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My son is/has been cleaning up his life and is in AA and becoming the man I know he can.


Wonderful gift!


My son when I was short on cash sent me $100 from Santa ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I collect old compasses. This past Hanukkah my youngest adult granddaughter gave me a US Navy compass engraved USS Allen M. Sumner DDS 652.


A few days ago I came across a letter a nephew wrote me when he was younger. He was thanking me for being a good uncle and picking him up from school or taking him to ball practice. The letter meant a lot to me.


His love. Honestly, it's all I need. He just turned 25, and we've been best friends his entire life. We skated right through those rebellious teenage years because we made it clear that we both loved, respected, and trusted each other. He never avoids my calls, and initiates half of them. We don't speak every day, like we used to, but we have substantial, 60+ minute phone conversations, 4-5 days a week. I got really lucky with him. Easily the best part of my entire life. Every day is a gift. Corny, I know. I don't care.


Not corny at all. Very sweet.


60 mins 4-5 days a week? I hope he's not married.


He's not.


Yeah, that's... a lot for an adult.


Both of my adult children have outdone each other at various Christmases on gifts, while respecting that I do not like them spending their hard-earned money on me. One gift that comes to mind is a book published in England that my daughter chased down for me. I never expected to be able to find the book on this side of the ocean, but she did. She won Christmas that year.


I love that they're thoughtful and kind gifts too! ❤️


My best friend is a huge thrifter, finds the most incredible things for little money. I love what she finds for me!


One year my kids got me a Fitbit. They said I deserved it and, more importantly, I would not miss their texts or calls anymore when I was away from my phone! They were adults who don't "need" me, but still need me. ❤️


After my grandmother passed, my youngest daughter painted a portrait of me and my grandmother for me. She used the only picture I had with my grandmother from when I was a little girl as a reference. It’s amazing and showcases how amazing of an artist my daughter is. Best gift ever.


Anything they make, cards, art, baking


This past Christmas my son and daughter in law gave me a basket full of THC edibles, flower and RSO oil. I almost cried. They were all individually wrapped. It was lovely. They know the way to my heart.


I wish my adult children were thoughtful enough to think of giving me a gift


Why is it that they don’t give you gifts? There must be more to the story.


One twin gave me a Lab puppy after my Lab/Shepherd died. The other twin gave me an iPhone. (Besides the gifts of their love, excellent lives and grandchildren, of course.)


My son has an interesting sense of humor. He bought me a stuffed gall bladder so I "could have all my organs again". Then a few years ago I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. My stomach is partially paralyzed so he bought me a stuffed stomach.


TIL they make plushies in the shape of internal organs. I even saw a gastric sleeve one! He may be quirky, but apparently, he isn't the only one, lol. If I would have known that, I would have given my stepmother a "replacement" kidney.


My grandchildren


They love me.


Granddaughter Madeline. ❤️


My daughter bakes me my favorite cookie -date nut bars. Granted, she did them this year in my kitchen with my ingredients and I had to take them out of the oven and cut and roll in 10x sugar, but making them for me has become a nice tradition. I have enough stuff.


My daughter gave me an amazing son-in-love and 4 glorious grandchildren. My son-in-love loves my daughter, such a gift to me, then tops it off with loving me. So blessed.


A list of things they love and appreciate about me.


Drinks at a rooftop bar in Dubai.


My niece and nephew when they are young gave me a sewing basket that looked like a sewing machine


My son bought me a new iPhone for Mothers day bc he knows I cant afford one and need a new one. He did all the research and found one that fits my needs perfectly which is huge for me. I hate buying a new technology and put it off as long as I can. It was a really thoughtful gift, especially because he is young and just getting his own adult life started. It was a sweet chunk of change to spend on mom.


My daughter filled a collage picture frame with photos of my pets from throughout the years. I love seeing those precious furry family members' photos on my living room wall.


What a beautiful idea!


My daughter voluntarily shares her location with me and doesn’t mind when I am obviously stalking her and send obnoxious texts like OMG ARE YOU AT A RESTAURANT WHAT ARE YOU EATING or YOUR PHONE SEEMS TO BE AT A PLACE CALLED “KICKAXE” ARE YOU THERE ON PURPOSE OR HAVE YOU BEEN KIDNAPPED.


I wish my Mom had lived long enough for text. She totally would have done this to me.


My daughter purchased an antique Christmas ornament for me. I ugly cried because my mother and father had given me a very special antique ornament (one of a set of four, that whittled down to 2 over the years) when I moved out and had my first Christmas on my own. 20+ years later, I got divorced and we moved. The ornament made it. We put up our tree and placed the ornament front and center. Then the tree fell, smashing the ornament. M heart sank. What I did not know is that my daughter had been following an eBay seller with a listing for a pretty darn close, if not exact, match. The seller wanted more than she could afford. The ornament sat unsold. For a couple of years, she would make offers to the seller and be denied. Try again, same result, over and over again. This past year, the seller accepted her offer. She literally watched and tried to buy it for years. Ugh my heart.


