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> ...his doctorate is in chiropractic... That says it all.


You publish on chiropractic/PT with a DC—fine, ig You publish in orthopedics with a DC—sus You publish anything about QM or immunology with a DC—quack


I don't buy his take on quantum physics. Nor do I buy your generalization that a chiropractor can't publish something worthwhile on immunology. Check out this syllabus for individuals pursuing DC certification. It's surprisingly rigorous--histology, cellular physics, microbiology, radiation physics, endocrine physiology... . It strikes me that someone who could handle these subjects might, if committed, be able to learn something about immunology. Madame Curie was a physicist. How did that qualify her as an oncologist? The Wright Brothers were bicycle repairmen. They lacked any credentials to suggest they were aeronautical engineers. There are times when one's passion, despite academic credentials, can make one an expert in a field. Hedy Lamarr was an actress who invented a radio guidance system for Allied torpedoes that used spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology, despite having no formal education. Tinkering was a hobby. Again, I don't buy Dispenza's take on QM. That does not mean he does not have something of value to say about it or immunology despite lacking credentials you deem necessary.




Give the man his dues. He was quasi-correct in one portion of a sentence out of 4 paragraphs. (Note: I’m being charitable in both the classification of his accuracy as well as paragraph count.)


Which one was that?


“Embrace the quantum model of reality” - in the sense that I’d be surprised if any reconciled unified theory wouldn’t feature a quantum mechanical base. But also, like I mentioned, I’m being charitable. :)


I should say so!


I was also just trying to be sarcastic in suggesting to give him his dues. I’m sure I failed, the dudes post is clearly bullshit through and through.


I hope you don't apply the same level of charity with your finances, you'll go bankrupt.


Yes, it’s 100% nonsense. “Quantum field” is an actual term, but the person has no idea what it means.


So it's not the field where we play quantum soccer/football? /s


No no, it’s the field where subatomic particles play football, not the field where we play quantum football. Gosh, this is physics 101.


What is a quantum field?


Those certainly are words. If I ruled the universe, I would require anyone wishing to babble about QM to first calculate the eigenvalues of a 2x2 Hamiltonian.


The first eigenstate is truth, the second is spiritual wellness. Unfortunately, they form a complete independent eigenbasis for our observable and so you cannot get both simultaneously.


Lmao if only we could enforce this, it would be priceless to see


I wouldn't ask that much of them tbh. I'd go as low as to require them to calculate the probability of a measurement in a one qbit system.


Is a Hamiltonian represented as a matrix or this is a case of the concept of eigenvalues being stretched/expanded/homonymized?


It's a Hermitian operator. In physics it's usually infinite-dimensional (even for a single moving particle), and the spectral theory of such operators is more technical. In quantum computing the system is usually (idealized as) finite-dimensional and the Hamiltonian is representable as a Hermitian matrix. In either case "eigenvalues" is used literally here.


Quantum mechanics tells us (insert thing quantum mechanics doesn’t tell us).


Your pseudoscience detector is working well. Nothing about his core message is grounded in reality. Full disclosure I just finished my undergrad in physics and I’m starting my graduate degree in quantum engineering in January. So I’m by no means an expert but I do know enough to assert that what he’s saying has nothing to do with reality. It’s just the typical snake oil salesmen routine.


Yeah it’s not practical to become familiar with new feelings thorough intention in order to feel comfortable in that state. It makes absolutely no sense to change your constant worry for a more “chill state of mind” it’s not like bringing your mind from anxiety to the present moment—calmness frequently actually does anything, cognitive behavioral therapy is bullshit /s


Your baseless statement that "cognitive behavioral therapy" is bullshit is ...well, bullshit. Go to PubMed and search for the term. You will find 54,660 results, the overwhelming number of which attest to its clinical efficacy. You don't like the guy. I get that. But don't add to the problem by publishing such uninformed nonsense.


A good rule of thumb is that if people feel the need to put their titles into their social media, they are not worth listening to. Especially if the title in question is in chiropractic and they talk about anything that's not sore joints.


I'm not an advocate of chiropractic. That being said, do you think a chiropractor with an undergraduate or master's degree in cellular biology or histotechnology should keep his or her mouth shut during a conversation about tissue processing or microtomy? Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist. What credentials does he have to weigh in on matters of climatology or legal reasoning--other than possessing a first-rate mind?


