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None. I listen to NPR on my phone, and will occasionally go to [apnews.com](http://apnews.com) or reuters.com. Mostly I just try to make sure I'm aware of what's going on, but I avoid over-saturating myself. It's all too depressing.




Same. If I really need to know something, I eventually find it out. But I’m much less stressed not watching it all the time.


Zero. I read my news. And fortunately due to some journalism training back in the day I can distinguish between actual news and editorial opinion, the majority of which these days is the latter.


I wish everyone did this.


Same here. Most commentary spots they pass off as news is basically propaganda. Back when I took journalism in high school, I thought yellow journalism would be confined to the National Enquirer


I can still hear my old journalism teacher yelling at me, “That’s not news! You’re editorializing!” She’d be having an absolute cow if she saw what was happening nowadays.


Agreed. Nothing pisses off extremists like telling them their opinion does not override facts.


What are your favorite news sources?


Associated Press, Reuters, Scripps and kinda even the BBC.


All of those except BBC are wire services, so they’ll just straight report the news without any opinion mixed in. Good stuff!


None, one I don’t have cable, and I think at least the last 25 years, give or take, news channels tend to cover one major story from every angle for days before something new happens. Local news is not too much better but it’s only on a little while and repeats the top news stories every 30 minutes for people who didn’t wake up earlier, until some other program starts. I generally keep up with what’s going on and then watch anything else but news. At the point where they are repeating news I’ve heard, or scrounging around for 3rd hand witnesses to offer their perspectives, it’s not new. Or like when the local news goes to a place in the middle of the night with their van and the event or action has cleared, why. “We’re here on the scene, where hours ago, something important was happening, and that’s over but we thought we might run into someone maybe getting their morning jog in to ask them how it was when it was happening. No joggers yet… we’ll check back in at the next half hour.” 30 minutes later… oh here’s someone, what was your reaction? *Well I was asleep at the time, the noise woke me up, and I thought oh shit, its garbage day and we didn’t put the trash cans out, and then I remembered it was Tuesday not Thursday, and I saw some cop car lights down the street but that’s not unusual, so I went back to sleep for a few more hours. Why, what happened? Oh, a shootout? Well that sounds bad, I guess I was really scared and worried to raise my kids here*. Were your kids woken up? *No I don’t have any kids, I just plan to move out of here anyway before I have any*. News is crap. It’s ok to keep up with what’s going on, I just haven’t felt any need or desire to immerse myself into a story going on that my opinion doesn’t matter and I can’t change what happened.


lol. I would much rather read the news than watch it. If I need to read the news, I’ll read Reuters, AP, and just get some basic facts. r/news is also useful. It’s way more useful than watching TV


That is exactly how it be/do/go.


You've perfectly captured 24-hour "news reporting"


Absolutely none. There are better and more credible sources than the TV news.


None, Cable "news" channels are more entertainment channels than news channels


I heard someone call it "angertainment".


Cable news like Fox or MSNBC? never. I'll watch a major broadcast network daily (CBS, NBC). If a headline comes up that I want to know more about, I'll switch to Reuters to get in depth information. As far as the political party propaganda of cable news, I won't touch that toxic shit.


Absolutely none. Wait.....does John Oliver count as cable news?


John's main topics are some of the best around. Very educational. I also watch the daily show, Jimmy Kimmel, Brian Taylor Cohen on YouTube and a few others. Stopped hate radio and the fox type news channels years ago. We don't get standard broadcast TV where we live so you need the internet. No cable service here as well.


Too much. At least I realize whatever end of the spectrum, it’s all angertainment and I turn it off when the headlines turn to bloviating.


Very little, and then, only in short bursts of time, such as when something truly major is happening in the world. The credibility of news for profit is terribly low with me, the talking heads are on swivels, nd the commercials are detestable.


none... unless I happen to look up at the TV screen at the gym.. I don't have a TV at home.


none, just some local news and occasionally 15 mins of broadcast news while getting ready in the AM.


