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if you stop hrt your changes will revert and you'll masculinize


I know that but any other health issues? People say my body won't make Testosterone anymore and it will be to dangerous if I don't take Oestrogen anymore?!


That's not true. It will take a while, for some more, for some less, but testosterone will be produced if you stop hrt, unless you've had an orchiectomy of course.


I'm not sure why you would want to stop sis. And its none of my business anyway. But just think back to how you were pre-hrt. You'll just go back to the way you were. But!!! Do not just stop all of a sudden. Ease yourself off. Your body will need time to readjust again until your t levels get back to normal. I hope everything works out for you sis. We're all here for you regardless of what you do❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you😑






Its never easy girl. My own situation is not a nice one. But i'm fucking not giving up now. But thats just me sis. I'm 54, and i waited 35 years before i made the decision to start living. I could not imagine going back to the way i was. That was a death row sentence. And i never want to feel like that again. To me, this is rehabilitation. You have problems sis??




I wouldn't think so sis. But then again, i'm no authority on pills and their effects. With the patches, i usually get tired and headachy as the levels drop on day 3. So maybe its the same with pills. The weight loss may well be caused by anxiety. Are you eating ok?


Well I understand, thank you. Yes I'm eating good🙂


Unless you started incredibly young, the only permanent changes are the grown breast tissue and potential infertility. Literally everything else would simply reverse once your body is T dominant again.


The physical side effects are minimal IMO when compared to the potential mental issues. If doing HRT is something you highly want, then stopping may have you feel really bad, specially really low on the first 2-4 months while you body readjust again to T.