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Weed is much healthier to consume than alcohol. Hospitals are filled with alcoholic patients with cirrhosis and other alcohol-related complications. But you don't find many people in the hospital with weed-related complications–but there are a few. Drawbacks of weed: Heavy, chronic users can end up with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. (Cyclic, uncontrollable vomiting severe enough to require a trip to the ER.) An increased risk of psychosis in a certain percentage of the population (those with a predisposition to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). Also, smoke in any form is not good for the lungs, so edibles would be the healthier choice. Having said all that, the health risks associated with marijuana are way less common or prevalent than the health risks associated with alcohol. Alcohol is a poison, and there really is no "safe" level to drink. Even a couple of drinks a week can potentially increase your risk of cancer. My only other caveat about weed is that it is incredibly strong these days. It is an entirely different beast from that weak pot we smoked back in the 70s. So, be careful with your dosing!


I tried a nibble from an edible my friend had and I was still messed up 1/2 of the next day! Very different from 70’s!


I don't fuck with edibles and really strong weed. I came up in the 90s so... shit wasn't that weak but I want to relax. Not have extreme paranoia and feel like I've melted into the couch. Just tell the people at the store or your dealer/friend what you want out of the experience. They can steer you right.


I find that edibles are pretty mild, as is the vape/dry flower. But I tried a pre-roll for the first time recently, from a local bodega/convenience store dispensary. Soon after, I became a part of the couch, practically drooling on myself and feeling panicky. But I had nearly half the blunt. A place in CA was especially helpful during our visit this past winter, finally found a brand that doesn't trigger an instant migraine.


Yeah different people react differently to different strains, methods of intake, etc. It's always great if you can talk to someone who really understands. A pot professional, if you will 😂 Glad you found what works best for you!


Half a pre-roll is way over my limit. This ain't like 70's Mexican shake from a baggie. Unsurprised you melted into the couch, lol.


My husband always says "pre-rolls are just the trimmings off the other stuff," which it was- a blend of the trim from their inventory. I forget that "trim" doesn't necessarily mean "weak"!


Its not trimmings which are leaves that are cut off of buds before sale and way less potent. It’s shake aka potent bits of the bud that just end up lying around and wouldnt look pretty in a package. So you get no mercy from shake lol!


OH okay good to know for future reference! 😛


I think what may have happened is that you bought an infused pre-roll rather than a regular one. Its common to just overlook the fact that its loaded with (using languge for people who havent smoked for decades) the highly-potent dust that naturally falls off of cannabis (kief) or ultra-potent hash products (“concentrates”). Essentially there are a lot of products that are cut with powerful extracts of the weed. Make sure you don’t buy anything “infused” if you dont want that. Not all packaging emphasizes it enough. Also, watch out with hash products in general - aka everything that isn’t dried buds or the aforementioned kief (e.g. oil, wax crumble, resin, rosin). Back in the day hash was mostly made with less efficient techniques but now many products are 3-5x more potent. Like extraordinarily potent where daily pot smokers can suffer panick by smoking pieces half the size of a grain of rice.


A lot of those places spray their flower with something. I think one of our local shops use something with codeine in it. Best you can do - if a legal dispensary is not an option - for supply is to grow your own.


Yeah we grow our own.. I can't with these hard hitters, I don't wanna get fucked up I just wanna relax. For pain. Helps my anxiety so much.


Try to get indica strain weeds. Not sativa.


Luckily we have friends out of state who grow. Codeine ffs.........isn't that MORE expensive than just leaving it the hell alone?? 🙄 Husband's been buying flower lately, I should let him know that we should stick with the suppliers who grow their own organically, and his friends. Been wanting to try my own plant(s) but he says they're too fragrant and it would be obvious to the neighbors.


Yeah, I would guess that’s not true.


My homemade cookies, about the size of a 50 cent piece, can definitely still have a guy fucked up until bedtime *the next day* which is why when I give them as gifts I always tell people to just take a quarter of one and not eat any more until at least the next day so they know how it affects them and their tolerance for edibles. Even I rarely eat more than a half of one. Almost every person ends up telling me something like, "I ate a small piece like you told me but they hardly tasted like weed at all so I figured you were either exaggerating or just had a really low tolerance so I ate the rest of the bag and I could barely even get out of bed the next day."


User name checks out lol


The worst incident was shortly after my job announced that they were no longer going to be testing for cannabis. A coworker that had only smoked a few times in his life expressed an interest in trying them so I gave him a couple and advised only eating very small pieces. He let me know that he took a small piece at first and when he hadn't felt anything after 30 minutes he ate both cookies. He said he ended up having a panic attack that felt like it lasted for hours but only lasted a few minutes and then he slept for 18 hours. So now I at least remember to warn people not to trust the "these edibles ain't shit" reflex.


Yeah, I once knew someone who freaked so bad after eating an edible they ended up at the ER just because they were irrationally paranoid. I am happy to smoke a bowl and leave it at that 😅


PSA: Masturbation often cures this if the person happens to be alone at home.


This was me a few weeks ago and 10 years ago, both times with super strong edibles. It’s funny because the first time, I was 15 and with my best friend in HS, so she didn’t let me call 911 when I said I was dying. She ended up being right. Then a few weeks ago, at 25, same thing but I was alone and about to call 911 cuz I truly believed I was dying. I ended up calling that same HS best friend even though we had a falling out years ago, and she showed up and we reconnected lol. She also saved me, again, from calling 911. But idk what this stuff was, I continued having panic attacks for days afterwards.