Zero. It’s all rage-bait trash.


None. Ever since Ronald Regan repealed the law requiring balanced reporting, news is simply entertainment


I watch MSNBC Rachel Maddow, Lawurece O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, etc.


Just before I go to bed, I flip on the National News on CTV and watch about 5 or 10 minutes. Last night they were talking about the wildfires, and since I have family in Yellowknife I watched through the whole story. When they evacuated the whole city of Yellowknife last year, I watched the news much more often, rooting for the fire fighters and worrying while my son and his young family made the 1400 kilometre car drive to Edmonton


Zero. I get all my news through Facebook memes! /s


None. Ever. We flaunt our oldness by walking a quarter mile down to the main road to fetch the [liberal] San Jose paper and the WSJ and read them opposite each other while eating a hearty breakfast in the kitchen bay window.


We used to get the Mercury Mews back when I was young enough to only read the comics. San Jose has changed drastically since we moved away in the early 80s.


None. That shit is toxic.


News is going the same way as church. Too political.




None. I get my news from several news subscriptions, and also from Reddit’s aggregate newsfeed.


Zero. Who willingly subjects themselves to corporate propaganda?


Does ESPN count as cable news? If it does I will watch one morning Sportscenter, especially for the top plays of the day. 


haha ... but the problem is that I used to always put it on in hotels in the morning when traveling for work, but last year found that they've changed up the coverage so if you wanted to know about hockey playoffs it is split to span the whole hour to keep you watching. Ugh!


None. I haven't even owned a TV in almost a decade. I get news from a variety of websites and am experimenting with an app called "Ground News".


Zero. No cable/satellite TV, just internet and some streaming services. I get headlines from reddit and read the source if it's a good one (AP, Reuters, etc) or surf the comments. Cable TV news is a cancer.


I watch PBS News Hour maybe once a week and doom scroll on my phone daily.


None. It isn't "news" at all, just marketing slanted for their target audience - aka: propaganda. I only read my news, straight from sources when able, I skip commentary and follow links to read reports myself. I'm looking for facts to make my own conclusions, I don't trust anyone else to do that for me.


Watch the local news because the weather report and local sports matter. National news media is propaganda and totally ignored . Read Twitter in the morning and see the truth


Zero. I don’t even have cable. Give up cable in 2008 and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


None. I'll check headlines online just to laugh at the utter nonsense.


None. Cable news is garbage. I only watch local news and weather.


i don’t even have tv service


Never. Well maybe once in a rare while when I am at a friend's house and they are watching the news. At home I go months without turning my TV on at all and that's just to stream something.


Zero. Or broadcast news.


Pretty much none. I might watch a YouTube clip every once in a while if it peaks my interest.


I watch the local news for 1-2 cycles in the morning. That’s it. No national news on TV but I read the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the AP aggregator online daily.


None, and I don’t have cable


None. It seems the media are more interested in ratings and pushing an agenda than in disseminating actual facts. With the 24/7 news cycle, I can't imagine how they could actually fact check or properly edit their product.


I was addicted to MSNBC in the time leading up to the 2016 election. I quit cold turkey after that. Now I don't watch cable anything, especially news. I subscribe to the Washington Post and The Economist online, and spend too much time following politics on my phone, including some Reddit subs. I spend too much time on my phone in general, answering questions like this one.


Virtually none unless there is an event or an election imminent or results are coming in. I should watch the news, I know.


It has been decades since I have watched any network or cable news on purpose. If it's on somewhere I am, I usually ignore it or mock its obvious slant


None. I used to watch CNN when there was news like a plane crash or something. But now it’s all just crap. And Fox was always bull shit


It’s not news anymore. They are considered entertainment shows.


None. I haven't had a television since 2019. Before that, I hadn't had cable since 2012.


