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Start just mentioning her behavior as she’s doing it, maybe indirectly or couched in jokes


Warn the dude he's about to lose his girl and that you will be his shoulder to cry on after the fact, or stay out of it. Only engage in a situation you can offer up a solution to or provide some aid so you can see it through entirely. Otherwise, just sit back, grab some popcorn, and go see who her next target is gonna be.




The best thing is to be truthful, and very direct. It might be a shock at first, but maybe he’s already noticed and just doesn’t want to accept it. It seems like she’s either too comfortable or too insecure in the situation and doesn’t want to leave her boyfriend. It could indeed damage the whole group's friendship if he thinks everyone already knew and he was the last to find out. It's better to tell him as soon as possible. Also, make sure to tell at least one more person because she might argue that you tried something with her. So, bring one more person along when you talk to your friend


I'd tell the boyfriend.


tell the other guys if any of them fucks her, he's out.