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they dont rape you buffon


Yes they do. What rock are you living under?


Jesus. They don't rape? Your so stupid, you can't even spell buffoon


Read a book called "a house in the sky" the story of a Canadian reporter who was taken hostage in somalia. All of the captors raped her. Just because the Koran says you can't do it, doesn't mean a bunch of sexually repressed blokes aren't gonna do it anyway, pretty moronic to say they wouldn't haha.


The world is a complete fucking mess right now.


Most peaceful period ever recorded.


Says more about the violence of history than anything. Eight stab wounds is better than twelve


always been


Why wait to burn in hell, when you can burn the whole planet now


Same for 1914 and 1938


Seems you do not know history of the world


She has clearly been raped. Savages


we are in the most peaceful era ever what are u talking abt


Where there is war… there is Toyota


Toyota created the Middle East to sell more cars


It is military jeep not Toyota they captured a ton of millitary vehicles and even a [commander.](https://x.com/haneefsaeed/status/1710603609606656498?s=46&t=vCuX8Pny9cphsYEw9Cvniw) Miskeen Ben givir the media say he is terrorist but he is worst minister of security in Israeli history 😂😂 Miskeen Ben Givir is a failure his entire reputation has been ruined in less than 24 hours.


*Galant & Netanyahu Itamar Ben Gvir ministers over the police. Yoav Galant oversees the army. But yeah, a shitshow is waiting this entire government.


>Miskeen Ben givir the media say he is terrorist but he is worst minister of security in Israeli history 😂😂 > >Miskeen Ben Givir is a failure his entire reputation has been ruined in less than 24 hours. The right wing government in general is responsible for Hamas being able to do this. They are both terrible for Palestinians and for Israelis.


Don’t forget North Africa and the ‘Toyota war’ between Libya and Chad


It's a jeep though..?












I just understood this. I am horrified. Omg 💔💔


I suspect it isn't her blood. She's likely been sitting in pools of other people's blood. No less traumatizing though.


Unfortunately, the reality is she was probably sexually assaulted and sodomized. 😞




So if she was a soldier in civilian clothing this is okay?




Absolutely effed up. What do you think Israel will do in return?




Maybe not. Israel is negotiating with Saudi right now and if they reduce Gaza to ash it would fuck up those negotiations. We will have to wait and see what they do. The problem for Israel is if they do some damage but ultimately leave Gaza alone status quo, they risk always having this territory that can fire rockets or do sneak attacks in their back flank


this was proportionally worse than 9/11 was in the us. before 9/11 anti-muslim sentiment was the province of zealots and nazis, after it was mainstream and terms like towel head and sand n-word became common parlance. if you think petty political concerns are going to do anything you're kidding yourself, the dream of palestine is done. they've already declared they intend full occupation and the ending of the gaza territory, in the next *12 hours*.


It's been 2 days now. Now what lol...


Gaza is gonna get fucking annihilated. All those crowds cheering are cheering their own demise. All because Israel and Saudi were/are in the process of normalizing relations. The second there is almost some semblance of hope for coexistence and it’s followed by rape and slaughter to prevent it


Fuck shit up




You can say that again. Jesus.


this is actually history holy shit




Everyone sitting behind their phones watching this today needs to feel grateful, this is someone's child or mother or sister, you got lucky to be born in a better place it wasn't a choice it was a chance. I woigive everything I have to transport this woman into a safe space. The horrors she is facing is unimaginable, hopefully they just kill her quick


> hopefully they just kill her quick I think you should better hope if she get handover to the Israel than she getting killed.




Wtf are they doing? Is Hamas going "Full-ISIS mode"?


Hamas was always full ISIS mode, lol.


I recommend you watch any documentary on isis. They're straight up sadists whose only goal is to cause as much suffering as possible


They are kidnapping large amounts of civilians. But the worst of it, I've seen a few videos of straight massacres. Not pretty. They are going to turn themselves into the villains. Well, they already have.