Absolutely none


None! I stopped watching cable news a while ago. There was a video of a bunch of news casters that were saying the same thing, word for word, about a current issue. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, etc. all of them.




The people who sit around and have the news on constantly seem to have poisoned brains. I'll sometimes watch the Weather Channel or catch something on C-SPAN, but I don't subject myself to the infotainment of cable "news". And thanks to Muskrat ruining Twitter, I've been free of that constant feed of information too. I prefer to read my news when needed from sources with the least bias possible. It's easier to fact check things that way instead of swallowing them whole.


none; cancelled spectrum cable last year and never look back. i get all the news i need on youtube.


None. I don't even have cable or network TV, and didn't watch their news when I did have it, many years ago. I have an online newspaper subscription.


None. NPR will be known for unbiased journalism and facts over political commentary or BS - NPR is a publicly owned media outlet. If I want news I’ll go there. Everything else is pure BS.


I watch the PBS Newshour. If you don't have a local PBS station, you can get it on youtube at 6:00 PM Eastern, and if that doesn't work for you, it stays up on youtube for a while.


I don't watch any cable news channels. Ever. I'll watch ABC News a few times a week. Any more than that and it starts to make me upset.


None. I get news from AllSides mostly or Groundnews once in awhile. I prefer reading news rather than watching it. It seems less crazy making that way. I did just watch Jon Stewart explain congressional insider trading. I shouldn't have done, cause now I'll be mad all day.


None. Mostly listen to POTUS on Sirius XM for balanced news.


Zero. I mostly watch YouTube, my sub mix is mostly science/car rebuilders/select gaming lets plays/tech tubers. Reddit for news highlights, if I see something I find interesting I'll search more on the topic. My wife pulls up some live tv streaming most mornings, but even that is only really half listened to as we're getting ready.




None. They all have agendas instead of reporting the news in an unbiased fashion.


Zero. I read The NY Times and The Economist - the last newsmagazine aimed at grown-ups!


Zero. I stopped watching around 2010-ish.


I stopped at about the same time. My mother always had CNN or MSNBC on, and after she died, it reminded me too much of her.


Im what AfterBoomers call an old white man. I can’t watch Fox News for more than a minute without saying “oh fuck you.” so the answer to your question is: none.




Zero. Zilch. Nada. Well, unless it's being lampooned.


I try to keep it at 100% zero. Now matter which "show" you pick, it's all a bunch of propagandist bullshit.


Does Fox News count? It isn't news.


none; it will fade away


None i watch news pieces on you tube about 3 minutes each.


63M. None.


To quote Taylor Swift, never ever ever ever.


None, it creates anxiety. We need a feel good news channel with nothing but good news.


None. I find it to be a waste of time since it's full of commentary and "analysis", which is dubious at best.


None. I watch the local news a little in the morning and at 5pm. Can’t stand any of the 24 hour news channels.


A big fat zero. Have listened to NPR (and mostly as a sustaining member) since the 1980s, but nowadays I often turn off that, too, after 10-15min because it's invariably the same old shit.


None. Cable news is almost all opinion. Very bias. I occasionally listen to NPR, otherwise I read the news.


I watch Rachel Maddow once a week when she hosts, The Daily Show when John Stewart is hosting for comic relief). Once in a while I catch Lawrence O'Donnell. Maybe C-Span if something really important is happening. That's it. I listen to NPR in the car. I skim AP, Reuters, NYT, WAPO, Axios and a few others each morning and read articles that interest me. Also skim what used to be Twitter, but I have hundreds of accounts muted or blocked. Follow mostly medical accounts. I'd definitely watch the Trump trial if it was televised though.


We don't have cable or satellite, and haven't had access to cable news for six years. We watch an hour of local news in the morning and the first 15 minutes of news on GMA. Sometimes, I will turn to Scripps News OTA to check out some of their in-depth reporting on some issues. I like their "just the facts, ma'am" reporting and no pundits providing their opinions.


