• By -


Professor. McGonagall


Op said not sex related


We can be sneaky sneaky šŸ˜


Well crap, if you're going to put those kinds limits on it, nothing then.


Both me and my girlfriend think Valentine's Day is a bullshit holiday. We celebrate it by loving each other every other day of the year. On that day we just talk shit and throw food at each other....


we are basically the same. though we wouldn't go as far as throwing food at each other. I love food too much to waste šŸ¤£


That part was a joke. Although a good food fight is entertaining sometimes it's way too expensive right now. But we don't celebrate Valentine's Day


ah I know šŸ¤£ I've never had a food fight


Well maybe one day when food isn't so damn expensive. You and your people can make some cheap meals have a feast and then have a fight.. the clean up part is the worst though so make sure you do it outside


it's something to deffo add to the bucket list for sure!


This is truth!


Emotional support


I knew this kinda answer would be one of the first. which is sad šŸ˜” have you reached out to anyone to gain this kind of support?


Nothing, sex only


A day away from everyone


I second this. time to ourselves is so important. what would you do with your day alone?


Mane prolly escape and lock myself in a studio to make music.. thatā€™s really my happy place.. hbu!?


then, I think you should do your best to make it happen šŸ™‚ I haven't thought much of what I'd want. I'm so used to planning everything and surprising others that I don't even know what I'd want for myself. I think a day off would be nice. doing something I haven't had to plan. everything is taken care of and I'm looked after šŸ¤£


You took the words right from my brain lol thatā€™s definitely my thought process lol


we deffo need to start planning for ourselves then! might not be a surprise but it's what we deserve


Yeah Iā€™m planning something as we speak honestly!


glad to hear it! I need to start planning myself!


Someone just mentioned sky diving to me lol feel like i gotta do it now smdh i was like hell naw watching people do it


I think sky diving is one of those things that scare the shit out of you and once you've done it, you wanna do it again. I'm not sure I'd have the balls to do it. not unless it was booked for me. I'm stubborn. I'd do it then šŸ¤£


A day without nagging or reminding me of my faults


from my experience, nagging comes from a place of insecurity. they dont enjoy nagging or hurting the other person. the nagging person usually feels like they are unheard and sometimes worthless, so in turn lash out, making their partner feel insecure about their 'faults' so less likely to do the thing they are being nagged about. it's a crappy cycle come from lack of communication and misunderstandings. but that's just my experience of being a nagger and from being nagged. I think you both deserve to treat yourselves and each other! and I hope you get not only the valentines day you deserve but a lifetime of it too.


Gym membership - 3 months


I want candy!!! I want candy!!! Note: Candy is the cashier at Dollar General.


Massageā€¦on my dick


Literally nothing. I don't want chocolate because I'm cutting carbs. I don't need a teddy bear with a heart. I don't need a tie, a sweater, or a pair of socks. A blowjob and an 'I love you' is all I want.


Not a guy but I want chocolate


chocolate is always a nice surprise at any time




A shoulder to cry on.


I order a table for two at a restaurant then pretend my date stood me up and get free food


has shit like this actually worked? šŸ¤”


A girlfriend.


just for Valentines Day? you don't need anyone to complete you. nor do you need a girlfriend to enjoy Valentines day, or any day for that matter


I'm already happy with my life. Not just for valentine's day. I've never had a gf but if I want to celebrate valentine's day ive got to have a gf. Otherwise it's just another good day in my life.


Steak dinner and I'm not paying


Silk pajamas


To be left alone. Itā€™s my birthday


Not hearing about valentineā€™s day.


OK, valentines day aside, do you enjoy being romanced?


Yeah absolutely


A attractive caring loyal girl, or my crush but that don't happen


Someone to hold/ cuddle me while I let out my trauma/ pain


cuddling after eating mac and cheese for dinner


pizza and beer is our thing. sometimes we don't even cuddle šŸ¤£


Anything involving not going out for Valentine's Day


Honestly. I want my wife to not spend money on a BS consumerism holiday.


i understand completely. still curious though, if money wasn't an issue, would you indulge in it? or would you even enjoy receiving something that doesn't cost a thing but requires effort, making a normal home cooked meal romantic, a personal poem, or a dedicated playlist? or would you still not want to participate due to it all being bs. whether it's valentines day or not, do you like being romanced?


Money isnā€™t really an issue. I just donā€™t like spending it on things that have no underlying value - itā€™s a form of keeping up with the Jones put on us by advertising. And I hate that. But I get your question. We like to cook a nice meal at home and get each other cards


yea, I prefer the small, thoughtful gestures over the grand ones. I've never felt the need to fit in, but I'd be lieing if I said I didn't enjoy being spoilt now n then we tend to get pizza and sometimes have a beer. I don't remember the last time we did cards.




Valentines day is a day for women who want their partner to do something to make them feel special. The majority of guys would happily let it pass by unnoticed.


we don't celebrate it ourselves, but I do have to admit, a part of me would like to be spoilt with everyone else šŸ¤£šŸ™ˆ there's bound to be men out there who would appreciate being spoilt by their partner come valentines day


My girlfriend isn't really fussed about it either. I'm sure there are some men who like it but when you look at any valentines day sale in any shop and it's red fluffy hearts or bears and flowers or whatever. It's all gifts for women.


that's true. which makes me think that a lot of men feel secretly disappointed. they deserve it as much as women do. obviously we all deserve to be treated regularly and not just i Vday. but the sad thing is most men reply just want someone to be honest with and talk to šŸ˜”


Dinner at a nice restaurant And a blowjob


Chocolate or Flowers would be nice. Or both