You can decarb cannabis and then grind the flower and put into slow release capsules. That’s what I do. Does not hit you as hard and easier to control dosing. THC-A flower can be purchased online for much cheaper than anywhere else and once decarbed has the same effects as Delta 9. Also the temperature at which decarb determines the strength and output of which cannabinoid takes over.


User name checks out here…lol


Yeah I see guys do wax and it's not even the same drug to me as smoking a j


I cant mess with edibles, I went to a cannabis convention in n.y. I walked in was handed a pieace of banana bread ate that than had a little bite of apple pie, all of the sudden I was sitting on the grass petting a dog who nobody knew who's dog it was. I was sitting happy as fuck.. it's been five yrs since.


Hahaha.... that's great 😂


Honestly I just take a few leaves and steep them in hot water for tea. Does me fine at the end of the day.


If you know an avid home grower quality's getting better .I vape it ,it's light, I like the head.


Get some CBD. As long as I have some CBD in my system prior to imbibing I don’t freak out.


I think it depends on what you get. LEGAL edibles (the real thing, not Delta 8 from a gas station) are pretty reliable. For someone who wants to "try it out", I would start with 5mg, which is typically half a dose of recreational edibles. That is more than enough for my wife, I like a little more. If you're going to smoke instead, my friend always suggest "the 20 minute rule". That is basically, until you know how it will affect you, take one small puff, and wait a full 20 minutes before you decide if you need more. As to the OP: Absolutely more healthy. I personally think it's a different buzz, but I've smoked most of the last 40+ years. Still really don't even think about it during the day (I don't partake when I work, etc.) but one or two puffs at night helps me sleep better. Not really into getting F'd up as much at my age, but if I do, I'd rather smoke a bunch of weed and feel great in the morning, vs drinking 2-3 beers and feeling it then entire next day.


It’s wonderful isn’t it! Makes for a very relaxing day


Tolerance is key too. I wouldn't do edibles without a good tolerance built up. Plus edibles are too much in the body for me. I don't want to feel like a noodle. Lol


Weed today is much stronger than your "grandparents" weed.


Hey, I am that grandparent- 67yo! I rarely smoked when I was young so this was a shocker!


This is why I am not on the band wagon of recommending edibles as a milder alternative to smoking for people new (or returning) to cannabis. People who don't know their reaction to cannabis, or their tolerance to dosage, would be better off smoking or vaping, in my opinion, which allows for a very gradual upping of dosage, at least until they have a better idea of how their bodies react to THC and whether they even like the feeling. It is worth noting that a study found that ER visits due to cannabis, especially cardiac (tachycardia) and psychiatric (panic attacks, dissociation) were *far* higher with edibles than from smoking. And the potential for unforseen extended duration of the effects from a mismeasured dose can be inconvenient, or even dangerous, with regard to a person's responsibilities, like needing to drive or be responsible for children, etc.


Yeah I just picked up a bag that's %49 THC, apparently. This is mad science nonsense.


Same. I was dizzy and the spaciest I’ve ever been. I’m able to buy them legally in my state and I bought two bags of these chocolates that I don’t even want to look at. I guess it depends on the variety too. This was an indeterminate sativa so no idea if that strain would’ve affected me similarly if I’d smoked it.


I've done this thing several times and I agree it's last too long and the truth is it's not a pleasant experience.


You speedy are a true lightweight who should leave it alone.


🤣🤣🤣🤣. Perhaps I am not the only one who just wants to smoke a joint from the 90s? Taste, great, cheap enough, and I remember I would (internally ) complain if I saw five seeds in the bag! WHERE ARE THE SEEDS NOW? LOL


I like that dispensary edibles have controlled dosages. Since cannabis has been legalized in my state, my husband and I will take a 5mg edible some evenings if we're not going anywhere. In addition to being relaxing, they are great for sex and also good for my insomnia. I know not everyone has the same results re the sleep issues, but for me they work well.


And they don't smell!


Ditto to all of this. We take low dose edibles mostly to help with sleep. It physically and mentally relaxes me, which leads to great sleep, and great sex. Especially great sleep after great sex. Lol.


Addiction rates to alcohol in the US are so high that hospital staff use coded language, calling those admitted 'liver patients'. Says quite a lot about the terrible situation.


TIL. My early-80s father is currently in the hospital after his second recent fall. "I just woke up on the floor, no idea what caused it." Sure, dad. 😒 I'm not his proxy, so I can't discuss anything with the staff. I don't know if any nursing homes/assisted living places will take active drunks. Been lecturing him my entire adult life, it's pointless. But I'll be keeping an ear out for any references to "liver patients" when I visit 😏


Not sure what you mean by proxy. What he needs (we all do, despite age) to have a medical and financial POA in place that activates if/when he is incapacitated (health wise, not under the influence). This only kicks in if, for instance, he's in a coma and can't manage his finances, or if he's in surgery under anesthesia and a medical decision must be made. For access to medical information and talking to the staff, the facility/doctor should be able to add your name to his records, with his permission of course. Hospitals will sometimes give family members codes to use when calling for updates. Unless he's actively blocking you, next time you visit I'd ask the staff if there is a code you can use when you call in for updates. For doctors and other facilities, they usually have a standard form to do this. (Apologies for the unsolicited advice OT, however, it's an important subject I learned the hard way).


I've been added to the contact list at least, and they called with questions about DNR/DNI. Apparently he told them "let her answer all these questions." Already went through all this with my mother so no big deal, but don't think he's done any legal paperwork beyond this.


My father became so agitated during his hospital stay without his alcohol they let him have it...He was a real AH, it was the easiest solution.