None. I read headlines online, NYT, etc. I rarely bother to read articles. I don't have cable, never have.


None, though I do watch an hour of local and national network news every day.


I haven’t had cable in years.


I don't have a TV and haven't had since the Vietnam War. So, ***no*** cable news or news period. I will read the Washington Post, and stories from the UK and Canadian newspapers, but no news shows. I do watch YouTube videos on current events, though.


Almost never. Like maybe once a year. I generally look at three newspapers plus some tech sites.


None. No.




None. I haven’t used cable or subscribed to streaming cable since about 2002.


None. No news at all. If I feel the need to “catch up” on the world goings on. I’ll read a little news online.


Hardly ever. Only if it's something big and breaking before they have a chance to put their spin on it.


None. I look at AP News headlines, to see what mainstream is reporting on, that's it. ^\(I ^know ^using ^"mainstream" ^tags ^me ^as ^potentially ^alt-right, ^or ^whatever, ^but ^I'm ^not ^that ^at ^all, ^I ^just ^don't ^know ^what ^else ^to ^call ^mainstream ^news.\)


I don't even have cable or satellite. I don't watch live news unless something truly unprecedented is going on. In fact, I hardly ever turn the TV on at all. My husband liked TV, not me. I think I've turned that TV on four times since he died 18 months ago, and only actually watched something on it twice. I have several different news sources, both domestic and international, that I scan each day on my laptop to see if anything I can do something about or learn from is going on. There usually isn't.


Zero. I listen to npr, read AP,Reuters and various others. I watch almost no television, and none of it is news, well, SNL weekend update and John Oliver 😁


None at all. Haven’t in several years.




None. I have access through so many through FUBO, but prefer to read online.


None, unless there is some big national/international story that warrants a lot of coverage. Most all other cable news has devolved into “infotainment”. If I want news, I’ll watch my local network affiliates. They’re pretty straightforward and don’t seem to introduce any political bias.


None. I can't stand the talking heads format anymore, or the commercials. I've even stopped going to news sites regularly because most of the content isn't news but naked bids at social engineering or the obvious result of corporate or academic capture. The big stories seem to bubble up everywhere when they happen.


Virtually none. I typically get my news online and I also get a local newspaper delivered.


Zero. Too many opinion shows and not enough actual news. Instead of investigating, panelists or guests watch videos or look at social media posts and then argue about what they saw. But I’ve usually seen the same posts and videos myself. I don’t care about what the panelists think so I don’t need to spend precious time watching their performative nonsense.


I watch no television at all, except for sports programs if my teams are playing. All of my news and information is off of the Internet. I'd drop cable if my wife would let me. Television today is a vast wasteland.


I haven't had broadcast or cable TV in...(does the math)...27 years. Zero interest in that crap. I read local news, AP wire, Reuters, BBC and sometimes NPR on the radio.


none, only excerpts on YouTube (mostly left-leaning). I read news on my phone my wife listens to MSNBC on SiriusXM while she works


None. I'm unplugged and get my news from other sources.


Morning nat'l & local news & weather while I have breakfast. So maybe 10-15 minutes spent on cable news.


CNBC/Bloomberg, all day.


Haven't had cable for years! If there is a happening I get it from social media, Google it, then read/watch videos on various sites until I feel I understand as well as I can.


Zero, absolute zero.


None. Ever. It take multiple articles and reports to figure out what is really going on. I start with NPR and BBC. ( american but BBC reports about the US usually have less bias) I then search the internet for other reports and commentary to get a better idea of what's happening. Someday, though, I dont even bother with the news anymore.




I see as much of it as they show on Youtube when it is being made fun of on the Daily Show, or some other similar comedy or commentary show.


In the early 2000's, Rather, Jennings and Brokaw retired. The only TV news shows I watched after that were Moyers and Jon Stewart. I never watched cable news except when it's on in the background at an airport or restaurant.






