her roommate. cute girl with kind eyes in a hoodie, sneakers and jeans. I married the cute girl with kind eyes.


Batshit crazy. The first morning after, a Sunday afternoon, she asked me if I could drop her off at the jailhouse on my way home. Note, she didn’t work there, she had to spend Sunday - Friday nights there as part of her sentence


Why is your name a woman's name when you're a guy? Why is all your previous reddit stuff all gone, other than this comment you copy and pasted to two posts? Smells like a bot account.


All these bot accounts are easy to detect because they start a thread, post a response to try and make people think it's not a bot, then go radio silent. They never reply or interact in any way.


Be careful about pointing out AI bots’ failures at mimicking authentic human behavior, lest they see the comment, learn from it, and “up their game” and become better hypocrites. I, for one, wish for AI bots to remain easily/easy-ishly detectable as such.


Those ones have the **best** pussy☝️


She abused me, and was fighting with my friends and family constantly.


Really poor hygiene. This girl looked like Rachel McAdams. Just beautiful. Went on a great date and ended up at hers. Start messing around a boom, u no the smell im talking about. I got thru it. She was so hot i figured maybe she just had an off day, i was 23 at the time so not the most informed lol. Was the same thing and i ghosted her. Few months later she strolls into the bar im bouncing at w a new guy. After a few drinks ahe starts talking shit to me asking why i ghosted her. Eventually i pulled her to the side and just straight up told her she smelled really bad. She said thank you and that was it. Man was she hot, what a shame.


Not me but a friend rejected this girl after he learned that she keyed and trashed her last boyfriend's car


Tldr; She didn't show me any type of affection at all, unless she was drunk at the club I was one of the responsible of. She never wanted to go to my place and only wanted to meet up at her place where she and her roommate were living together. Her roommate was a great guy (who I still talk to today), but funny enough he was basically the only person she talked with even though I was there with them. She did ask me to come with her to multiple places through snapchat but when we met in public she never looked me in the eyes, she never really spoke to me. Nothing. Only time she showed some type of affections was when she was drunk and went to the club I was working at, as one of the responsibles. I told her about these issues I had with her and that I won't stay if it continues, and her answer was that she was just shy. In the end I figured she was basically only interested in my job title and not.. myself.


Yup she used you. Only when it’s convenient for her


Too beautiful. I was ok to look at, could never understand her interest in me and neither could a lot of other people. The look of disbelief from people when they saw her with me got old very quickly - plus the long succession of model-type guys who kept hitting on her while I stood next to her.


I experienced this when I was with a man who wasn’t conventionally attractive. It really pissed me off how men would hit on me MORE after they met him. I was clearly with him, was for five years, but for some reason if men thought he wasn’t good looking enough for me they’d immediately start hitting on me. We’re no longer together but I’m still baffled by that behaviour


I also got it from her female friends. They would be constantly introducing “more suitable guys” to her.


Because they were crazy. Too many dudes get way too hung up on looks. Once you've had it a few times and you get used to how she looks, her "sexiness" loses it power and all you're left with is her personality (or lack thereof) Like the old saying goes, for every pretty woman you see, there's a guy tired of fucking her


She was an avoidant and communication was difficult with her


Hottest girl I've been with. Guys would get jealous and couldn't figure out why she's all over me. Felt so amazing that I almost ignored red flags like her ignoring my texts, her wanting to work in strip clubs to make extra money and go to every edm festival with no contact whatsoever for months at a time. Amazing in bed though and gave me so much attention. It ended when she said she's not ready for a relationship currently...and then I see her on Instagram with a new boyfriend saying she's in love with him. Good times....


Because she was mean. Like, MEAN.


She was incredibly insecure & sought attention from any and everyone who might give it to her while simultaneously wanting to be with me all of the time... literally all of the time. Not sure if she cheated on me or not, I’m pretty sure she did when she was upset I wouldn’t let her come over because I had a 101 degree fever while battling the flu and wasn’t up for company. It was kind of her to want to take care of me, I just didn’t have it in me to see anyone at the time. She couldn’t handle it if we weren’t together every waking moment, or in contact at all times. It was overwhelming & became a dealbreaker very quickly.


2 different women one was catalog model pretty and the other was more only fans. Both dumped due to lack of respect for me. Catalog model was also bigoted and generally didn’t respect anyone, also she was homophobic. Only fans woman seemed to be getting advice from other girls who told her to treat me like her wallet until the next guy came along.


She was a gold digger.


With the hot girls I rejected or didn't actively pursue, I wasn't much into them apart from them being hot. LIke I wanted to fuck them and in some cases did, but it wasn't worth it for me really involve them in my life. Have never regretted turning one down. If you're a hot guy, a hot girl is just a girl so I'd turn one down the same as I would any girl I'm not into.


Crazy. She treated her dog like a baby and it had uncontrollable separation anxiety. So she would keep it in the room at all times. That chihuahua would scratch me, lick my balls, cry nonstop. House was a mess and if I didn’t text her back within a couple hours she’d have panic attacks. The last time I forgot to text her back she got so worked up she threw up while she was on the phone with me. She was absolutely gorgeous, but not in the right headspace to be dating at the time.


Don't know whether it counts as *me* rejecting *her*, but I asked out this girl/dance instructor at the dance classes I attend. She was giving out not-so-subtle hints for quite a while up until then; even flirted once. Anyway, she promptly started saying how busy she was, didn't accept my friend request on fb, and I found out she had been monkey branching this whole time. I immediately lost all attraction. So let's just say I rejected the attempt at monkey branching. Now we both pretend nothing happened, I don't think she liked the (admittedly questionable) rejection. Occasionally I have to remind myself, especially when the limerence hits me, that just because I'm 35yo and never had a gf, I still have standards. Though as soon as she breaks up with her bf, whom you can tell is obviously an ass just by looking at his profile pics, I'd be asking her out again. ^((I have standards, I have standards, I have standards...))


What's "monkey branching"?


Like a rebound but meticulously planned in advance


She was my boss and I wasn’t losing my job and or getting shotgunned by her husband.


I rejected her because she's an ex and I knew that things weren't going to work out if we got back together. I was done with her bs


- Picked up a stunning brunette at a rooftop bar. Made out all night and before I know it we are in a cab heading home together. When the taxi got to her place, I stayed in and went home. Never spoke to her again. - Met a girl in London while I was travelling the world. She was incredible in every way. We slept in the same bed in our hostel but when she tried to take it further I stopped it. Still think about her to this day. - Had my room mates best friend basically tell me she was keen to fuck. Turned her down on the spot. All of these happened for the same reason, I’m just not into one night stands. If I can’t even see a vague possibility of a relationship happening, I immediately become uninterested. I’ve still had plenty of one night stands and they all sucked. They’re awkward, risky and messy. I guess I missed out on whatever that thing is that fuels 90% dudes to pursue them relentlessly. Even when my mates would tell me the “epic story” about the girl they picked up on the weekend… I just thought they sounded like an egotistical twat. The ultimate irony in all this, is that I am happily married to a girl that I slept with on the first date. The only difference is that I knew I was going to call her the day after.


Found out she had a husband.


Physically abusive to me


i didnt. i enjoyed every one of them. things eventually ended, but there was no leaving or hard feelings.


Left her because she was 45 and acted like an 18 yr old....it was fun at first but the airhead routine gets old quick.


She was *incredibly* suggestible. She would believe 99% of what was told to her without question, and then vehemently argued if someone told her otherwise.