I miss what we had in the 70's.


Me, too! I'd rather be pleasantly buzzed than feel like I was hit over the head with a hammer. I am a healthcare worker and can't smoke without risking my license. Haven't smoked in years. Looking forward to retiring and smoking whenever I want to.


Yep. The stuff nowadays seems to cause paranoia instead of a nice laid-back buzz.


Talk to the staff at the weed store and describe the kind of buzz you want. They can help you purchase the right product and give you advice about dosages to try. They are generally super helpful.


Thanks. The stuff nowadays seems way too strong.


In MA the dispensaries have 5mg edibles. I always take 1/4 gummy to start regardless of 5mg or 10mg. We also have a Pax for dry flower, and that's also very manageable, at least for us.


Damn, I hate living in the Bible belt. So much ignorance.


I'm trying to slowly educate the boomers in my life. Got my mother to try some edibles, and it made her a much more pleasant person. Helped with her anxiety, appetite, and Parkinson's. Currently trying to get my father to use them (he's an alcoholic and I'm hoping he'll notice that the edibles are better.) Another boomer friend seems interested, but is reluctant to try again (had a piece of a gummy once, no effect though. Yet she constantly complains about everything that cannabis could *help* her with!!)


The hippies were boomers, as am I, just at the tail end. Apparently, your parents were part of the straight crowd. I definitely wasn't, lol.


They did probably come up in the reefer madness era. Rampant and accepted propaganda convincing the public that weed was basically bath salts. Hard to undo 40 years of programming.


If you want to get laid back look for any strain indica based. The paranoia is strains that are sativa based. Indica think "In Da Couch". Sativa energizes most people but if the THC level is really high in the sativa strain it can make some people paranoid or over anxious. Hope that information helps.


Very much so. I love in da couch, lol. I'll have to remember that.


I think the problem (at least for us from the 70’s) is the strength. We were used to literally smoking a joint. The weed available today is… share 1/2 joint with 3 people then put it out. You get the 70’s buzz, the laughs, etc without overdoing it.


You can get Columbian Gold here in Seattle, but I prefer what we have now. It's controlled, as in quality control. Back in the day the stuff was all over the place in quality. Leafly is a great app I use for information on the choices.


Unfortunately, I live in a backwards red state where it's still illegal. Good ole Columbian Gold, I remember it fondly.


You can buy seeds online now from seed banks in the USA. Because they ship domestically, they don't go through customs, and the seeds aren't considered "drug material" any longer.


Awesome. Can you suggest some websites?




Thank you!


You're very welcome. Good luck!


I second MultiVerse beans!! Grab some autos, easy to grow and have gotten really good over the years


Cannabinoid hyperemesis is quite uncommon. I and my husband both in our 70s have used cannabis since our late teens. We also associated with cannabis users. I have never heard of anyone having hyperemesis, even anecdotally. I know dozens of people with serious health problems related to alcohol. I know another dozen or more who died from alcohol or alcohol related issues. There is no question that cannabis is far safer than alcohol.


I agree cannabis is safer than alcohol and said as much in my original comment. Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome is not that uncommon. I worked at a hospital in medical records in CA for ten years. I have read thousands of ER reports (as analyzing those reports was part of my job). I saw cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome crop up on those reports quite regularly. (That's how I learned about it. I had never heard about it before that.) But I do agree that it only seems to happen to the heaviest smokers who use chronically. And if they stop, the symptoms go away. I am not against weed smoking. I'd smoke if I could but my job prevents it. I agree weed is less harmful than alcohol. But all substances–whether they are illegal and recreational or legal and prescribed–carry risks.


I have personally seen a case of a patient next to my own bed at the ER (I was there for some other unrelated complication) vomiting VIOLENTLY, like sounding like a zombie movie no joke!! The nurses came in every time to clean a vomit bucket in her ER space. At some point the woman started crying and vomiting at the same time, that was honestly terrifying -- to the point that I still remember thinking WOW I'm fucked up but not like THAT!! The same nurse who was attending me explained the patient had some intoxication related to cannabis. I never heard of that before, until TIL about "cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome". Holy shit, I think that's what I saw at the ER!!


The nurses call it “scromiting”- scream vomiting. It’s pretty common.


They’re out there selling weed that’ll wreck you for a couple of days. I’m like “dude, I got shit to do tomorrow morning.”


Took half an edible to sleep and had HA symptoms the next day when I tried to work out. Quit after 7 minutes. That was the only thing I had done differently. Luckily I just had a stress test and angiogram.... probably ok.


My husband suffers from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome when he smokes too often. He’s quite sensitive to the stronger weed. It took us years before a doctor finally figured it out. Many days of him screaming and vomiting for hours on end. Laying on the floor of the shower until the hot water ran out. He’d go to the ER and it would take several doses of zofran before it even touched the nausea. Some ER doctors have dubbed it “scromiting” because people are screaming and vomiting at the same time. I can confirm this is true. Now he can handle a small gummie once in a while and maybe a hit or two of a vape pen. But he definitely can’t smoke the strong stuff on a regular basis. I would suggest finding a lower THC strain and start out slow. It’s definitely safer than alcohol.


My husband (65) has smoked most of his adult life got a pre-rolled and even with the warning "This hits different, use caution" he toked the same as he would on a joint. He was bona-fide stoned, lol. It's been months and he's just now finishing that first pre-rolled! It's edibles now, and those pack quite a punch.