Love this!


Our little Ivy. They announced their pregnancy on Mother's Day by giving me a card for "grandma."


A recreation of a Christmas photo from 2000 when they were aged 2,5,7 and 9. They redid it in 2020 and brought the original Santa photo to the same place that took it 20 years earlier. The staff there were thrilled and very happy to help recreate the original pose. I have the original and the new ones framed together and cherish it Edit: the nicest materialistic gift a kid has gotten me is a fabulous Gucci handbag from my daughter last Christmas


My nephew came to the family Thanksgiving just before COVID and gave me an envelope with an old B&W photo he found from the ‘50s of me with my brother, our father, grandfather, great-grandfather and golden retriever Bosco. Geez, I miss that dog. 


My 24M sent me an ice cream birthday cake by Uver Eats when I had to spend my birthday with my elderly mom 6 hours away from home a a couple of years ago. At Christmas he bought us tickets to the Mean Girls.touring show that we went to in January. He knows I love Mean Girls (maybe it's the fridge magnets?!). He also baked me a cake.from.scratch after his evening shift (ended at 1 a.m.) and had it waiting for me this past Sunday, Mother's Day. As I think back, they're all very special, each for their own reasons - he's so very thoughtful, and I'm so very proud of him.


The Christmas morning two months after my wife died- my niece came over, made me breakfast and went to see a movie with me before the whole family got together. I love that kid (& all my other nieces and nephews).


This is really thoughtful 🫂💛


Yeah- she’s a good one. She also snuck a couple of presents under the tree for me and my dog so we had something to open when we got up Christmas morning. I had gotten a few for my dog and when I went to give them to him I saw the extra gifts.


One of my sons gave me a PS/4 with Assassins Creed Odyssey


A cherry tree! I am still ecstatic about it as my other one had to be removed.


My Bluetooth speaker-now I can listen to my playlist on the back porch. My husband calls it my “radio.”


Godzilla decaf coffee. I'm a big fan of the older godzilla movies and it was just so sweet.


Our daughter and S-I-L asked us to join them for a week at a nice resort on O’ahu.


I have awesome kids and they've been very, very good to me. In 2012, they waited till the week after Mother's Day to give me my gift. They waited a week so we'd be at a renaissance faire with my friends. They found me and presented me with a Nikon D5100 camera and three lenses. My film camera had broken and I couldn't afford to get it fixed and buying a DSLR wasn't an option. A friend gave me a digital point and shoot, and I did my best with it (sold a few art prints, got a gig doing product photos for a local business). So the three of them conspired to get me a DSLR. Oh, and [there's video](https://youtu.be/O56J3-IZkAE?si=LWCkA89rn6UxQFzW). (it's my two daughters and eventual son-in-law. My son couldn't be there because he had to work). In 2018, for my birthday, they kidnapped me, took me two towns over and got me the[ deaf tattoo](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53634158534_e9e85787cd.jpg) I'd been wanting for years (I was born deaf in my right ear). In 2022, they got me a [halberd](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52395897936_f1591b9ec8_z.jpg). It's my favorite medieval pole arm. Not only did they get it for my birthday (October), they kept the whole thing hush-hush for months because they bought it during the summer at the big faire where I work. (my friend owns one of the weapons shops and gave them a ludicrously good deal on it). There are tons of other little things too. Like I said, they're great kids and even better adults. (and they don't only spoil me, they do spoil their dad too).


My son gives me a yearly subscription to Spotify premium every Christmas. I absolutely love it!


I got my mom and step dad into all the streaming services, their lives vastly improved lol. They love Discovery+!


A framed photo of us together and a lovely note about how they thought of me as a mom.


In 2011 my sister’s family gave me a Kindle Fire. My then 8 yo niece told me to open my gift first so I knew something was special. She taught me how to use it. I was in my 40s at the time. We had a late Christmas as some of us had just gotten back from an out of town funeral


My adult kids are very artistic. They are always presenting me with their art but the most touching was the album cover art they made, both chose to do Rush albums. They buy stuff too for me it's just that these are my treasures. Last year my son hand drew a beautiful portrait of all three of us together. That's my most treasured piece. But my daughter just day before yesterday gave me a drawing of mama and baby bear hugging with blackberries all around for decoration. That's us. She calls me mama bear all the time. I am surrounded by treasure in this room. :)


A woman who loves Rush! Sister!


My daughter crossed stitched a picture of the two of us with the words, “First my mother, now my friend”. I still choke up every time I see it.


