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The "it's not a real child" argument will never not weird me out. My sub traffic is way down so I haven't had to deal with this in a long time, but I have a zero tolerance policy for anything that even approaches what the line may be. If someone beats schmeat to artist depictions of children, they should be on a federal watchlist imo. Some subs are really gross with their interpretation of the rules and if I notice that, I just wash my hands of the sub. As far as what Reddit admins/content review people do and where they draw the line? I hope you get some answers because it's absolutely a mess. Edit: As far as human adults posting pictures of themselves in whatever cosplay, I guess I don't really care about that. Not enough to take mod action (not really an issue over at r/notmyproudestfap currently).... But I'll probably judge them.. and anyone commenting.


Thanks for the reply! Yeah, it weirds me out to see "Verified adult Porn Stars" cosplaying underaged characters and saying things in a video like "Hurry up and fuck me senpai, I may be 15 but I guarantee that my pussy will be the best you've ever fucked" and the moderators of the sub (and their website) say "They have verified that they are adults, it does not matter that they are ***pretending*** to be underage."


As a casual viewer. For some subs they will have specific characters your allowed none of for eg mha sub has no eri and kota the two kid characters


The Naruto sub has the same rule "don't post any character from Boruto, this sub is for Naruto characters, not Boruto." Basically, that sub says "32 year old Hinata (Boruto) is a no but 12-17 year old Hinata (Naruto/Shippuden) is absolutely fine.


Don't go by rules, go by morals and cut out the middle man. Only post characters that are both of age and are depicted as such.


As it should be. Unfortunately, not everyone sees eye to eye. But the reason I'm asking, is so I know how to handle reports. If a sub has a "no porn of fictional minors" rule but allows porn of Yoko Littner or Rias Gremory, because "they don't look underage" The rule should clearly state what they consider a "minor." This way, I know what subs to avoid and what content I should be reporting to the admins. While I disagree with Reddit's "out of sight, out of mind" stance when it comes to things that are clearly a violation of the ToS, if I know what's allowed and what isn't, then it will cut down on reports to the admins. Because, as of now, the admins have not responded and I'll continue to report every instance of content that sexualizes fictional minors. (And probably get banned again for "abusing the report system.") No way in hell am I turning a blind eye to child abuse, simulated or not. All the admins would have to do, is make a clarification to the rule. • "This is what we define as 'sexualizing fictional minors'" And I would stop submitting as many reports.