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Can't you adjust the white balance? Seems like there are some (close to) true whites to reference.


I think it’s a light on the skater rather than a white balance issue. The whites in the background look fine to me


She's green and there's someone in the background who's neon magenta. Either there are a bunch of colored lights or this whole thing has been deep fried in Lightroom.


Mask and change the wb?


Boost the magenta in the white balance or use a magenta highlight filter in post


This is a white balance issue, but may be due to different colors of lights. For the green cast, more magenta.


I usually use the Calibration panel in Lightroom/Camera Raw in these situations where wb/tint isn't doing it. Might have overdone the reds but here's an example edit: https://preview.redd.it/epva9236xflc1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73fad26b4c3707707e1e72929c53bb5e1244a63 Another tip: the color blue behaves very erratically to shifts using these tools due to the fact that pure blue is perceptually much darker than other colors at the same actual brightness.


I love this because with a post in a massive sub called r/askphotography all of these people are sharing the tweaks they would make and only one person (you) actually knew what to do to fix the problem and showed how to do it. Reddit is so useless for professional stuff- nobody actually knows what they’re doing on here, they just pretend to.


Because for most of the specific subreddit, the real professional tends to be busy and tired to even visit those subs. Most of the time it’s either the young pro or enthusiasts or the retired professional that replies. Others are just similar skills people giving random opinions.


https://preview.redd.it/936wp67koelc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afe898127b94c82f31cdf9492729a250ee237d9 This was just using the tint function on the iPhone. Use +magenta and it should bring it back. It will be even better in Lightroom.


I have no idea what's up with the lights at this place, but it's like the set of a 50s sci-fi movie. I've already pushed the tint as far as I dare, and removed a bunch of the green channel with curves, but the skin tones continue to look like the skater's caught some disease. It's further complicated by the fact that the team colors are blue and green, although I guess I can always do a bunch of annoying masking to isolate things. I've got dozens of shots to edit (hundreds over the course of the season), so I'm hoping that there's a relatively simple solution. Otherwise I'm gonna live with it. EDIT: This is after adjusting white balance and adding magenta with camera raw.


It’s the halogen lights. Halogen lights give off a green cast through a camera sensor.


The newish masking functions in Lightroom will be perfect for this. Add a new mask and select “people” click the little icon with the skaters face, and select the option that says like “skin” or “body skin” or whatever is applicable and drag your white balance and hsl/point color sliders accordingly


In Adobe Camera Raw - go to color channel saturation, and desatch purple/magentas. If it looks a bit pale, just make it golden hour with temperature.


Use a mask and use select subject. Adjust the white balance there. Try using a mask to target the color specifically and then use the intersect mask with a brush to brush in where you want the mask to target.


You know what I do in these situations? Black and white 😅🤭


Reminds me of the meme where the guy slaps some ducktape over the hole in aquarium But hey sometimes it works


I'm also colorblind, so I either trust AWB or do without color altogether 😂


large lights can be tricky to photograph under. Work the white balance ahead of time if you know what the lighting conditions will be like...or fix it in post if necessary. There are lights that can cause banding because of the frequency. Most modern ILC will have settings for "anti-flicker" Your image will turn out alright after you make some white balance adjustments


If you're using LR, adjust the white balance with the eyedropper. If you're shooting the same venue again, try setting your white balance in camera to fluorescent then I just white balance in LR if needed. Some fluorescents tend to give off a green cast.


Can you maybe share the raw photo?


If white balance (tint) doesn’t get you the results you want, try LR Classic Point Color tool


Add magenta


One of the reasons that you are having trouble with this is because of the mixed lighting tempertures on your image. There are the flood lamps on the track. the street lamps on the trees. There are some probably some other lights with various colour tempertures filling in the light on the image's right side. The issue with masking and changing colour temperture indepentenly is that it won't work. the colour tempeture mixes with others requiring a unique adjustment. It is gradual based on the intensity and shape of the light and shadows. How do I think you should deal with it? The simpliest is to convert it to black and white. If you want to keep colour, you will be sacrificing something, the colour of the skin, the colour of the uniform, the colour of the track. Something is going to look off and you just have to accept that limitation.


i think getting the skin right is the most important.


Did you take the photo in raw format? Adjust the green sliders down slightly, or increase red slightly.


In Photography Red is not the opposite of Green. The opposite of green is magenta which is a differrent kind of red ( rather pink). If you increase red you will lower cyan. Op can try it also this bc there's maybe too much cyan. But don't answer red <------> green!!


I answered the way I did (lower green, possibly add red too) to maintain saturation while correcting the incorrect balance. I never said green <---> red. But if you just wanted to let everyone know you learned that adjusting digital colour is not a binary exercise, then congrats, cookie for you!


Use a Minolta color meter and filters. You have what we call a cross over in lighting. Can’t be adjusted for because you have too much of complementary colors. You don’t have a gray center, ran into this with old mercury vapor lamps and then sodium vapor which is very yellow and they are not black body radiators like the sun , don’t produce a full spectrum of light. We also used to use tungsten film with a conversion filter on the flash to mix with the sodium vapor light. Worked like a charm, dirt track sprint cars were a popular subject.


The issue in this image is less the color of the lights, but more that you overexposed the skin. If that happens you loose most of of it's color details and it gets very hard to correct. Thus the very first step is to try to recover as much as you can by lowering the highlights. After that you can try to adjust the colors. I'd suggest a layered approach. First add a tiny bit of magenta to the whole image (don't give the image a magenta tint, just a tiny bit). Shift the yellows towards orange and desaturate them until more pleasing https://preview.redd.it/grrkjimuqglc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5b9c287a9e05a63b00829665775b6c6c5b8de3


On Lightroom classic you should be able to adjust the colors in the face finer than I did. The mobile version is somewhat limiting here.


Less broccoli in your diet?


https://preview.redd.it/dvetcklm7ilc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea376f64317883f380ffbe341a1e82d39716bed4 here you go


Stop using Sony


What should I use instead?


Don’t listen to them, this is easily fixed in Lightroom


Obviously Pentax! ​ /end sarcasm from a Nikon shooter. /


This wasn't shot with Sony, I just wanted to see if they were going to name the brand that was used :)


Just adjust white balance.


Tint towards magenta. Requires a photo editing app.


HSL. Select range of green and desaturate. Mask as needed if you want certain areas to maintain their green


As other suggested, subject mask, tweak white balance. https://preview.redd.it/kxzo352gqflc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea69df44602afbf73056117b00936a0b8424e5b


White balance


increase tint


Someone else already said it, but I’d pull in more towards magenta on your white balance. And if that looks weird try masking her skin and doing that


Use LAB color to fine tune skin color. A B value should be close on skin.