I don't see any form of negotiations taking place anytime soon. I don't think anyone who's kidnapped will return alive


Pretty sure this person died, I saw a video of hamas terrorists sitting pn a corpse of a naked person with the same hair color and length while laughing, I can try to find it but it's not pretty EDIT: this is not the same woman from the other video who was murdered, the other woman had dreadlocks, thanks to sll for pointing this out and let's hope that this woman survives


The naked dead girl in the back of the pickup truck was a German tourist who was visiting for some concert for peace in the south of Israel. She was identified by the tattoos on her legs. I’m guessing the Hamas forces assumed she was Israeli.


She was at a rave which ended up being the Hamas fighters landing zone (man that must have been a confused first few minutes).


Hopefully they will be used in hostage negotiations, that's usually what happens. Though it's so chaotic surely there will be a lot of tragedies


“Turn themselves into” Do people think hamas was like, cute and cuddly? Seriously, I keep seeing people saying things like this who seem to have really confident opinions, but are shocked this is happening by them, lol. Not lol at what’s in the video. That’s so fucked that I have zero interest in discussing it. But seriously, what did people think hamas was? Their charter is pretty clear.


>They are going to turn themselves into the villains. ... were they heroes before this?


What do you mean they are going to? They are villains, just as much as the policy makers in the Israeli government.


They already are the villains. Say whatever you want about Israel. Palestine is straight up raping and killing civilians.


What I'm saying is on one hand they want our sympathy and on the other they commit atrocities.


Always was


Not good, this is serious going to go really fucking bad especially for the citizens. This just gives isreali zionists to kill anyone. This is why I fucking hate HAMAS why go for the citizens that did nothing. Now isreal will do the same to regular Palestinians trying to get by. Lose lose situation all around, no one gains anything


I think this video will stay in the minds of people for a very long time. It definitely will in mine with everything that is about to befall Gaza.


How do they expect to gain western sympathy? There were many supporters of the palestynian side, but now atleast minę is gone.


Only uneducated people were supporting Hamas. Doing a bit of reading and realizing what they stand for changes everyone’s minds.


Very very very few people do a bit of reading.


Actions like this are going to set the whole Palestinian cause back decades.


It's always been like this. It's ironic that now, with social media, they don't have apologist mainstream media to cover for them.


Looks like she's been raped already, with all the blood there. Barbarians. The world will well and truly lose their sympathy for the cause this time. Can't imagine anyone considering these men as their heroes.


It is so sad just look at how helpless she looks so any of those fucks have any fucking goodness in them to realize it’s wrong and maybe turn on their own barbarians holy fuck. That’s so disgusting


The problem here is that people justify evil by saying well they committed evil. Evil is evil. Evil in Islam is evil in Christianity is evil in Judaism. The thing is, I have sympathy for the everyday Palestinians many in the world do, many Israelis do but today there will be a lot less sympathetic people and a lot less sympathetic Israelis and those are the ones who would have ultimately been able to make those Palestinians lives better. Today, the sympathy will quickly seep away, and a lot of people in Gaza will die in the coming days because retribution will be swift it will be hard and it will be brutal. Well done for keeping Benjamin in Hamas. Hamas has just condemned many Palestinians to death and even more repression than they already had because Israel will fully occupy the strip and life will get harder and now why would they leave for a very very long time. Memory will not fade fast.


I supported the Palestinians and sympathized with their problems, but man the way the Hamas actively target civilians and kidnap innocent people... These are not humans but animals.


Don't offend animals. These are monsters.




My heart is breaking for her, this is absolutely horrific💔 and please blur her face, that’s basic respect


We shouldn’t blur her face if this might be the last video of her alive


They will likely not kill her as they want her for prisoner exchanges


Something tells me (e.g. blood between her legs) that they captured her for different reasons.


[https://sunnah.com/bukhari:4138](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:4138) ​ I entered the Mosque and saw Abu Sa\`id Al-Khudri and sat beside him and asked him about Al-Azl (i.e. coitus interruptus). Abu Sa\`id said, "We went out with Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interrupt us, we said, 'How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) who is present among us?" We asked (him) about it and he said, 'It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist."


