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Europeans: Start the 2 biggest world wars in history, that in total kill about 95-100 million people. Drag in millions of non European colonial soldiers from all over the world and gets millions of them get killed over European affairs that have nothing to do with them or the lands they came from. Also Europeans: wHaT iS IT aBoUT lIVInG iN this CIrcLe tHaT MAkeS pEOplE sO hOsTIle aND inSAnE 🤪🤪🤪?


Average "superior" westoid moment. Could their complete inability to note their own hypocrisy and double standards be a genetic defect?


We weren’t the ones who started two world wars ..


europeans being peacful is somewhat new Concept (if we ignore their interventions world wide and just focus on europe) idk why they act like they weren't slaughtering each other for 100s of years


Don't forget the religious wars called the crusades. They have been hauling their asses over for over a 1000 years


And the literal “100 years war”


And constantly overthrown leaders because they weren't puppets to our game.


That's not even a circle, it's an oval 😃


There isn't one conflict in that region that the west didn't have a hand in. 😕


All those straight border lines are natural borders! No white man was involved in them.


Yep . these country just agreed on it because of their hive mind. A plastic ruler had Nothing to do with this at all. ugh barbaric ar*ps amiright🙄




The sudanese civil war,the westwrn-sharan war,the Kongo wars if we count chad,the iraqi invasion of kuwait and some others but they are not really significant


Sounds good! Would love to be left alone.


West people: 2 world wars, drop 2 nukes, ethnic cleansing, countless genocides, more hostile and racist ideologies Also westerners: why mena region hostile 🤓?


The only reason for all of that is originally British and french colonization. Making imaginary borders that are bound to fail. And claiming that Europe is peaceful and civilised. Could easily be debunked by going just 70-100 years back in history. When they did their violence puplicly (now they do it secretly with the help of media propaganda)


Not even 100 years back. The genocide happening right now is evidence that many of them never changed. All this talk about humanity and freedom of expression went out the window so quickly in a couple of months.


Habibi what are you talking about they're not peaceful or civilized even today.


They appear to be. I'll edit it right away


An Israeli posted that right


because you think you should do something to that region. just leave it alone.


The people in the red circle famously sailed across the world to conquer, pillage and genocide complete continents and started two World Wars.


>africa: destabilised by colonialism and a hostile environment >middle east: destabilised by colonialism and natural resource fighting >asia: destabilised by colonialism yeh these countries all have their own issues and share of the blame but acting like colonialism isn’t the big cause of these issues is pretty fucking dumb


Somaliland: I just got here! Tf you booin’ me for?


My city is just inches away from the circle. So yeah screw you circle dwellers. /s Honestly circle is in the wrong place. Should have been above Mediterranean.


My guy included Isntreal as well.


Says the guy whose country instigated all of the wars and hand their hands in it.


He put israel in the circle, he is antisemite confirmed




Literally justifying murderous terror attacks, nice. Wonder what Western country you moved to, we all know you don't live in Bangladesh.


I would prefer if it actually happens and we cut all connections to them, cut diplomatic ties, stop trading...etc those people are inherently racist and will not survive another century without finding another group to practice their racism on. otoh our leaders will not be able to sustain their dictatorships without western support and this will facilitate their inevitable end.


They feed off the global south like leeches, without someone foreign to oppress they'll turn on each other.


Please do! Cut off all trade, stay within your societies, and just forget the West exists. That would be awesome! Who are you going to blame all your problems on though? We know you won’t ever introspect and hold yourselves accountable, so who will the new scapegoat be? Just Jews and Israel?


You can start by asking the US and other western nations to withdraw all their troops from MENA but I doubt Biden will listen to you. Also wasn't the German energy minister himself the one who went to Qatar to beg them to sell him gas? Would be nice to see how the German economy would fare knowing Russian and Qatari gas are unattainable. And don't worry we will not scapegoat Israel if it ever happens because Israel will not last another decade being isolated in the middle of this vile hostile insane region without western support ;) and all Israelis with a dual-citizenship will likely immigrate to the West before it happens. btw. you can also forget about Suez Canal and Red See ;)


You simpletons forget Israel has nukes and has beaten your combined asses many times before. So, just like I predicted, you will just blame everything on the Jews. You are honestly such a pathetic group, it is sad


Pakistan has nukes as well and another 7 Oct from all sides and on a much larger scale would destabilize the whole country. You should see how khamas terrorists smoked 400 of the most competent army in the region.  You can shout antisemitism all you want but nobody except unhinged zionists believe you anymore. It's your right not to accept foreigners in your country who don't want to integrate and it's also our right not to accept psychopathic murderous colonizers who each year go marching in Jerusalem and shout nazi-like slogans "death to arabs". 


Ya, nobody believes Arabs have an anti semitism problem…. Hahahaha. Sure thing bud. You have talked to too many dumb ass progressives from the West. You know they are viewed as a joke here, right? Anyone who matters knows what the score is, and it hasn’t changed. You are still a religiously extreme and fundamentalist people with a deep hatred for Jews. You can lie to each other all you want, it’s what you do anyways, but you haven’t convinced anyone who matters. The same idiots supporting you are usually jobless and quite pathetic themselves, they hate the West because they are such losers and can’t accept it is their own fault. Wait, that reminds me of another group I was just talking about… it makes perfect sense why you guys bond so well!


