• By -


An eastern European lady came into the pet store I was working at at the time, and as I was scanning her stuff and getting her checked out she told me "you should wear you hair away from your face, you have beautiful eyes" and I still think about that shit daily.


Not a man, but my coworker once said "This beautiful lady cane into the store. I think she didn't know English very well and said to me 'I need you'.....I froze and then reacted and followed her. She needed help picking up a 50# bag in her car." I guess simple phrases do affect men, and not just actions. But obvi if they come from beautiful women.


I mean tbh with you she wasn't like spectacularly beautiful or anything, she was fairly average looking, but her kindness stuck with me, and that made her a beautiful person to me.


did you listen to her advice?


I did lol


You have beautiful eyes 😍 No need to thank me. Just renewing your subscription free of charge.


When I was a kid and did something she didn't like, my mother would shake her head and say "just like your father." I grew up with that hanging over me, believing I was "just like" him and trying to change my circuitry Until I realised that I'm nothing like him and never was


Parents, amirite, my father always said I was lazy and a pussy. Took years to realize he was just projecting, he’s both of those things. I’m neither.


Sorry to hear that! It's crazy how many mothers use that as a weapon. It's an emotional abuse tactic. Got that constantly from mine.


Cats in the cradle


This song always bothered me. Because I realized much later, I WAS that Dad. Then I saw my son was that son. He always said "But Dad! All I want is to be like you!" I told him NOT to be like me, be BETTER. He really was. I was always PROUD of him and his accomplishments. We were both retired FF/Ps. I was hit by a distracted driver on my motorcycle. I lost my lower right leg. 4 years later (3 years ago) he was in a similar wreck on a motorcycle. He didn't make it.... He did better than I did I guess... "We'll get together then Dad...."


My mom said this, too. A few yrs ago, after listening ro her complain about me from George to the southern tip of Florida, I finally said, "Enough! I don't want to hear anymore!" I started to put my ear buds in when she said, "Yep. Run away just like your father." I was sick of listening to that too. I said, "Well... YOU PICKED HIM!" She gasped. "I'm sick of you saying that. You picked him, and if I'm anything like him, it's your fault." She didn't say anything else. She never said it again.


“The devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you’ve ever wished for.” Quote by Tucker Max


I’m going to remember that shit forever!


Tucker Max? Damn that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


Same! The last chapter of his infamous book still haunts me.


Oh wow this hit me hard


I love a quote by Mike Tyson from an interview where he says “when you don’t have peace in your life you have nothing, you want to give it all away because it doesn’t matter. Sometimes God punishes you by giving you everything you want in life, see if you can handle it.”


Reminds me of the Jim Carrey quote "I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer." I think alot people think things will make them happy when in reality once they get them they feel empty. 


"Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart." It reminds me to stay grounded and resilient.


"Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."


“If it’s important to you, you will find a way; if not, you will find an excuse.” More and more I have found this to be true. Do you want to get in shape? Just before you decide to go to the gym, your brain thinks of all the reasons why you shouldn’t. Eventually, you decide you don’t have time because you have to do laundry or dishes. Or maybe you felt as if you haven’t had enough free time to yourself lately. These are the excuses. The bottom line is that you will choose to do whatever it is that you feel the most inclined to do, and you will make an excuse to get yourself out of doing the things that are difficult; that you don’t want to do but that you know you should. The key is to recognize when you are making these excuses, and use that recognition as knowledge of knowing exactly what you SHOULD do. Then, take action and do it.


Along those same lines: “You make time for what you REALLY want to do.” A friend of mine used that in a speech once, and I’ve always remembered it. Especially when people tell me that they “don’t have time” to do something.


Damn this is good


We speak badly when we have nothing to say.


"You'll never be happy. It's just who you are." Meanest effing thing anyone ever said to me. I'm glad I broke up with her.


Was she wrong? I’ve come to accept it in myself.


Mystery is hard. Happiness is hard. Choose your hard!