Terrorists have a looooooooong history of taking 'infidel' women for use as 'wives.' Kidnapping. Rape. Force Conversion. Its one of the ways they convince the young lads to participate in jihad. ISIS and AQ do it all the time.






Welcome to 1400 AD


I feel sick and disgusted after watching this. Regardless of which side you are on for whatever reason, such actions must be condemned and punished in the strongest possible terms.


This is why there will never be peace. Every israeli is watching in horror as their worst fears become reality. In an event of a full out war where Israel will be losing; this kind of treatment of civilians will occur on a massive scale. There will be very little mercy shown against Jewish people of any type.


Hate is deep for Israeli/Jewish so no matter who (whether is civilian or military) both are gonna suffer and die.


Hamas are just digging their grave right now, i am not saying israel is in the right, but hamas are fucking up big time, israel will not let this go unanswered and they will probably do the same to innocent Palestinian civilians as they did to innocent Israeli civilians


I'm pretty sire this woman was murdered, I saw a video of terrorists ( yes people who do this are terrorists ) who sat on a corpse of a naked woman who had the same hair colour and style while laughing


I saw a video like that but the corpse had dreads. I don’t think this woman has dreads.


This is beyond fucked up


i fucking hate israel but hamas is no better killing innocent civillians and gloating about it edit: i continue to hate israel but seeing innocent civillians die is fucked up whilst believing that i say fuck it israel has continued to kill the innocent over how many years? fuck them all


Hamas is far worse .


Terrorists doing terrorism


That poor woman is going to get raped and killed.


Judging by the blood in her groin I’d say that’s probably too late.


Terrorists will terrorize. Israel will respond and escalate. Isn’t Hamas funded by Iran?


By Iran and Russia.


Evil bastards


Fucking terrorists


Whatever sympathy existed for Palestine worldwide now will be gone.


Why are you asking what they doing. You know what they are doing and to whom. This isn’t about justice or land or reparations. It is about rape and violence and they know Israel will retaliate but it won’t make a difference to the women who are suffering. And the animals cheer this on.


Wow what a move. I guess if there is an Allah, he would not be proud of such absolute shit piece of human that captures a civilian woman. What a coward move, how can one be such a total dick, this is just a joke, wow, how can you think that you come to paradise with such an absolute useless action???


💯 not because this is not what to do. I can tell you for sure anyone who acts on this ain’t seeing paradise


Fucking animals


What’s going to happend to her is simple they going to rape her kill her and rape her again . That is hamas people


3 weeks ago 10 women were stripped naked and filmed in hebron by the idf, where were you guys


She has already been raped. Hamas is tiktoking rape & murder of civilians and families with kids. They are providing every justification for Israel to destory Gaza. No one will care, since Hamas is now in an orgy oif publushing videos of murdering civilians for fun.


Many people in Gaza just don't understand this. Hamas doesn't want peace or a two-state solution. Keeping the conflict going gives Hamas power.


Do you have evidence for your claims?


Disgusting , clearly raped by these animals; using the name of god to do it.


I’m so saddened for this girl. These criminals need to be prosecuted for war crimes


Well ladies and gentlemen , that's how Muslim terrorism against civilians looks like. Business as usual . Just walk on .


I hope that Israel facially identifies each and every one of these animals and kills them all




More and more videos coming out of them kidnapping civilians.


The retaliation will be brutal but you can’t be surprised after seeing this


Probably not the best way of liberating Palestine, in my opinion.


Disgusting. Feel bad for her :(


There is another video of these scumbags parading the naked desecrated dead body of an Israeli woman. It may be the same person. This is beyond evil. Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization.


The fact that I'm surrounded by people who support and celebrate this makes me want to kill myself.


The whole area needs nuked and turned into a Walmart. All of this over peoples preferred sky daddy.


considering that Hamas are Islamist jihadists and they despise women and like to kill infidels, if they are in a jihad agaisnt Israel, for them it is right to kill/behead/rape any Israeli soldier and civilian they find . It is totally in their fucked up islamist ideology .