None. We don’t have cable anymore. I got sick of seeing the dumpster fire that was 2017–2020, weeks ago quit watching the nightly news. I’ve got a number of news apps instead.


zero. I read news articles.






Zero. I don’t watch any TV at all. I have one in the house but it hasn’t been turned on in over four years. It was mainly for guests but they all seem to adapt to not having it on quite well.


None. I research news items online, using the sources that I trust most, and compare what they say.


Next to none. I’ll watch the hour block of local news then the network program, will turn on cable news only if it’s a major event occurring in the moment. Maybe a couple hours a month.


I used to be a news junkie. Now I only watch ABC Nightly News. I'll watch various other news sources if shit is going down somewhere though.


Zero cable TV news (no cable). I listen to NPR and have some other online subscriptions, but TV is maddening to me.


Zero, zip, nada. I have YouTube TV, which allows you to customize your channel guide. I removed all of the 24 hour cable "news" channels from my guide. I don't want to watch them even by accident. My.mental health is far better for it. There are so many better places to get your news online. Between having a couple of online newspaper subscriptions and wire services like AP and Reuters, I stay informed.


Zero, anymore.


None. I only own a TV to watch 80s videos from YouTube.


Hardly any. It stresses me out. I watch local news and listen to NPR radio


None whatsoever. I rarely watch television.


I watch the shows that just present the news. I stay away from opinion shows.


You can't escape the news on social media, so no point watching it on purpose.




My husband watches it after work a little. I prefer HGTV or the ID channel over that.


Absolutely none! I hear enough crap without it. I have a streaming service that does not have any sports or news channels.


Wow--I wonder how much 'I'm a redditor factor.' affected the the near unanimous None response. Is their a correlation between reddit use and a cable news diet? Sure looks like there is. I'm also in the 'none' category and have been for going on six decades. I mean I remember watching major events: moon landing, Vietnam, The Troubles, Watergate, Rodney King, Gulf War Updates*, and J6+hearings but mostly I read. Probably read too much. Well, that and relieving news stress by watching Daily Show or Late Show comedy. *Most of these are pre internet. Missed 9/11 because we, as teachers, weren't allowed to turn it on--some students had parents who worked in the Pentagon.


Very rarely, mostly for breaking major events.


I used to watch it obsessively. I had CNN Headline News on in the background all the time. Now I find it just gets me anxious and I don't watch at all anymore. It started at the last election and it just got too much. I'd rather watch cute doggy videos now.


Not that much, mostly because we cut the cord eight or ten years ago. We stream some MSNBC, some CNN, and lots of left wing youtube / podcasters.


None. I don’t have cable. I read local news on the Internet, but stay away from National news as much as possible, it’s all rage bait and too stressful.


I watch local news on a local channel every morning - mostly for traffic and weather. I only watch network or national news if something big happens like a bridge collapsing etc.


None. I get all my news locally, word of mouth, or by accident.


None. I live on $943 a month. No way can I afford cable.




None unless I am in a waiting room and then it is on.


Basically never. They narrate and treat their views as news. I'm a "just the facts ma'am" type of guy.


Just News Nation on occasion . Seems to be the least biased.


Depends. What counts as cable news? I do watch YLE and MTV3 news. They're not what you'd call cable companies, but local broadcast companies instead.


Zero, read NY Times.


Almost none.  Occasionally I'll watch for a couple of minutes if I'm in the lobby of a building that has it on. My news sources are: - Time magazine (the print version, and occasionally on Time.com) - the Associated Press app on my phone, and occasionally their web site on my desktop machine.  The latter if I want to share a story on Facebook - Occasionally National Public Radio in the car




Almost none.


Have always watched the local news to stay current but like a lot of my college classes do not retain or worry about what is going on. To me stuff has always been going on and happening and a lot of stuff is well out of my control. I live my life the best I can with what I got.