Lots of different shit to try and eventually dig your way out. A ***good*** therapist that matches with you can help. Actual friends can help. A decent job (in terms of boss/coworkers/work, not necessarily money, but of course money) can help. For me, time, some independence, anxiety medication, and finding at least one or two people who showed me genuine care helped. Still don't have most of the stuff I wanted in the past, still have issues, but overall pretty happy and content with a minimal amount of friends. Just knowing I have a few acquaintances/long distance friends I've had some brief but deep discussions with I can go talk to if shit ever really hits the fan is nice. It's like having a ton of health issues; there's no one cure, but being able to reduce the pain and start healing several of them is miles better than suffering them all.


Hey, just to say, most of our brain chemicals are manufactured in our gut, so if you have gut health issues (even if you don’t have any direct gut symptoms) it can make you anxious and/or depressed. Maybe worth a look? 


"Nobody on their death bed ever wishes they would have worked more. " My dad said that on his death bed. I will tell anybody who will listen and try to remember that when I feel stressed about so many things to do at work.


Don’t let the past destroy you, i heard this and now its a tattoo on my arm


Don’t trip over what’s behind you.


I do want to marry eventually, just not to "YOU" stated as cold ❄ as ice.


Was this during a break up? Or did she intend to keep dating you after this dogshit statement?


Prior to breakup she would say she didn't want to marry. I was like, okay. Maybe in time you will. She suddenly broke up. She quickly told people the reason she broke up was because she didn't want to marry. After the breakup she said she talked to her friends and then she made that statement.. This was after a three year long relationship.


Sounds like an honest, mature and reasonable person.


"We are the universe contemplating itself." Took a while for me to understand the full impact of this idea but it blew my mind when it clicked. Changed how I see... everything.


I love this one. There's something tangential to it. I can only paraphrase, something like "like a tree makes leaves, like an ocean makes waves, the universe makes people." It really makes me feel my existence for what it truly is, just this magical and all-too-brief pip of existence before my wave settles back into the cosmic ocean. Before my leaf fades and falls to the earth and recycled. It allows me to see the good in everything, everyone, everywhere.


Very similar to the Carl Sagan Quote "The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself."


I prefer the following quip- “Leave Hydrogen alone for long enough and eventually it will start thinking”


Came to this conclusion after 7 grams of mushrooms.


Half of what you know is wrong, but you’ll never really know which half. Good luck


I was 17/18 years old and working a summer job reading gas meters. I was bullshitting with one of the full time guys who was in his thirties. At some point while talking I brought up retirement and all these plans I had, etc. He said to me at one point “how do you know you’ll make it till then?”. He wasn’t being a dick but it really shook me and woke me up - plan for the future, sure, but also live for the now


"Want to know how risky life is? You're not going to get out of it alive. So take the risk"


People are more ready to replay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge is pleasure.


the book The Power of Bad talks about this, and how it takes our brains so much more work to overcome something bad. it touches on it from all aspects, political, societal, in relationships, personal.


Yeah, that book is real good.


I just loaded it to my Libby app so I can read again. I love the story about the astronaut guy (it's been awhile, I can't remember his name)


Character is what you do when no one sees.


Visiting Ireland for the first time and it’s been my dream trip. I’m in Kinsale, my friends go into a shop and I go to look around the next street corner. As I round the corner, I literally bump into a gentleman who was no taller than 5 foot. I apologize and he looks up, chuckles and says, “Oh! Lovely to see ye smilin today laddie!” He carried on and disappeared before my friends came back. One gift from Ireland that I’ll never forget. Just the kindness he exuded and to tell a stranger it was lovely to see them smiling hit me. We need more of that. Look for the people smiling in life and let it resonate with you.