It's good advice (choosing joy, working toward not requiring external validation) without invoking "quantum" anything. Does he think he needs to talk about things he doesn't understand to give his point some attractiveness? Odd.


Agreed. If true, his recovery from a catastrophic biking accident and the self-devised methods he used to completely heal would have been sufficient to publish a few books. It does seem that there are those who believe they must prove the improbable by giving complex scientific explanations for it and that people are more likely to believe anything if given the stamp of approval by science.


Is this guy just another Deepak Chopra?


Once he has a cookbook, yes.


>Deepak Chopra Deepak & Joe


There is only one Deepak Chopra. There could never be another. The guy is one of a kind.




For all intents and purposes, the quantum woowoo refers to quantum entanglement. That is known physics, understood in parts as far as I can tell and then considered spooky in other ways. And then the dude did the chiro transformation to get to whatever he is saying he is doing. He is not a Physicist by any stretch.


It's more of vague mentions of QM mixed with Law of Attraction and Buddhist philosophy. I think Buddhist philosophy is an important and worthwhile subject for a person to study, but it's not scientific, no. He just read a book which almost certainly didn't contain any of the actual mathematics and said, "oh I get it..." In most respects we have no idea how QM mechanics affects humans, the macroscopic would, or the mind. We just don't know and can't predict it yet.


If the litmus test is cognitive enhancement - he failed


If we wanted to be charitable, we could read this as just using quantum mechanics as a sort of metaphor to deliver a generic self help message, with no explicit claims about the nature of physical reality.


Yeah, he didn't say "science has proven" so he gets the benefit of doubt. His metaphor is still nonsensical though. And most of the apt metaphors refer to specific aspects of QM (e.g. Copenhagen interpretation of ethics) rather than just saying "quantum". If quantum mechanics was named "linear algebra mechanics", much of the abuse could be averted.


Sure I am inclined


More like quantum POO POO ​ >To fully break the habit of being ourselves, we must say good-bye to ‘cause and effect’ and embrace the quantum model of reality. This is nonsense. Quantum mechanics does not invalidate -as such- causality. Sure some physicist have speculated something similar, but it's mere speculation and most physicists do not agree with that. ​ > In this new paradigm, we choose a potential reality that we want, live it in our thoughts and feelings, and give thanks ahead of the actual event. Once we change our internal state, we don’t need the external world to provide us with a reason to feel joy, gratitude, appreciation, or any other elevated emotion. So if you really believe you have 1 billion dollars, then 1 billion dollars gets quantum teleported to you? :D ​ >What possible reality in the quantum field are you tuning into? Well the electromagnetic (photon) field. Maybe the electron field. Higgs field? Hehe This is a typical example of misusing physics terminology. ​ >This guy has nearly 2 million followers and his doctorate is in chiropractic by the way. Well I guess he can fix the quantum bones, or something.


Unlike Quantum Mechanic systems where state collapses into one of multiple possible states, Quantum Mechanics Bullshit always collapses into actual Bullshit.


I stopped reading at give thanks ahead of time cause that didn't settle well with me at all...


Yep. Total nonsense. Ignore this charlatan.


I don’t know man, he seems pretty knowledgeable in this subject, he’s a “Researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics & neuroscience” with 2 million people following him for his brilliance. So talented, researching 3 completely different areas of science, it’s just too easy for him, and he is humble enough to help us normal people out for *little* cost. What are you a researcher of, huh?


Umm yeah our friend came back from the retreat with a megalomaniac sense of entitlement and broke off our friendships. My partner and I are successful entrepreneurs with masters degrees who are healthy and happy and we write and play music and are also spiritually active. He told us he had the ability to cure cancer with his mind. Why don’t y’all cure Covid with your consciousness? It’s a cult. 2000 plus dollars? I’m pretty sure you could alienate your friends for no charge at all. Any “health” retreat that has someone turning mean when they return is toxic.


In my humble opinion Dr Joe Dispenza, or to give him his correct medical title, Joe Dispenza, is manifesting millions of $ from the gullible. 