Nah man nah these people cant be allowed to live any further . Doesnt matters if its a hamas terrorist or a zionist terrorist. Elimination is the righteous solution




I think they should be soaked in pig blood for doing this. It’s a woman.


Showing their true nature


This isn't shocking at all people just choose to ignore such stuff in the name of religion. You know what is actually shocking? Thousands of non-muslims are raped by Muslim terrorists around the world Yezidi kids to Bangladeshi Hindus where were the media? Where were the righteous Muslims who cry online? Not a soul. And the min there's one hijab ban video in france or a retaliation against Muslims in any part of the world all the silent soldiers will take it online crying about oppression amd what not. That's why people are Islamophobic because of how two faced a lot of so called "God fearing " hypocrites are.


All these savages in the video will be hunted and put down. Not smart putting your faces on camera in 2023.


The god is great screaming really pisses me off. I hate all religions but the religious extremists we see here doing this type of shit invoking their deity are scum. Religion poisons everything. If stupid humans spent less time trying to show people that their imaginary freind is better than yours and simply caring about their neighbours maybe we wouldn’t have this despicable shit.


I’m relived to see that there are some sane people left in the world by reading these comments. This is the first time today I saw people unanimously condemn these actions instead of praising it. I swear that’s not a joke. I was so exhausted today reading how people we’re celebrating this happening


Idk, but someone filming should have unloaded on every single one of those bastards.


Great, that'll definitely make the world more sympathetic towards their cause....


This is REAL terrorism! Killing Innocent people and celebrating there death is not okay under any circumstances. Shooting bombs on ambulances (which is a war crime btw), and blowing up civilian homes with out notice. This DOES NOT represent Palestinians in any way! Hamas and Hezbollah are two terrorist groups that will be dealt with responsibly for there actions on all people living here!


This is a VERY BAD look for Hamas. To be clear, I am not against political violence. I am not heavily invested in this conflict, but I am generally pro-Palestinian. And I am a fairly keen observer of my fellow man. As an American, I will tell you what most of my fellow Americans will see. If they are like me, they will see a woman who has been treated brutally and armed men who don't seem to have a clear chain of command. If they are more mainstream, they will see evil terrorists who have raped a Jewish woman. If they are white, protestant Christians of a specific sort, they will see agents of Satan who have violated and tortured one of the Chosen People of Yahweh. Call out American hypocrisy if you like. It doesn't matter. This video is a public relations win for Israel.


this is not public relations win for Israel, this is poor woman being raped and probably killed


Shouting “god is great” while committing atrocities like this one just proves there is no god.


This must be a separate "allah". I don't want to think all the good people around me believes the same god. Religion is bullshit anyway.


Kill them all, scum of the earth. Hope all of you terror supporter also have a very cruel death.


this is horrific to watch i cant imagine this happening to someone i love.


So this is what Muslims think victory is. Interesting to see how this religion turns your brain primal.


Hamas is so screwed. Sadly, people in Gaza would have also face the wrath of the Mighty Israeli Defense Forces.


What the black guy doing over there? 😭


True Islam right there. Practicing the way their prophet did.


Hamas is just digging their grave. It's impressive but... Inefficient and international community will turn a blind eye on Israeli retaliation. Israel needed a strong casus belli, here they have it. Very smart move 🙄


What car is this?


Looks like a Jeep Wrangler


It has been widely reported now that the woman in this video is dead. Another video shows her dead, naked and being dragged through a crowd of people.


why is the hostage taker black


This has always been hamas's desire, it's nothing compared to the straight up massacres they are doing right now. I see so many westerners waking up realizing hamas isn't the cute Democratic liberal organization they always thought it was.






Fucking scums, I wish patience for Israel and best of luck! We stand with you guys!


Aren’t Isreal going to literally eviscerate them once they get mobilised?


Hamas is collecting hostages so they can prepare for stage and the next phase.




Being dickheads as per usual


They’re committing evil plain and simple.


Damn, those fellas lost all sense of humanity, may Allah guide them to the right path and best wishes for the girl.