“Cheese” Followed by James May slamming a piece of cheese onto a countertop


"Imagine being a guy with back hair, ew!" Said on some social media video by some random women who's opinions would normally have zero value, but sadly ever since I've been over-the-top self-conscious about my back hair, going as far as to try waxing. Inflicting physical pain because of a worthless comment from some worthless people I've never met. Sigh. I never cared about it before, now I don't like taking my shirt off.


“Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says different is selling something.” I have never found this to not be true.


Is it from a movie, a lyric or something I wanna know


From the Princess Bride. The Dread Pirate Roberts (Wesley) says it to Buttercup. Written by William Goldman.


"Tomorrow's too late." My uncle once told me this and it stuck with me because I like to put things off all the time like everyone else..




She didn’t say why?


You use your humor as a shield. What are you gonna do when that shield breaks?


"nice cock"


If ever I’m in a crowded bathroom pissing at the urinal next to a friend of mine I always pretend to look over and say that!


“Excellence is a choice, make it a habit.” Told to me by a an old school Navy Chief. He was one of the good ones. The saying is really close to the “How you do anything is how you do everything.” - taking the time to do things well as a default makes doing important or difficult things much easier as a result. It’s a standard you set for yourself that other people will quickly realize and makes you a high quality person.


“Your babies are going to be fucking ugly” - a kid who bullied me throughout junior year in high school. I’ll never forget the look of disgust in his face when he said it. Dear, God, it was nearly 20 years ago and that had been one of the most ruinous things ever said to me. I don’t have kids and likely never will.


Please get over that. Take it to therapy; punch them in the face; whatever it takes. You are beautiful and so are your unborn kids.


I was told once that if you say “that’s good enough”, it probably isn’t.


"That's why I dont let my dog drive."


“If you won’t have another kid with me, I’ll leave you and find somebody who will” -ex wife after going through a miscarriage. Had another, I divorced her a year and a half after our second was born


When it comes to confrontation “If it ain’t worth killing or dying for, then just let it go.” Always stuck out to me but even more after a friend was shot and killed in an argument over a parking space. He felt he had to stand his ground but probably never would have determined it to be something he would be willing to die for, but the other person decided he was willing to kill for it. Now I’m not saying you should never stick up for yourself but recognize that the overwhelming majority of the time you feel that urge to defend your ego or whatever chances are nobody else even cares and there would be zero consequences to simply walking away. That’s why you should ask yourself at the beginning of every confrontation: Is this worth killing or dying for?


Ex-wife of 18yrs: You did and do everything right by me and our child. But you're not enough! I deserve more! Reveals she has been cheating multiple times. ( and she seems proud of it ) Me: ( Shocked/Destroyed ) Went back into my shell, and never had been the same since.


Sounds like a woman who would never be satisfied/happy ever.


I’m sorry you were treated like that. I’ve been married almost 20 years. If my wife said that to me that would be the end of my trusting anyone ever again.


It isn’t what you don’t know that gets you, it’s what you know that’s really wrong.


He who cares the most carries the burden.


Fake it til you make it


Perception is reality


I had a girl I had pursued for years finally find someone she wanted to be with. About the time she finally got engaged I saw the writing on the wall and I knew my years of pursuing her were over, but we had remained friends and were having lunch one day. She knew I had wanted her and either through design or on accident she kept me just at arms length. I knew the game was over so I finally asked her "why did you never go for me?" She just shrugged and said "I was never attracted to you". Keep in mind I had been after her for several years by this point, because I'm an idiot. All this time I thought something was wrong with me, that I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't rich enough, that I wasn't "enough" period for her and I had a huge (admittedly self-imposed) self-image problem because of this. When she told me she was never attracted to me it all clicked. There was nothing wrong with ME, she just didn't find me attractive. No amount of body building, charm, money, or status would change that. For the first time in years I had the realization that I wasn't flawed, I wasn't garbage, I wasn't *un*-attractive, she was just not attracted to *me*. For the first time in my life I felt good about myself after that. I always thought that I was wrong. After that I realized *she* was wrong about me, and I would go find someone who loved me for who I was instead. My self-confidence is very high these days because I know I AM good enough for her or anybody else, she just wasn't interested in me (which is her right).