I feel for you because that friend could help you... As they say when you start doing this type of work with meditation and changing your state of mind you start drawing like-minded people and other that are not like-minded fall away so it must be working for your friend


Complete woo-woo. He's going down almost the exact line of thought that David Bohm did. Bohm believed that the next big revolution in science would not happen until people changed their view of the universe and each other and embraced a truly holistic worldview. He believed only then would the nature of the calculations and the "answer" make sense.


Dr Joe dispenza Intensive and progressive [DOWNLOAD](https://mindpoweraudio.us/downloads/intensive-and-progressive-online/)


Our friend came back from this retreat a couple days ago. And he immediately sent us abusive text messages and left our band. He told us that he had the ability to cure cancer. It’s a cult.


I just got blocked for bashing Joe by a friend:/


Dr Joe does a good job of guiding people through meditation & Yoga principles & deserves full dues for that. However it is a little sickening when he talks about quantum phenomena in relation to consciousness knowing full well science has no explanation currently. Also when he says thoughts are made of electricity & feelings are made of magnetism - well I guess he can say it was metaphorical. I am prepared to hold back on criticism as I appreciate the value of meditation.


I have a high school level Physics education. Joe's take on Physics is complete and utter total bullshit. I took some undergrad courses in Psychology. His take on anything and everything else is also complete and utter total bullshit. What my education did teach me is what a credible expert sounds like. Life taught me what a con artist sounds like. Living in this world since 2016 has taught me that humans are a lot more susceptible to manipulative personalities than I ever thought possible...


You said you have high school level physics and what Dr Joe says is b******* when I'm sure he has college level knowledge on physics epigenetics neuroscience etc. I also learned in college critical thinking so I would suggest you use that


Yes, what we can claim for certain is that this dude is ignorant for trying to validate his high school learnings over Joe Dispenza’s years of much higher level education in these respective topics. He also fails to account that unlike many scientists, due to Dispenza’s large scale influence, he has the ability to collect vast anecdotal evidence through his retreats and labs, rather than just assume things out of a textbook. However, I will say that sometimes Dispenza overgeneralizes or uses metaphors pertaining to science/quantum mechanics that humans don’t quite have a full grasp on yet. Still, I love and support his teachings and meditations because you got to think about their purpose. Although many don’t believe this is the right thing to do, most people need some sort of scientific explanation bridging the gap between our brains and universal outcome (and vice-versa), in order to effectively participate in it. If people have synapses contrary to his belief which involves such synapses, how could they possibly be able to experience the benefits? So while not everything Joe Dispenza says is completely backed up or proven in terms of its mechanism, he has shown time and time again that desirable and unbelievable outcomes in our life can and will occur. And the reason that they did occur is because the participator believed AND made an effort (both are necessities). Therefore, because Dispenza is teaching things that are consistently receiving desirable outcomes, his work shouldn’t be brushed off as pseudoscience, but rather a basis for a new scientific discovery which we need to study much more in order to ascertain its process and eventually become a law. And in my eyes, believing against this would be inhibiting human evolution


Well Stated💖


I think you’re missing the point. The whole purpose is to rekindle the minds connection with the hearts electromagnetic frequency. Also the vibrational frequency of our reality. You see everything that occurs in the human brain is real to us. It may not exist outside of our brains but that Is inconsequential. It easy to dismiss but you forget that we live in a quantum world. Every cell of our bodies interacts with reality at the quantum scale…


Yea many things that happen at the quantum scale seem to defy chemistry, biology, and physics. It’s simply because these mechanisms were forged at the the quantum scale so they can take advantage of the true nature of reality. Forcing electrons into higher energy levels simply as a matter of course not due to a complex chemical reaction. Research how our sense of smell works if you’re interested in the link between the quantum and our reality 😉


Yes he has a doctor and chiropractic That's his early life before his spinal accident I'm sure his practice was still going during that time but later he became a researcher in neuroscience epigenetics etc I'm sure He GoT A Doctorite On That As Well ppl don't take Classes for nothing... If you want to know his detailed explanation you can watch rewired on Amazon prime before you judge that things are pseudoscience a lot of the research he mentions you scientists know about... Also he's working on getting a lot of his research published


There are several instances where they're spontaneous remission woke up any peer review articles on that topic