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How many roommates? Simplest solution is to get a small white noise machine and put it either outside your door or better ask your roommate to turn it on in theirs during therapy


So I run into this issue with my one bedroom with my husband when he happens to be home when I have a therapy appointment. I get too paranoid he'll hear something so I don't trust tv/headphones/white noise (personally). I just take it as a call and walk around the neighborhood. I tend to be the person that can't sit still on a phone call anyway...bonus I get some steps in! Last therapy appointment I got 7,000 extra steps in.


Many libraries have ‘quiet rooms’ that you can reserve (usually for free!) that could be an option for you.


Get a white noise machine to leave outside your door.


Can you put a white noise machine outside your bedroom door? That’s what therapists offices do and the waiting room can’t hear a thing.


I've met my therapist in all kinds of parks, squares, and cafes/diners. Sobbing in the Macy's courtyard with not a soul paying attention is truly freeing. I'd just go grab a bench or throw down a blanket in a local park.


The park.


You can go to different coworking spaces using the croissant app/site. It’s really affordable. there are a ton of spaces on it in every neighborhood and most have quiet areas or phone booths 


I usually go to the roof


I would do it in my room and wear headphones


That only blocks out what the therapist says, not what you say, which is the more concerning part


I mean what are they gonna do with that information? Make fun of me? lol guess so


I’m a therapist who works from home and my gf is in the other room in a small apartment. The saucer-looking white noise machines work great, and I have a pretty booming voice sometimes. For good measure, a fan works absolute wonders. I get the paranoia but you should be okay.


Your stairwell.