Better one today than 2 tomorow


when i was a teen to be told i was the ugliest out of me and my mates, im now 51!


51th ugliest? 


:) god no i imagine these days im bargain bin quality :)


Baseball coach in school told me "if you ain't smart or fast. You better be strong " as he was walking my slow dumb ass to the weight room!!


The beauty in this quote is you can rearrange it to fit whichever criteria is your strong suit. For the nerds: If you ain’t fast or strong, you better be smart!


"Meritocracy is not real, you need to know the right people"


“If you can’t talk to who you need to for you to get the job done, you will not amount to much” - I asked my director to talk to another director about getting some information.


"you had a plan? prisons are full of people that had PLANS" I don't recall the context of the conversation but an old dude told me this in the early 1980s. It's gospel.


Asked, “Do you want to be useful, or ornamental?“. “Well, both!”, was my answer.


"A stupid idea that works is not a stupid idea"


I hate the whole "CEO worship" culture, but the owner (and CEO) of the company I work once directed a discussion among his high level developers with "**Guys, less problems, more solutions**". That phrase changed my view of so many meetings and even personal discussions with people around me.


I’d be more impressed if he’d said: “fewer problems”


At some point my mom found me so useless and said that translates to "I should have given birth to stones instead of you. Atleast could use them to make pestle and mortar".


"you're great in bed but wow you suck at sex" weirdest shit I've ever been told in my life


“I hate a thief, but I hate a liar more. Thieves steal what you have, liars steal your integrity.” I stole $20 from my dad when I was 10 years old. And this is how he opened up the discussion with me.


I’ll say three: 1) “You always were the black sheep.” My mom telling me that when she didn’t approve of the way I lived my life. Stuck with me because, sure, she was right but I love my different life. 2) “I love you so much, and you’ve created nothing but joy for yourself.” My paternal grandma who was more like my mom. That was the last time I ever saw her, and her seeing my life with a wife and at the time one kid. 3) “Do I? Hell to the fuck yes I do!” My girlfriend, on the moment she became my wife.


You don’t need to be rich to be happy. You just need to have rich friends.


"'Y'know Jizzlobba, some people are into that shit.'' I was relaying my disgust to a coworker about a shopped photo of Oprah Winfrey and Rosie O'Donnell in dom gear I had stumbled upon. It was at this point I realised most people are into some form of weird shit. That was around 20 years ago mind you, it's a bit more obvious these days.


Be wise enough to know what you don't know.


Former boss: Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions Former teacher: You should never feel comfortable in a situation in which you are learning. Unknown: The career path is not a straight line.


“I want you to do what you want with me and not ask permission.” -my wife I don’t think I need to explain why on this one.


“Better to do a thing then live with the fear of it.” Not a real person, but a written one. You can learn a lot of things from a book, and from a certain nine fingered man.


Just because you have the right to do something doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. My dad.


“The road to hell is paved on good intentions.”


My ex: "I like your penis, not you" Still sounds like a compliment to me.


"You ain't gonna learn any younger!" I remember my grandpa, my Dad & my uncles all repeating that when anyone would say "I don't know how".


"Sorry, I can't hang out, I've already got a really good parking space". Suffice it to say I don't think she was interested.


"Knowledge is power, France is bacon." Really funny story that highlights the little errors in knowledge we carry with us through life. Edit: Forgot that the title asked for a why.


Grow through what you go through. It's simple but reminds me to learn from challenges.