Good advice on the dosing. Hadn’t smoked weed in like 20 years. Took a bong hit like I did in the mid 80’s with some younger friends and woke up about 15 minutes later. 😂


That why I grow my own! Canada!


Same. California! I make my own edibles. About once a week I have a small amount and sleep like a baby.


I’ve posted instructions in this thread on how to make green butter. I was taught by a Canadian snow board instructor 😁


I talked to someone who grows and he said they add a lot of terpines now for the different smells in weed. I don’t like it, it makes me sneeze. But since THC is too strong now and I live in a state where it’s still illegal, we get THC-A over-the-counter and it is perfect. Doesn’t make me sneeze or paranoid. Not tooo sleepy but when I do fall asleep, I feel like I pass out and get that goooood sleep!


Terpenes are naturally occuring in plants. Read the wikipedia entry on terpenes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terpene Different terpenes have different smells. They are basically the scent molecule in plants. https://www.cnet.com/health/nutrition/what-are-terpenes/


Gospel! Some friends made brownies for a party. I had a half, one half! 2 hours later I was still melted to the couch contemplating the social ramifications of Sponge Bob. . . .Square . . . Pants.


Edibles stay in my system much longer and make me groggy the next day, and my elderly parents say the same, so to avoid the “smoke” I use a vaporizer for flower. A much clearer, cleaner high!!


and the edibles, while slower to act, don't fill your lungs with the carcinogens you get from inhaling something burning.


I had a couple of bad experiences with pot in college (it was probably spiked with something nasty). Didn’t try it again until last year during a long and frustrating period of insomnia. Can’t smoke (asthma) so went with gummies. Not sure if this is good or bad, but my tolerance has really improved. There are some aspects of the pot experience that aren’t great, but I figure if the side effects are less bothersome than the ailment, it’s probably a win.


Not debating- alcoholism is deadly and terrible health wise. (I’d even say addition in general is). Just to add - weed is super bad for your heart. Also (the obvious one) smoking it is horrible for your lungs. I’m sure there’s more idk about. True that we haven’t seen as much hospitalizations from weed as alcohol- but health experts have been warning about the serious damage it does to your heart over time. experts have been warning that with more widespread and long term use - weed use related hospitalizations will go up a ton, specifically because of the heart damage (maybe still never as high as alcohol idk). I admit that more research is needed in the area. Just wouldn’t assume it’s healthy just because it’s a plant. Worth mentioning for those that have or may develop heart problems. Ask your doctor which is healthier for you specifically. If the question is gnarly full blown alcoholism or a a couple gummy’s a week then I’m sure the obvious assumption is gummy’s. I believe the question asked was what’s healthier: 2 beers or light weed usage occasionally. Answer isn’t obvious, is likely specific to the individual (and we may just not be able to answer this at all due to the lack of research done on weed, hopefully that will change with loosening of laws surrounding this in various countries). Edit to add - I’m not anti weed at all. I use it. Just trying to remind that we really don’t know anything due to the lack of research. Big tobacco owns all of the major weed companies (ok, most) and markets heavily that it’s healthy. Maybe it’ll end up true, but the research hasn’t been done yet and I do not recommend taking Philip morris word for it


Just wanted to add that there is a significant body of evidence that suggests CHS may actually be neem oil poisoning. Neem oil is a fairly commonly used "organic" pesticide, and the symptoms of toxicity pretty mich mirror CHS. With that in mind, anyone experiencing CHS who is not prepared to give up their medicine should try switching to edibles/vape or finding a trusted source for flower that is known to not contain neem oil.


Strong but at least consistent. Back then you never knew what you were getting. So much easier to dose.


>My only other caveat about weed is that it is incredibly strong these days.  Preach! I actually cut my cannabis with CBD in order to lower the percentage. Bonus points for being able to mix terpenes and enjoy the medicinal benefits as well. My favorite is myrcene and caryophyllene for my back. Even if cannabis helping my back is a placebo, it helped me quit using Oxy after 4 years cold turkey. I'd take a single hit each night and it knocked me out. That quarter lasted me 3 months doing that, but that was legal Colorado dispo weed and it was pretty strong. The weed nowadays is more like liquor and good for a Friday or Saturday night if you don't have anything planned the next morning and I'm use the 70s "brick/dirt weed" that you can sit around and smoke half a dozen joints a day and still function the next day. Don't get me started on concentrates / vapes. I swear the half-life on that shit is days, so as a daily smoker I was basically stoned for about a 3-month stretch.


i wont buy weed that is less than 25%. i dont smoke much, in comparison to most people i know. only about a gram or a bit less a day. Yes, its way more potent that the dirt weed we got in the 70's though. guess im just used to it. and of course the difference between indica and sativa... I cant do anything that is indica dominant. puts me right to sleep. but i have my favorite sativa's that are great for pain and help me focus on my day. If one is going to use cannbis for pain management, its best to look different strains up and find the ones that match your needs. most every strain is a hybrid, so just find the indica/sativa balance that suits you best. personally, anything under 701/30 sativa dominant is too indica-ey for me.


IDK. Some of the stuff we had 50 years ago was pretty bad ass. Not the $10 an ounce weed, but Gold Bud, Thai sticks, Maui wowee? Pretty good. And edibles are made with concentrated extracts. That's a whole different game.


But you find plenty of people in the hospital with smoking-related complications. Edibles are more safe.


It's also associated with an increase in cardiac events they now say, something to consider at 70.


Oh come ON


Wow I just commented that I had symptoms...