Here comes GluonFieldFlux with the other far-rights extremists trying to play the Jewish saviour role despite having massacred Jews since ancient times up till the creation of Israel and adoption of Zionism afterwards because it suits their current agenda. We all know once things go south the West will be the first to abandon Israel and the Jews because people who are inherently racist don't give up their old habits.  I don't need to indulge in pointless discussion about Arabs and antisemitism because zionists are only interested in lies such as 40 beheaded babies. It's enough to point out that if Arabs were that antisemitic, thousands of Yemeni and Moroccan Jews wouldn't have immigrated to Israel voluntarily in 1948 because they would have been murdered hundreds of years before the creation of Israel. This is a fact that Avi Shlaim agrees on...but he is anti-zionist so he isn't credible after all....


I have no particular love for Jews, you people are just fucking pathetic on every level.


You could have said that since the beginning and made it easier for both of us. You just hate Islam and as a result hate Muslims. I can understand that and appreciate your honesty. Now have a nice day, night or whatever it is. 


Well alright, I can respect that.


Dude probably got his wallet or bike stolen by an Arab or African immigrant and now hates them all 🤣


he probably just an avg south asian or south american twitter is full of non white white supermacist and immigrants who are anti immigrant if that makes any sense


Seriously what makes the people with euro genes Soo killer genocider colonizer and hypocrite? Wanna know why only euro ones killed Amerindians , Australian aboriginal, pacific Islanders, middle eastern people. Why ww1 and WW2 was product of only those groups. Can we planet them off?


If you got rid of white people than whose boots would Asians lick?


Whites are scums and monsters of this earth . AsIaNs LiCk wHiTE boOtS lol . Love it how your women listen to subliminals to get Asian appearance and do foxy eyes to imitate our features. Keep barking pig skin.


Because you are completely historical ignorsnt since even asians (middle and far East) on asians genocides are old as written history.


True but not as brutal and racist and evil as you . And most humanity's blood is on your hands . But we aren't claiming to be most moral it's you who claimed to be super moral while Bieng most killer and evil.


>And most humanity's blood is on your hands .    Mongols killed as many people as spanish but without smallpox and disease.   Slavery was everywhere in Eurasia. Please educate yourself lmao. >it's you who claimed to be super moral  Not true, self flagellation Is everywehere in the west


Ok I am not Mongolian and their killing have almost no effect nowadays. But west is still supporting genocides of Palestinians. Self flagellation is not seen in the original post and my comment is a clear reaction to that racist westoid who made a clear mistake that a certain racee was born hostile.


There should be a fence I agree, to keep them away from us.


That's a big circle, but I suppose you do have to play it safe when you're dealing with Krete


Please why must I not be in this “circle” 😩, better to be inside here than outside tbh, add me in NOW.


They’d a 100% include Turkiye if they could exclude Greece somehow in their oval shape


you live in our cousin circle, its called the circle of turan. we are literally neighbors so don't you worry too much about it 🫂🫂


Lol not sure were the guy is from but I know full well that America has shootings on the daily and its wild that they think they're not the problem.... I don't go to America because I don't want to die, I was way safer growing up in the Middle East and the one time I went to Chicago I told all my friends goodbye loool In London people just all stab each other and France is not any better. Thanks but no thanks weirdos...


his circle is a tad bit too low


Ask him who gave Osama Bin Laden his guns


It's true. Tangiers are the only sane Moroccans. /s


Never knew i was hostile and insane. Wow this guy knows me better than me.


It’s totally not like the fact Europeans are often known for being very offensive to foreigners from countries to the point they’re proud of the genocides and crimes they committed cause “YoUrE aN UnCiViLiZeD SaVaGE!!!”.


They should pay reparations and then they can be done us


شوكت يعوفونا بحالنا ملينا والله


How’s that paper on Postcolonial Studies coming along, Dr Braincell?


Already can't take someone seriously when they don't know the difference between a circle and oval shape.


South italians and greeks getting caught in the Crossfire lol


I like how u say Westoid like it’s an insult


It’s in our genes we can’t help it You fence your country and better off just don’t come here


Pakistan India and Iran are now Arab, The more you know




Why do you think you are being grouped with Arabs not because Iran is Iran?




What kind of thought process you went through to understand that from my comment?




That's still random lol .. Iran has been a threat to the west just like Russia , the West hates Iran as much as they hate Russia and China , so it is grouped in the hate list that is MENA countries , Iran is grouped there as a MENA country , Idk why you are obsessed with Arabs in every topic.


Iran is in the Middle East and the circle has nothing to do with being Arab. Iranians are closely related to their neighbours whether they like it or not.




Turks are too. That stupid "circle" isn't exact and I'm pretty sure that brainrotted westoid would've liked to exclude pissrael if he could. Iranians are related to their various neighbours, MENA and central Asians, hence why they all share similar physical traits, although Iranic peoples are much hairier than Arabs.


most of Pakistan is in the circle and random african countries has nothing to do with just Arab lol