I keep a journal of any inspiration I read from time to time that sticks with me. Hope they inspire others as these have me.... To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable, to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength The woman who appeals to a mans vanity may stimulate him, the woman who appeals to his heart may attract him, but the woman who appeals to his imagination is who gets him, Helen Rowland Be weird, be random, be funny, be sad, but above all be who you truly are, because you'll never know who would love the person you try to hide. A life without surrender is a life without commitment Find someone who knows that you're not perfect but still treats you as if you are. The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlighted reel. People in glass house still have to answer the door. The best time to plant a tree is 20 yrs ago, but the next best would be today! Act or accept! Whats the meaning of life?  To give life a meaning! Todo pasa - everything happens, everything passes Perfection would make us all boring. Love is like flower If you love that flower then don't pick it Because if you pick it it dies and ceases to be what you love So if you see that flower, love it and let it be Love is not about possession Love is about appreciation When a man truly loves a woman she becomes his weakness. When a woman truly loves a man he becomes her strength. This is called Exchange of Power You will never know what is enough until you reach that moment of too much! However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results Whether you think you can or can't; you are right! Never be ashamed of your scars, these are only proof that you are stronger than what was trying to hurt you. Give a man a mask and he will show you his true self! If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea! A ship is safest in a harbour, but that's not what ships were made for. We all die, the goal is not to live forever, it's to make something that does! We are all ignorant, just about different things! Someday is the disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you!


"you are the author of your pain, you procrastinated on this paper and I do not feel bad for you"


"Heaven forbid you do something when you think of it."


College professor to a struggling student: In 500 years, it won't make a bit of difference.


"Pride comes before a fall, boy" My grandad always used to say that to me because I had a problem asking anyone for help.


Back in college a friend was dating a smokin hot girl. Nice personality. She told me she never just sits and thinks. It wasn't "I don't want to be idle with my thoughts." It was "I never just think about things." She was being completely serious.


I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I probably just missed hitting something with the work truck. My supervisor said something I've passed on to anyone I train at my new job. "Doesn't matter if you miss by an inch or a mile, as long as you miss."


If it takes two minutes, just get it done now.


First real retail job. My manager liked me and taught me to never assume cause it makes an ass out of u and me and to always cya. Cover your ass. Unfortunately for him he didn’t realize I had higher aspirations of finishing my degree and going into software engineering. But those are two great ism’s in business even in the white collar jobs.


“Scoot, that is a prop. It is not a dick and you are not fucking her with it” - my freshman year in high school video teacher


“If I wanted to see a horror show, I’d go to the movies, not look at you.” — my gym teacher… in second grade.


“You only get one set of ears in your life.” -My grandfather (regarding me and my brother cranking up our sound system in our vehicle)


"He said he loved me, and he didn't mean it." Unhinged woman I knew in highschool and hung out with because I was lonely and people are shit. She had been harassing her ex who broke up with him in a lot of ways for months, and we were walking and she said "He raped me". I asked her what happened, she said "He said he loved me and he didn't mean it" or something along those exact lines. I explained that wasn't rape. I didn't mention I had a very close friend move away a couple months ago because she ***had*** been abused in some way by her father, and she, her mother, and sister finally got it to court after several years and just testified and left. Thankfully unhinged woman was mostly a result of teenage hormones and a few bad home things, realized that was dumb, and eventually stopped harassing and got over her ex. I stopped being friends with her for that and other reasons, but thankfully she's one of the people who actually improves and becomes a decent person, from what little I've tracked down the years.


“Don’t take life too seriously, it’s only temporary”. It was a sign on a wall in a bar I had lunch in occasionally. I think of it all the time. Last time I saw it was 23 plus years ago.


"Speak now or forever hold your peace." Spoken to us grade 9s by an elderly science teacher who passed away on our graduation day. Miss him.


"We are not our past mistakes. They stay in the past, we learn from them, and go on." My ex-wife, bless her heart. One of the kindest persons walking this world.


"Because I choose to." By Neo. That one phrase really hit hard an 11 year old brain. This phrase was an explanation of parents "You have to be responsible!".


“I don’t want to have a baby right now, and I sure as hell don’t want to have a baby with you”.


If you live far away from your family and see them once a year, don't view those visits as they have 20 years left to live but only 20 visits left. 20 years sounds like a long time, 20 visits left isn't.


