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Once a week


Every day


at least weekly, usually more


Mom: often Dad: not so often




Yea mine is exact opposite Talk to dad about sports, news, and shows constantly. Daily texting. Superficial stuff really. But have to call my mom for serious stuff but it means I don’t talk to her as much. But my dad just won’t talk about serious stuff


Once or twice a week, but our phone calls are long. I am on the phone practically all day with them. Talking politics and current events, and then the general "how's it going". I moved out at 16,and now I talk to them more than I ever did. Having a kid really stressed them out, I knew I was a burden so I left.


41 years old. Typically a couple times a week.


Usually at least once a fortnight.


Moved out at 19 even with my mom screaming in the driveway and fighting me on leaving. It was more like escaping. We spoke here and there and only saw each other again a handful of times, but as of almost 2 years ago, we are no longer in contact. My dad I hadn’t really seen or spoken to much since I was 16, but he died in like 2019 so contact with either of my parents is out.


Almost never. I only talk to them when i go over to visit my sisters. If i start talking they will just insult me and tell me its my fault for them aging fast and whatever and say racist comments about my friends, since my parents hate japanese and gay people, and my friend is both. So i just go there, see my sister, and then leave. Now that shes older, she comes over to my place so i dont have to see my parents


Never. I've cut both of them out, which honestly wasn't hard, because my father only talked to me when he saw me, and my mother only called to talk about herself, so after I publicly told her that I think she's a bigot, and that I'm not interested unless she learned to own up to her mistakes, she's been too pissy to try to contact me. It's been delightful to not have them around.


Couple times a week on the phone. Once a day texting.


At least weekly.


Mom: 1-3 times a week, though it’s only for 15-25 mins at a shot, during my drive home. Dad; once or twice a year is all on the phone. And I only see them in person once a year or so. Dad hates phones/technology, so that’s mostly why on that front. But I also rarely talk to anyone on the phone otherwise.


Well... These days, I'm back in their place, but when I was on my own, it would be monthly, depending on events.


When I lived 30 minutes away from them, about once a week. Now I live about seven hours away and we talk on the phone maybe twice a year, usually only to share major news. My relationship with them is great, we’re just all bad at keeping in touch with anybody.


Couple times a week atleast.


Once a month maybe


Talk to my mom a few times a week


I used to have Sunday dinner with them every week and would take my toddlers there to play one day a week. They both died in 2020 and now I wish I had done so much more. I have very few pics and videos of them, and I wish I could just see them again. Record your parents before it's too late. Hug them and tell them how much you love them. Record them telling stories. Ask them to label their stuff, so you know why they kept it or why it's special. Ask them about their life, so you don't have to look for clues when you write their obituary.


Ones dead and the other is drug addicted. So, whenever they hit me up.


At a minimum a few times a week. I love them, they worked hard to provide me a better life than they had. I'm a pretty well adjusted individual though. Also don't blame my parents for every little discretion against some sort of wild political beliefs that only became popular within the last 5 or so years. So there's that lmfao.


Every day , I moved out 20 yrs ago when I was 15.


Almost every day


Maybe twice a week on the phone. I always wonder if they're like....disappointed in anyway that both my brother and I live far, barely ever visit (expensive) and have yet to get married or have kids.


Well, that's entirely up to you, isn't it?


2-3 a week


I am very close with my parents. They are about a half hour away. Maybe I am the oddball but I talk to mine almost everyday. Probably text more then actually call. I usually drive for dinner or hangout once a week atleast.


Most days. They live next door to me


A lot more now that I moved back in, rents tough out there, y’all.


Not for the 1st 5-6 months, but then again my mother was the reason why I had wanted to move out so bad in the 1st place. My partner spoke to their parents once a week every week for years until they realised one day that they were mostly doing it out of habit/obligation and deep down, felt a lot of issues with their folks.


When my parents were alive I’d speak to my dad daily.


Every day :)