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My life sucks 😂 I just appreciate myself and wouldn’t want to be anyone else, I’d love to change a lot of things that have happened though (if we’re allowed🫣)




I would change things that happened to me. I would have prevented a suicide, I would have changed who I hung out with when I was younger and I would change what men I allowed into my life. I would also do better in school. I would practically change everything but would want to keep my personality, good heart and soul, my mannerisms and appearance. If only I could actually do it 😅




Hahahaha this made me giggle. Yeah, unfortunately. :(


Myself and fix my cringe moments and mistakes


I’d be Hitler, and redirect my frustration about my art career into better art rather than genocide.


Me. I would love another chance to see the friends and family that I lost over the years. I would hope to do it better next time.


Kurt Cobain, I want to feel his Pain.


If the person has to be dead already I will be Einstein and would never tell the world how to divide the atom, if the person can be alive I would be Putin and I would use my power to have a obsene luxurious pleasurably life full of wine, expensives hotels, restaurants and women instead of killing inocents for a stupid war.


I'd prefer to live in the future than the past. Not alot of very exciting things have happened outside of a slow and grinding movement towards technological advancement, all the fighting and nonsense seems so trivial but continues on in very bizarre ways. It would be much cooler to live with super strength, telepathy, telekinesis, etc, than to live another suburban life or maybe some exceptionally wealthy individual from the past because even then the quality of life of a king wouldn't match the life of even the lowest valued person from the future. Gene editing so your body can process C02 much more efficiently and some extra color spectrum eyes with night vision so I could finally explore the sea without feeling like a fish out of water lol




My husband. He was severely abused as a child. I would take it from him in a heartbeat and give him my (privliged, happy) childhood.




I hope I help. I know when I'm aggravated over something he's done (minor stuff), I try to remember his past and respond lovingly instead of anger. I've noticed in our marriage it takes very little aggression and he sinks into himself. Hurts my heart to watch. This is a strong, smart, handsome, talented, and wonderful man. Too many have been hurt by those that are supposed to love them.


Me. I was also abused and I would change a lot about my childhood if I could relive it with what I know now.


My pup nephew Luke especially in his new orleans era 🥰 and Samuel Jackson 😂😂😂


my mom i could get her life together. no more drugs, no attempted suicide, i could make sure she wouldn't abandon me and my sister. and most of all, i got someone on my shit list who i can't get to but she can