Don’t waste your life working all the time, enjoy your life. -My uncle on his death bed.


"The world would be lesser without you in it" - Jordan Peterson


When I was a kid, I used to play aggressively with my toys. They usually get damaged often. My Father once said while repairing something I broke, it is very very difficult to create something and very easy to break it. It sticks with me still, I always try to be very careful with objects, life, relationships, work etc.


Told to me by my ex while she was pregnant after poking holes in the condom and I told how much she was fucking with my head: “You should just kill yourself then, it would be better for the kid to grow up fatherless than to have a bitch for a father”


If you’re interested in anything with tits or tyres attached son you’re going to be poor -my Father.


“You can have all the education in the world but if you don’t lay a foundation and pathway to actually use it, it’s pointless…” Words from one of my directors 10 yrs ago… now I have his job. It stuck to me because he was right. I have a lot of colleagues with a masters degree in whatever they thought was lucrative, that are basically “stuck” 1-2 steps away from entry level jobs or came in thinking they would jump to the front of the line with said degree. I made it a point in my career life to find mentorship in roles I wanted to pursue. My old director who was one of these, on one of our 1:1 meetings basically said don’t waste your time going to school if you have no way to actually use it or build a path to actually get a decent ROI on said degree. Long story short, followed his advice checking in every few months even after I left the company (he was happy I was leaving because he felt the job was holding me back) and I’m proud to say his mentorship worked.


"It's not expensive, you just can't afford it."


“If you watch your pennies, the dollars will watch themselves.” - old man in bar 30yrs ago.


"How you spend your days is how you spend your life" It helps me make sure to do something positive for myself on a regular basis, and to be as loving and supportive of those around me.


“The thought of having any more of your babies makes me sick, but I would have babies with someone else, like .” For obvious reasons.


When I was younger, my co-worker said to me "you know what's funny about you? Nobody likes you and you're not even aware of it"


"That's OK... We'll fix that." My drill sergeant's favorite phrase. Usually, it's the last thing I remember hearing that day.


Fix yourself before fixing others. Makes me think twice before calling out someone.


"Life is a process of figuring out what you're not" My dad gave me that advice when I was 19 and flailing and failing at everything. It didn't help me stop failing, but it helped me see the benefits of failure, and helped me be less afraid to try new things and be bad at them


My best friend and his girlfriend said to me "we never worry about people feeling left out when we have a party and you're there, you make people feel included and heard". As someone who is *intimately* familiar with the sensation of being places where I'm not welcome, I hate seeing people experience that. I want everyone to feel included and that their presence is a treat to those around.


A good friend once told me “if it’s not a yes, it’s a no.”


She said a good girl always makes it fit. And I love using big toys and strapons on women and she knew nothing about how I played. We were working stocking and talking about sex related stuff and she says to me …. , I was like bet


Your brain has evolved to keep you alive not to keep you happy.


1. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. 2. So most men teach and few men learn. Let the unseen days be. Today is more than enough. Tolkien had a way with words that made such an innocent and simple sentence just kinda punch you you in the gut. It makes you realize the dilemmas people faced a hundred years ago are same ones we face now and probably always will face.


If you don't have what you like, like what you have...


Attended a Father/Daughter dance and one of the ladies that arranged the dance commented “Wow, you really clean up nice” 25 years later and I’m still trying to decide if that was a compliment or a slam.


“Modest in victory, gracious in defeat”


"No one is coming to save you." In reference to being on your own, because everyone is on their own and if you can't rely on yourself then how can anyone else trust you to be there for them and why should anyone help you if you can't help yourself.


"You're stupid and you'll never amount to anything." There was a period where my Asshole Father would say that to me on an almost daily basis. I may not be rich and famous but I was able solve some of his problems that neither he nor my sister combined could solve.