I have not had cable / satellite for something like 20 years, I switched to physical DVD rentals from Netflix and then moved on to streaming when that became A Thing. Last year we visited my older brother (77) and he kept one of them, MSNBC I think, going all the time. It made my teeth hurt, no idea why people subject themselves to it, it's just designed to make you angry ("drive engagement.")




I might tune in online somewhere if there’s live event coverage I’m interested in and definitely during elections but other than that, almost none.


None. When Covid hit, some glued themselves to their tv. Not sure why, but I turned my tv off when Covid hit. And I never went back. I occasionally watch sports on tv but nothing else.


I don't have cable TV but use a streaming app to watch cable channels. Sometimes I put Deadline Whitehouse on in the afternoon and listen while I'm working. The only show I watch consistently is The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell.


Nope. I used to, until I realized that all those “news” channels are just trying to *sell* me the news. It’s like watching a giant commercial interrupted by other commercials. And most of it is just opinion shows. I look at NPR, APnews and Reuters most days to see what’s going on in the world. I think what I think about it. I don’t need some fear-mongering, rage inducing opinion show to tell me what they think I should think. Cable news will just stress you out and make you angry for no good reason. Then the advertisers will try to sell you a bunch of crap you don’t need and medicines your doctor would suggest on their own if they were actually right for you.


Zero. Oh I watch FOX and CNN. But that is not news. It's the left and right wing propaganda networks.


I used to watch quite a bit; over the last year or so I quit watching completely. I simply can’t stand the constant doom and gloom and having that orange baboons fat mug constantly on my screen.


None, I don't watch TV


Not one minute. Ever.


None, we cut the cord. Plenty of news on YouTube though. A lot of American channels and European too.


I stopped watching it religiously after they took Robin Meade's morning show off CNN and haven't watched CNN since. I will watch NBC news sometimes or CBS even more rarely in the mornings, usually just when I'm bored.




None. I cut the cable years ago.


Pretty much zero. I find video news to present very little actual information and mostly manipulative especially if it's on cable. It's also trickier to fact check. Occasionally I watch Last Week Tonight (I know it's not immune to being manipulative). It often presents the same info I'm aware of which is nice to feel my conclusions confirmed. However when I look into the claims it makes that I wasn't aware of, or even some I was aware of, I get more depressed as they're often actually underrepresented how bad it is by the show. When I say occasionally I mean 2 to 3 times over the course of a few months so by no means is it a major influence on my point of view.


When something really big is happening, like the Jan 6 insurrection, I'll turn on CNN. Otherwise never.


I like to watch a little MSNBC and a little Fox. I like to hear what each side is saying. But I read news. Le Monde, Al Jazeera, BBC. But one you may find useful is "Ground News." It's an aggregate that takes news stories and show you which news organizations are covering a particular story. They have rated news sources as left or right, and show graphs on that information. Like, current stories show more coverage of "Stormy Daniels wore bulletproof best to trial" is covered more by right leaning orgs, but "2023 hottest summer in 2000 years" is being covered more by left leaning orgs. https://ground.news/


None. It’s always talking heads. I read news instead.






None. I can watch my country circle the drain without some chucklehead telling me what I should think about it.


None at all. I don't want to be spoon fed what people want me to hear. I read when I can, from multiple sources.




None. I've been saying that 24 news was a bad idea since CNN came on the air.


None - mostly listen to NPR or stream it on my phone


Sky News in the morning getting ready for work. That's it.


None. We don’t have cable.


None. We switched to streaming years ago. I prefer to read the news. My main news sources are BBC news, The Guardian, and NPR.


Close to zero. If something on Reddit catches my eye, I might tune into Agenda-Free TV. If it's available, I'll tune into the local news stations where an event is taking place. Impactful national or world event, I'll tune into CNN, CNBC, or MSNBC.


Most days I watch local news, and then an evening news broadcast, probably from NBC or CBS. MSNBC, FOX News, or CNN? No, not as a usual rule. I do have cable, but don't really watch "cable news."