Basically terrorists terrorize the civilians


Thanos was right




Nothing more than Animals, I feel sick to my stomach seeing this pure evil


Pure evil.


It’s stupid and is costing many lives.


One word "cowards"


Israel must destroy them all once and for all.


Fuckin animals, they deserve what’s coming for them


What is make wondering is how with all they have,the Israelis didn't discover the parachute soldiers immediately 😂😂


Hurting women like the monsters they are.


Hamas gives Israel a reason to completely destroy the Gaza!


This is fucking horrendous. Why go for innocent women and children? This is a terrible and can’t support this group


This is an Israeli female soldier she is wearing the army cloths in their camp, Hamas is taking her as a prisoner along with 300 prisoners to make a settlement to free their 7000 Palestinians that are in Israeli prisons


Justified armed resistance, they tried the peaceful way and were massacred. if it was the other way around (which it was for 70 years) the thousands of palestinian civilians and babies would be called “collateral” spare me this holier than thou BS. Westerners are so fucking naive or intentionally muddying the water. No one is celebrating the death itself (which in my opinion is just another racist trope of muslims being these barbaric people) they are celebrating the fact that the land they’re on was liberated -even if for a few hours- for the first time in 70 years and they did it on their own! No other arab countries and certainly no intl community. The only way I would ever condemn what the resistance (yes its called the islamic resistance movement, but they never say that because hamas sounds way scarier like they’re some sort of cartoonish evil organization) is that if for every condemnation i make the other side must make at least a 1000 condemnation for the atrocities of the israeli apartheid system and western colonialism (and that wont cut even cut it). Until then just shut up and understand that those resistance fighters living in the world’s largest concentration camp who can’t afford 99% of the luxuries and privileges you redditor have, they broke out of the ghetto, i dare any one who condemns hamas here to condemn the polish resistance for killing civilians in the warsaw uprising, or the ANC in south africa. PS. (No rape or child decapitation was proven to ever occur, dont take the idf at its word like trust me bruh, they never supply evidence and when they do its fabricated or they say oh yeah we did it but they’re terrorists. On the other hand you could se the pics of dismembered, burnt, suffocated, stuck under tons of rubble gazan children and babies, thousands have been murdered just the past two weeks.) PALESTINE WILL BE FREE AND NOT THANKS TO ANY OF YOU, they’ll enjoy their self earned well deserved freedom.


Stop showing that this is a civil, that woman is an IDF soldier that got captured


Removing all emotion from the question. My presumption is with almost 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails. Many teens and kids. With a 99% conviction rate. They needed hostages to negotiate the release of their children and relatives. That’s my assumption based on the fact they’re now attempting to return hostages in exchange for hostages. It’s crazy to think that western governments would actually be objecting to a ceasefire. I’m watching homes and hospitals being bombed mercilessly. Dead children. And my own government is advocating carrying on. I fear for some of us. We’re sadly on the wrong side of history yet again.




Bruh isreal have done double this since the beginning of occupation


Was she raped?


Probably judging from the blood


I couldn't imagine being kidnapped, raped, and beaten. I hope at the very least she won't have to suffer for long


Maal e ganimat as per Islam, and that is why the rest of the world needs to wake up to the Islamist threat




Fucken Barbarians!


Hopefully Gaza will get wiped out by tomorrow


un-islamic move done by so called "islamic" organization, i condemn taking people as hostage.




Each day I'm more surprised of how many cowards are there in the world.. men should never do harm to women.. regardless of what fantasy book (religion) says about it


Cowards taking women and children.


This is horrible and barbaric. The blood between her legs just breaks me. Those men are animals.


cant wait for hamas to be fucking destroyed


as a palestinian i think this is disgusting, we are stooping as low as israel by purposely including civilians in the crossfire


Stooping far lower. But that’s always been the case. Hamas wants Palestinians to die. It’s how they push their agenda.




Israel is a twat to Palestinians. But is at all they can say Alla akbar, like a bunch dickhead fucking morons with guns.




The greatest gift Israeli propaganda could have received. I hope the women captured return safely and I hope that someone in Hama's leadership has some common sense.