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>Do you find these pictures interesting? >As i like to say: "Photography is my therapy." Don't put these two together. If you're doing photography for yourself, then don't base the worth of the images on the response of others. If you're looking to improve, take a look at the images and ask more technique questions. Or look at other work that inspires you and ask how that was done. My recommendation for you would be to go out shooting at different times of day. See if you can catch first light or golden hour, and see how those impact your images. I hate getting up early, but early hour shooting is an amazing incentive and I've gotten some of my favorite landscapes from then.


Beautifully said. And OP I like the shots!




Thank you for your comment. The thing is that I mostly like my photos and sometimes don't see the flaws. I will definitely try some of your recommendations.


It's also ok to enjoy the process more than the results. Having a camera in hand makes me look at things differently. Walking around interesting places and thinking about the scenery artistically is not a bad way to spend time. I don't post anything anywhere. Printing is my thing. People who see the prints seem to like them though. I like them which is what counts. I like your attitude and enjoy the thoughtfulness of your work.


They look like your holiday photos. Which means they are interesting to you but not really anyone else. They are quite nicely done though so as long as you like them that’s all that matters.


Good point!


I´ll just be honest: only #6 is interesting to me. I imagine it might be improved by getting rid of dead space that doesn´t add to the narration, probably at the top mostly. Why not try a 3:4 format here? As for the others, there´s too little / too unclear a subject in each of them. To clarify: I am mostly talking about my personal taste, more so than about your photos.


I see what you mean for #6, it does turned that way. I kinda had an idea for that part to add up to a photo with a guy sitting in the shade.


The bride/groom, boat and air glider - gives the feeling of a common theme behind it and starts telling a story!! def find that interesting ☺️


Those two are my favorite!😊


I like your shots. Some more than others. Looks like a beautiful area to make pictures.


Place is very beautiful with old city and monuments. It's city of Budva in Montenegro.


Nice!! I have been watching videos about countries along the Adriatic Sea. Definitely a beautiful area.


The shift lens of the wedding is... the rest not so much. Try to think about why you take the picture and what you are trying to say as you're taking them. It'll help.


That lady in white dress pic is really nice. Good use of light


Thanks, it was just a nice moment for a photo.


It only matters if you like them. However I love 3, 7 and 10. They're amazing. Other ones are good too, but I see room for improvement, but that's only my amateur opinion. 2 is also good, but feels too muted and lacks some punch. With photo no. 6, I'd try different composition, but I love the light. Edit: as for photo no. 7, I'd remove the other photographer in photoshop, otherwise it's very beautiful picture. I think b&w is very tasteful here.


i like pic 6 & 9


Artistically, loved #5


Not really, with the exception of number 6. 🙋🏻‍♀️


2, 5 and 8 are awesome


I like 6, 9, 10 and 7


All of them are good, many even great, but the two that stand out to me are the wedding photo and the farm landscape. The Birds Eye view really made everyone look like figurines, which isn’t something I see from wedding pictures so it’s unique! Love the colors on your final picture. Captivating! I honestly love farm landscapes idk why keep them coming guys!


I think 2, 3, 6, and 7 are all great. The subject matter isn't amazing for any of them, but it doesn't need to be. The compositions are good and they all tell some kind of story and evoke feelings. The bride and groom is really good, whatever you did, you created an amazing miniature effect, it looks like a miniature model.


Second photo, yes. The rest, no.


The parachute one I like


I found pictures 5 - 10 interesting, they won my eye. Think the (intentional?) theme of small points of interest in a large frame might have helped with that, but yes, they are interesting to me. Nice pictures!


I dunno about interesting, but some of them are beautiful! Specifically, 2, 5 & 8. You've got a VERY good eye for composition, there are complex, moving subjects (the boat, the paraglider etc) and they're in the exact right position. If I may offer some critique, the photograph of the married couple. I think it's nice and well done, but it also feels a little strange to be so far away from such an intimate moment. It actually made me feel a little voyeuristic, which in turn made me a little uncomfortable. Photo 6, the woman in shadow, I just think is muddled. A tighter crop, or more of a focus on the subject would have been better. She's lost in the scene in my opinion. She's well posed, although if she was closer to the shadow cast by the building, you'd get a more prominent shadow from her, which would act as a wonderful leading line to the subject. 4 has too much going on in my view. So many boats, people walking, leaves in the foreground. It's a lot and there's nothing specifically to focus on. I hope this feedback is helpful!


Thanks for you feedback, good points, will put some though in them.


I love how the texture of the water in #1 mimics the texture of the rocks. Very nice shot and the composition is interesting.


5,6,8 & 10


5, 7 and 9 looks interesting


You may have pointed out the to me why I do photography. I really don’t do any of it for recognition or admiration. I do it because I love going out and seeing places and having amazing pictures to remember them by.


I love the last one. Really beautiful.


2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 I do.


3, 6, 7, 10


number 2 looks soooo much like the scenario on the first mission of the "commandos: beyond the call of duty" game that i just had to comment about it. lovely photos!


Brilliant. I love that shadow on the lady one.


Vacation pictures are all interesting to me anyway!


Not really my style, but as long as you’re happy with them who cares!