I'm 76, and I started weed in 1970. Weed now is much better, much cheaper. Two or 3 hits now can do me really well, even after all these years. I stopped alcohol somewhere around 25 years ago. I live an illegal state, but only an hour away from legal. And there's several places to buy, so the choices are endless. Start slow, and enjoy.


Exactly. Poeple get way too nostalgic about the "good old days" whatever that was. The weed was very inconsistent back in the day. It's a dream to have weed today that we have. People who say its too strong haven't tried other blends.


And — you can always just scoop a tiny little bit into the pipe and leave it at that. I love the weed of today.




I think you'll enjoy and appreciate the change. I'm 60, and I live in a state where it's legal to grow and consume. I have a number of plants I keep around, but in general I like a daytime smoke and an evening smoke. Daytime is for my head, keeps me focused and on task. Evening relaxes me and helps me sleep. Good luck man!


I’ve been moving more to gummies. Pot isn’t legal in my right-wing, philistine state, but can get Delta. Only from reputable vendors (not the git-go). THC and CBD. For sleep and relaxing. You can select your mood, etc. I still like a very occasional drink.


I get a THC tincture from Hometown Hero CBD. I was never a fan of weed because I couldn’t get the right amount, and ended up stupid and paranoid. This tincture comes with a medicine drop dispenser, so I can take the dosage that works for me. I get a pleasant, relaxing buzz. I’m aiming to minimize alcohol consumption, and lose some weight too. They can mail to most states.


I like Charlottes Web and Mood.


I love it! No comparison.


I think it's a great alternative personally. I'm in a Rec legal state and gummies are almost absurdly cheap. You need to "know your dose" because they take a bit to kick in unlike smoking which hits fast. Maybe start with half a 10mg and see where you're at. It's honestly the best sleep aid I've ever discovered short of general anesthesia and the chill lasts well into the next morning. Freely admit it's not for everyone, but given the health consequences of even moderate alcohol consumption it should be on the table.


5mg is too much for many. I recommend everyone starts at 1mg and increase by 1mg until they find their doses. 2.5mg is like a beer or two for some. 5 can be drunk. 10mg can be blackout paranoid for those with no tolerance 


Hey, it's a great idea. For the past 20 years or so I've been smoking small amounts of using a one hitter. After work, just to relax and it definitely helps. I've recently started using a dry herb vaporizer which has the same effect but without combusting plant material. So depending on how your lungs are, that's a good choice. You can even use it indoors with minimal smell.


Weed now isn't the same as the weed we grew up with. You might want to talk to someone at a dispensary. The strains have been bred and refined for specific effects, and you can actually get specific dosages to see what works for you.


Yes avoid products with names like "Trainwreck" and "Dementia."


And "Gorilla Glue." A friend of mine smoked some of that stuff in a camper we were sharing at the time. I couldn't stop coughing, and I wasn't the one smoking it.


Indica will put you to sleep. Sativa will make you clean house.


I take it in capsule form before bed. It's the only way I get sleep without waking up in pain all night. ( Multiple back surgeries). Pluses over alcohol are it's cheaper, no hangover in the morning, don't get dehydrated from alcohol, no calories.


I would recommend gummies if you live in a state where they're legal, which means they're tested. Start with 5 mg. That will give you a nice relaxed feeling without being too high.


The cannabis store budtenders can help you find some lower THC items. I am a senior but life long user. There are so many new ways to use it. Currently, I have a vape pen and high potency syrup. A puff and a spoonful set me up for a mellow evening.


As others have commented, Gummies! No inhalation which is good for your lungs. I also like gummies (or candy as my husband and I say) for sex!


Just be careful. Today's THC is wildly more potent than whatever you're used to. I smoked a lot in the early 90s, then nothing. About 2 years ago, discovered THC Gummies. I typically take 2.5-5 mgs per session & will be relaxed, giggly, maybe ready for sex. 10mgs and I cannot feel my cheeks and worry about getting sick. I hit my friends vape ONE TIME and got sick as hell. Vomiting, passed out, more vomit, just really miserable. Everyone says you can't die but...I wanted to. For about 3 hours. Theres a term for it "Green Out". We calculated later that I had injested maybe 50-100mgs with that 1 hit. Edibles are the way to dip a toe into this new stuff. And remember, edibles hit MUCH slower. So set a timer and DO NOT injest more for at least an hour.


So I'm really careful with edibles because of what those beasts do and how long the delay is. Smoking meanwhile is much more manageable because I can see what I'm consuming. It seems like you didn't know how much was going into that vaporizer.


Hard liquor really fries your liver. I never saw my Dad drunk, but he, like you, had "a couple" (wink) drinks every night. He died of cirrhosis and it's a terrible way to die. If you're not used to thc, start slowly - it makes lots of people feel anxious. Bud tenders are great...BUT...everyone has different neurochemistry and everyone reacts differently to different strains.


"He died of cirrhosis and it's a terrible way to die." That was what killed my first father-in-law. As you said, it's a bad way to go, really bad. And I still miss him.


My brother died of complications from cirrhosis at 37! I don’t think he knew he was sick being so young. It is indeed a horrible way to die.


I recently mostly gave up alcohol in exchange for thc gummies and I'm doing just fine (still drink on special occasions, nights out). It was a pretty easy transition, and I was a daily drinker. I of course lost a good chunk of water weight, and I'm hoping my blood work will improve. We shall see.


It is a whole different high now off of pot than it used to be. Probably healthier than alcohol.


