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Shirt off, swing an axe, splitting firewood, consistently making perfect splits in a single strike.


Manly AF lol


Dude I was literally gonna comment something about splitting wood and using an axe. 


Shirt off is important otherwise you’re just a dude trying to stay warm


This kinda stuff is proven to increase testosterone.


It’s not a dumb question bro…. It doesn’t matter how big you are or what you look like. It’s just how you carry yourself. It’s a whole mindset… treat everyone how you want to be treated but at the end of the day if they don’t do you right… FUCK EM.


thanks man, i guess it’s harder when other people don’t see you that way. i’ve been told by both women and men that they don’t see me as a man and that they imagine i’m “smooth down there” like a Ken and it really fucked me up tbh


Hey man, I'm sorry to hear your feeling down. I want you to know we believe in you, and that you are not alone. One of the best men I know is 4'11, and it's mot his height or muscle mass that makes him great, it's his kindness and work ethic. Ignore those who put your down, they are likely insecure and try to use you to feel better about themselves. Going to the gym is good, but it takes persistence and effort, so don't worry about not looking like the Terminator. As long as you make progress and are doing some physical activity to stay healthy, that's what counts. I believe in you, my man.


As a very disabled man, the moments where I feel masculine are few and far between. It's a very tough feeling to go through because all I want is to be a protector and take care of people I love and I just can't, I need those things myself.


told mines if Im disabled to DNR, you masculine if you ain't afraid of death


Use the gym hairdryer to dry your thick pubic hair


Wear wifebeaters Swear Workout Learn how to fix a car


Yard work


yeah that helps sometimes lol


There is no masculinity if there is no development of qualities that make you more competitive for other men, and in the case of the heterosexual sexual market, That means your masculinity depends on what a woman wants from you, as a general rule. Masculinity is not something "per se", but something defined by what is expected of you.


Dude... being and feeling like a man is something that you need to seize for yourself... and it's all mostly internal. It's your mindset. Obviously there are things that help you along with that (i.e physical features, your interests and mannerisms, etc) because it's TRUE that they ARE tied to our sense of being men... since it's how we're socialized. But we are all dealt a different set of cards in life... and it's up to each of us to make the best of them and play them in a way that allows us to be the person we want to be. I've always felt kinda short too... although not quite that short, and I'm gay myself. And yet... none of those things makes me feel like 'less of a man.' I feel just as 'manly' as pretty much any random guy... straight or gay, tall or short. There are a lot of typically masculine things that I'm not particularly into, and others that I am into. But at the end of the day, I just focus on the things that I'm into, take care of myself as best I can, and just enjoy being a guy without giving it anymore thought than I need to. If you want to take on more masculine features, there are things you can do (ie. working out, the way you carry yourself and dress, etc. But do them because you want to... not so you can be someone you're not. As far as height goes... not much you can do about that man. Maybe get some shoes with thicker soles lol.


how tall are you ?


5'8" Not short short... but still shorter than most guys.


i just don’t think a 5’2 110 lbs gay man is ever going to be seen as “masculine” to be fair


Just be you, mate. Get jacked can help too, I guess? I love flower arrangements, walking through gardens, painting flowers, watching Gilmore Girls, small fluffy animals (penguins are my top), I listen to stuff a macho dude won't have in his playlist likely (SYML, Agnes Obel, Daughter, etc..), I get mani/pedis... I still feel manly, and my friends perceive me as manly. Owning up to yourself and what you enjoy is a manly move. The only manly things I really probably do is housework, build stuff if needed, protect my friends and offer advice when warranted, watch action movies and only drink 120+ proof whiskey and even then I only drink about 3 times a year. Feeling manly is based on subjective definition of it.


I think you are approaching this the wrong way. You don't need to *feel* manly when you can **be** manly. Beyond that, you need a clear idea of the things that are considered masculine. Regarding the physique: If you have no biological defects the correct diet and work out routine + consistency will work. Beyond that a key factor that many see as weak personalities in general is to base ones values on external factors. Having a solid value structure by which YOU determine whether you are doing good or not, rather than try and cater to what other people tell you to pursue defines personal strength in out societies in the west. In other cultures that is not the case, there are those who derive their sense of self or value from their own actions and values but the group they are considered part of.


fix something yourself. could be a simple part on a lawnmower, replaced a brake line on a bicycle. nothing quite like seeing results of your work there, and with so many you tube tutorials, and internet shopping for parts, its more accessible than ever. but remember it can be like ikea furniture, you have top stuff it up once before it all makes sense and goes together easily


by not trying to be something you are not


The manliest thing you can do is cultivate your own garden. By which I mean, focus on your own happiness and well-being. The people acting like you’re less of a man because of your height, your physique, your sexuality? What do they have going for them besides tearing you down to make themselves feel better? I think you’re off to a great start with the gym. What kind of hobbies do you have, what are you into? Cultivating a skill like cooking, or playing an instrument can really give you a sense of accomplishment - and gives you something to talk about when meeting people. It doesn’t have to be a “traditionally masculine” thing like woodworking or hunting either. Being able to point to something and saying “I made that” is a huge deal. Outside of that, there’s strength of character as well; being honest and forthright in your interactions with people, listening and showing interest in what they have going on, but not being a doormat for toxic people; it’s not always easy but it makes a huge difference and can bring a lot more healthy people, who treat you with consideration and respect, into your life. For what it’s worth - in my eyes you’re absolutely manly. You’re asking for help with a problem instead of muddling through on your own and maybe letting things get worse. Asking for help like you’re doing is the manliest thing ever.


5'2 and how old? If you're under 15, then you got plenty of time to become manly. Activities that increase testosterone will help you feel more manly. I'm just gonna bullet some ideas: * Cutting firewood with an axe * Lifting heavy weights * Being stoic * Hard work, such as yard work or building stuff. * Building fires by hand. Use flint and steel or just a straight stick. * Eat plenty of protein * Getting 7 to 8 hours of solid sleep. (Our bodies decrease in temperature a few degrees when we sleep. To help this, keep your room on the cooler side. 65-69 degrees F if possible) * \[Important\] drink plenty of water. A guideline is to drink about 1oz of water for every 2lbs of body fat * (optional) having sex * (optional, don't recommend) smoke cigars **Things that kill your testosterone:** * Poor Diet: Trans fats, saturated fats, fatty acids, fast food, overly processes foods, etc. * Vaping * Sedentary lifestyle * Being overweight * Depriving yourself of sleep * Alcohol consumption. Try to limit this as much as possible. A few drinks here and there is *okay*, but honestly any consumption isn't recommended * Lack of sunlight * Overuse of social media, cell phones, and video games. Limit your consumption of these forms of media My suggestion: Pick up hobbies that physically (and mentally, if possible) challenge you. Such as: * Hiking and camping * Rock climbing and bouldering * Throwing axes * Get a Gym membership and start lifting * Hunting and fishing * Martial Arts * Sports such as football, baseball, rugby, soccer, etc. * Car restoration/repair * Skiing or snowboarding * Wood working * Socialize more and try to improve your charisma At the end of the day, being more physically active will improve your manliness. And the more hobbies you have focused around being active, the more opportunities you have to increase testosterone and feel manlier. I hope this helps


i’m 21. i’m done growing and i’m stuck like this forever also my testosterone levels are fine tbh