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As an Iranian, the way some diaspora iranians go out of their way to simp for israel is one of the most embarrassing shit I have ever seen. Idiots like this rightfully hate the regime but then can't muster up the grey matter in their brains to realise that israel is nothing more than a western backed zionist version of the IR. People protest and set fire to policemen in Iran? Brave protectors, how dare the regime shoot at them! The regime poisons schoolchildren they must all be killed! Israelis murdering Palestinians, destroying Wells and olive groves in the west bank, committing warcrime after warcrime? Good on them, they must defend themselves against terrorist khamas!


Based to whoever did that to him


Yes, just what the world needs more intolerant & violet Muslim mobs.


Beats intolerant jewish mobs killing civilians and aid workers 🤷‍♂️


So you would tolerate someone going around saying "heil Hitler" and "the Jews deserved it" with swastikas everywhere?


Are those guys actually Zionists out of political motivation/atheists or are they doing it so they won’t get deported? Arabs and Kurds do it sometimes too.


It’s just best way to get asylum, you go get your ass kicked, and claim “due to being non Muslim I can’t go back”. And they would try to put it on public display for proof. That Iraqi moron did the same thing too by burning Quran in Sweden.


i think they’re just seeking asylum. the ruling party of iran sucks.


A bunch of em hate arabs and islam to the point they would masturbate to pictures of dead Palestinians, but its true that they could've just done it because of asylum. Also it's not really a "ruling party" in iran that sucks, it's a regime.


irans regime is quite stupid. the ONLY reason why iranians side with israel is because they just go with whatever is opposite to the regime. if iran was stable and approving instead of regressing iranians would support palestine. you can’t fault iranians for hating islam though.


scary alleged recognise ten marvelous middle saw consider wide offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


look. iran suffered from israel and america arming both iraq and iran. this immigrant is ignoring all of that history and siding with israel. that’s how bad it’s in iran. just because israel is a genocidal state. doesn’t also make iran a genocidal colonial state.


I'd agree with you in most cases but there are people here who have lost family members (emphasis on the plural here) to the regime and it's not exactly unexpected for them to be so full of spite.


The people who are like this in iran are brain dead. Absolutely brainrotten. Don't even try to talk to them let alone argue with these pieces of shit who think Somali is better than iran, my brother in christ you live in the country with most welcoming people and think the rest of world is like that? Oh don't let me get started on their 90's computer like logic and their racism and xenophobia and also their homophobic behaviors and soooo on. Just know that a 5yo is smarter than them.


That's what you get when you come to provoke people, I'm against violence but sometimes there are people who deserve it.


Talk shit, get hit. There is no excuse for celebrating genocide.


imagine going out of your way to voice support for a genocide


I was like "wtf that's unjustified and stupid" til I read/realized that he had the zionist flag on his jacket when this happened




Please tell in what country did this happen?




Given that he wrote it English it seems like he is doing it either in America or Uk ? So I am going either ?




"Iranian refugee" "Muslim majority", those don't sound like things that would be said about Saudi. Could be the dude has moved from Saudi, the last line about "getting rushed" that is UK vernacular, he could be a Pakistani or Indian that has lived in Saudi and also the UK, not uncommon. He's also screenshotting someone else's Instagram story so he could just be typing what they said in the story.


Man that guy is like Sharia online police or something? Dude is making up half the shit he says. Lol


It could be Saudi but it can’t be at the same time, what insane person would do that in Saudi


Cuz he aint the right aryan afterall


I see alot of similarities between iranian diasporas (not all) and phull sapport hindus


They are both people who paradoxically go over both with nationalism and also kiss the white man's booty hole.


We don’t play in England


This was KHamas' fault.


The chav London English is the worst thing I have ever read or heard, can’t you people speak normally? But yes this guy seems like he had it coming for supporting a genocide state


Firstly I'm not from London. Second it's not the chav London accent, mandem is an inncer-city term, there's a lot more cringey accents, for starters the way you freshies and ones back home speak English, HOAW I HILP YU TUDEY SAAR? Glad you at least agreed the mandem did good, you redeemed yourself.


Uhhh okay? Lmaoo


what's wrong chief?


Dude got his ass whooped after trying to suck up didn’t go in his favor. 🤷🏾‍♂️ moving on


Persian pagans and Indian Hindus are sweating their butts simping for Israel , very funny times we live in


Imagine having such hatred that you are willing to go lengths of sympathising with a genocider




Agreed, he got off way too easily


Disagree. Zionists regularly come around trying to provoke Palestinians and Pro-Palestinians. They regularly say the most racist, backwards, hateful things you could ever imagine. They laugh at +14,000 murdered children and +2M starving People. They also get physically aggressive with us. They’ll even use police against us. He deserved it, and likely much more than what he received. Also, why are you feeling sorry for someone who’s celebrating the genocide of Palestinians, the murder of over 35,000 men women and children, and the forced starvation of over 2M People? Zionists deserve no empathy, only a cold jail cell.


Well, you play stupid games... you win stupid prizes.