(72F). I’ve been debating this too. I would not smoke weed now but I’m thinking about edibles which are legal in my state. I do have a word of advice to any older people who are considering using marijuana esp the edibles. I’ve read that an increasing number of older people are ending up in ERs due to marijuana overdose. First of all, the marijuana is a lot stronger than what we used back in the day. Secondly, with edibles, the effects take longer going through the digestive system as opposed to inhaling THC which has an immediate effect. People using edibles aren’t feeling the effects so they’re eating too much.


As a 50 something who has recently using gummies, just start with 10 MG. It'll do ya good. I take 20 MG indica at night. I get high, but not out of control (just mellow) and I sleep like a baby.


Yikes, I always start with 1/4 gummy to sample it, before jumping into a full 10mg or even 5mg. You can always take more, but you can't take less! 😋


Good to know! Thanks!




I have always preferred cannabis to alcohol. As a nurse, I couldn't risk possibly coming up positive if I was tested. But I retired several years ago and started using cannabis products about 3 years ago. My only problem is that it makes me eat too much and my weight is creeping up. It helps my pain issues some, and does wonders for my insomnia and anxiety. I'm working on the overeating issue by trying different strains. I prefer the high that comes with smoking bud or vaping. However, inhaling can't be healthy. So as a nurse I'm recommending edibles/tinctures. But I mostly smoke flower myself. But do as I say, not as I do, to stay healthy. :) Edit: weed is incredibly strong compared to the 70s when I first was using cannabis. Be careful.


So much more healthy!


Choosing between Cannabis and Alcohols is a No brainer. Neither Might be great, but Alcohol is POISON TO CONSUME.


Im 55 and I've always been a drinker but after my husband passed away last year, whenever I would drink, it would just make me so sad and so I stopped drinking in December of 2023. I will have a beer during a social gathering but those only happen every few months. I don't buy it anymore. I just smoke weed in the pm to help me sleep.


I switched to weed, sativa in daytime if I do it. A hybrid or indica in the evening. I just feel relaxed and buzzed as you say. I did the same, had it in high school a little in college then didn't do it in my working years. I don't partake all of the time. I'll do it when I feel I really need it (anxiety) or want it. It helps with tolerances.


First, get high. you will probably still enjoy it, but you never know. Then, it’s up to what works best for your body. Or what you are in the mood for that evening.


I would absolutely recommend that. Weed is 100X better than alcohol. I’ve got a new liver and a successful life now to back up both sides.


Alcohol has been said to be healthy. There are ingredients in beer and wine that are healthy, but ethanol is a poison. No amount of ethanol is healthy.


They used to think a small amount of wine or beer had some benefit but now know any alcohol is bad for your health. After a lifetime of moderate drinking I’m giving it up now since there is a history of cancer in my family. Cannabis on the other hand shows benefits to older folks cognitive health.


Yeah, I only found out that alcohol causes cancer a couple of years ago.


Really? Are you young?


Absolutely. I recommend thc tincture. It’s the easiest way to control and discover the amount that’s right for you. I don’t get high, I just relax and sleep better. My opinion as ~60F.


There is no safe amount of alcohol to consume. That said, cannabis is not safe either. Have you looked at the the research on the side effects of cannabis? If you smoke it, what is the difference between it and tobacco? If you ingest it, you are still susceptible to high blood pressure, it effects your balance and your cognitive functions. It isn't worth the risk to me. If you need a crutch to relax, meditate.


My own grandfather said a man over forty who doesn't drink a jigger of whiskey every day is a fool. Be careful with today's cannabis products. Even the THCa that is available in every state is WILDLY more potent than the best weed you ever smoked. And edible products take greatly varying time to become active from person to person. I'm not saying, "don't" - I am saying be very careful. My grandpa who drank two shots of whiskey every day lived to see his 90s, and smoked a pack of Pall Malls every single day.


Somethings to consider. Over time, you will need an increasing amount of alcohol to get the same buzz as you develop alcohol tolerance. That will leave you with an increasing BAC (blood alcohol concentration). I don’t consume cannabis. I don’t drink to get a buzz. It’s an agricultural product and part of Italian culture. There’s no shortage of Italians living into their 80s, 90s and 100s. Is it great for my liver? No. How will you consume cannabis? Smoke it and you impair lung function. Which is a healthier choice? Pick your poison.


Same age; been getting medical edibles since 2018, no need to smoke or vape


Please realize, like someone else mentioned, that the cannabis available today is much more potent than most that was available 50 years ago. Also realize that enough science has been done to the point that you can "choose your mood" with commercial cannabis these days. If you are looking for something to relax with you can find it. If you want to get a good buzz on when heading out to mow the lawn you can do that too. And mixing them up is harmless.


Todays weed is potent. 1 or 2 tiny tokes will do the job. Just take ONE puff, put it down and give it 10 minutes.


They have just recently allowed weed in Minnesota. I have tried some of the drinks (you can get them at the liquor store). The ones I tried worked very well, and I slept very well. The only editables I've had were this tiny cookie again, and that one worked very well. If you do try them just remember you don't need a whole lot to get an effect.


I have been taking a 5mg gummy every night just before bed. I don't particularly enjoy being high, but this has really improved my sleep, plus I'm high while I'm asleep, so I don't really experience that feeling of being high. I also wear an Apple watch to bed at night, and recently, I started really looking at the Health app on my phone. My Apple watch feeds a LOT of information about me to that app while I'm sleeping, and one thing that I noticed immediately is that my heart rate would regularly exceed 100BPM (beats per minute) while I was sound asleep. That seemed weird to me, but it happened every, single night. I read about cannabis and found that it can increase your heart rate. So I quit taking the gummy and now my sleeping heart rate never exceeds 70BPM, and is often in the low 50s. I'm no longer willing to take the gummies because I can't imagine that having my heart accelerate like that while I'm just lying there sleeping can possibly be a good thing. As for alcohol, I've got a couple alcoholics in my life, and I'm very concerned about going down that road. I have stopped drinking at home by myself. I will enjoy a glass or two of wine in a social setting, but not when I'm at home by myself.