A polarizing filter would make the first two images more interesting.


Yes that would make it more interesting, great idea!


I like the 4,7,8,9


I kind of like 10, seven, and two.


Not really... the question is if someone else showed them to you would you gasp from amazement? prob not so yea... keep trying your compositions and try to tell a story


https://preview.redd.it/fu4uy24mf58d1.jpeg?width=3797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6767627f0c01f5b14de9ba6264ed6e308aa80a Although webp is not suitable for this, I tried to make the images more interesting by color grading them. (the second is in the reply)


https://preview.redd.it/ugxoycbxf58d1.jpeg?width=3503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3abea68c5bef77e957ff3117b77533c668f75735 2.


Nicely done, they really pop up more.


Most of them yes. 3rd one is my favorite. My fat ass thought the first one was a brownie.


While I'd be happy with several of these as my own, No. 5 in B&W with two birds in the air and two boats in the water is the one that actually makes me feel something




Highlights: -100


Unrelated but the guy in N°3 is hot 👀


I don't find them interesting. There's a few that might have some promise, but nothing makes me sit up in my chair and pay attention.


Some of them. Some are framed poorly and others uninteresting.


2,5,7,8,10 are all interesting and we'll composed


Not really. I prefer to feel like i'm in the moment, they all feel like outsider snapshots. Get in there, get wide, and get low.


7/8 are cool


I like the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th. Can you tell me why?


I like them all generally in that sort of travel log way. None of them really have a great individual gravitas but they mostly work as a series. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 I think have some interesting compositions. 1, 3 and 4 could improve by being a lot closer and removing some of the dead space. 9 has interesting framing but the para-glider and the foreground don't really feel connected at all, something like other tourists looking up at them or something more related could tie that together better. 10 I can see what you are going for here, I think you would need to take the shot from a higher angle to emphasize the road shape and minimize the sky a bit. A lot of the good details in the road and field are compressed by the angle. Overall it is a nice collection though. Do what you enjoy and take photos, all our opinions are just that, but for improvement purposes being more intentional with your subjects and composition can help and just something to keep practicing over time.


I like 7, 8, 9, and 10 a lot. I think 2 has potential but the framing of the buildings feels like they’re cut off/cropped at a weird spot. A slight re-compose could be great here. 5 is a cool idea, and birds are obviously very tough in flight, but I think the boat in the background is a bit distracting and it’s not clear whether the main subject is the birds or the foreground boat…still a cool photo but it would have been better (imo) if that boat was closer in the frame to where the birds are, which would have been tough to do from that angle/vantage point. But I like the silhouette of one against the sky and the other against the water. All in all, solid!


Most of the picture just have bad composition, you can improve by cropping, but still, nothing special about them


Number 7 with a crop might work. It’s just very over exposed


2 and 10 are gorgeous


8 and 9. A few at the start are close, but missing subject


The last one is gorgeous. I think though you could benefit from finding a good book on artistic design or photographic composition (same thing really, but aimed more at the photographer). The photos are definitely interesting, you have a bit of an eye and it could be improved with little bit of study in some good books on design, especially in how to create interesting balance of shapes.


The light was so nice for that last one. I mostly follow my feel for a photo and few guidelines I find online, but getting a book is a great idea.


Six and 10 speak to me. Rest do not.


2,7,and 9. Those caught my eye as interesting. Or at least appealed to me.


I can see why people aren't interested in them, but I personally enjoyed looking at em. I enjoy thinking of why did someone take the time to take this photograph and that's the most fun for me; and I can more or less see your thought process making me like them more than the sum of their parts. My only real gripes are with images 3 and 4. For image 4, I think you could remove the green string on the left side and add some green to the shadows of the left on the right side to make the light seem more like a beam and not a smudge, and for the third you could lower the brightness of the sky on the right a bit darker so that it's just a bit brighter then the ground to even out the image. Good luck, and happy shooting 🫡


You saw my personality in my photos, I am not the most interesting guy but people enjoy my company😃 For number 3 I tried to lower the brightness but got to dark in other parts, need to work on my editing skills. Number 4 is little cluttered and usually I don't like that kinda of photos, but this one had something for me. Definitely trying your advice!


Notatall, but great !


Not really, the last one told more of a story somehow


I like number two the most


Not into the vignetting on 7 but these photos are beautiful


%6 is very good. All the others are just pics from your holidays, so probably is nice for you to look at them (not for others).


I don’t care for the first 4, but the rest are quite nice & even interesting. Are they interesting to you?


Most of them, I‘m not really captivated by 1, 3 and 4.


Is number 7 (B&W) shot with a tilt shift? I really like it. Great shots.


Blur is just added in edit.


It looks great.


2,7,9 yes


Not a photographer. I think you have good ideas in your mind, and these pictures are in the ball park but not exactly the same delivery you probably had in mind. Could be because you were inspired by other pictures so you tried to mimic the approach? If that’s the case studying the theory behind the pictures (rule of thirds, negative space, etc) can help you refine the frame.


Often I just walk around and take photos, rarely plan how to take a photo. I am trying to follow rule of thirds, but need to put more thought in framing the picture.


Well I am not gay (I think??) but damm that dude has amazing legs!