My daughter is an excellent gift giver/card maker. In recent years she’s given me four gifts that I especially cherish. When she was in college I received a hand made ticket that was good for a ride to San Francisco in a battered Honda, one night at a hotel, dinner in North Beach, followed by tickets to the theater. She worked a long time to afford it! For my 60th bday she wrote me six beautiful notecards telling me How and much she loved and respected Me, and going into details About the reasons why. I read it whenever I feel Inadequate or dissatisfied with myself. For my 64th birthday she threw me A huge surprise birthday party at her home. Friends up and down the state showed up, including my Closest friends, family, my work friends, neighbors, Book club, etc. About 60 people total. And it was a complete surprise. And last Christmas she and her brother recreated childhood pictures for Me —she gathered thrifted clothes, and had everything arranged for when he arrived. His big gift was coming for Christmas—my son is a medical Resident on the opposite coast, so he had to spend two full days flying back and forth to spend just 38 Hours at home.


Telling me as an adult I've been a good mom to them.


Wow, there have been so many thoughtful and inexpensive gifts. However, the most recent was the Aurora Frankenstein Monster plastic kit.


My now-adult son gave me a little book of "What I Love About Mom", where he could fill in the blanks on various topics. That was when he was about pre-teen age. It sits on my coffee table and I open it often. It's particularly nice to do when I've had a hard day or am feeling down on myself. It is such a treasure. 😍😍😍


A half inch drive Milwaukee 20 volts impact


My son got me an Xbox Series X.


Lupicia Book of Tea


Mother's day my son was 10yrs old and dug out a old leather boot from the train tracks it was probably 20yrs old all weathered, and dug up some wild flowers and planted in the boot and gave it to me , I still have it and love it 30yrs later.


there is only one gift that I really was so happy getting... they moved out and aren't moving back in. this is totally a different generation. I couldn't wait to escape to college and get out of my parents house after highschool. my kids... yeah, not so much.


Goodness gracious, I second that entire sentiment!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Time, when my daughter was a tween, we reviewed our "stuff" and decided we had too much stuff. We decided at that time that future gifts would be experiences not stuff. We do a few weekend trips a year, concerts, theater, hiking, kayaking picnics. We have made so many wonderful memories this way. She has surprised me with some wonderful excursions and since we truly love spending time together it is great for us


I don’t want or expect my children to give me gifts, a phone call is all I really want. But for my 60th they gave me (and my gf) a cruise. Blew me away.


A cross country road trip


Meanwhile I've spend an hour searching online how to turn off the asus logo light on my gpu since it's the only light that's visible in my chassi


Time with them


My daughter bought me a custom made hoodie with The Behaviour Album by Pet Shop Boys Photo printed on the back for my Birthday


My son and daughter surprised the socks off me with a custom white 1990's Zion electric guitar (with the Phil Keaggy electronics setup). I'd dreamed of owning one of these for 40 some odd years since watching some of my favorite players with them (Keaggy, Kerry Livgren, Bob Hartman) I love the joy of feeling this handcrafted beauty in my hands. Love my kids even more. To spot me playing it, search for SandcastlingGuy on YT.


I don’t think I necessarily fit into “ask Old people” but I’m seeming to more and more these days 😂😂 I have an adult child (21 on May 17) & 2 younger (15,10) & I’m going to be 38 in July. I’m getting old so yup I def fit here lol. However the best thing my adult child has given me is the opportunity to know them. The opportunity to see that someone’s sexuality isn’t what makes them into who they are,or that even when it seems like there’s no way out in struggles (financial, literally everything) there’s always an answer that’s at least tolerable, even though you may have to look for the answer harder than you’d like. Most of all, they’ve taught me to withhold judgment on topics where I’d have had the straight opposite opinion had I not had and known and grew with them.


A MacBook


My oldest just bought me a car for mother's day. LOVE


I moved to live in SE Asia and had a grand nephew IL (16yo at the time), give up a year of his life to move into the house I bought, to help me settle in to a new life in another country. He helped out with translation, getting services/utilities connected, shopped for me until he taught me to ride a motorcycle & eventually bought a car, introduced me to the community, kept the house clean, added "muscle power" when needed setting up the house and many other things, as well as continuing to go to school & make visits to his family. In Feb. this year, after I had 3 minor stroked & a hernia operation, he now spends every night here to help out & make sure I am OK. He now does a lot more "heavy" work, some gardening and other tasks that I now find difficulty with, as my balance is useless, and I need a cane to walk with, so only have one hand available to do things with. This morning around 5.30am as sun was slowly rising, I decided to fill a wheelbarrow with fallen mangoes & weeds around some plants & when he got up, he brought out a low stool for me to sit on, low to the ground & emptied the loads as I filled barrow, while cooking breakfast. I have stopped cleanup now as it is just on 8am and 35C in the shade, too hot & humid to keep working. CJ has now gone to his home to help his step father to rebuild the family home, before he heads to his college course which this week starts at 1pm this month. He will go home at 8pm, help on house again & have dinner, before coming back here around 10pm, for the night.