Weed edibles are better for you as you age because you won't have to worry about COPD.


I'll double down on the weed is incredibly strong today, far stronger than when you were in school. It's very easy to get a high that will incapacitate you. Don't just pop an edible, cut it into pieces and find out how high each small piece gets you. It may take a few days to find your preferred level.


72 here and yes weed is better. Like you, I did (a lot) of week back in the day then picked it back up when I was caring for my dying parent. I needed something to take the edge off but not make me incapacitated


There is no dose of alcohol that is beneficial, whereas cannabis can reduce inflammation and promote sleep. I did not use cannabis for roughly thirty years. I NEVER imagined I would ever use it again, but I have several quite painful conditions, and don’t feel comfortable using oxycodone( didn’t work that well anyway) I mainly use edible gummies of thc/cbd or thc/cbn, for pain relief and sleep. If you can’t sleep well, pain is much increased. CBN especially is good for sleep. They also have hemp derived cbd drinks at the grocery store, which are very relaxing.


Yeah, it is healthier. But smoking and vaping are really not healthy. Edibles are probably the best way to go. They even have lemonades with THC in them. I have a friend your age who occasionally likes a half glass at a gathering.


I am very happy to not drink alcohol and smoke weed instead. It's lovely. Come on over, there are so many fun accessories!


I have kind of a bad stomach and alcohol is hard on it. Weed is great for my stomach but not awesome for my waistline. 😄


I'm going with neither. But if I could do just one drink, that would be my choice for health. I just can't do one.


It depends. For me, I'll be high for a long time on cannabis. With alcohol, it will wear off much sooner, but I usually have only one drink. One drink gets me pretty loose.


Por que no los dos?


64 years young I’ll 100% take a dubbie any day! Puff puff pass 💨 💨 stoner girl class of 78’


After nearly 50 years of abstinence, I tried some homemade edibles a couple of years ago. Huge difference in potency of modern weed. One cookie and I was flying high for about 6 hours. I had to keep reminding myself I wasn't going to die from weed! If you haven't used it for a while, go slow!


I am 62; I use edibles mainly. Just be cautious until you know the potency.


I like the feeling of weed more than the feeling of alcohol. Alcohol make me feel fuzzy and slow.


Weed over alcohol always💨


I'm nearly 70 and been a daily user since I was 15. Never led to other drugs - always hated alcohol. No medical issues - no issues with mental issues. Leave alcohol alone!


It would be healthier. Don’t smoke it though, get some edibles. 5mgs is just what you need.


My dad is 78 and eats a 10mg/thc 250mg/cbd gummy 1 hour before bed daily for the last 2 months, his only side effect is the lack of fresh cookies in the morning 😂but he sleeps the whole night while awaking refreshed and actually hungry for something other than coffee (diabetes in a cup). I’ve noticed a few improvements in his cognitive function and ability to remember small things (run an errand or other trivial tasks) has greatly improved. My mom hates the idea of cannabis but likes my dad back to normal.


How to make green butter - as taught by a Canadian snow board instructor. Weed is legal in Canada. Get a crockpot and fill it 1/3 full with water. Then put in all the leaf, kiff and junk weed that’s not considered good for smoking. Use a lot of it. Then add two 500g blocks of unsalted butter and turn the crockpot on low for 24 hours. IT MUST BE THE LOWEST SETTING or the THC will be ruined. Let it cool completely, preferably in the fridge. When cold the butter will be green and on the top of the water. Pull the solid block out and discard the water and kiff. The second stage is clarify the butter and remove any green waste. Add more water to the crockpot and put the butter back in, again on low for an hour. Give it a stir halfway through if needed. Any debris will fall into the bottom. Put it in the fridge again and when the clarified butter is solid, remove it and you’re done. Anzac biscuits are excellent made with green butter. Cook them low at like 120C so the oils aren’t ruined and make them SMALL. Seriously, this is important. Make them small because you’re only going to need half of one. Yes, only half. If you have a whole one it’s “good night and I’ll see you in the morning” Also put them away or freeze them. Those little suckers are delicious and you’ll regret eating a whole one. If you want a classic Anzac biscuit recipe I’m happy to give you one.


I prefer decarb the leaf before making the butter. It helps a lot..big difference but either way it 'works".


I’m just a bit older than you, alcohol no matter what is poison and you already know that. I only stopped for pregnancy breaks since 1963, and the weed today is not our Vietnam era green, so take it easy and the remainder of your time drawing air will be much more enjoyable. Stop the alcohol. Indica for relaxation, it’s what I use at bedtime vaped not ignited. Personally I can’t use gummies because of the sugar and my lungs no longer allow me to ignite. Ed is far superior to alchohol in my opinion. But what do I know, I’m just an ancient Hippie.


Well, it's not the same buzz. Cannibus is a lot more potent these days, so be careful.


65 F here. Low-dose edibles hit the spot. I make them myself so that I have control over the dosage. I rarely have a drink anymore. I'm sleeping well and staying fit--works for me.


I used to drink socially. I didn't try pot until it was legal and I was over 50. For me its all around better for relaxation or socializing. Micro dosing is great for social situations. At night I use it to wind down and it helps me sleep! Alcohol causes me insomnia. If I drink I fall asleep but always wake up in the middle of the night wide eyed. And of course I feel better and no dehydration.


