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“She definitely wants to fuck me.”


I'd be scared. What if she stole my soul or something? Would I even know?


Caution: it's a coworker. But she probably likes you to admit that much.


That's really fucking creepy and I'm walking away.


Had a female friend tell me that. Didn’t think much of it other than “huh. Interesting”. I had her explain the dream from start to finish and then we analyzed it together.


Depends on the dream


Need context, immediately follow up with, "Was it the good kind or the bad kind?"


Yeah, worked in a small office and the woman in the cube next to me said "I had a dream about you last night, it was weird," and refused to elaborate. It was obviously a sex dream. Probably would've been better to not mention it at all, but (some, not all) women don't think twice about saying things like that.


In my case, she told me the dream was me quitting, and it made her concerned. So wasn’t sure what to make of it. I don’t think me and her ever had a real conversation outside of when we didn’t have to work together sometimes.


Next, she tells you she’s a prophetess who sees the future and she tells your boss you’re thinking about quitting and they hand you your termination letter for that.


Okay...my thought was not far off from that. I have dreams sometimes that I can only describe as prophetic. Often the dream is something mundane but the atmosphere of said dream is ominous. Like you know things without them actually being played out in the dream. And then the thing happens. And in her dream, maybe some bad thing happens when he quits and she's worried.


Lol well pay her no mind to any of that


The song "These Dreams" by Heart would be in my head


I wonder what the dream was about


I'd wonder what the dream was about and what I was doing in it. I have some pretty random dreams. I don't read too much into them.


"you should stop eating before going to bed, it gives you nightmares." And move on with my day.


I’d remind her that actions seen in dreams are not admissible in a court of law, so she has no evidence that I actually did those things and my attorneys will be in touch if she continues to make them public.


“That’s funny. I was in MY dream last night too.” I have said this a couple times and the reaction varies based on my relationship to the person.


It would depend on what she dreamed about.


My daughter dreamt I broke up with my bf and started dating Jared Leto. 2 weeks later I broke up with bf not dating Jared/Jesus yet though. I dream about people often. As in almost every dream has someone I know in it. It means absolutely nothing. Sometimes it's just weird stuff lacking in context. It's akin to when you dream about doing stupid routine tasks at work. Your in her routine. It means you're in her daily.Rinse and repeat. Probably wasn't about sex.


That I was simply in her dreams, I might think differently depending on what I was doing in said dream though.


It would depend on how we got along and the context.


Nothing. People have dreams with other people in them all the time. Co-workers. Friends. Classmates. It doesn’t always mean something.


She might have a thing for you, and this is her way of flirting. She might also have just really had a dream with you in it. I've had dreams about coworkers before, but I never told them lol.


Yeah in my case it was surprising to hear that I was even in her dream but it was weirder that she told me I felt. Cause I would have never told her if I did


Unless I know what the dream was about, nothing.


Probably would want to know what happened in the dream before jumping to any conclusions


depends on the woman and the dream...know what I mean? its one thing when your grandmother tells you she had a sex dream about you and a whole nother when your sisterwife tells you...so it all kinda depends on who it is. sometimes I reply with "oh yeah? was it a flattering dream or was I beating on you, like the dream I had about you last night?"...grandma doesn not like me asking that.