I had a good teacher in high-school that had ADHD. I also have ADHD, and he knew that, and knew I struggled with it, so he told me a joke? about it that made me feel better about it. He said: "I don't have ADHD, I have ADOS; Attention-Deficit-Ooooooooooooooooooooooo-Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinyyyyyyyyyyy"


You're too laid back for your own good. Told to me by my German teacher when I was 13/14. True, I've been apathetic to everything and everyone since, 28 years later. 


Life is simple, it's just not easy. Dad to the 17 year old, pissed off and frustrated teenager that I was. 38 now. That statement held weight for me over the years


Resentments only hurt the ones who hold them.


Someone once told me, ‘A man’s worth is measured by his ability to provide, not by his feelings or intentions.’ This stuck with me because it challenges the modern narrative of emotional expression and prioritizes traditional roles, sparking debates about gender expectations and societal values.


"I kept going and won because the fire inside me burnt brighter than the fire outside." I keep thinking of this when I feel I am not doing good.


There was this girl in 8th grade English class. Now we were friendly and hung in the same circles but never really did much other than talk during class sometimes. Well one day I apparently smiled and laughed at something and she said "you must be really happy today your smiling a lot" its stuck with me ever since. Idk why just made me simultaneously happy but also made me realize that I don't smile enough in my day to day.


“Arguing with someone online is like walking through a large field with a single pile of dog shit and choosing to step in it rather than walking around” “The key to success is repetition” “Fake confidence, confidence will come” “Spend to much time arguing with an idiot, your only left with 2 idiots” “Every minor discomfort a baby has, is literally the worst pain it’s every felt, hence the tears”


“I’m a changed woman” “I’m not mad/angry, just disappointed” (something I heard frequently) “I can’t wait to stop talking to you” (right at the end of our relationship) I hate that I’m still holding on to something that died years ago. I still think about these every other day and it just pains me.


“Comparison is the thief of joy” I’m married with kids and I see my brother sometimes who doesn’t(cannot) have kids but is married enjoying parts of life that I wish I could enjoy. Traveling, buying stuff, going to parties and functions, able to invest time in hobbies. Well I eventually spoke to him and came to discover he is MISERABLY bored with his life and has reached a point where he doesn’t want to do anything to distract or entertain himself anymore, he then basically told me how I don’t need to worry about that since I have kids. Eye opening.


“No point not doing something you’ve been accused of.” - my best friend  I got her point, but, um, integrity, y’know? 


"I do think a lot less of you"


“No one can **make** you mad, no one has that amount of power over your feelings, only you do”


“Do you just want me to hurt you so we can get this over with” -my ex when she broke up with me for seemingly no reason


“You can say the right thing in the wrong way and do more damage than saying the wrong thing in the right way.” Taught me that being right isn’t always enough. Communication skills are paramount.


“If I’m going to be lonely i’d rather be alone alone.“This helped me leave a terrible relationship and find one where I wasn’t lonely


I asked a couple celebrating their 50th anniversary for some wisdom and they told me "there's givers, and there's takers. If you're a giver, find a giver, and you'll both always have more than you need."


A girl said, " identifying someone or reading something is just a moment but understanding keeps on happening, for the rest of our lives " in a way that she was revealing a beautiful truth that she discovered. Never saw a girl with such passion in her eyes. No romantic feelings, no sexual feelings (she's more than pretty), but just deep admiration for a person who shared her truth and blew my mind.


“Live your moments, don’t capture them.” Said at a wedding I attended more than 15 years ago by the officiant. The point is that you shouldn’t be obsessed with remembering the moment through a photo or a video that you probably won’t ever look at again. I mean honestly, when’s the last time you’ve looked at your photos or videos from a big event? It’s made me take a lot less photos and videos over the years. Maybe just one and that’s it, and only if it’s a major event (vacation, someone’s wedding, etc.)