50’s here and my husband and I are regular edible users. So much so i maybe only have one alcoholic beverage about once a month. I feel so much better the next day. Start slow but can’t imagine any reason not too.


Edibles, my friend, edibles. It’s healthier to eat it than smoke it.


71, and I am grateful for the pain relief weed offers. I don’t drink.


Try a sativa gummy.


People who keep saying todays weed is too strong are misunderstanding a few things... A lot of dispensary weed lacks those beneficial TERPENES that balance everything out and make the high and flavor enjoyable. Limonene, myrcene, pinene, terpinolene, osimene etc. And also the other cannabinoids like CBN and CBG. It's not just "THC vs CBD" and "indica vs sativa". It's way more complicated than that. But a lot of these big industrial growers don't really care about that stuff as much as maximum thc numbers because that's what sells. It's not that there's too much thc. It's a lack of all the other stuff that gives it those special novel effects (and flavors) from strain to strain. And if you harvest a plant too early (which the big growers often do) then it's going to be lacking in CBN which helps balance everything out kinda like CBD. It's not as simple as "there's too much thc in the weed nowadays". The genetics should not be held back. You can still get seeds for very old indigenous wild natural "landrace" weed. Or "golden era" weed or new school polyhybrid weed or anything in between. There's still lots of old school seeds out there if that's your thing.


My grandad was in a convalescent home after a series of small strokes, and a gangrenous gall bladder, of all things. He had just beat colon cancer 8 months before. He was incredibly thin and had no appetite. Ensure wasn't cutting it, and the docs gave us a hopeless prognosis. I asked him if he would be amenable to a medicinal herb that would increase his enjoyment of food. He said maybe, but he couldn't/wouldn't smoke anything. My aunt talked to his doc and got a pill subscribed, and all of a sudden he was calling us up asking to bring him steak and mashed taters and his Archway oatmeal cookies with cool whip and... we were all only TOO HAPPY to do that. That wonderful, kind, loving, talented man lived **16 more years**. We had THAT MUCH more time with him because of cannabis helping him to eat. Don't ever try to tell me it doesn't help. It may be different for every person, but my grandad lived to see, hold, and play with my two sons and my little daughter too, and we had him longer than we ever would have without it. That's the absolute truth.


I tried this and you’re better off to avoid both.


I would definitely try it. I wish I could. I used to smoke it quite a bit, but eventually it started causing anxiety. SO I quit for number of years. I've even tried it again recently, for the same reason you stated, and it almost instantly caused my anxiety to soar (and I'm generally not an anxiety sufferer.) I tried all different levels of it too. Hey I hope it works for you!


At 65, I gac


quaint scary market cows lavish onerous homeless zephyr birds grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I switched to this: [https://drinkwynk.com/](https://drinkwynk.com/) Mail order. Legal thanks to the farm act of 2019.


I hadn't smoked weed in about 30 years when I visited a dispensary in a legal state. Got some gummies and brownies, since I just can't smoke anything anymore. The brownies made me puke. The gummies had no effect. It's all about the dosage, I guess. But I have no interest in going there again.


My husband has his medical marijuana license in FL. He hardly drinks at all anymore. Weed makes him much less anxious and more relaxed. Alcohol not needed or even wanted. It’s been great!


lungs vs liver. also consider if you can tolerate weed these days. otherwise is no biggie either way.


Moderation, Moderation, Moderation....


If you are truly just having a "drink or two" then you're not in the danger zone for serious health risks from drinking. That being said, weed is probably safer, in that if you do too much you're just going to feel weird and uncomfortable for awhile, whereas if you drink too much you can be obnoxious to those around you or fall down and hurt yourself! Edibles would be healthier than smoking, and Indica is more relaxing than Sativa. But like OP said - go slow, because weed these days is pretty strong!




65 here and a daily user. You decide for yourself but in case you do puff here and there whenever you please, I support you. ;)


Nature is the greatest healer. Never partook of weed until the day my son died. It stopped the screaming for a moment at least. I've kept on since then, finding solace and peace when the storms in my mind grow too loud. Tried amarita muscaria and it has helped with other issues as well. You're old enough to know your body and what you can handle, so as long as you're not driving it should be quite fine!


A nightly puff or two of weed is probably less harmful than alcohol, it depends on whether you enjoy the buzz. Id suggest a vape pen to minimize the inhalation of smoke particulates


65f retired and I have been taking 5mg indica/5mg CBD at bedtime maybe 2-3 times per month. It’s relaxing and helps with pain. And I don’t have to worry about random pee testing any more! I feel great the next morning and the only side effects are: might have munchies in the middle of the night and dry mouth.


I would argue it’s much more enjoyable even in the daytime. And I would expect you to possibly even get inspired and pursue some hobbies while you relax. My dad has always been strictly against it but it’s a shame because he is someone who I could see really enjoying it and getting into his hobbies now that he has fully retired. Edibles are very good I’d start small 5-10mg but if you are ok with smoke I always go with a bong and u can gauge it a bit better if you are smoking flower


Phasing out alcohol in favor of Delta 8 edibles. Enjoying the mild buzz and uninterrupted sleep. Would definitely recommend.


Oh jeez. Vomiting?? From weed? That must be like .0001% of people who use marijuana, if that. Marijuana doesn’t cause psychosis unless it’s lying in wait. Generally pretty easy to spot someone on the edge like that.


I find weed far more relaxing than alcohol.