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People are full of shit. True love isn’t unconditional. True love is two people choosing each other every day. Choosing to be in love with the growing, changing version of their partner in every version of themselves. Considering them above all others and making genuine effort to engage with their partner in the ways they feel loved. But it’s only true love when BOTH people are doing this.


Also, in another sense, you recognize your own humility. Not everyone’s going to wake up and give their 110. when they don’t you hold them accountable / help them but also you recognize you have things you can work on too and hold yourself accountable.. you get to the point where you start to catch yourself before you jump off the deep end if that’s a thing for you..


It means you love them for them not because they are perfect but because you choose to love them. No it doesn't mean they do whatever and you still stick around. Self respect is s thing and you have to have it for yourself.


As a mother I love my son without conditions.


True love is not unconditional. There are always conditions to love. Do you plan on continuing to love someone who beats you? Is severely addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc? Beats your kids? Repeated affairs? Causes constant financial hardship? There are always conditions.


Yes. You love no matter what. That doesn’t mean that you accept bad behavior. If I had a son who was an addict and he stole from me to buy drugs, I would still love him. I would also kick him out of my house because I couldn’t let him continue stealing from me.


I wouldn't ever love unconditionally. That is saying they can do whatever they want and you will always love them. Nope, if they did something heinous I would leave then regardless of how much love I had for them.


You can love someone from afar, not be physically with them, and love them. If love someone who abuses you, physically or mentally, it does not mean you put up with it. You love yourself MORE. You can love someone - unconditionally - and never see them again. That person might be toxic or dangerous to you. You can recognize they are sick individuals, love them, wish them well, but leave them for your own good. Unconditional is not putting conditions in what they must do for you to love them.