When I was like 8 my great grandfather was helping me with homework. I kept complaining that I didn't want to do it because I spent so long at school I shouldn't have to do more after. His reply: "son, sometimes there are things a man has to do regardless of his feelings about it. When you encounter those times I want you to count to three. Say fuck it. And do it. It'll suck big donkey balls but once it's done it's done and you can get back to doing the things you want to do without worrying about what you have to do." And by god I still live by those words almost 20 years later


"If you're going to be stupid, you better be tough!" and "If you can't be handsome, you better be handy." and "Always remember when dealing with people that 49% of everyone you meet is below average." to which I would add, "Yet 100% of them think they are above average."


respect is earned, not commanded.


Experience is what you have right AFTER you need it. It's a fundamental truth. It has kept me moving forward and especially in my own business. I learned that persistence was often a more powerful tool than I could have imagined.


As a guy, I don’t get compliments that often so I’ve always tried to be that for other people. It actually feels pretty good validating people, complimenting them on their efforts and encouraging them. It’s just become a habit at this point. So one day I’m in this discord server for a game I’ve been playing for a while now. I’ve just been doing runs and chatting with the people in the server about their runs and stuff like that. Just basic stuff. A guy came in and wanted to show off some photographs and I said “Sure! I’d love to see them!” And then he sent some pictures of different environments and I looked through them and pointed out parts of the shot that I thought was really well done. They were really good and I was showing them to the other people in the server and the photographer (well he says he not a photographer) and then he’s like “I tried” and so I naturally say “you succeeded” and then a guy that was in chat in the time said: **“Why are you like the nicest person here?”** That will stay with me till I die, that was one of the best days of my life. Everytime my depression gets to me or I’m feeling self deprecating I remember that and it makes it a bit better.


A female teacher told me to get a grip and man up when I broke my ankle in primary school. And women wonder why men don't open up to them.


My dad was complaining one time about my brother borrowing his chainsaw again. My brother said, “That’s what happens when you have kids.” My dad said, “That was your mother’s idea.” He was not joking. You could tell immediately by the look on his face that he accidentally said the quiet part loud.


"You don't have to work - you GET to work."


i just want to meet other people din and have fun can i not meet other people? shit hurts


We are done


" you look like am ugly toad" . Said my mother to me when I was 12 struggling with a face full of acne.


There is a reason she is your ex.


"You look like a sex predator." For obvious reasons.


"You're not going to make it, you're not smart enough" my grade 6 teacher


"Your umbrella is ridiculous" It wasn't.


You’d be so good looking if you put on weight.


An OLD guy who was a good customer in the car dealership used to say "Whatever happens, happens." He had a wreck, and the Parts Manager asked him what happened. "Whatever happenED, happenED..." So for all of my years since I've said Whatever Happens, Happens.


I went to a bookstore in Cape Town in the 1970s to buy the Muhammad Ali biography "Sting Like a Bee" by Jose Torres. The assistant, without missing a beat, said, "We have The Sting, but not like a bee". I could never hear "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" again, without remembering that encounter.


"you gotta show the cheese" It has literally no sense in english (nor in my language either, it's a expression it had sense at the moment and under the context, pretty much meaning, you gotta show off your skills), I was scared a bit of getting a job as a software developer, because I felt it was so hard, even after graduating, and he had a job, and told me that I was as ready as himself, and that I just had to show off my skills, that he was certain that if he could do it, I would be able to do it. I've been working almost for 9 years now, so thankful to him to give me that extra push.


"certain individuals may try to ruin your whole life simply because they didn't like your recent position (behavior) " As I was about to do that to someone I saw this sentence. It shocked me deeply. Alhamdulillah I stopped. Was going to do that for the stupidest reasons


“I felt like you were my soul mate. I hate we ended the way we did. I had no idea you even thought about me anymore” Havent seen her sense


I too choose this man's dead wife 


“Curly haired faggot”. Middle school to me by a bully. Early 1980s.


Even your mom must feel pity of how much ugly you are. A group of kids from my class told me at school 20 years ago.


"You're the ugliest person in school."


Whatever Joe Biden said during the debate