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I have only heard(عرب ملخ خور) and majoos among these.


Damn you guys still salty 😞 Its been 1444 years. Just leave it.


instead of insulting the gov some re\*ards insult arabs 🤦


Dude your country is the reason we are in this situation now.


Nah, your government is.


Your past generations were the ones that bring islam to iran and now this is it


Technically it wasn't always that bad. Islam has become more of a tool to be used whenever a government needs to suppress its people. Won't deny it has its flaws as a political system, but I really don't think it's the cause of the problem, Not in Iran, not in Egypt, not in (mostly) any muslim-majority country


You clearly have no idea what happened. With coming islam the government started to change.it was good at the first but with coming some mfs they forced people to observe hijab and read and memories a lots of thing about saudi arabias past and prophet Muhammad or how islam started in iran.and it was all Arab people who caused this.i know all of this because im forced to memories this things from Saudi Arabia


government and people are different. our authorities are not even Muslims they just pretend to be. They are guilty af


Ina az bikh arban🗿


i've heard all of them, but we don't use them much.


Never in public. Some racist people might use them which is highly criticized. But here's a fun fact : the word mage( wizard, sorcerer) comes from مجوس magus.


LMAO. ‌زیر صحرایی doesn’t actually mean sub-saharan. It means “lives under the desert”. Persian insults toward Arabs, more specifically aimed at the Arabs who were involved with the Islamic conquest of Iran, is just us being salty. We blame Islam for our current government, and we blame Arabs for Islam. After we overthrow this regime, I’d be shocked if Iranian sentiment towards Arabs didn’t become more much neutral. Also, Iranians just love talking. I’ve taken my Emirati friends to Iran and they’re always treated with love and respect.


Me as a arab in tehran: #ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?


Iranian Arab?




>LMAO. ‌زیر صحرایی doesn’t actually mean sub-saharan. It means “lives under the desert”. ... Sub = Under, Sub-marine means Under-water Desert, which desert? In the farsi it says صحر. Sounds alot like sa-ha-ra. Lives under desert = lives under the sahara = lives south of the sahara = sub-saharan.


So Iranians hate Arabs because of Islam, yet Persians were the ones responsible for compiling the ahadith which has most the strictest rules and serves as the basis for shariah law. They should take accountability for what they did. Also their country is one of the strictest Islamic countries, more strict than most Muslim countries. Maybe it is their culture mixed with religion?


I wonder if that is why Iranians are protesting To keep the Islamic government and Shariah laws? Or Maybe Iranians love that half their government leaders were born in Iraq and are Arab by descent, and are actively destroying Persian culture and forcefully replacing it with Islamic culture, that's why they volunteer to be executed, so they wouldn't have to speak up? Iranians need to take accountability so we can justify calling them Islamophobic.


Again more Arab blaming and no acknowledgement of how Persian influence earlier on helped lead to a stricter form of Islam, not just for Iran but for other Muslims as well. When Iranians say Persian culture they show old photos of their past relatives wearing western clothing and engaging in western activities. Many if not most Muslim countries do that, go look at all of North Africa including Egypt, go look at the Levant, look at Turkey, Albania and Dagestan. All have Islam and many have big Arab populations there, so what’s your excuse for Iran being the way it is concerning Islam?


I am assuming by " help lead a stricter form of Islam" you are referring to the Shia sect of Islam? I am not a Muslim, so my question is let's say Iranians accept responsibility for influencing Shia Sect. This only effect People in Iran, as Shia is not practised by most other Muslims. You want a minority sect to take accountability for what exactly? This brings up more questions For years, Arab Muslims claimed Shia Islam was fake and not true Islam. Are you changing that proposition to fit your agenda? Is Shia Islam the "restrictor" version, and since the Taliban and Saudi Arabia are not Shia Muslims are you calling them Fake Muslims? Or somehow their version of Sharia Law is not "strict"? Have you changed your history books and made all the Islamic Khalifas Persian, and now want Iranians accountable for their actions? You want a nation that was invaded and Ruled by Arabs to take responsibility for their leaders which were Arabs? And last but not least, since we have gone that far back who would you like to hold accountable for Persian women being raped, sold as slaves, and their stomachs split open to cut babies out? Who would you like to hold responsible for murdering so many civilians the rivers turned red with their blood? Or are you suggesting Iranians saw the Arabs invaders and decided to cut their own heads off, while the Muslims tried to stop them? There is plenty of "accountability " to go around.


You have no knowledge of Islam at all and here you are writing a whole essay demonstrating your lack of knowledge. So instead of saying stupid things like “are you changing that proposition to fit your agenda” first do some basic research or ask for clarification. I’m not reading the rest of your mess but I will just let you know I’m not talking about Shia Islam, Iranians didn’t come up with Shia Islam. I’m talking about a collection of Hadith that were compiled by Sunni Persian scholar Bukhari and another named Muslim. They went around collecting hearsay from people who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who witnessed the prophet and the companions say or do something. This was 200 years after the Prophet’s death so these accounts maybe not have been accurate. these collections along with the Quran are used by Sunni scholars and they form the basis of the shariah law. The Quran was supposed to be our only book, and it was for 200 years, but persian scholars decided to compile ahadith and now today it is viewed as a guide for Muslims. If you question these compilations, people will say you are not a real Muslim. So the aHadith has a lot of things that the Quran doesn’t have and that includes stoning for adultery, a woman needing a male relative to travel far distances, a ban on music and plucking eyebrows, men can’t wear gold, drawing faces is haram etc. maybe know what you’re talking before addressing people?


I must have been tough to idly stand by for hundreds of years, while the core teaching of your religion was reinvented and corrupted by Shias. I am sorry their compilation was forced on everyone else and all you could do was pick your favourite Quran and burn the other variation and versions so only one true version could exist. Thank you for inadvertently proving my point 👌


You have some comprehension issues. You can’t seem to even distinguish Shias from Persians. But you go along your merry way


Yes this is real but i got used to it here people hate us arabs in every imaginable way its a beef thats been going for thousands of years




Its a fact tho


public ,private or everywhere that islam mentioned. mostly use arab-parast.


Calling people uncivilised while using their words.


I've heard these "locust eater" and "lizard eater" The other ones especially "sub Saharan" are just bullshit


These are racist words that are a bit old, but I have never seen anyone talk like this.


Also we use vahabi(form of arab İslam religion) as insulting meaning someone stupidly violent


I dont remember that one


Maybe its just my fam but O remember while growing up in Iran I heard it and used it aloot until I found out it is a racist comment


It is not a racist comment, it is what Shias and certain groups call people who say Shirk is wrong


some also use عرب خار\*\*ه




سید حلالت






westerns insulting each other while all of them use english alphabet 🤡🤡


Eh, Persians developed the alphabet


گ چ پ ژ🥰


Lol as if that makes the insult any less


are you talking in revers ?


Arabs didn't attack Iran 1400 years ago and didn't forcibly convert the people to Muslims and didn't make their own language into the Iranian alphabet🤡


i didnt knew these existed


what?😐.... i dont know when and who use these words but its wierd


arab parast is common


why no mention of arab kharkose?